

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Arrons Chronicles 1

Arron's Chronicles (Mg, gg, inc)

Available at

FIRST things first I guess. This is an erotic story written for the

enjoyment of consenting adults. If you are not consenting don't read it

(now that made a lot of sense). If you are not an adult don't read it.

This story contains pedophilia and incest. If this offends you or violates

your personal moral code DON'T READ IT.

SECOND: While I have the soapbox I want to say something about the

nature of fantasy. That is what this story is FANTASY. I do not condone

or agree with the activities portrayed in this story. Anyone in real life

who harms a child deserves to be castrated then shot. That said, what is

harm? Is a consenting, loving, sexual relationship between a child and an

adult harmful? If done with care it is not physically harmful but there

are other kinds of harm. Is it emotionally harmful? Perhaps, perhaps not,

in actuality it probably varies case by case. Children don't have labels,

there is no tag that says 'I can handle sex'. So for that reason alone

caring adults should not consider a sexual relationship with a child

(uncaring adults are going to do as they damn well please).

THIRD: Now I wish to speak on incest. I have no problem on a moral

level with incest. I even consider the idea erotic (go figure) on an

abstract level. I only have problems with incest is when it involves an

adult and a child. The adult whether he/she be a parent or uncle/aunt or

whatever is in a position of authority over the child. That brings in the

possibility of coercion. Even if this is not intended there will be an

element of it there just because of the authority position. Most children

want to please their parents. A child that is subject to sexual advances

by a parent may acquiesce even if this is not something they wish to do. I

would have the same problem if the adult were a teacher or a principle.

Other than that I have no problems with incest. If a brother and sister
want to play around under the sheets, as long as certain precautions are

taken, more power to them.

LAST: I want to speak on the nature of eroticism. This is in two parts,

the first ties in with the nature of fantasy above. I find many things

erotic in literature, these include, pedophilia, incest, bestiality,

torture, rape, water sports etc... Very few of these things would I find

erotic if I was a participant. Let me state that again, not only would I

not do them (for moral reasons) but the thought of actually doing them

turns me off like a light. Curious, I enjoy reading about them but the

thought of doing them is repellant. Now for the second part, I have for

many years read erotic stories, starting with filched copies of Penthouse

Letters as a teenager then downloading them from BBS's and finally the

internet. I have found many, many erotic stories that I have enjoyed

immensely. I have also found a great deal of duds. To be erotic a story
needs several things. It has to be believable both in the setting and the

actions/reactions of the participants. A story where a child walks into a

pool hall, raises her dress and takes on everybody in the place would not

be erotic for me no matter how hot the sex, because I would not believe it.

A story has to be descriptive. Adjectives and adverbs are important.

Don't tell me that Jane dropped to her knees and fucked the dog. Tell me

what she feels, what she says, how she moves. Don't tell me a child is

cute. Describe her, what is her skin tone, what color are her eyes, her

hair? How soft is her skin? What is she thinking?

Arron Winters fiddled with the radio as he droned east on I-64. It was

into the small hours and only semi's and the occasional vacation bound

sport-ute shared the gently winding asphalt with the old Taurus wagon. He

gave up after a few minutes. The car's tired old am radio could only pick

up a half-dozen religious shows and one oldies country station full of

scratchy old voices wailing about their woes. He snapped the knob off then

cranked his window down a notch and lit a cigarette. The Late February

chill that roared through the cracked glass whipped the smoke away and

helped brace up sagging eyes.

He passed reflective green signs announcing exits for places like 'Green

Sulfur Springs', 'Dawson', and 'Smoot'. The green West Virginia forest

rolled by on each side, rendered inky black by the night.

Arron was the older of the Winter's brothers by four years. At

thirty-eight he was over educated and under employed. A masters in

classical literature had done little for his employment hopes so he'd

returned to school and added a BS in geology to his repertoire. That

should have turned the ticket but for one small hitch. He'd found out a

little late that he had no taste for corporate America. Five years and

eleven different employers had proved that out well. He was finally left

with a resume full of bad references and no real desire to submit the thing

to anyone anyway. He'd been rescued from impending poverty only by the

death of an elderly uncle.

Neither brother had seen the old coot since they were children. Arron

had vague memories of a portly, balding man with a florid face who would

regale for hours about crooked politicians and greedy business interests.

Subjects of little interest, at least to a five-year-old.

The old man had lived in a battered mobile home in a park full of

equally battered mobile homes. The fact that he owned the park had never

raised the family's estimates of him in the least, so it was with

considerable surprise that it was learned that the old miser had managed to

squirrel away $600,000 and then left everything to two sons of a snooty

sister that he'd met only once.

After selling the park and paying the taxes the two were left with about

$200,000 apiece. Arron had seen the gift as a life ring and reached for it

with both hands. A quick trip to an investment adviser and it was all

placed in nice, safe, low return stocks and funds. Income rarely ran over

ten-thousand a year but it rarely fell below that either. Arron had sold

his overpriced home for the value of the note, ditched most of his

possessions at fire-sale prices and taken to the road as a traveling

pauper, but not a bum at least.

In the past five years he'd crossed the country a dozen times. He'd

hiked the Appalachian trail, visited every battlefield, crawled through

miles of dank caves. He'd hit a state park and set up for a week or a

month then off again to whatever else interested him. In the winter he

drifted south, sometimes as far as Mexico. In the summer it was north,

sometimes as far as Canada.

His happy-go-lucky lifestyle had sit poorly with his over-achiever

family, particularly with his younger brother Carl, an over-achiever's

over-achiever. While Arron had been sitting through lectures on Homer and

Machiavelli Carl had been driving his way toward an MBA. While Arron had

been sitting through lectures on igneous rock formation Carl had baled out

on his first company with a golden parachute and promptly founded another.

While Arron was cleaning out his desk yet again Carl had watched his third

Company go through its third stock split.

Arron had visited his brother only three times in the intervening years.

The visits had been tense affairs full of unspoken accusations and

recriminations. He'd rarely stayed over a day, always bailing out with a

promise not to do that again.

That had made it all the more surprising when Carl had tracked him down

in Colorado and pleaded with him to come East. The voice on the phone had

been tired, worn, not the 90 mph all business all-of-the-time voice Arron


"You know the land I bought in West Virginia?"

"Yeah, in the park."

"That's it, can you be there in a week or so."


"Good,.........looking forward to seeing you bro."

And that had been that.

The exit sign for State Road 55 blazed green in the high beams. Arron

slowed and gave a signal. The tires whined and he left the inter-state

behind. State Road 55 was a two lane that wound generally north.

Generally because it followed the path of least resistance. The road

writhed around hills with turns so sharp they set the wagon's old cv joints

to chattering then dropped into a hollow so suddenly that the stomach

needed a moment to catch up. Sometimes the road was blasted out of the

side of a mountain with only a single strip of steel or cable between the

passenger's door and a vertical drop of hundreds of feet. At other times

it dropped into forest so dense that it seemed to close overhead like a

tunnel. Arron had a compass affixed to the windshield, he watched in awe

as it swung through 270 degrees in less than a mile of road.

Dawn found him pulling into the bustling burg of Ives. He slowed at a

wide place and pulled off into a gravel lot. An old two story general

store of peeling white planks loomed over three modern, electronic pumps.

The glistening appliances looked out of place. He used his check card at

the pump and set the Taurus to feeding then stepped inside.

A bell tinkled as he opened the door and a friendly, white haired head

popped over the lip of the counter.

"Howdy son. What can I do for you?"

The inside of the store was a maze of tiny paths through towering

shelves offering groceries, garden hoses, car parts and every item in

between. Arron turned from the confusing array and greeted the proprietor.

"Just getting gas. I was hoping you could tell me where I could get

something to eat around here."

"Polly's is just up the road bout half a mile. Good breakfast."

"That's what I'm looking for, thanks."

He bought two packs of Kool's then headed back to the car. The plank

floor creaked as he stepped outside.

Polly turned out to be about five feet tall and nearly as wide. She

smiled and seated him at a corner table. In less than a minute he had a

steaming cup of coffee and a grease stained menu. He was going to have

bacon and eggs till he noticed venison was one of the meats available and

had that instead of bacon. Breakfast arrived with a yeast biscuit so light

it seemed ready to float off the plate. He asked for and got two more

before he'd finished. He paid the bill, left a generous tip and then hit

the road.

A full stomach after a night of driving left him groggy. He debated

stopping somewhere and sleeping in the car but he only had forty or so

miles to go and decided to press on. He cranked the window down all the

way and tried the radio again. To his surprise a classic rock station in

Beckley came in loud and clear. It would fade to static as the car dropped

into hollows then return strongly as he climbed the next hill.

Carl's land was not exactly in a park. It was in Monongahala National

Forest. The National Forest service had a policy of buying up landlocked

parcels of privately owned property within their boundaries when the old
owner died. Such an event had occurred two years before but at the time

the Federal government was experiencing one of its occasional spending

freezes. Carl had stepped in and purchased the land off of the heirs as an

investment, foreseeing re-selling it to the Forest Service at a profit

later. With a new administration however had come new policies, he still

had the land.

He drove for another hour then sighted the forest station his brother
had told him about. Gravel popped and pinged as he pulled into the lot.

It was not a visitor's center, just a working station. A government

issue prefab with a tower looming behind it. Inside was a tiny

presentation area complete with tv and VCR. A wall with a teller-type

window and unmarked door separated this from a cramped back room that

sported several desks and filing cabinets. A grandmotherly type in an

overstuffed Forest Service uniform was restocking brochure holders when he

stepped inside. She looked up.

"If you want to climb the tower it doesn't open for another half-hour."

"I'm not looking to climb the tower. I'm Arron Winters. My brother
Carl told me to pick up some keys here."

She frowned in concentration for a moment then her face cleared. "Oh, I

wasn't expecting you for another couple of days. Can I see some ID"

He fumbled out his wallet then extracted his license from the clear

compartment. The woman peered at it for a moment then looked up, comparing

him to the photo. "Reckon you're him." She handed the license back then

went through the door alongside the window. She was back in a minute with

a small manila envelope and another brochure. "Ever been up there?"

"No maam."

She dumped the envelopes contents on a low table. Nearly a dozen small

key rings clattered to the table. She picked one up. It held a single key

along with a metal ringed paper identification disk. The disk had the

number '27' written on it in blue ink.

"The gates are all numbered. There'll be a little diamond shaped sign

either on a post a few feet from the gate or on the gate itself. Be sure

you close and lock each one behind you."

Arron stared morosely as she swept the mass of keys back into the

envelope. His hopes for bed in the next hour quickly evaporating. The

woman turned to the brochure. She opened it up and turned it so the map on

the back was up. Kneeling on the worn carpet, she took a pen from a pocket

and began to trace a path through the maze of service and logging roads.

"The Roads are numbered too. Generally by rectangular plaques tacked to

trees at intersections and every quarter mile or so along the way." She

tapped the brochure with the pen. "They match the numbers on the map."

"How far do I have to go?"

"As the crow flies about twenty miles. Your probably going to have to

drive twice that though."

The woman rose as Arron's spirits sank further. She went to the

entrance door and opened it. Arron's Taurus was the only car in the lot.

"That wagon yours?"

"Yes maam."

"You got a cell phone."

Arron nodded.

The woman went to the teller window and reached inside she fumbled

around a moment then found what she was after. She turned and thrust a

business card into his hand. Numbly he looked at it, 'RURAL RESCUE, OFF

ROAD TOWING' proclaimed the header. Underneath there were several phone

numbers. He brought the card to his forehead in salute. "Thank you maam."

He drove several miles further on 55 before turning off on a paved

forest service road. A large brown painted sign with routed out letters in

gold attested to the fact. A metal sign just beyond stated the penalties

for everything from littering to poaching. He drove several miles without

sighting a vehicle, stopping at each dirt turnoff to check its marker

against the route marked on the brochure. He found it and turned off onto

a gravel lane that wound past the base of a pine covered knob. He

encountered the first gate 200 yards in and fumbled in the envelope till he

found the correct key. It worked and he moved the car through and closed

and locked the portal behind him.

For the next hour he drove over roads that ranged from good graded

gravel to potholed but passable clay. He'd just about decided that the

Forest Service woman had been putting one over on the out-of-towner when he

sighted a rusty marker sign on the trunk of a brooding elm. For ten

minutes he'd been idling along at a walking pace, as the car lurched

through ruts and holes, looking for his next turnoff. The number on the

plate matched but he'd seen no road. He put the car into reverse and

backed up, brush and weeds scraped along the undercarriage. He stopped

with the offending sign centered in his bug spattered windshield and got


Between two intruding masses of wild blackberry was a space scarcely

three feet wide. Beyond the track opened slightly to reveal a washed and

rutted logging road that led straight up the side of a mountain, vanishing

between serried ranks of pine, fir and maple. Muttering a silent apology

to the Forest Service he climbed back into the car and nursed it into the

inadequate gap.

Thorns squealed on the faded paint as the car shouldered the

blackberries aside. The machine lurched and bounced as it encountered the

first of the deep ruts. Crooning entreaties to mechanical gods he eased

the wagon through. The undercarriage banged metallically as it bottomed on

the rough surface.

Banging, clanging and swearing he finally rounded the mountain and

started down the far side. At the bottom a good sized stream ran swiftly

but shallowly over a wide sheet of slate. He idled across the ford then

returned to banging and swearing.

It was noon before he stopped the car at the base of a long, winding

pig-path of a road. According to his map his brother's land lay only

little more than half a mile away. He got out of the car and glared at the

final obstacle.

Actually pig path was a generous term. The lane was an old logging road

but this part of the forest hadn't been logged in a dozen years. In the

intervening span the road had been serving perfectly as a path for the

spring rains. A wide gully, in places two feet deep meandered down the

center. Tree roots and exposed outcroppings of rock were liberally

sprinkled about. Lesser ruts and miniature gullies branched off here and


Shaking his head Arron got back into his long suffering wagon and

pointed the machines nose uphill. The going was rough. Made more so by

the fact that the center rut kept him for switching from one side of the

road to the other to avoid really bad sections. If he dropped a wheel into

that canyon it would take a bulldozer to wrench the car free. At a snail's

pace he scraped his way up the mountain. Several times the car tried to

high-side on some obstacle or another. Each time only judicious use of the

accelerator and violent sawing of the wheel kept it moving. He emerged

onto a mini plateau after ten minutes only to be confronted by a 't'

junction that was not on his map. He stopped the car and simply stared for

half a minute. Finally inspiration bubbled up through his tired brain

cells and he got out of the car. The right fork was virgin. Nothing had

passed since the last rains. The left held a single set of tread marks.

He noted dully as he returned to the car that the tread marks had been made

by a rather aggressive off road tire. Carl hadn't tried to bring a street

car up Satan's pike. Ten minutes later he emerged onto a grassy meadow. A

high-riding 4x4 pickup was parked a short space from a large cabin tent.

Another tent, this one screen walled enclosed a folding table that was

itself burdened with masses of camping gear and cookware. The charred

remains of a fire was located midway between the two tents.

He parked the wagon alongside the truck and got out. The latter he

noticed with grudging approval was a Quad Cab Ram 2500 with the Cummins

diesel and an Allison transmission. The truck was about as rugged as they

came for backwoods work, not at all what he would have expected of Carl.

One of the snooty but impractical utes, a Lexus, Lincoln or Mercedes was

more his brother's style.

He wondered through the campsite but no one was around. Shrugging, he

walked back to the wagon. Someone would show eventually, he'd just nap

till they arrived. He delved into the mass in the back of the car and came

up with his sleeping bag. He unrolled it onto the bare ground and kicked

off his shoes. Within minutes of stretching out he was asleep.

He was teased from the depths of dreamless sleep by quiet giggling.

Eyes opened and stared at the puffy cumulus clouds that moved slowly

overhead. Brain noted dully that the clouds were tinged red. Sunset or

sunrise it decided. Memory kicked in with a dull 'whump'. Sunset brain


Arron groaned and blinked away the fogginess. He lowered his gaze.

Standing at his feet were two bookends, they weren't quite matching. Left

bookend was blond and about 3 1/2 feet tall. Large eyes of a beautiful

blue stared out of a very cute tanned face. A graceful neck led to narrow

shoulders and a flat chest. A tight pink one piece bathing suit swelled

down to barely rounded little-boy hips the fabric was cut high revealing a

creamy expanse of smooth hip. Thin, tan thighs and muscular calves ending

in tiny bare feet rounded out the ensemble. Right bookend was similar,

though shorter, straight, glossy black hair was cut into a short bob.

Brown eyes replaced blue. Right bookend was wearing blue instead of pink.

Right bookend had also stopped giggling, hard to giggle with your thumb in

your mouth.

Arron noted a rather hairy pair of legs centered behind the little

girls. He raised his eyes further to meet the grinning face of his younger

brother. Carl was dressed in only ragged cutoffs. He held a dripping can

of beer in either hand.

Arron levered himself upright with a groan. He accepted the proffered

beer and drained a quarter of it before he felt steady enough to continue

to his feet. "You just getting back from your hike?"

"Nope, we've been back for hours and we weren't hiking we were swimming.

You looked like you needed the sleep though so we let you be till supper

was ready. He motioned to where Jenny, his pretty brunette wife, knelt by

the fire stirring something savory.

"Swimming, in February?" It was now up into the sixties he estimated, a

warm day for the season but still damn cold for swimming.

Carl grinned. "We've got a hot spring. It's not real big but it is


That piqued the geologist in Arron. He knew there were some hot springs

on the East coast but they were damn few. He hadn't known there were any

in West Virginia.

The little blond stepped forward, "After supper we'll take you down and

show you uncle Arron."

Arron grinned at the adorable child her blond hair he now noticed was

wavy, and reached almost to her firm little butt. He looked back at Carl,

"This must be Lena?" At Carl's nod he turned to the other child and leaned

down. "That makes you Sarah." The last time he had seen her the child had

been a screaming babe in diapers. "How old are you honey?"

Lena butted in, "She's just three, I'm six." She said it with all the

haughty pride a six year old could muster.

Sarah shot her bigger sister a glare and jerked her thumb from her

mouth. "Four!" She said with wounded pride.

"Nuhuh, not for another month!"




Carl looked at Arron over the quarreling heads of his daughters and made

pantomimed throttling motions with his hands. Arron grinned in response.

Supper was a good stew well seasoned with bay leaf and a touch of

pepper. Arron cleaned his plate and gladly accepted a second portion.

Midway through that plate a squirming little eel in a blue one piece wormed

under one arm and plopped down into his lap. Sarah looked up at him and

promptly stuck her thumb back into her mouth. Conversation was limited to

small talk. Arron was dying for an explanation of just why he was here,

hell he wanted to know why Carl was here. Younger bro had never been the

woodsy type. He sensed the subject was being carefully avoided though so

he played along and upheld his end.

That was getting harder to do though with Sarah wiggling around in his

lap. To his chagrin that hard little butt squirming around on his cock was

starting to get a response. He hoped the child didn't notice, when he

glanced down at her she just stared up with those liquid brown eyes.

As soon as he finished the second plate Lena stepped over and started

tugging on his arm. "C'mon let's go to the spring. You promised to take


Carl was about to point out that he'd promised no such thing when Jenny

piped up with an amused lilt. "You'd better take them or you won't here

the end of it for the rest of the night."

Sensing that perhaps husband and wife wanted some time alone Arron rose

to his feet. They collected a Coleman lantern, towels and three big fluffy

robes. The walk back might be chilly. They detoured by the Taurus and

Arron had the girls stand on one side of the car while he changed into

trunks on the other. They descended the slope and entered the woods.

There was no real trail but the sound of gurgling water drifted musically

up from lower down the hill. Guided by the hissing lantern they bobbed and

weaved between the trees toward the sound. They'd covered perhaps

one-hundred yards when the distinct smell of sulfur reached Arron's nose.

Another dozen yards and they emerged into a small clearing. The pool was

tiny, not really big enough for swimming. It was perhaps ten feet to the

far side and twice that from end to end. The bottom was smooth slate and

nowhere more than three feet from the surface. The floor shelved at the

upper end creating a series of natural chairs and couches. Steam rose from

the placid surface.

With a whoop the girls dropped their burdens and waded in. Arron took

long enough to find a secure resting place for the lantern, then hung his

towel and robe along with those the children had dropped from a convenient


He tested the water and found it to be maybe one-hundred degrees. He

eased in then squatted down, letting the soothing heat climb his chest.

The girls had started to wrestle and splash, fighting for position on the

'couches' at the far end. Horseplay on the hard, slick rock was not among

the safest of activities. He felt as if he should call them down but he

did not feel comfortable doing so. They weren't his kids. He also didn't

want to come on as a four-hundred pound ogre on the first night of his


He was still debating when events forced his hand. Lena pinched Rachel

and the three-year old gave her older sister a hefty shove in retaliation.

The blond lost her footing and, arms windmilling, went backwards off the

ledge she'd been standing on. She came up a second later, coughing and

sputtering, then lunged for the smaller girl with murder in her eyes.

Arron clapped his hands together loudly, "That's enough!"

The two children halted as if a switch had been flipped. Both heads

rotated his way as if on gimbals. Meekly they dropped their arms, the

rough-housing was at an end. A moment later he had his arms full of

giggling, wiggling little girls. Both tried to climb into his lap at the

same time. Lena won by dint of greater mass and plopped her butt down onto

his lap before reclining against his chest. His cock was laying flaccid

between his legs but began to harden as the scantily clad little butt

wiggled down on it. 'For god sake, she's six', he thought. 'Heel', he

ordered his dick. The mutinous bastard refused to obey and rose till it

was wedged into the crack of the child's butt. He feverently hoped she

wouldn't notice.

Rachel stood alongside and bounced on her toes for perhaps thirty

seconds then began to shove at her sister. The elder girl slid aside with

good grace, her tight little cheeks giving his now raging dick a final

caress as she went. Instead of simply climbing into his lap Rachel crawled

up onto his thighs on her hands and knees. Once balanced she rose and

wrapped her arms about his neck. Instinctively his hands moved to support

her. His right ended up cupping her tiny butt.

The younger girl still had a good portion of baby fat, oddly it filled

out her thighs and buttocks giving her a more womanly figure than her

sister. The hot little buttocks under his hand was soft and delightfully

smooth, all the more so since her bathing suit had pulled up into her crack

as she had moved about. Most of what his hand touched was bare ass-flesh.

His cock gave another twitch and tried to tear its way out of his trunks.

It was a chilly trio that trudged back up toward the distant fire. With

the coming of full dark the temperature had plummeted into the fifties.

Even with the plush robes it was a teeth chattering trek. They gathered

around the fire and warmed cold flesh. After summoning his courage Arron

left the girls to their parents and headed for his car for some dry


He pitched his tent halfway around the fire from Carl's, about midway

between it and the screened dining fly. His was a small backpacking model,

he had a larger one in the car but he didn't need the room and it was more

of a hassle to erect. After installing his foam mattress and his sleeping

bag he returned to the fire. The children had already been put to bed so

the three adults sat around on the log benches saying little. After a few

minutes Jenny yawned and said she was going to turn in herself. They

watched her go then Carl stood and walked to the dining fly. The soft

whine of a zipper cut the night and then he was back. He set two plastic

cups on the ground then cracked the seal on a bottle of Dewers. He

splashed a generous slug into each and then passed one to Arron. "Cheers."

They clicked cups then drank. Carl felt the scotch burning its way down

his esophagus. It hit his stomach and then the warmth spread into his

limbs, chasing the last of the damp chill away.

Carl lifted his glass and examined the diminished level of the liquor

before turning his gaze to his older brother. "I guess you're wondering

what all this is about. Why I asked you to meet me here and all that."

Arron nodded.

"Good of you not to pry before now."

Arron shrugged, "I figured you'd tell me when you got ready."

Carl jerked his head and tossed of the remainder of the liquor in his

cup. "Well I guess I'm ready." He refilled his one cup then topped off

Arron's. "Tell me brother, how much of that 200,000 do you have left?"

Arron shrugged, "All of it, a little more actually. I generally don't

spend all the interest each year so it builds a little."

Carl took a sip of his drink. "In that case you're probably worth a

little bit more than me right now."

That statement thudded between them like an anvil. The silence

stretched for a moment then Arron gasped, "For god's sake how?"

Carl waved his cup in a vague gesture. "I was well off, maybe even

rich. But I saw an opportunity to get really filthy rich and took it.

Cashed out all of my stock's and bonds and put the whole shebang into a

little company that was going to release the next breakthrough in computer

sound. The firm was legit, the research solid, everything on the level."

"What happened?"

"Happened, I tell you what happened", he chuckled, perhaps a little

drunk already and took another sip of scotch, "Three guys working out of a

garage beat 'em to the punch. A little case of parallel engineering. The

little guys got it working first, they got a working prototype, they got

the press and then they got the patents. Overnight my golden goose turned

into a plucked turkey. I was in for ten million, pretty much everything I

owned, even mortgaged the house. The lawyers are still sorting through the

debris but I'll probably be lucky to see ten-thousand of it again."

Arron finished off his drink and signaled for a refill. As the liquid

gurgled into his glass he spoke. "So what. Hell Carl you were a

millionaire before you were thirty. You have the touch. You're still

young. Build another fortune. Hell if you need some capital I suppose I


"No!" Carl topped his own glass then leaned the bottle against his leg.

"Let's lay that to rest right now. I didn't bring you up here to hit you

up for a loan. I've got contacts. If I wanted a million I could probably

have it in a week." He took another gulp of scotch. "What you said was

correct. I could probably make it all back. Another ten years or so of

twelve hour days, another thousand or so redeye flights to god knows where.

Another ten years of seeing more of my secretary than I do my wife. Yeah I

could make it all back and then some." He leaned forward, his face suddenly

almost fierce. "But what if I don't want to!"

He leaned back. "Did you know I had a heart attack?"

Arron started at that. Carl had always kept himself in decent shape,

hand and racquetball had been part of his weekly schedule as sure as board

meetings and deadlines. Now that he looked for it though he could see a

difference. His siblings color was paler, his shoulders more rounded, the

cheeks perhaps a tad shrunken.

Carl continued, "Last year. Thirty-fucking-three and I pitch over right

at my desk. If my secretary hadn't come in to ask for a clarification on a

letter she was typing we probably wouldn't be talking. Stress, the doctors

said. A fucking decade of burning the candle at both ends while fucking

trying to light the middle." He took a gulp of his drink then picked up the

bottle and held it up examine the level. "We're not doing enough damage

here bro, drink faster." Taking his own advice he took another gulp.

"There were other problems as well", he continued. Six months ago Jenny

told me to get help or she was leaving. It was the stress again you see.

It had rendered certain equipment non-functional. A woman has needs and I

wasn't filling them." He tried to take another drink and found his cup

empty. He refilled it and then Arron's as well.

"Do you remember your last visit, the fight we had that night."

Arron grimaced, the memory still hurt. "Yes."

"Did you know why I was so pissed at your devil-may-care, freebooter


"You said I was wasting myself."

"Yes", Carl slurred, "that's what I said. That's not the real reason

though." He leaned forward again. "I was fucking jealous. You'd decided

to chuck it all and go have fun and I was fucking green. I had a wife,

kids, responsibility. I thought it only fair that you be as miserable as

me. I was in a trap, a fucking mime in a box."

"Anyway, it's too late to make a long story short but I'll shorten it.

Me and Jenny sat down last month and had a heart to heart. Maybe the first

real one we'd ever had. Turns out we both had some notions about each

other that we're wrong. I'd always assumed she wouldn't be freaking happy

without the big house and the cars and Wednesday evenings with the women's

club. Turned out that she didn't give three shits for all that stuff. She

had a secret cache of BackPacker and mother Earth News magazines. She hid

them because she thought I wouldn't approve. She'd dig them out while I

was away and dream of something simpler and cleaner." He grinned. "Did you

know she wanted to sign up for the Peace Corp."

"Well we found out that deep down we wanted the same things. For years

we wanted the same things and we'd never told each other. We discussed our

options then I remembered this place. We sold everything. I bought the

truck and some camping gear, told my lawyers to freaking handle it and here

we are. I've always wanted to write. I've got at least a dozen versions

of the 'Great American Novel' rolling around in my head. Now I've got the

time to try them. I'm not totally destitute. I figure we'll build a house

here, maybe stay a year, maybe a decade", he looked around at the darkness.

From somewhere a whippoorwill began to call. "Maybe forever."

"Where do I come in?", Arron asked.

Carl shook his head. "Bro, I am one shitty carpenter. I thought maybe

you could give us a hand and maybe enjoy some time with a brother that's

not looking down his high-falootin nose at you."

Arron thought about it for a moment then grinned and nodded. They

clicked glasses and drank.


Arron awoke to the sounds of childish play. His eyes fluttered open.

For a moment he stared at the bright yellow nylon over his head and debated

going back to sleep. The smell of fresh coffee and frying bacon pulled at

him like a magnet however. Groaning, he crawled from the sleeping bag and

fumbled till he'd found his jeans. He unzipped the door of his tent then

crawled out.

"Good morning", Jenny piped cheerfully from the dining fly.

He grumbled something unintelligible back. That set the girls to

giggling. The screened sides had been rolled up on the fly, saving him the

effort of fumbling for the door. He dropped onto the hard bench seat and

winced as the impact set off fireworks in his head. A plate of scrambled

eggs and bacon appeared before him along with a steaming mug of coffee.

His stomach roiled at the smell of the food but the coffee smelled divine.

He grasped the mug with trembling hands and took a big gulp. It burned his

lips and tongue but it was still delicious.

Jenny seated herself on the opposite bench. "Feeling a little under the

weather this morning are we?" He looked up to see a knowing smile on her

pretty face. She held the empty scotch bottle between one thumb and

forefinger. The girls giggled again. Arron gave her a wan smile and stuck

his face back into the coffee mug.

After finishing most of his coffee Arron found that the food smelled

better. He tucked into it with gusto. He was finishing his second helping

and starting on his third cup of coffee when Carl emerged from the cabin


Arron by now felt at least remotely human and joined in the good natured

ribbing his brother received about his condition.

Once Carl was fueled and watered the two brothers held a short

conference. Carl confessed that he had not as yet done a full survey of

the property. That seemed the first thing on the agenda. While Carl went

to dress Arron wondered over to his wagon and rummaged in the cluttered

cargo compartment. He finally found his hiking boots along with a thick
pair of all synthetic socks. He put these on then rummaged some more till

he came up with a long sleeved shirt, a machete and a compass. He laid the

latter items on the tailgate while he put on the shirt.

Carl came up as Arron started to dig yet again. "I though you had a

4x4. I'd have made other arrangements if I'd known what you were driving.

I'm surprised you got this up here."

Carl backed out with a leather western-style gun belt wrapped around a

holstered revolver. "I had a blazer. Motor blew up in New Mexico last

year. So I got the wagon." He was buckling on the gun before he noticed

his brother's raised brows. Carl was politically a little left of center

and disapproved of guns on principle.

Arron finished buckling the belt on then pulled the pistol and checked

the load. It was a Ruger single-six in .22 caliber. Not much to impress

bears or elk but just the ticked for the occasional snake. He opened the

gate and rotated the cylinder. Five and one empty, just as it should be.

He clicked the rolled the cylinder till the empty was under the hammer and

re-holstered the gun. "Carl you're well back in the sticks here. You

can't call on animal control if you sight a rattlesnake or a rabid animal.

You're going to have to deal with those things yourself. That means a gun

is going to be a necessary tool."

Carl pursed his lips. After a moment he nodded but it was obvious he

was still not comfortable with the concept.

Carl had a survey map done at the time he bought the property. The two

of them unrolled it onto the hood of the Taurus. They turned this way and

that finding and pointing out landmarks then Arron aligned the map, made a

guess as compass deviation and took a couple of sightings. He longed for a

USGS topo of the area. It would have been invaluable but they didn't have


They headed downhill to locate the property's southern boundary first.

Their path took them close enough to the hot spring to here Jenny and the

kids laughing and splashing. Carl's lot was rectangular and a little under

1000 acres. A big chunk of land, especially to be enclosed in a national

forest. The actual border measurements were almost exactly a mile by a

mile and a half. That meant to do a full circumference they'd need to walk

five miles. Not a problem on open land or even on a trail. Through heavy,

mountainous, woods it might be a problem.

The found the southern boundary about thirty minutes after setting out.

The Forest Service had helpfully erected signs on the tree's lining a small

stream that stated that the land beyond was Forest Service property.

Looking around they soon found several stakes with faded pink ribbons. The

southern verge roughly followed the stream. The poorly disciplined little

watercourse writhed like a snake, sometimes wandering fully onto government

land, sometimes fully onto Carl's. The thick forest canopy had held down

the undergrowth so they made decent time. They found the western boundary

a little after ten, spitefully the stream had abandoned them a quarter of a

mile back.

The western border was rougher going. Arron took a compass sighting

then the two set out directly up a steep mountain. It was after noon

before they crested the top, they'd come a little over a half-mile north

and almost as far up. They rested on the top for about twenty minutes then

started back down the far side. Several times they sighted what appeared

to be ruined structures of some kind but fought off the urge to deviate

from their planned course. They found the northern boundary a little after

three in the afternoon. It was halfway up yet another mountain. Legs

ached and empty stomachs were now growling. By mutual consent they decided

to call it a day and head back to camp.

Arron took a compass sighting and led off. They'd gone only a few

hundred yards when they encountered another stream. It was deep with

steeply cut sides, a trickle of water moved over moss covered stones at the

bottom. They found a narrow point and jumped across. They were about to

set off again when something glinted through the bare branches of the trees

about fifty yards downstream. Unable to resist they detoured to take a


The glint had come off the back glass of a car. A 59 Buick complete

with portholes and tail fins to be precise. The old machine rested half in

and half out of the stream. The body showed little rust and the two-tone

paint though faded was still identifiable as to color, maroon over gray.

There were no wheels or tires but all of the glass was still intact, the

windows were even rolled up. Arron moved to the high side of the machine

and tried the drivers door. It opened with a long groan. He had to

struggle to pull the heavy door up against gravity. The seats were

tattered but in place, as was the dash and most of the interior trim.

Arron shook his head and let the heavy door fall closed. It sealed with

a solid 'thunk'. As they started again back to camp Carl groaned, "Isn't

that going be a bitch to haul out of here. Wonder if we could con a

junkyard into coming after it?"

Arron's head swiveled around. "I was kind'a thinking about fixing it


Carl gave him an incredulous stare.

"Well it's mostly all there, the body's in good shape. I've always

liked old stuff." He shrugged, feeling defensive under that stare. "Hell

the poor thing survived all these years sitting in a stream bed. Seems a

shame to send it to the crusher."

Carl grinned and slapped his brother on the back. "Bro if you want it

you can have it. We still gotta get it out of the stream though."

It was five-thirty before they reached camp. Jenny was preparing a

supper of macaroni and steaks. The latter were the last of the fresh meat.

After eating the girl's again wanted Arron to take them to the stream.

As soon as he gave in they scrambled to get into their swimsuits. He could

tell from the look that passed between Jenny and Carl that they had plans

for the time alone.

This time they were scarcely in the water before the girl's mobbed him.

For ten minutes the three were a writhing mass of wet, slick flesh

wrestling around in the shallows. Finally he gave in and allowed the girls
to pin him. Rachel sat on his shoulders facing his feet. He could feel

Lena straddling his legs though he couldn't see her past her younger

sisters blue-clad back.

Arron had managed not to have any inappropriate thoughts about the

youngsters and his traitorous cock had thankfully gone along with that

concept. But as the giggling children settled into their triumphant hold

he raised his head to find Rachel's perfect little butt only two inches

from his nose. Her bathing suit had ridden up during their play leaving

most of her round little cheeks bare. Oh lord, that did it. Arron could

feel his dick swelling and hardening. Worse, there was no way the girl's

could avoid seeing it.

He heard the giggling drop off and knew they were both staring at his

rampaging prick. Lena said something and both girls snickered. He decided

that this had gone far enough and tensed to buck them off. Just before he

did though he couldn't resist leaning forward and planting a quick kiss on

each of those perfect little cheeks.

They retired early that night, worn out from the days activities. Arron

made a covert trip to his car and retrieved a roll of toilet paper. Once

snuggled into the warmth of his sleeping bag he freed his rampant prick

from his briefs and began to stroke furiously. In less than a minute he

sprayed cum all over his stomach and chest. It burned like fire as each

powerful spurt raced down the length of his cock. Afterwards he lay in

guilty wakefulness for a long while before sleep took him.

The next morning dawned gray and wet. A cold mist sluiced down from the

sky. Determined to proceed with their task regardless Arron and Carl

wolfed down a quick breakfast then donned ponchos and set out.

They started where they had stopped the previous day, at the

north-western corner of Carl's property then headed east. The going was

bad. Much of the time they were moving latterly along the face of the

large mount that formed a good portion of the property's northern border.

The path started steep then got steeper. Soon they were slipping and

scrambling along a seventy degree slope. Mini, limestone cliffs sometimes

a dozen feet from top to bottom reared up from the thin soil here and

there. More than one had water trickling from between the rock layers to

course down its moss covered face.

The rain remained a steady light drizzle, despite the ponchos constant

contact with wet, clinging vegetation ensured both men were soaked by the

time they found the north-eastern corner of the property. The first part

of their southern trek was a steep descent into a blackberry choked hollow.

So precipitous was the drop that they were forced off the boundary several

times to find an easier path. Once at the bottom the blackberry thicket

seemed endless. After attempts to get around either end failed Arron drew

his machete and began to chop a path.

Throughout the trek little conversation had passed between the two.

Carl's few attempts had been met by monosyllabic grunts from his brother.

Carl figured that discomfort and the general dreariness of the day was to

blame. The truth was far different.

Arron was wallowing in guilt. God what kind of monster was he. Getting

a hard on over two little girls, neither yet in first grade. He had kissed

Rachel's little ass! Why had he done that! His traitorous cock started to

swell at the memory but he drove it down with a wave of self-disgust. He

was a man of strong appetites for good food, good drink and good sex. His

rugged build and handsome looks had ensured that he seldom wanted for the

latter along his nomadic treks. He had bedded women from eighteen to fifty

and enjoyed them all. A thoughtful lover, he had always insured that his

partner had enjoyed him as well. But he had never, ever even thought of a

child in a remotely sexual way....until now.

They made it through the blackberries more soaked than ever and with

numerous stinging scratches. This time they had remembered food and they

stopped for a chilly, dismal lunch in a mini cave formed by a limestone


Policing up their trash they moved on. After struggling up yet another

hill they finally found the properties final corner just a few hundred feet

from its fir clad peak.

It was four in the afternoon by the time they finally reached camp.

Arron retrieved dry clothes from his car and went to his tent to change.

His boots had soaked through and his cold feet were wrinkled up like


That night at supper Jenny mentioned that they were running low on food.

They still had box and canned goods but the fresh food was gone, as was the

ice. It was decided that Arron and Carl would make a supply run the next

morning. That would delay their survey of the properties interior by a day

but it couldn't be helped.

After supper they all trekked down to the spring and splashed for a good

hour. The hot soaking was well worth the chilly climb back to camp. For

his part Arron had started to emerge from his funk. He didn't know why the

children turned him on but they did. It was a fact, deal with it. He had

no intention of harming either of them, and that sure conviction meant he

was a man not a monster.

The children had sensed their uncles mood and avoided him. When he

moved into the fray and plucked a screaming Lena from her laughing mother
it was like the breaking of an old and leaky dam. His despair flowed away

like the water on its long trip to the sea.

The two men set out at dawn. It was again wet and drizzly, so perhaps

the delay in their exploration wasn't such a bad thing. They took the

truck but Carl insisted Arron drive. He had little experience in off road

driving and he knew his older brother had quite a bit.

Arron didn't mind a bit. With a machine made for it he found off-road

driving to be an enjoyable challenge. The big, high-riding Dodge made

light of the rugged roads the Taurus had banged and clanged on. The

conversation was light and slightly banal moving onto practical matters

only when Arron took time out to give his younger brother yet another

pointer on the fine art of off-roading. This was generally followed

immediately followed by a practical example.

They made good time and pulled onto the blacktop only a couple of hours

after leaving camp. The nearest town was Huttonsville, fifteen miles up

US55. The Ram's off road tires roared as they headed north.

Huttonsville was a small berg. But it boasted a surprisingly large

grocer. They parked the truck and went in. In less than a half hour they

had located everything on the list Jenny had made. Arron threw in a bag of

candy for the kids, this brought a frown from Carl.

"Hey they're kids."

"Uhuh. Kids with big dental bills."

They spent another twenty minutes maneuvering coolers around in the back

of the truck. Once all perishables were smothered between layers of ice

they set out for the return trip. Arron spotted a hardware store and on

impulse swung in. The brothers browsed for a while before purchasing a

long tape measure and a few hand tools.

A gas station on the edge of town was the last stop. The Ram drank

seventeen gallons of diesel then they were on their way.

It was early afternoon before the truck lumbered up alongside the mud

spattered Taurus. "So you don't want to use the brakes on long downhill

runs?" Carl asked as they dismounted.

"Nope, put the transmission in low gear and let the engine do the

braking. You ride the brakes they overheat and when they overheat they

quit working."

Carl nodded. "That happened a couple of times on the way up. I thought

I'd burned them up."

"Nope, just got 'em hot. When they cool off again they work fine. That

is assuming you haven't wrapped yourself around a tree in the meantime."

"Daddy!", Came a scream from across the clearing. Jenny and the kids

had just emerged from the woods and Rachel was now tearing pell-mell across

the knee high grass. She never slowed just leaped and cannon balled into

her dad, trusting him to catch her. He did with an 'oof' of air rushing

from his lungs. He leaned down and kissed her on the nose. "You're

getting heavy girl."

She giggled.

Jenny and Lena walked across the clearing at a more sedate pace. The

six-year-old sniffed at her sisters 'childish' antics with all of a

six-year-olds dignity. She giggled readily enough though when Carl put

down her sister and swept her up.

They unloaded the truck and moved the coolers into the dining fly. The

girl's jumped with glee when Arron produced the candy but pouted when Jenny

immediately took charge of it. "None of this till after supper."

That night the entire clan again trooped down to the spring. Arron

horsed around with the girls for a while then passed them off to their

father. Curious about the spring he began to examine the place where the

hot water welled up from the ground. It was in a cleft between two rocks

but he managed to worm his hand in. Once there it encountered an iron

pipe, old and heavily encrusted but definitely a pipe. The spring was not

entirely natural.

The women wanted to bathe so Arron and Carl dried off and wrapped up for

the trudge back to camp. Once there they changed into dry clothes then

Arron busied himself splitting wood and stoking up the fire while Carl

began preparing a big batch of hot Cocoa. The night was chilling rapidly

so Arron retrieved a blanket before seating himself a short way from the

now roaring blaze.

The females arrived amongst a flurry of giggles. We swimsuits were hung

from branches. A moment later a robe encased Lena wiggled between the

edges of the blanket and plopped her damp butt down in Arron's lap. She

leaned back against his chest, her wet, strawberry shampoo scented hair

just tickling his chin. He reached down to adjust her position and his

hand fell on a hot, bare thigh. The flesh was smooth and still slightly

damp. He made to withdraw but a tiny hand came down on top of his and held

him in place. Fuck!, his damn dick was getting hard again.

Carl had retrieved a second blanket and he, Jenny, and Rachel were all

snuggling on the opposite side of the fire. Lena raised up slightly and

wiggled around a bit. She sat back down in a more slouched position. The

movement caused Arron's hand to slide further up her thin thigh. God, his

fingertips were damn near in her crotch. He brought his other had around

and rested it on her robe just below and on the outside of her left hip.

At least that had been the plan. When his hand made contact he found not

the fuzzy plush of the robe but the soft warmth of bare skin. His cock

gave another lurch. He began to massage the child's left thigh with his

fingertips then slowly eased his hand up her hip. He had intended to cop a

quick feel of the little girl's panties, only she wasn't wearing any. Oh

fuck, she was bare under the robe. Worse the robe had ridden nearly to her

waist. In seconds his left hand was cupping a handful of soft ass-cheek.

His dick threatened to rip out of his pants. He was debating whether to

try and move his right hand enough to 'accidentally' brush the child's bald

little twat when his brain noticed the expectant silence around the fire.

He jerked himself from his erotic daze, "What?"

Carl grinned, "Damn bro you must be beat. I said do you think we can

survey all of the interior tomorrow?"

"Oh sure, least most of it." He faked a yawn to cover his inattention.

"I definitely want to look at those ruins."

"Well in that case, you'll need an early start", Jenny said, worming her

way out of the blanket. Her robe fell partly open in the process exposing

a tantalizing portion of bare leg. "C'mon girls, bed time."

Lena wiggled about and gave Arron a quick peck on the lips then slid

down until her feet were on the ground. When she emerged from the blanket

her robe was again in place. Sarah came over and demanded a kiss as well

then the children trudged obediently off to bed. Arron and Carl set up a

while longer discussing the next days plans then parted for their sleeping


Once in bed Arron freed his cock and jerked himself to a thunderous

orgasm. Afterwards he lay remembering the feel of Lena's smooth little

butt. He idly wondered how her robe had ridden so high up then remembered

her rising and wiggling around shortly after climbing into his lap. Had

she raised the robe intentionally. Damn, his dick was hard again at that


The next morning was bright, clear and cold. Frost was visible on the

vehicles and the sides of the tents as Arron rolled out. They had a

breakfast of pancakes and eggs then headed out. The first target was the

ruins they had sighted from the western border. It took only thirty

minutes or so to reach the first of these. Nestled on a steep slope

surrounded by birch and pine was a large, square, mortared stone

foundation. It was intact though the mortar joints between some of the

blocks showed numerous cracks. The tilted remains of a concrete walkway

led up three well made stairs to where a front door supposedly would have

been. Here the foundation was only about two feet off of the ground.

Arron stepped up onto the lip and peered down. The interior floor was gone

affording a clear view to the flooded basement fifteen feet below. Rotted

timbers, some charred, leaned against the interior walls. Smaller chunks

floated in the scummy water below. From below a buzzing rattle drifted up

in warning, another joined in and then another till over a score were

sounding off. Arron stepped back quickly.

Carl stared at him, "What was that?"

"Rattlesnakes, lots of rattlesnakes."

The moved around to the side of the ruined structure then half walked,

half skidded down the steep slope. At the lower end the fitted stone

reared twenty feet over their heads. A large door was visible near the

midpoint of the lower wall. Carl started for it but had only taken three

steps when his brother called out "Freeze!"

The Rattlesnake had been sunning itself atop a rotting log till Carl's

foot came down two feet from it. Now it pulled into a coil and began

rattling fiercely. Arron took a large sidestep to clear his sight line

then pulled the revolver from its holster. The double click as the hammer

came back seemed very loud. He crouched and took a two handed grip on the

weapon then calmly laid the front notch right on the serpents head.

The sharp report slapped painfully at their ears and echoed off the

nearby hillsides. The rattler's head exploded in a mini spray of gore.

Muscle twitches sent the dead serpent writhing off the log to flip around

on the ground as Carl jumped back. Arron replaced the pistol in its

holster. He looked at Carl, his younger brother was at least three shades

lighter than a minute before.

"That's what a gun is good for."

Carl jerked a nod. "I believe bro, I believe."

Being very careful about where they put their feet they moved to the

opening. It was large, big enough for a car or truck. Water lapped at its

lip. Rotting shapes were visible through the gloom of the interior, debris

from the collapsed upper section. One again the current tenants began a

noisy protestation of the two-legged presence. Arron upped his estimate.

Twenty rattlers couldn't make that much noise.

Down slope a hundred feet or so was another structure. Rather than

falling down this one had simply slumped to one side. As they approached

it became apparent that the floor was a poured slab. Timbers had been

socketed in the concrete when it was poured and these had supported the

walls and roof. These had rotted away and crumbled allowing the walls to

buckle and the roof to collapse. Upon peering in through one end it became

obvious why the roof had not continued its fall. A small tractor of

elderly vintage sat inside, it was holding the rotting roof up on one side.

Excited Arron ducked low to duck walk in for a closer look when a familiar

rattle stopped him. It was answered in seconds by a dozen more.

Arron backed out and looked at his brother. "We're gonna have to see

about eviction procedures for your boarders."


They pushed hard hand completed most of the interior survey that day.

In addition to the two structures they found another small barn, this one

empty and totally collapsed, a caved in mobile home of 1950's vintage,

three privy's and three more cars. The mobile home was occupied by

rattler's. The three cars were stripped, rusted out wrecks. The last one

having been burned and then crushed by a fallen tree.

Carl looked at it morosely, "You wanna fix this one up as well?"

"Naw, the junkyard can have this one."

It was after nightfall when they finally stumbled into camp, having lost

their way twice in the darkness. They found two tearful little girls and a

concerned Jenny awaiting them. The women had heard the gunshot earlier in

the day. That and their late arrival had ratcheted up tensions in the

camp. Jenny had been on the verge of using her cell phone to call in the

Rangers when they finally arrived. Carl cuddled Jenny and Arron cuddled

the girls. Soon all was well.

The next morning found Arron and Carl again in the truck. Carl drove

this time, accepting the occasional pointer from his older brother with

good cheer. Once on the blacktop they again headed north. They drove

through Huttonsville this time and kept north on 55 till they entered

Avery, a good sized town. A quick stop at a gas station got them two belly

bomber chilidogs and directions to a large home center.

They found the home center and parked the truck. Then, with all the

enthusiasm of two men who know its time to spend some serious money on

tools, went inside.

The ignored the shopping carts and commandeered a large wheeled flat.

The first stop was the chainsaw display. Arron looked through them and

finally selected a 24" bar model that was on closeout. The generator

department yielded a 3000 watt display model with a missing gas cap. They

talked to the department manager and finally got him to let it go for

little more than half the list price. They had no such luck on welders.

Gasoline powered plasma welders were a fairly specialized item and their

were no display models. They selected a heavy duty version with an eight

horsepower Briggs and Stratton overhead valve engine and placed it on the

flat. The cutting torches were something of a disappointment. Yes the

story carried them complete with tanks, no the tanks were not filled. They

finally grabbed a set with complete with cutting and brazing heads,

regulators and hoses but no tanks. Arron reasoned that if they had to go

to a gas supply house anyway they could probably pick up used tanks there.

A heavy duty electric motor along with couplings, wire and a half dozen big

circular saw blades joined the pallet Big ticket shopping done they

wandered through the store picking up smaller items, rope, a come-a-long, a

power drill and a side grinder joined the heap on the cart. By now

management had taken notice of them and they had a helper in constant

attendance. Three steel five gallon gas cans with spring loaded caps, two

cycle oil, hand tools, the list went on. Down one isle Carl noticed a

display for rechargeable alkaline batteries. They wandered down to it.

The charger used a propriety battery type, not a problem since every type

of battery conceivable was on display. They bought a charger and a set of

every kind of battery they had anything that used, including twelve D cells

for Arron's laptop.

They were moving through the checkout when Arron spotted a display of

blister packs with two four-channel two way radios in them, the type

commonly used on construction sites. He tossed it onto the flat after

checking to see what kind of battery they used then sprinted back to the

charger display and picked up eight 'AA's.

Both breakfast and the chilidogs were wearing thin so they stopped at a

diner for mystery stew and rock hard biscuits.

The gas supply house also sold fuel which saved them a further stop as

well as a little cash. The three cans were filled with gasoline with no

road tax after Carl signed a form stating they would not be used in any

road going vehicle. On the other hand the establishment had no used oxygen

or acetylene tanks for sale. They did however have a very reasonable seven

dollar a month per tank rental program. They rented two of each and paid

the first months rent as well as purchasing the gasses. Before leaving

they bellied up to the diesel pump and again topped off the Ram, damn but

that thing was thirsty. They had to pay road tax on the diesel.

They drove back past the forest turnoff and kept going till they reached

the Forest Service station where Arron had picked up his keys. A different

woman was on duty this time, a rather attractive blond. blond jokes to the

contrary she proved as quick and efficient as her older co-worker. Within

minutes they had a burn permit along with a thick cautionary pamphlet.

Arron's attempt to con her into a date however came to a screeching halt

when she held up her wedding band.

They got back in time for a long splash in the spring but the

temperature had plummeted into the thirties so that plan was dropped.

Instead the men wrestled the generator out of the truck and after a half

hour got it going. The generic gas cap they'd paid two dollars for fit

perfectly. Arron let it run for ten minutes then shut it off and drained

the hot oil into an old mayonnaise jar. After putting in fresh oil he

fired it up again and plugged the battery charger in. He set the thing up

for 'AA's and then inserted all eight of the ones he'd purchased. Each of

the radio's only used two but this way they'd always have a fresh set.

They spent the late afternoon and evening making plans for the next day and

retired early.

It was still cold the next morning but that didn't delay them. After

breakfast they set off with two of the gas cans and one of the radios.

They left its mate with Jenny after showing her how to use it.

They soon reached the big collapsed structure they'd taken to calling

the house. They set the gas cans down in front then, being careful of

snakes, began to work their way around the structure chopping and clearing

away close vegetation and anything else combustible. Arron used his trusty

machete, Carl had to rely on a hatchet. They met at the bottom an hour

later. Despite the chill both were sweating heavily. They took a breather

while Carl tried the radio. Jenny answered immediately, the reception was

crystal clear.

Arron lit a cigarette and smoked while Carl traded trivia with his wife.

The novelty of the two-way link keeping them talking long after they had

run out of things to say.

Rested Arron took up one of the gas cans and stepped up onto the

foundation ledge. Immediately warning rattles started up from below. He

grinned and worked the lever that opened the can lid and began to pour the

contents into the basement. He began to walk around the lip pouring as he

went. The liquid gurgled and splashed on the debris below. The pungent,

familiar perfume wafted up to his nose. He completed the circuit as the

last of the fuel poured from the can then moved to rejoin his brother.

Carl drug an old rag from his pocket. "You do the honors."

They stepped back and Arron flicked his lighter under the scrap. It

took several tries but he finally managed to ignite the fabric. He let the

flames climb for a moment then took a step forward and flung the blazing

rag into the pit. He had scarcely stepped back when the entire basement

ignited with a 'whump' and a hot pressure wave of displaced air.

The flames roared, flicking high enough to peek over the stone rim.

Below things crackled and spit but after a moment nothing moved. The fire

burned vigorously for ten minutes, sending up great volumes of black smoke,

then it began to die back. Another ten minutes and only a few pieces of

timber still burned. They stepped up to the rim but the heat still coming

up drove them back. They finally decided to let it burn itself out and

moved off toward the days second arson.

The old trailer was more problematic. Unlike the house it was wedged

right amongst a mass of heavy growth. Probing ahead they began the sweaty

task of chopping a firebreak around the derelict. Three times Arron had to

use his pistol to kill foul tempered diamondbacks. More fled into the

surrounding brush, that was okay, they weren't out to drive the species

extinct, just cut down the overpopulation a little. A constant warning

buzz issued from the old trailer as they worked.

They finished the firebreak shortly after noon and backed off for lunch.

They discussed future plans as they munched on baloney and cheese and

washed it down with hot coffee. Thank god for vacuum flasks.

After eating Carl called Jenny to let her know they were about to ignite

the second blaze while Arron worked his way around the trailer with the gas

can. He splashed the volatile fuel onto and under the wreck, working

slowly and methodically. Some of the liquid would doubtless evaporate

before they pyre was lit but not enough to make a difference in the

outcome. He stepped carefully but saw no snakes as he worked his way

around. When he'd completed the circle he still have a couple of gallons

left in the can. He shrugged and carried the can to a safe distance. He'd

put enough on to do the job. Another rag blazed up but fell short when

Arron threw it. Looking around he found a fallen branch and used it to

scoop up the burning mass and flick it at the collapsing trailer. This

time the fuel caught with another whump.

He felt a twinge of regret as the trailer caught. He would like to have

explored it. Who knows what they may have found. The wrecks precarious

condition and its venomous occupants had simply made that too hazardous

however. On their last blaze their had been little fuel other than the

gasoline accelerant. This time the hungry flames had plenty. The flames

roared high and then higher. The brothers were forced to circle the

burning ruin, stomping out flare ups beyond their firebreak. An activity

made all the more fun by the constant chance of encountering one of the

former squatters. The sides of the old trailer collapsed after fifteen

minutes, the roof quickly following but the structure continued to burn for

a solid half-hour. Finally all that was left was a heat treated frame and

glowing embers. They stayed for another hour, till most of the embers had

cooled then made their way back to camp, detouring by the 'house' to pick

up the empty gas can.

They had planned to deal with the tractor shed as well that day. As

Arron had talked Carl into trying to salvage the tractor a different method

was required. Both were tired from the heavy hacking they had to do around

the trailer however and by mutual consent called it a day.

It had warmed a little during the day, into the low 60's at least and

the girl's wanted to go to the spring. "Maybe uncle Arron will take you."

Jenny said, with a wink at her husband.

Lena bounced on her toe's in eagerness. "Butt momma, we wanna take

baths!" Rachel stood to Lena's left, a towel already around her graceful

neck. She jerked her head in agreement.

"Welllll", Jenny drawled as she glanced from Carl to Arron. "I guess

uncle Arron can take you down for a bath as well."

"Yippeee!", Lena yelled and dashed off to get her toiletries. Sarah

followed a step behind.

"Ahhh, Jenny are you sure about this?"

The pretty woman gave him an exasperated look. "Oh come on Arron.

They're little girls. They don't have much to look at to start with and

I'm sure what they do have isn't anything you haven't seen before." She met

her husbands glance and the two grinned. Jenny turned back to Arron.

"Make it a long bath", she whispered as the girls came running back.

They each grabbed an arm and began to tug him toward the spring but

suddenly Rachel jerked to a halt. "Unca' Arron needs soap and sh'poo too."

Lena released his arm and put her fists on her diminutive hips. Yeah

uncle, you need a bath too."

Arron did indeed need a bath. Sweat and gasoline stink clung to him

like a blanket. There was no way he was taking one with these children

however. "I'll take my bath later."

Lena grabbed an arm and began to drag him toward the Taurus. "Oh poo,

we take baths with daddy and mommy all the time."

'Yes but daddy doesn't pop a boner at the though of his little girl's

cute little asses', Arron thought. He turned to Carl and Jenny for support

but the couple were already absorbed in each other. Like a condemned man
going to the gallows Arron allowed himself to be pulled to the wagon.

When they reached the spring the girls simply dropped their load on the

banks as usual. Then both turned their backs to him and began to strip.

His mouth went dry and his already hard cock gave another twinge as Lena

stripped off her 't'. Her shorts followed leaving her only in panties.

Sarah had kept pace. He didn't have long to contemplate two panty clad

little beauties however because those brief garments went next. Lena said

something to Sarah and they both giggled as they bared their perfect little

butts together. Was it his imagination or did Lena put an extra wiggle

into her round little butt as the panties came down.

Once naked the children charged into the water in a shrieking, splashing

dervish. Both then turned and began to heckle Arron to join them. He

spent time picking up and properly hanging the clothes and towels they had

dumped, delaying the inevitable. As he picked up both pairs of little girl
panties he turned his back to them and gave both crotches a quick sniff.

That was a mistake. His cock grew another half-inch as the smell of sweet

virgin baby pussy reached his nose.

The moment of truth had arrived. Both girls were calling for him to

join them and he had run out of reasons for delay. He stripped off his

shirt then bent over and un-laced his boots. After the boots were off her

carefully draped one sock over each. Taking a deep breath he removed his

belt and unsnapped his jeans. Keeping his back to the water he pulled his

pants off and carefully hung them on an overhanging branch. Groaning he

pulled his briefs out till they cleared his raging cock then stripped them

down his legs. Naked he hung the underwear over a branch and tried to

decide what to do next. Both of the girls had fallen silent as their

handsome uncle had stripped. Now staring at his hard, hairy ass they began

to whisper and giggle.

In the end Arron decided to back into the water. Whatever curiosity

that modesty might create had to be less of a hazard than suddenly facing

them with a raging boner. His modesty brought him only precious seconds.

As soon as he was fully immersed in the soothing warmth he was mobbed by

two very wet and very naked little minxes. Legs, arms and bellies rubbed

across his rampant prick. He groaned and nearly came. That might have

been for the best. No one would have noticed underwater and at least his

damn cock would go soft then.

After a further minute of play Lena pushed her sister aside and plopped

into Arron's lap. His hard dick dug into one slick little cheek before

sliding up her taut little cleft to nest in her crack. She ground her

little ass into his hardon then leaned back against his chest. "Wash my


Arron took up the shampoo bottle that was floating nearby, "Get it wet

first baby."

The child rose and leaned forward, dunking her head in the water and

briefly shoving her sweet little behind right into his face. His nose

actually vanished momentarily into her crack, the little cheeks brushing it

on each side. When she came down again his cock jabbed her right in her

sweet virgin cuntlet.

Arron groaned and awaited the child's outraged response. Instead she

simple rose slightly, grabbed his cock by the base and pulled it forward

slightly. She then sat back down with his rampant prick sticking out her

front. Its throbbing length now lay along the groove of her tiny virgin


With shaking hands Arron dumped a dollop of shampoo atop the wet blond
mass of the child's hair. As he began to massage it in she cooed and

stretched like a cat. The action pushing her scalp against his hands and

her pussy against his throbbing prick. It was only when she began to

massage that Arron realized the girl had never released his dick. Her

little hand began to explore the length of his throbbing cock, traveling

upward till she gripped only the fat, circumcised mushroom at the top. She

began to massage this in time with his strokes on her hair. Arron groaned

in sweet agony and tried desperately to think of anything but his raging

cock. Unconsciously he began to hump against the child rubbing the shaft

of his cock along the peach soft petals of her sweet virgin cunt. His

hands worked sensuously in her hair, caressing more than massaging. Lena

began to make whimpering noises of her own, hunching to increase the

contact between his hard prick and her soft little pussy. Her hand was now

gently pinching the head of his cock, her little fingers dancing a tattoo

on his throbbing prick.

Suddenly the sensations drove Arron over the top. He tilted back his

head and emitted a strangle groan as his cock pulsed again and again,

spitting his burning seed into the warm water. Throughout his orgasm Lena

continued to hunch, trying for her own relief though she didn't precisely

know what she was after.

When Arron came down the child was frantically rubbing her crotch

against his now softening cock. Little grunts of frustration slipped past

her lips as the flaccid organ provided less and less stimulation. Arron

considered his options then damned himself to be a pervert. He removed his

right hand from the girls scalp and used it to gently pull her hand from

his spent dick. He then tucked his tool out of the way and began to rub up

and down the little girl's baby slit. He used only one finger at first,

massaging both of the outer lips then delving gently into the groove

between them. Lena moaned and stiffen against him. Her little mouth open

as she gasped for air. Arron gently kissed the back of her neck then

brought his left hand down and began to quest for her tiny clit as his

right pinky finger teased the little lips apart and delved into that

honeyed place. He found her clit, a tiny thing, even hard as it now was it

was too small to protrude from its sheathe. He put pressure on it, forcing

the protective hood back and began to massage the tiny pinhead as his

finger eased down her tight slick passage and massaged her intact hymen.

Lena screamed, all of the air raced from her lungs and she convulsed

once, twice, three times. The last she held for a long moment her back and

legs forming a bar straight line, her butt inches off his lap. Then with a

final swoosh of expelled air she collapsed bonelessly and would have rolled

face down in the water if he hadn't caught her. Her caressed her flat

chest and nuzzled her soft cheek and ear as she slowly recovered from her

first orgasm. She turned her head to look at him and he planted a soft

kiss on her lips.

Rachel had stood by with her thumb in her mouth the entire time. The

water had hidden her view of what Arron had done but she knew he had done

something. Now she began to bounce on her toes. "My turn, my turn."

Arron sighed and quickly finished massaging the shampoo into Lena's

scalp. He then told her to hold her breath and gently dunked her head to

rinse out the foam. She was still not all there when he gently lifted her

up and sat her on a shelf where she could lean back against the wall of the


Rachel immediately planted her perfect little ass on his flaccid cock

and wiggled until she was in a comfortable position. Arron wet her hair

and then globbed on the shampoo. Like her sister she purred and stretched

as his hands went to work on her scalp. He was going to wash her hair and

that was damned all he was going to do. Fingering a six year old was

perverted enough but Rachel wasn't yet four! He reckoned without his

traitor dick. Rachel's soft little ass, nicer in some ways than her older
sisters, had began to rub his cock as she wriggled under his hands. Damned

if his prick didn't stand up and take notice. He began to work faster,

determined to finish washing the child's hair and get her off his cock. To

hell with what it thought, no one had asked its opinion. He had just began

to shampoo in earnest when he felt a feather touch on his prick. Lena had

recovered and was now kneeling beside them. Her hand felt like the finest

velvet as it gently stroked his recovering cock. He turned to look at her.

"Do it to her", Lena said softly.

Rachel craned her neck and looked up at him expectantly.

Arron groaned and knew he was lost. Gently he reached down and parted

the three-year-old's sleek thighs. He rubbed that exquisite flesh for a

long moment then quested upward till he found the tightly sealed portal of

her baby cunt. Gently he began to massage those smooth little lips,

wondering as he did if a three, almost four year old could experience

orgasm. He'd have sworn an hour before that a six-year-old couldn't but

Lena's thunderous cum had put the lie to that.

Rachel didn't respond at all for a minute or so. Then gently she began

to circle her little butt in his lap. He used one finger to trace her slit

while the rest continued to gently stroke the entire area. Damned, he

could feel her lips swelling, the little minx was becoming aroused. He

tried to delve inside but her lips were still too tightly sealed. He went

back to his massaging while his other hand dropped and began to rub that

fleshy little area just above her slit. Rachel looked back at him again,

her thumb back in her mouth. He leaned forward and planted a chaste kiss

on her nose. She held his gaze as he continued to rub her tiny twat.

Again he tried the portal and this time felt just the trace of an opening.

He rubbed the length of the slit with his little finger then applied gentle

pressure. Slowly the tip of his finger slipped between her lips and into

that wonderful place beyond. Abruptly the child pulled her thumb from her

mouth. "Oh", she said leaning forward to look between her legs.

Lena had continued to massage his cock. He turned his head and gently

kissed her on the lips. When she didn't back away he deepened the kiss,

sending his tongue out to gently caress her lips. She jerked away in shock

and stared at him for a moment then leaned in and resumed the kiss. This

time her own lips opened slightly and Arron accepted the invitation to

gently insert his tongue. He pushed in further, running just the tip of

his tongue over the sharp ridge of her lower incisors. Again she pulled

back, uncertainty in her features. He gave her a gentle smile and returned

his attention to her baby sister.

Rachel had begun to squirm around more, her arousal growing. He sped up

his massage of her clit area. He could feel just the tiniest nubbin

beneath his fingers. At the same time he deepened the penetration of her

tiny love canal, feeling the velvet smooth sheath slide so tightly over his

invading digit. Rachel whimpered and began to hump her little crotch.

Fearing she would hurt herself he withdrew, leaving only the tip of his

pinky inside. When she calmed a little he gently pushed in again, deeper,

deeper, suddenly his fingertip found the drum taut surface of her

maidenhead. He stroked the surface while intensifying his assault on her

clit yet again.

Rachel leaned her head back again and opened her mouth as if to say

something, only a wet gurgling came out though. Abruptly her mouth snapped

shut and she went rigid, an out flung hand nearly knocking her sister down.

Her mouth opened again and an animalistic scream forced its way past her

lips. She jerked, then her eyes flew wide open. Abruptly she collapsed,

her body going limp for long seconds her little pussy quivered around his


Arron gently kissed her then picked her up and handed her to her sister.

He then stood, rampant cock again iron bar stiff. He took that evil organ

in his right hand and began to jerk furiously. In seconds he roared like a

bull and sent jet after jet of burning flying ten feet across the spring to

land in little clotted clumps on the placid surface of the water.

After they had all recovered he sat them down and explained what an

orgasm was. Using Lena as a model, he pointed at the various parts of the

female anatomy and explained the purpose of each. He then stood and let

them examine his soft cock and then pointed out the various parts of the

male anatomy.

"So that was a 'gasm", Rachel asked.

"Orgasm honey, or-ga-zum. You could also call it a cum."

"I like orgaaassumms." She giggled, "Cum is easier to say. I like


"Me too", Lena piped up. "I can't wait to tell mommy and daddy I

cummed", Rachel said.

"Well that's another thing honey." He knelt to be on a level with the

girls. "Most adults don't think little girls should cum. Almost all

adults don't think little girls should cum. I'm not going to tell you not

to tell your mom and dad but if you do I'll have to go away for a long


"How long?", Lena asked.

"A long, long time. You'll be all grown up before I ever see you


"But why?", Rachel wailed.

"Because I helped you cum. Because adults don't children should cum
they made laws against helping them. I broke the law when I helped you.

If you tell your mom and dad they'll be mad and I'll go to jail."

"That's dumb", Lena fumed.

"Yes and no. Sex just isn't about fun. Sex is how babies are made.

It's how you and your sister came to be. Your father had sex with your

mother and here you are."

Rachel gasped, "Are we gonna have babies cause we had 'gasms", she

giggled, "I mean cums."

"No baby. To do that I'd have to put my cock in your pussy. That's

another type of sex."

Lena leaned forward and looked incredulously at Arron's prick. Even

limp it looked enormous.

Arron laughed. "No, it won't fit. You're not old enough. But that's

part of the reason that it's against the law to have sex with children, any

kind of sex. Most men aren't sexually attracted to children. Those that

are are often bad men, very bad men. They wouldn't stop at just giving you

cums with their fingers. They'd try to put their cocks in you and hurt
you. Maybe they'd even get you pregnant though your body isn't ready for it

and that could cause its own hurt." "What's preg-nant?", Rachel asked.

Lena gave a worldly sniff, "It's when a mommy's going to have a baby



Arron continued. "There's no way of telling the bad men from the good

men so people got together and decided that anyone who has sex with

children is a bad man, any kind of sex."

"You're not a bad man", Lena said.

"No but society....people wouldn't understand that. I'd still go to

jail for a very long time."

"We could 'splain it to them," Rachel said.

Arron shook his head. "I'm afraid not honey. They wouldn't listen.

You're a little girl, adults don't listen to little girls."

"And mommy and daddy would tell these people. That's mean. I don't

know if I like mommy and daddy very much", Rachel sniffed.

Arron leaned forward and cupped her angelic face. "Oh honey no. Your

mommy and daddy love you very much. They wouldn't tell to be mean. They'd

tell to protect you."

Rachel jerked her head away. "But they know you're not a bad man!"

"Do they. Society, that's all people together, society has decided that

anyone who has sex with a child is bad. Society has said this so much that

most people believe it. If your mom and dad found out I gave you cums they

would think I was a bad man. Your daddy loves me, I'm his brother. But he

loves you more. So if he finds out he will tell other people and I'll have

to go away."

"What do we do?", Rachel sniffed.

Lena knelt and took her sister into her arms. "We don't tell ever,

ever, ever. This has to be one of our super secrets. Okay?"

Rachel nodded, "Kay."

Arron smiled at them. Now let's finish our bath.

When they got back to camp Jenny was starting in on supper. She was

wearing only a halter and shorts but a HASMAT suit complete with helmet

couldn't have hid the just fucked glow that seemed to emanate from her.

She shot Arron a grateful look then returned to peeling carrots.

The next morning found Arron and Carl approaching the collapsed

structure that held the old tractor. They had rope and the chain saw along

with the half full can of fuel left over from the trailer's pyre. Arron

had estimated the remainder at two gallons and added two stroke oil

accordingly He also carried a spare box of ammo for his pistol in each

shirt pocket. First they dropped their tools beneath an elm and took up

hatchet and machete. Probing to chase off any squatters they started down

each side of the narrow structure, chopping back all growth within six feet

of the walls. Several times they had to resort to the saw to clear

saplings and young trees. Numerous snakes gave warning but all retreated

without deadly persuasion. It was a sweaty duo that dropped down under the

elm three hours later for a much needed break. Arron smoked while Carl

made serious inroads on their water supply.

Rested they went back to the fray. A rope was tied off to a corner beam

and Arron held tension on it while Carl went to work with the saw. The

post was severed at the bottom then all connecting boards cut away. Twice

Carl jumped back and motioned to his brother. One rattler went to the

happy hunting grounds but the other slithered off deeper into the structure

before he could draw a bead. Once the beam was free Arron used the rope to

drag it clear. Another section was picked, the rope attached and then the

saw roared again. Into the afternoon they worked, pulling the old
structure apart piece by piece. By four most of one wall was piled ten

yards back and a dozen rattlers would never rattle again. They could now

get to the roof on either end with out risking a bite. A quick conference

was held and it was decided to speed up operations. Arron took the saw and

clambered onto the high side of the collapsed roof, the part resting on the

old tractor. It gave some but seemed in no danger of dumping him into the

viper den bellow him. It was easy to locate the roof beams, that was the

only place where the rusty galvanized wasn't sagging. Four mighty blows

with the machete and he had a big enough slit to fit the saw's bar through.

He fired it up and started severing the first beam. Sparks flew as the

teeth met the sheet metal over the beam but the saw kept cutting. He

repeated the process for the next beam and then the next. He had two more

to go when a series of loud reports like gunshots sounded out over the saws

buzz. A second later the bar bound and the saw died. Arron wrenched the

tool free and stepped back to the center of gravity over the trapped

tractor. For a moment nothing more occurred then more pops and snaps rang

out as the old timber gave up its ghost. With a shudder the entire low

side of the collapsed roof slid down and fell flat to the slab.

Gingerly Arron picked his way back to the front of the shed. The roof

tilted that was as he moved so he paused and let it go all the way, forming

a perfect ramp to the ground. Angry buzzing followed him the entire way.

They only had the one coil of rope so they stretched it out and attached

one end to each end of the severed section. They then moved away from the

shed, took up a length of rope each and put their backs into it. At first

it wanted to slide but as it came off the slab rotten truss ends dug into

the soft soil and it began to pivot up. They pulled till it was nearly

vertical and then at a signal gave a final tug and jumped in opposite

directions. Overbalanced the rotting old half-roof tottered backward and

crashed upside down to the dark loam with a nail snapping crash.

Arron drew his pistol and stepped closer to the newly uncovered section

of concrete. He goggled for a second then brought the revolver up and

fired till the hammer clicked on an empty cylinder. He calmly opened the

gate and ejected the spent brass, reloaded and fired some more. For almost

five minutes he serviced targets. The fat, arrogant diamondbacks simply

lay coiled and rattling as he killed them one by one. When he was finished

almost two score lay twitching and writhing on the floor. Both of their

ears were ringing from the punishing reports of the little revolver.

Carl stepped up and looked at the grisly carnage. "What the hell were

they eating?"

Arron shook his head. "Be damned if I know."

It was now late afternoon and lunch a distant memory. They packed their

tools and headed back to camp.

They splashed again in the spring after a hearty supper. To Arron's

relief and regret Jenny took the girls to bathe.

The next morning they were back at the shed. This time they took two

coils of rope and the come-a-long. The attached the ends of one coil to

the remaining roof section then attached the second rope to the center

point of that loop. One end of the come-a-long was attached to that rope.

The other end to a stout tree. It was child's play to ratchet the

remaining section up and over, baring the remainder of the slab. Arron

started in to began the execution but Carl called for him to wait. Arron

turned to find his younger brother busily stuffing his ears with cotton.

He mouthed the word 'wuss' at his sibling then stepped up and went to work.

There weren't as many on this side, he only shot about a dozen. Either

this had been the low density section of town or the other residents had

skedaddled during the night. An examination of the now clear floor

revealed a number of pleasant surprises. In addition to the tractor their

was a sturdy old wooden tool chest with brass trimmed drawers as well as

another bulky object covered by a rotting tarp. Arron moved to the chest

and tried the drawers. The first opened, reluctantly but it opened.

Inside were dozens of old wrenches, really old wrenches. He extracted one.

It had a layer of surface rust but seemed to be in good condition

otherwise. The other drawers held more of the same, old sockets, ratchets

and monkey wrenches. Some of the latter were so old they still had the

patent number on them.

He showed his find to Carl and then the two of them approached the tarp

covered object. They worked gingerly, mindful that some of the former

denizens might still be about but finally managed to peel the

disintegrating cover back.

As soon as the object was revealed Arron fell to his knees in delight,

forgetting about the danger of snakes. He ran his fingers over the old
machine mental identifying the major parts.

Carl stood it for as long as he could but finally impatience won out.

"Okay, what is it?"

Arron grinned up at him. "IT, is an old one lung engine." He caressed

the iron flywheel and fingered the brass valve gear.

"That's an engine?"


"How powerful?"

"Oh I dunno, at a guess about five horsepower."

"That's all? The things the size of a fucking ATV."

"Heh", Arron theatrically covered the old engine's intake and exhaust

ports with his hands. "Ease off, technology advances. This old timer's

eighty years old if it's a day. Besides you'll hurt its feelings."

Carl snorted good naturedly. "Another fucking orphan." He turned and

approached the tractor. "This at least looks like a tractor."

Arron stood to follow, dusting his hands on his jeans. "Yep, an old
Fordson by the looks of it."

Carl was just reaching for the old iron seat when a loud rattle started

from beneath him. "Fuck!" He jumped back as if shocked.

Cautiously the two again approached the machine. There was a small

grease pit set into the floor, unnoticed till now. Things that slithered

and rattled crawled over each other. They backed away.

"Well, we still don't know what they were eating but we know where they

laid their eggs", Arron said. He thought a moment then walked to where the

gas can rested. When he came back with it Carl gave him a funny look.

"Our prize antique tractor is setting right on top of that pit. We went to

a lot of trouble to save it now you want to burn it up?" "If I don't use

that much we should be ok." Carefully he tipped the can up and began to

pour gasoline down into the pit. Violent movement and more rattling

answered that insult. He moved around to the other side of the little

tractor and splashed in some more. In all he emptied about a gallon of

fuel into the dank hole. Carl had retrieved a piece of the rotting tarp.

Arron lit it and tossed it into the pit. The flames took off with a

'whoosh'. At first Arron thought he'd overdone is as flames licked up past

the tractor's transmission case but in seconds they died back till they

barely cleared the pit. Black smoke rolled out, made thicker by the oil in

the gasoline. The went back to camp for lunch then returned with tarps and

five gallon buckets. Arron fiddled with the old tractor. It seemed to

have all parts in place. The crank still hung from its place under the

radiator. He tried it. Not surprisingly the old motor was stuck solid.

The covered the tractor, toolbox and engine to protect them from the

weather then proceeded up the 'house'. Arron cautiously stepped to the

large door. Nothing moved, better nothing rattled. They stepped inside.

The water proved to be only a few inches deep. Dark charred coils lay all

about the stone floor. This early in the year they had not yet started to

stink. With enthusiasm normally reserved for more enjoyable activities,

say a root canal, the siblings began to pick up the dead serpents and

deposit then into the buckets. When a bucket was full or near so one or

the other of them would lug it out to an old sinkhole they'd found on their

explorations and tip it in. The hole was about two-hundred yard down slope

from the tractor shed which made it a good haul with a heavy bucket of dead

snakes. Still, the carcasses would start smelling to high heaven soon cool

weather or no. They didn't want them anywhere near where they were

planning on working. Once the carcasses were clear they started carting

out debris. old timbers and bits of lumber and other debris were

manhandled through the door and unceremoniously dumped a short distance

away. It was Carl who made the next discovery. Arron was tugging on a

particularly stubborn section of charred rafter when his brother's voice

rang out. "Hey, I think I found a well." Arron followed the voice back

into a dark corner of the cellar. Sure enough a stone coping perhaps three

feet high and as far across squatted on the floor. Arron leaned over and

looked in. Far below could be seen the glint of water. "Yep bro you found

a well. Guess that's where the house got its water from." "You think it

was a house?" "That'd be my guess. In any case it's gonna be one." They

had decided when they first found it that the old foundation would make a

perfect site for the family dwelling. They went back to hauling out debris

and by dusk had the cellar clear, not clean but at least clear. That night

Jenny again took the girls to bathe. Arron's conscience was glad. His

cock wasn't so happy about the arrangement. Arron and Carl sat around the

fire with beers and belched away their supper as the girls trudged off.

"Great kids", Arron said as the light vanished into the woods. "Oh they're

troopers", Carl agreed. "Not one word of complaint since we got here.

They're still looking on all of this as one great big adventure. They take

it as a privilege to have to trudge a quarter mile in the dark to scrub up

rather than having their own full bath in their room like our old place."

"Give it a month. If they're not griping by then you're in the clear."

Carl took a slug of his beer. "They certainly are fond of you." Arron's

head jerked up had that been a loaded statement. He glanced at Carl but

the latter was simply staring into the flames. "We do need to do something

about the toilet situation though", Carl continued. Arron nodded. So far

it had been just step into the woods and do your business. Surprisingly

neither Jenny or the girls had complained about that either, at least not

seriously. Still, that kind of arrangement was fine for a few days but

they would soon have a major sanitation problem on their hands. "We could

rig a privy tomorrow." "Let's aim for that." They fell silent for a while

then Carl spoke up again. "I want to thank you for taking the girls off so

Jenny and I can be alone." He grinned. "I think we've made love more in

the last week than in the previous year. It's her time of the month or

you'd be down at the spring with the little monsters right now." Arron took

a sip of his beer. 'If you knew what the little monsters and I had been up

to you'd have a different opinion', he thought. Aloud he said, "Can't you,

I mean after the kids got to sleep-" Carl shook his head. "Jenny won't.

Not with the kids in the tent, says it makes her feel too weird." He

grinned, "Believe me I've tried." "Hell they could sleep in my tent", now

why the fuck had he said that! Carl looked up. I couldn't evict you from

your own digs bro. There's not room in that little thing for you and them

both. Besides, even were I willing to toss you out they won't sleep

alone." 'Keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut, keep your fucking

mouth shut!', Arron thought. He didn't keep his mouth shut. "Hell I've

got a cabin tent damn near as big as yours in the back of the wagon. I

just set up the little one because its easier to handle and I don't need

that much space." Carl perked up at that, "No shit. No fucking shit." He

grinned, "That has possibilities." Carl must have mentioned the idea to

Jenny because she quizzed the girls about it the next morning at breakfast.

"Girls, your uncle has a bigger tent. If he set it up would you all like

to sleep with him some nights." Both children cheered lustily. Carl

saluted Arron with his coffee mug. Arron felt like shit. They picked a

spot about a hundred feet away, down slope, and generally downwind of the

camp for the privy. The two brothers took up shovels and started digging.

In an hour they had a hole nearly five feet deep. Arron took the chainsaw

and cut two sturdy posts. These went into the ground on each side of the

hole. A little more saw work and a crude plank was nailed over the

uprights. There was nothing as fancy as a hole or seat, this was a

hang-it-over privy. Four saplings were cut and shoved into the ground

around the bench and hole. A blue tarp wrapped around three sides provided

a modicum of privacy. They'd even thoughtfully left a stout twig on one of

the saplings to serve as a paper holder. A shovel took up permanent

residence in the excavated mound of dirt and it was made clear to all that

you were expected to sprinkle at least a thin layer of soil over your

leavings to keep the smell down. Rachel was small enough to have trouble

with that but Jenny general accompanied her youngest to potty anyway. It

was nearly ten before the two men again set out to work. The first order

of they day was to get some good measurements of the old foundation.

Actually that could have been the last order of the day but Arron had been

meaning to do it for the last two days and kept forgetting it. The one

sure way to avoid that was to do it while he was thinking of it. They

measured the length and width both interior and exterior. Arron recorded

the measurements then the two returned to camp. The second order of the

day was to clear a road to the 'house' that the truck could negotiate.

Arron had located what he thought was an old roadbed. If it was it hadn't

been used in a while. Tree's a foot thick and more were growing through

the middle of it. Still, it was the most direct route to the 'house' and

fairly level compared to the rest of the terrain. They loaded saw, gas can

and rope into the truck and drove as far as they could before the timber

stopped them, about a hundred yards. Arron climbed out and retrieved the

saw. He fired it up and began to cut at the first tree. He hadn't made an

inch before he shut down and walked back to the truck. The galvanized of

the shed roof had had an effect after all. The chain was duller than

proofreading congressional reports. That necessitated a half hour delay

while Arron took up the small file that had come with the saw and set to

work. When he went back to cutting the work went much faster. The first

tree was soon on the ground. A rope was attached and rigged to the Ram's

tow hook. Carl started dragging the tree back to camp while Arron moved on

to the next. Despite the late start they had five trees on the ground by

noon. And had advanced another hundred yards toward the house. They broke

for lunch then got back at it. Soon they ran into another problem. Tree's

with limbs still attached took up a lot of room. The clearing where they

had set up camp was simply not that large. By two they had felled another

six trees but were out of storage room. The rest of the day was spent

lopping limbs and piling them in a great moraine just inside the wood line.

They discussed the problem that evening at supper. Jenny piped up, "If we

had another saw I think I could trim limbs." "You?", Carl asked. Jenny

bristled at his tone. "Do you think all I can do is cook. I was raised on

a farm dear. I spend most of the day sitting around amusing the girls.

The girls are perfectly capable of amusing themselves." Carl sputtered and

then gave in with good grace. It was discussed and all agreed it would

speed up things considerably. They were again running low on ice anyway so

it was decided to make another supply run the next day. After supper Arron

drug the big cabin tent out of the wagon and began erecting it a good way

from Carl and Jenny's tent. He could tell by the grin Carl shot him that

the separation was to give him and his wife more privacy for their amorous

activities. If Carl had known that his older bro had some amorous thoughts

of his own he probably would not have grinned. The girls insisted on

helping with the setup. In truth they were more trouble than help but they

were so enthusiastic about the project that he didn't have the heart to

turn them down. The big enclosure was up shortly before dark and the girls
charged off to their parents tent to get their kit. They all went for a

quick dip in the spring then charged, shivering back up the hill. The

girl's had a nightcap of hot cocoa then went giggling off to their new

home. Jenny and Carl retired soon afterward. Arron went to the Taurus and

pulled his laptop from beneath the front seat. He seated himself by the

fire and turned so the hissing lantern at his back fell on the keys. He

had to use the backlight on the screen which was sure to pull down the

batteries fast. Still he'd installed fresh alkalines just before Carl had

contacted him. He'd always liked architecture though he had no formal

training in it. He had a pirate copy of a popular architectural program on

the hard drive. He brought it up, entered the measurements of the old
foundation and went to work. Predictably scarcely thirty minutes had

passed before the low battery warning began to flash on the screen.

Sighing, he saved the work and shut down the machine. He had made good

progress. Nothing fancy, just a stick and plank box atop the old
foundation. He'd show it to Carl tomorrow. He made a mental note to put

the 'D' cells on the charger in the morning, turned out the lantern and

trudged toward his tent. He almost entered his old backpacking tent before

he remembered his new digs. That reminded him of his new roommates, and

that set both his conscience and cock to stirring. To his relief and

chagrin both girls were sound asleep. He noticed with wry amusement that

they had positioned themselves on either side of his empty sleeping bag.

Carefully he eased between them then wiggled into the warm down folds. He

was asleep in minutes. He was awakened by two tiny dervishes pillow

fighting over his prone form. The miniature camp pillows didn't make very

good weapons but both combatants were making a game effort. He lunged and

grabbed the left hellion, Sarah, by her arm and pajama clad buttocks. She

shrieked as he pivoted her around and dropped her on his chest. They

stared at each other from only an inch apart till Arron leaned forward and

gently bit the tip of her snub nose. She yelled in surprise and he gave

her a gentle swat on the rump and dumped her to the ground beside him.

Lena had been watching, pillow poised for another blow, with a bemused

expression on her pretty face. She gave out her own shriek when he hooked

her by the waist and tugged her to land face down atop him. He bit her

nose then gave her brief kiss on the lips. He was about to roll her over

off and get up when her lips drove back into his, Her little tongue drove

between his and briefly caressed his own before she withdrew and set up.

Those lovely blue eyes bored into his looking for approval. He smiled and

pulled her down for another kiss, this one chaste, then patted her on her

rump and rolled her off to rest beside her sister. Jenny was making

biscuits when they emerged from the tent. She flipped her hair back from

her lovely face and smiled. "They make a good alarm clock don't they."

Before he could reply the girls went bouncing past to surround their

mother. "Make us a roast tonight mommy," Lena chimed. Her sister jerked

her head in agreement. Jenny gathered in both children and planted

motherly kisses on their foreheads. "You wouldn't make a very good roast."

Arron shrugged, "I don't know. If we slow cooked them over low coals to

keep the juices in.." While breakfast was finished Arron pulled the tarp

from the generator and fired it up. He then dug out the little battery

charger and pried it from its foam and cardboard nest. He briefly skimmed

the instructions then set the device up for 'D' cells and loaded it up. He

plugged the charger in, the slight load didn't even cause the engine to

throttle up. He told Jenny to shut it down around noon. Arron and Carl

set out after breakfast. The route was becoming routine now. Only the

need to open and close the gates continued to wear. There was nothing to

be done about that. They his 55 and headed north. Again they passed

through the smaller towns and drove into Avery. They stopped at the home

center and went in. After some discussion they selected a smaller chain

saw, one with only a twelve inch bar, for Jenny to use. The lighter weight

would make it easier for her to handle and the shorter bar should be

adequate for lopping limbs. They moved around the store looking at the

displays but Arron couldn't find what her was looking for. They finally

accosted an employee and Arron explained his need. The employee, a

teenager, called over an older man who led them to an out of the way

corner. They did indeed have acme screws and bushings. Arron perused the

display before selecting eight three-quarter inch by thirty inch screws and

the matching bushings. He needed a heftier, longer screw and told the man
what he was looking for. The man's eyes grew wide. He told them they had

nothing of that size. He wasn't even sure they could order it. They

thanked him and wondered some more. They were passing down the lighting

isle when inspiration struck. Quickly Arron drug his brother back three

isles to where the garage door's and associated hardware were. Midway down

the isle they found the garage door openers. They looked through the

displays till they found what they were looking for, a screw drive model
with adjustable speed. It was even on sale.

The day was wasting so they quickly wound up their shopping. An

aluminum extension ladder and a dozen bags of pre-mixed mortar rounded out

their purchases.

They made a quick stop at a supermarket to top off the ice supply and

pick up a few perishables. Carl rolled his eyes when Arron again added a

bag of candy to the cart.

At the gas supply company they topped all of the fuel cans as well as

filling up the every thirsty Ram.

It was late afternoon before they finally pulled back into camp. They

had just finished supper when it began to rain hard. To the disappointment

of all the nights spring romp had to be cancelled. The children were given

cocoa and a few pieces of candy and sent to bed. The adults gathered under

the dining tarp and listened to the water roaring on the fabric roof. The

brother's had a beer then Arron pulled out his laptop, he'd loaded the

fresh batteries in earlier, and displayed his ideas for the house design to

his brother and sister-in-law. They gathered around the tiny display,

comments were made. Generally approving but some not. Arron noted the

suggestions then shut down the machine. They had a final beer then parted.

Arron charged through the pouring rain. He was still soaked before he

reached the tent. Inside he quietly stripped, trying not to wake the

children. He need not have bothered. He was just slipping down his briefs

when a giggle cut through the hiss of the rain. "Told you he'd get naked,"

Lena told her sister as she sat up and eyed the shadowy form of her uncle.

Arron pulled off one wet sock and then the other. "What are you two doing

awake?" Rachel sat up. "We want 'gasms." "Cums," her sister corrected.

"Yeah, cums." Arron felt his cock stiffening. Sighing, he laid down on top

of his sleeping bag, his erection wagging obscenely. "Okay, who's first."

Rachel beat her older sibling by a nose, literally. The two children

nearly collided on top of his body but it was the youngest that now lay on

his chest with her cute nose mashed to his cheek and one smooth shin

rubbing against his hard cock. Lena fumed but Arron rubbed her hair.

"Your turn will come baby. Sometimes its better to wait. Just sit back

and watch." He caressed her soft blond locks. "Why don't you try rubbing

yourself while I take care of your sister." He kissed Rachel's nose then

gently ruffled her soft hair. He let his hand trail down her neck to the

silky smoothness of her back. He felt the gentle rise of that wonderful

little butt then his hand was toying with those soft little cheeks. As he

had suspected, she was totally nude. He brought his other hand to her butt

as well and began to gently squeeze and mold those perfect little moons.

He let a finger trace the length of her crack and then began to toy with

her anus. That brought a giggle. "That's where I poop." "I know honey,

but you can feel good there too." He teased at the opening for a second

then let his hands slip lower. The child opened her thighs as his questing

fingers found the smooth mound of her protruding twat. He was surprised to

find her damp. He hadn't know children as young as she was could

lubricate. The evidence was now being smeared across her fat little lips

though. He heard Lena moving. A moment later a warm little hand slip

around his cock. The six year old had remembered Arron's final whack off

at the spring and instead of just holding the member she began to gently

stroke. Arron groaned and reached another decision. He returned his hands

to Rachel's perfect little ass and gave a final squeeze before gently

slapping one cheek. "Sit up baby. I want to show you something new."

Puzzled the child sat up, now straddling his chest. He grasped her by the

hips and pulled her forward till her chubby thighs brushed his several days

beard. She started at the bristly contact. "Next time I'll shave honey

but I think you'll like this anyway." He leaned forward and inhaled the

scent of her tiny virgin twat. It smelled clean, damp and slightly musky.

He thought it more divine than the finest perfume. Slowly he extended his

tongue till it just touched her soft little pubis then began to slowly

circle it, lathing the entire surface. He skipped over her tender slit and

wet down the other lip. "Oh", Rachel said at the first contact of his

tongue. Lena stopped stroking. "What is it? What's he doing?" Rachel

gasped as his tongue skipped over her slit. "He's licking my cunny." Her

voice had dropped in tone and taken on a husky overture. Arron returned to

the slit and drug his tongue up the tightly sealed opening. Both hands now

cupped her little ass. He squeezed her warm, soft cheeks while his tongue

fluttered at her slit. Lena tightened her grip on her uncle's stiff prick

and leaned down to try and see what was going on at her sister's crotch.

To her frustration she could see nothing in the dark. Arron again drug his

tongue down his tiny niece's gooey little slot then began to apply

pressure. Ever so slowly the tight portal gave way and the tip of his

tongue slid into that wonderful, delicious place. Rachel tilted her head

back and squealed, "His tongue's in meeee! Unca's gut his tongue in my

pusssssssyyyyyy!" Arron grasped her little cheeks tighter and pulled,

mashing her soft little twat into his mouth. His tongue speared into her

center and flattened against her hymen. So tight was her pussy that his

tongue was squeezed into a tube shape. He began to fuck it in and out,

every stroke bottoming against her virginal barrier. Rachel began to

shudder, her sexy thighs began to squeeze his whiskered cheeks in time with

the thrusts of his tongue. When he pulled one hand from her ass and began

to massage the tiny spot that guarded her baby clit she tipped over the

edge. Her tiny cunt squeezed painfully around his tongue. Her legs gave

one last convulsive squeeze and then she collapsed bonelessly. Arron held

her by her hips to keep her from sliding off his chest and licked up every

drop of the ambrosial secretions that had oozed from her pussy then he

forced his tongue back into that still spasming passage and tongued the

inside clean as well. Only then did he ease her off his chest and gently

lay her face down atop her sleeping bag. Lena was on him in an instant.

"Do that to me, now! Please uncle Arron." Without waiting for a response

she mounted his chest and scooted forward till her bald little mound was

brushing his chin. Arron chuckled and pushed her back a bit. "Turn around

honey. Face my feet." Puzzled the child complied. Hanging directly before

his nose was one of those perfect little butts that had been tormenting him

for days. He nuzzled it, rubbing his nose and cheeks around that wonderful

softness. She started as his whiskers scraped across her tender ass flesh

but his grip on her thighs held her in place. He drug his nose up her

crack, her little anus only a tiny depression, and smelled nothing but

sweet little girl. He pulled back and examined her creamy white cheeks

then began to lick them, his tongue gliding over that perfect ass-flesh.

He took his time, leaving no patch unlicked. Above him Lena had begun to

sway and croon.

She squealed and jumped with what came next. He open his mouth wide and

gently bit her lower right cheek. He sucked in and pulled that small patch

of flesh into his mouth then bit again, his sharp canines leaving tiny

dimples in the flesh. He moved slowly across the six-year-old's ass,

alternately sucking and biting. With each bite Lena squealed slightly.

His tongue glided to her crack, fluttering over it before forcing her

cheeks aside and slowly moving the length of that sweet valley. He stopped

at the small of her back and worked back down. He reached her bottom hole
and tickled it for a second before applying pressure. The little portal

resisted and he pushed hard. Slowly, the tip of his tongue pushed into the

child's ass.

Lena had moaned when his tongue slid over her anus. She squealed and

tensed when she felt that hard muscle forcing its way in. "That's my

b-b-buttho-ho-hole. Nasty, s-s-o na-na-sty," she stuttered.

Arron's only reply was to push harder. His tongue slid deeper into that

tight chute. He fluttered his tongue as he drilled setting the little girl
on his face to squeaking like a squeeze toy. He squeezed and stroked her

thin thighs as he tongue fucked her butt. He eased off and began to slowly

withdraw his tongue from the child's. Just as he felt the child start to

relax he pulled her back hard and shoved forward with his face at the same

time. In an instant his tongue shot deeper than ever in his little nieces

ass, so deep that the wide blade at the base forced her sphincter wide.

Lena stiffened and screamed like a cow being disemboweled. Her heels

beat at his ribs as she suffered a massive climax. Arron ripped his tongue

from her butt and pulled her back and down. He immediately clamped his

mouth to her spasming pussy and sent his tongue in to beat at her hymen

while his nose massaged her clit. The child made a low series of whooping

noises as her orgasm paralyzed her diaphragm. She shuddered like a four

cylinder hitting on all two. One more massive seizure tore through her as

he gently bit her left cunt lip then she collapsed forward.

Arron kissed her still spasming little cunt then each of her damp little

cheeks before easing her off and laying her out on her sleeping bag. He

rummaged about and found her pajamas stuffed under her pillow. She

grumbled as he gently dressed her in her nightclothes but did not wake up.

He peeled her sleeping bag back and slid her in then gave a final kiss on

the forehead.

Rachel's little rabbit 'jammies' were under her pillow as well. They

were the toddler type with built in slippers. He had just laid them out

and prepared to try and get her into them without waking her when his gaze

fell on that wonderful little ass. Damn, but that was a perfect butt.

The temptation was too much. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on

each little cheek then slid his tongue down her crack. He found the tiny

opening and pushed inside. He tongue fucked her ass gently for a minute

then sat up and leaned forward. Gasping, he drug his iron hard cock down

her spit wet crack then rubbed it over those soft cheeks. He kneewalked

back a step then grabbed his dick and blasted a massive load of sticky, hot

cum over that darling, sexy, three-year-old butt.

After he cleaned her and got her dressed and to bed Arron lay a long

time listening to the rain.

It was still raining the next morning but the volume had fallen off to

an annoying drizzle. They breakfasted under the dining tarp then set about

collecting dirty clothes. Jenny and the girls would do laundry that

morning then Jenny would start trimming limbs. Arron unpacked the new saw,

gassed it up and gave his sister-in-law a brief rundown on its use then he

Carl set off in the truck while the three ladies headed for the spring with

bulging bags of dirty clothing.

Arron started out wearing a poncho but contact with water laden branches

soon had him soaked so he shucked the miserable garment and tossed it into

the back of the truck. Despite the wet they soon hit a rhythm, Arron would

fell a tree, rig it with rope and then hook it to the truck. Carl would

then drag it back to the campsite. By the time he returned Arron generally

had another on the ground already trussed up and ready for dragging.

At noon with seven trees down for the morning they headed back for

lunch. They found a clothesline stretching the length of one side of the

clearing and four freshly denuded trees. Jenny was hard at work on the

fifth, her saw buzzing like a banshee. Arron and Carl traded raised

eyebrows and wan grins.

Unfortunately the downside of the extra help was no hot lunch. They had

baloney and cheese sandwiches with crushed potato chips.

The afternoon put them within two-hundred yards and a days cutting of

the house.

The skies cleared at around sunset though the temperature remained in

the low forties. Regardless, all wanted a bath so after supper Jenny and

the kids trudged down to the spring. They were back in a half-hour,

shivering and huddling around the fire. Arron and Carl then gathered their

kits and went down. Arron made a point of shaving. Thirty minutes later

it was the men who rushed up to the blaze.

Arron pulled out his laptop and the adults huddled around the machine

while the girls roasted marshmallows. By the time they finished an hour

later all had a pretty good idea what they wanted. A final round of the

inevitable cocoa and it was off to bed.

Arron again found two naked children waiting for him in his tent. Again

he ate them both to shuddering orgasms, this time giving Rachel her first

waking experience with analingus. Afterward the youngest again slipped

into a deep sleep but Lena wanted to return the favor so he allowed her

jack him off offering pointers and tips to improve her performance. After

he had cum she asked questions so he explained oral sex to her and told her

the words used to describe it.

"And when you lick our butts what's that called?"

"That's called eating ass or rimming."

"Its nasty and it feels funny."

"Did you enjoy it?"

She shrugged and began to toy with his flaccid prick, "Uhuh."

"Then we can dispense with the funny part. As far as nasty goes, lots

of things that seem nasty are actually pretty fun and feel good. As long

as you enjoy something and it does no harm you can pretty much do anything

as far as sex is concerned." He rummaged and came up with a roll of toilet
paper and began to clean the cooling cum from his stomach.

"What is that stuff? You shot it at the spring too."

"That's cum, it's part of what makes babies."

"Like when we have cums?"

"Same word, different meaning."

"So cum, your cum makes babies?"

"It helps. You remember me telling you about a man putting his penis in

a woman's pussy?"


"That's called making love or fucking. When a man cums that way his

'cum' shoots up into the woman's pussy where it meets an egg. If

everything's just right the man's sperm, that's a part of a man's cum,

fertilizes the egg and a baby is made."

"Where do the eggs come from?"

Arron reached over and rubbed the child's flat, smooth stomach, "right

here. A woman is born with them. You have thousands in you right now."

That alarmed her. She looked down at her stomach as if she expected to

see little babies come clawing out. She finally decided he was putting her

on, "Nuhuh."



He smiled, "Really."

She digested that for a moment then bit her lip and glanced down. "I

got another question about aural sex."

"Oral," he corrected. What is it?"

She paused for a moment then blurted it out, "Can a girl lick a boys

He smiled again, "Sure, that and more. The girl can actually take the

dick into her mouth. That's called a 'blowjob', 'giving head' or 'sucking


She looked up in shock. "What happens to your cum?"

"Some girl's swallow it, others spit it out."

She screwed up her face, "Gross!"

He chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. "Time for sleep. Get your

jammies on."

They didn't however sleep right away. Lena had dressed and Arron was

tucking into the sleeping bag when she suddenly lunged up and fastened her

mouth to his like a limpet. Their tongues met and wrestled for a long

moment. Finally Arron broke the kiss and pushed a breathless little girl
back into her sleeping bag.

She smiled up at him. "That made my pussy itch like it needs another


He kissed her forehead again. "Go to sleep you little minx." She was

still giggling when Arron slipped into his own sleeping bag.

The next day they were hard at again. By noon they had nine trees on

the ground, though three of them were rather small. Only three more needed

to come down. With victory is sight they decided to push on through lunch

and at a little after two the truck bounced over the last stump and parked

alongside the towering foundation. The two men climbed up on the ledge and

drank a victory beer and ate cold sandwiches while discussing what to do


Arron had plans for the frame of the burned trailer as well as for the

remains of several of the old clunkers they had found so retrieving them

seemed next on the agenda. The truck easily pushed through the straggly

weeds and dry brush to reach the scorched trailer frame. They pulled it

from its decades old nest without a problem. The frame had axles under it,

but the tires were probably long gone even before the fire got to them.

That wasn't a problem. They simply drug it to the slope behind the

foundation. The two derelict cars, an old Dodge and an even older Ford

wagon presented no more difficulty and were dropped off beside the old
trailer frame. Arron had originally planned to do his modifications back

at camp but space was becoming a premium there.

The day was spent. They headed back for a supper of roast pork and

steamed vegetables. After supper and a bath the kids were sent off to bed.

The adults sat up and talked till the small hours.

When Arron finally reached his tent he found the girl's asleep. He did

a quick check and found they were both as bare as the day they were born.

He considered waking them to get them into their pajamas but they were

certain to want more 'gasms if he did. He was tired and really just wanted

sleep. He decided they could sleep naked for one night.

The next day they loaded the generator, welder and cutting torch along

with the electric motor, garage door opener and lots of tools into the Ram

then went thumping out to the house site. Clearing the trees had made

access possible, the protruding stumps had made it bumpy. They unloaded

all of the gear alongside the derelicts they had drug in the previous day

then Carl went bumping back to camp. He was back in minutes with the

ladder and the mortar mix. While Arron got to work measuring and sketching

in an old notebook his brother started patching the cracks in the old

Mechanical things of all kinds were another of Arron's major interests.

During his years of bumming around he had tried his hand at a little of

everything, sometimes for extra money sometimes just for kicks. One summer

in Alaska he had watched a perpetually half-drunk old codger build a

workable sawmill from a junk pile in less than a week. They were about to

find out if he could match that.

He put down the notebook and broke the torch components from their

packing. Pulling everything out and hooking up the tanks took a half hour

then he fired it up and adjusted it till he got a good cutting flame.

Satisfied he shut it down.

Using the truck he drug the trailer frame around till it was parallel to

the slope of the hill. Then using the truck's jack he roughly leveled it,

blocking it up with timber pulled from the cellar as he went. When he was

satisfied he again fired up the torch and began cutting the first car to

pieces. By noon he had it down to the frame, the mutilated body stacked in

a heap a few yards off.

He shut down the torch and went looking for Carl. The ladder was

against one wall and there were fresh patches all around the upper

stonework but no Carl. He found him in the cellar tugging a fresh bucket

of water from the well. The water was yellowish and smelled faintly


Arron backed a step. "Damn that stinks."

Carl grinned, "Yeah but I don't think the mortar cares."

"No but were going to have to do something before I want to drink it."

"True 'nuff. I found bits of fur on the rope with my first couple of

buckets, I think something might have fallen in and died."

"Lovely. Let's go get some lunch."

"Would you mind checking my work before you go. I've been following the

bag instructions but you're the expert."

Arron snorted.

"Well you're more expert than me."

They went back outside and Arron climbed the ladder for a good look as

some of the patchwork. He noted with approval that Carl had been shoving

the mortar deep into the cracks. "You been pulling out and loose or broken

up old mortar?", he called down.

"Yep", Carl answered, motioning at the small piles of crumbling gray

mortar littering the base of the wall.

Arron climbed back down. "You did good. Let's eat."

Lunch was more cold sandwiches. Jenny was still hard at work lopping

limbs. Sweaty but glowing she joined them and they wolfed down pickleloaf

and rye while the kids settled for munching their way through a bag of


Back at the house Arron consulted his notebook and took some more

measurements off the trailer frame. He then measured and marked a section

of the car frames rear cross-member. Using the torch he cut this out then

fired up then took more measurements and clamped it into place on the

trailer frame. He hadn't messed with the welder yet, it was still in its

box. Unpacking it and scanning the manual took thirty minutes. Setting it

up took a little longer. There was a water tank to cool the transformer

and he didn't want to put any of Carl's smelly well water in it. He

finally pulled the big igloo out of the back of the truck and poured half

of their remaining drinking water in it. The welder needed an inert gas,

in this case argon. A small tank was included with the welder and it was

full. If the home center could have full tanks of argon why not oxygen or

acetylene. He supposed it was because leaking argon hadn't been known to

relocate city blocks. Finally he added gas and fired up the engine.

In his bumming around Arron had done quite a bit of stick and wire feed

welding. He hadn't been introduced to plasma welding till the previous

year but he quickly fell in love with it. No rods, no wire, no external

media at all. It worked by getting the working materials so hot they

melted together, simple and elegant.

He fired up the engine and let it settle into a steady rhythm. The

welder came with a dark tinted helmet. He clamped the ground to the

trailer frame, donned the helmet, and quickly tacked his first piece into

place. Genuinely enjoying himself Arron spent the rest of the day cutting

and welding. So absorbed was he that he hadn't really noticed the failing

light till a tired, cement spattered younger brother tapped him on the

shoulder. By then the old car frame looked decidedly worse for wear. Carl

shook his head. "I don't want you for a mechanic."

Arron grinned and shut off the torch. He then closed the valves on the

oxygen and acetylene tanks as well as the argon tank and gasoline supply on

the welder. He stretched then got a drink of water, there were still a few

sips left. He looked into the truck and found the empty jar he'd shoved

there that morning. He used a crescent wrench to get the oil plug out of

the welder's engine then, with Carl's help, tilted the entire machine up

enough to pour the oil into the jar.

"You did the same thing with the generator. Why?"

"A new engine wears in during its first few hours of running. You

change the original oil to get all those little metal bits out. Actually

they say the machining is now good enough that you don't really need to do

this anymore." He shrugged as they lowered the heavy machine back level, "I

figure it's still cheap insurance."

"You only ran the generator for a few minutes before changing the oil?"

Carl picked up the plug and started it back in, "Yeah, it was a demo.

Even if it hadn't been run it had been tugged on enough to make up for it."

He tightened the plug then added fresh oil.

They covered the tools with tarps, using a block of wood to hold the

plastic off the welder's hot engine then headed for camp.

Supper was homemade pizza. Jenny and the girls had whipped up the crust

from boxed mix's then added a little of everything in the coolers for

topping. That part had gone fine but they had yet to master the art of

baking over coals. The crust varied from burned rock-hard to nearly raw.

So proud were the girl's of their accomplishment however that no one had

the heart to complain. They ate it and smiled, telling the beaming

children how good it was.

That night they all went for a romp in the spring, The girl's squealed

and splashed, dashing back and forth from Arron to their parents and back

again. Once, with an impish grin and her back to her parents, Lena stood

and pulled the crotch of her bathing suit aside, flashing her bald little

pussy at Arron. She was gone before he could do more than gape.

After they retired Lean wanted to practice kissing so the cuddled and

explored each other's mouths. Arron ran his hands over the child's sleek

nakedness as their tongues wrestled. After he finally disengaged from a

flushed Lena her younger sister wanted a go so he pulled that tiny package

into his lap and tasted her sweet mouth. She pulled back in shock at the

first probing of his tongue but soon caught on and entered into the fray

with enthusiasm.

Afterwards Arron had them lay close on either side. Together he

fingered them both to shuddering orgasms, bringing them off within seconds

of each other. Both fell into deep sleep directly afterward leaving him to

dress them and tuck them in. He then stroked his cock to a sight stealing


They breakfasted on buttermilk biscuits, sausage and the last of the

eggs then Arron and Carl headed for the house while Jenny again took up her

saw. She had only two more trees to trim so they might be able to have a

hot lunch. Once at the house Arron was quickly immersed in his project.

He cut, measured and welded, humming to himself as he went. Predictably,

the plasma rigs tiny argon tank gave out a little before lunch.

At first he simply stared at the spitting, popping dervish the well

behaved little arc had become. He tried again thinking the fault was his

own. When the results were the same he had to admit there was a problem.

When his eyes fell on the little tank's pressure gage he groaned and hit

the kill switch.

Carl was halfway up the ladder whistling a cheery tune as he forced yet

more mud into another crack. He looked down as Arron approached,

"Something wrong?"

"Out of argon. You need a hand?"

"I was just getting ready to mix up another batch."

Arron nodded and took up the mortar spattered bucket resting on the

ground and headed for the well.

They got back to camp to find burgers and chips waiting. They dug in

and the meal was soon reduced to scraps. Arron related to Jenny his

problem with the welder. She said they were low on fresh food and again

almost out of ice. They discussed the supply problem and finally decided

to make a town run that day even though it would mean getting back late.

They went back to the house site so Arron could detach the argon tank

and then went bouncing on their way.

It was on into the afternoon before they hit Avery so they went directly

to the gas supplier. Arron showed the argon tank to a tech and asked if

they had anything larger with the same kind of connection. The man pursed

his lips and disappeared. He was back in minutes with an eighty pound tank

on a hand truck. They agreed that would do nicely.

A little while later they pulled out with the Ram and all of the gas

cans again full. The big argon tank had been laid flat and chocked with

wedges of wood. It barely fit in the bed. They hit the grocer and stocked

up on food and ice. This time Carl grabbed a bag of candy and tossed it

into the cart. He shrugged at Arron's look. "Just thought I'd beat you to

the punch."

It was dusk before they turned off onto the forest road and soon full

dark. The Ram's high beams made a path of brilliant light before them but

plunged everything else into inky black. Twice they missed familiar

turnoffs and had to backtrack. The eeryness of the black wood got to both

of them, the warm glow of the fire when they finally pulled into camp was

very welcome.

The girls were already in bed but Jenny was sitting up by the fire. She

helped to wrestle the coolers into the dining fly then they all settled

around the fire with cold beers. Jenny told them the girl's had been

worried by their long absence and how she had to comfort them. They all

laughed at that but the slight manic tinge to Jenny's giggles told Arron

that the girls hadn't been the only ones worried. Carl and Jenny began to

cuddle and shortly excused themselves. Arron finished his beer and tossed

the can into the coals then stood and shambled for his tent.

He worked the zipper as quietly as possible and slipped inside. He

paused for a moment. Both of the girls were asleep. He smiled, quietly

stripped to his briefs and started for his own bag. A thought struck and

he simply couldn't resist. Rachel's sleeping bag was unzipped, he gently

eased back the top flap. She was lying on her stomach stark naked, that

perfect little ass glowing at him. He leaned down and nuzzled those soft

cheeks before planting a kiss on each. His cock was hardening so pulled it

out and rubbed it on those little cheeks.

He heard a noise behind him and turned to see Lena crawling across his

sleeping bag. She halted beside him and rocked back onto her knees with

her butt resting on her thighs. Unlike her sister, she was in her pajamas.

She tilted her head back and slightly parted her lips, an invitation for a

kiss. He accommodated her, their lips met and soon so did their tongues.

He dropped his hand to her back and massaged the supple skin through her

pajama top then slid down to her round little hiney. He molded the soft

flesh through her pajamas and panties as they kissed.

The broke after a moment and Lena's tiny hand reached out and joined his

own on his prick. He released his own grip, allowing the child total

control of his throbbing cock. She jerked it for a second, then pulled it

gently down and began to massage her sister's soft ass with the head.

Arron groaned as his precum was smeared over those little cheeks. Lena

gave a little tug and he shuffled forward a few inches to allow her to do

as she would. He stifled another groan and she slowly pulled the head of

his prick down Rachel's soft crack.

The six-year-old grinned at him, showing a flash of white teeth through

the gloom of then tent then began to stroke him in earnest. The head of

his cock lightly bounced on Rachel's butt with each stroke. This was only

her second handjob but already her technique was much improved and soon

Arron was gasping and approaching his peak.

Just as he was sure the end was near the hot little hand suddenly

stopped. Lena maintained her grip but shifted back and leaned forward

bringing her face within inches of his aching dick. She resumed her

stroking at a slower pace as she watched her hand slide up and down. Arron

bent and kissed the crown of her head as his hand massaged her back. She

looked up at him and smiled then suddenly leaned forward and quickly

planted a tiny peck on the side of his swollen helmet. As Arron held his

breath she rocked back and slowly licked her lips. Finding nothing

offensive she leaned forward and planted another tiny kiss on the tip, this

time on the top. Moving down an inch she kissed the shaft. She looked up

to see his reaction then leaned back down and began to plant little pecks

all along the throbbing length. Finally she turned his prick so the eye

was staring her in the face. She stared at it for a moment the gently

leaned forward and just bussed the tip with her closed lips. She jerked

back when she felt the slimy pre-cum on her lips. She quickly wiped the

fluid off on the sleeve of her pajama's and went back to jacking his dick.

Arron had just began to approach his peak for the second time when she

stopped. He looked down to see the child again inspecting his prick. He

felt her fingers caress the helmet, smearing the lube across the surface.

She released his dick and let it slap against his stomach as she brought

one slimy finger to her nose. She sniffed then extended her tongue and

barely dabbed the glistening digit. She pulled her tongue back into her

mouth and swished it around for a moment. The flavor must have been

acceptable because she gave the finger another lick. Abruptly she grabbed

his cock, pulled it around and planted another kiss on the tip. This time

she licked her lips clean. She came in again but this time her little

tongue flicked out and caressed his bloated head. He groaned as, catlike,

she began to lap all of the pre-cum from his cock head. When the tip of

tongue tried to work its way into the hole for more he almost blew his load

on her face. She withdrew and again and resumed jerking his cock. This

time she went the full course and less than a minute later hot cum began

painting Rachel's butt and lower back. Lena continued stoking till the

last spurt dribbled out. Rachel's sexy ass glistened under a coating of


Lena leaned forward and licked the head of Arron's prick clean of the

residue then turned to examine her artwork. She dabbed a finger in a pool

that had formed in the small of the three-year-old's back then sucked it

clean. She then leaned over her sleeping sister and looked up at Arron for

a reaction. Still coming down from his powerful orgasm he smiled in

encouragement. Tentatively the six-year-old began to lick the cum from her

sister's soft back. Rachel murmured but remained asleep as Lena's tongue

slid across her flesh.

Soon there was nothing tentative about her actions, like a dog she

followed the cum trails and slurped them up with long strokes using the

flat of her tongue. Arron's cock lurched and began to grow again as, back

clean, she moved up onto the mounds of her sisters sweet butt. Without

hesitation she licked both cheeks till nothing but saliva remained.

Holding his breath, Arron reached down and gently pulled the sleeping

girl's cheeks apart. Without missing a stroke Lena's tongue slid into her

sister's crack, chasing down every bit up cum that had migrated there.

Finally, convinced there was none left she sat back and licked her lips

before looking up at Arron.

Like a bull he bowled her over and bore her to his sleeping bag. His

lips found hers and his tongue forced its way between her lips. She

squeaked in alarm but the sound was lost in the furious kiss.

He sat up then pushed her back farther on the sleeping bag. Trembling

hands found her waist and peeled both pajama bottoms and panties down in a

single tug. He flung the garments away then pulled her thin thighs apart

and buried his face in her wet twat. She wiggled and squealed as he

devoured her hot baby cunt. Again and again his tongue plunged in almost

tongue raping her pussy. So forceful were his thrusts that she nearly lost

her virginity to his tongue. In less than a minute the child's thighs

crushed his head and her back arched. She vented a soul shattering scream

as she came harder than she ever had before.

He laid her limp body out on her sleeping bag and fearfully listened for

any sounds from Carl and Jenny's tent. Lena's primal shriek had split the

night, there was no way it could have been missed. When no alarm was

forthcoming he began to slowly breathe again. He decided he'd better get

the girl's dressed but first there was urgent business to attend to. His

newly risen cock needed attention now!

He lay back and began to stroke aiming for a quick final cum. He had

barely begun though when movement drew his eyes to Lean. Amazingly, the

child had risen from the dead. She stared at his prick for a second then

crawled over and straddled his knees.

The little girl pushed his hand off his cock then replaced it with both

of her own. She leaned down and began to lick the head as she stroked with

both hands. After a short time her lips parted enough to allow the helmet

to slightly protrude between them as she picked up the pace. Soon her tiny

fists were flying while she continued to lick and lip massage the head of

his cock.

Arron felt his second orgasm approaching quickly and moved to pull his

dick away. Lena jerked the prick from his grasp with an almost animal
growl, never losing her lip lock for a moment.

He groaned and dropped his head back onto his sleeping bag. He felt his

nuts boil, a second later he groaned as they exploded. He propped up onto

his elbow's in time to watch Lena's cheeks bulge as jet after jet of hot

cum shot into her mouth. He watched her Adam's apple bob as she swallowed

again and again. cum ran down her chin and a trickle even dripped from her

nose as his nut's emptied into her mouth.

After he recovered Arron gently wiped the child's face then cuddled and

rocked her till she fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning Arron waited tensely for the probing questions about

Lena's outburst of the previous night. To his relief the only mention of

it was a comment by Jenny that he shouldn't 'roughhouse with the girl's so

late at night' they needed their sleep. He smiled meekly and promised to

tone down the 'play time'.

Relieved at having dodged the bullet he dashed down the last of his

coffee and prepared to get to work. While Carl and Jenny were having a

last morning smooch Lena tugged his sleeve and pulled him aside. She

seemed agitated. When he knelt to bring his face level with hers she but

her lip and shot a nervous look at her parents and then to where Rachel

still shoveled cereal into her mouth. Finally she spoke in little more

than a whisper. "Please don't tell Rachel about what I did last night."

"What you did?" She blushed furiously, "you know, with my tongue on her

and....and you." Arron started to make a joke but she gripped his arm in

her tiny hand, "Please!" It was a plea. Arron smiled and hugged her, "I

promise not a word." She returned the smile and went bouncing off as her

father came up. "What was that all about?", Carl asked curiously. "She

wants we to keep a secret." They climbed into the truck and Carl started

the engine. After they started trundling toward the job site he turned to

his brother, "What secret?" The question was delivered in a no nonsense

'she's my daughter and I damned well want to know' tone. Arron forced his

voice to remain calm. "If I tell you you've got to promise not to let on

that I told you." Carl's brow furrowed but he said, "Okay." "She wet her

sleeping bag during the night. She's very embarrassed about it." The lie

rolled smoothly off his tongue but it tugged at his conscience. He hated

lying." Carl's expression cleared. "Oh hell is that all. She's a kid and

accidents happen." "She's a kid trying to act very grown up", that was

certainly true, "and she really didn't want me to tell you. She'll be hurt
if she finds out I did. I promised not to." Carl grinned. "I won't say a

word. Her sleeping bag will need washing though." "Let me take care of

that and pretend not to notice." "You got it." The two of them managed,

with effort, to maneuver the huge argon cylinder out of the truck and

muscle it over to the welder. Arron hooked it up and got to work while

Carl returned to his patching. Jenny and the girl's surprised them by

showing up at the job site with a large picnic basket shortly before noon.

They spread a blanket on the ground and had a relaxed meal of fried

chicken, mashed potatoes and lemonade. The mashed potatoes were full of

lumps but Jenny made a point of telling them that the girls had mashed them

'all by themselves' before anyone sampled them so they ate them without

complaint. After lunch they gave the women a tour of the work site and

pointed out what had already been done. All went well till they approached

the dismantled tractor shed. When they came within fifty feet of it the

smell struck like a physical blow. Only then did the men realize they'd

never policed up the dead snakes there. They hurriedly backed off. They

had no short term plans for anything there. Hopefully in a week or two the

stench would go away. By the time they knocked off for the day Arron's

contraption was starting to take shape. He planned to start fitting the

hardware tomorrow. The second car had by now lost its rusty bodywork.

Only scraps remained of the first. Before supper Arron managed to cue Lena

in on the cover story he'd given her dad about the mornings conversation.

She was embarrassed but accepted it with good grace. To maintain it he

slipped away right after eating and carried her sleeping bag down to the

spring. He gave it a good, gentle hand washing without soap then rung it

out the best he could and carried it back to camp. While the adults were

pretending not to look he draped it over the luggage rack on the roof of

the Taurus. It actually wasn't noticeable till you got close. Soon

afterward they all strolled to the spring and splashed away and enjoyable

forty-five minutes. As the temperature was in the high fifties the run

back to camp wasn't even that bad. The girl's wanted to toast marshmallows

so everyone sat around the fire while innocent little puffs of fluff were

maimed and burned after being cruelly impaled on sticks. The girls were

between their parents while Arron sat on the opposite side of the low

blaze. He was sipping on a last beer and idly chatting with Carl when

movement caught his eye. He focussed on it and after a moment it repeated.

Lena was twitching open the front of her robe and flashing her pussy at

him. He raised his eyes to her face and was met by twinkling eyes with a

slightly evil set. She made a show of removing a nearly melted marshmallow

from her stick then dropped her hand to her lap. He goggled and his cock

stirred as she again exposed her little cunt, only this time she slowly

rubbed the sticky marshmallow guts all over her tender lips. As Carl kept

up his end of the, now no longer interesting, conversation Lena leaned down

and whispered to Rachel. Soon the three-year-old shifted around and two

little cunts were winking at him. The younger girl deliberately overcooked

her next marshmallow and soon, like her sister, had a very sticky twat.

Both girl's giggled at the look on his face. It wasn't long after that

Jenny called a halt to further shows by announcing it was time for bed.

She produced a damp cloth and cleaned both girl's sticky fingers. Arron

suppressed a wild urge to say, 'make sure you get their cunts too', and

resumed his failing conversation. Arron unzipped the tent to find both

girls sitting naked on top of his sleeping bag. He stepped inside just as

Rachel fell back on the soft fabric and spread her legs wide. "Lick it

off", she said, thrusting her marshmallow flavored cunt up at him.

Arron resealed the tent and hurriedly fumbled off his boots. He dropped

to his knees and grasped the naughty child by her hips and pulled her

crotch up as his face came down to meet it. As he started to eat Rachel's

tasty slot Lena started to unbutton his shirt. She leaned over till her

breath tickled his cheek. "Make her cum hard so she'll go to sleep then

we'll play", she whispered.

Arron groaned unintelligibly into Rachel's cunt as he tried to do just

that. He pulled his tongue from the grip of her tight little pussy and

began licking the marshmallow from her bald baby twat. The confection had

re-solidified and took quite a few licks to remove, all the time the child

wiggled and cooed. Satisfied that he'd gotten it all he suddenly thrust

the child's legs back till they touched the sleeping bag on either side of

her head, bringing her lower back up and exposing her snow white little

ass. Before she could do more than whuff in surprise he was on her. His

mouth and tongue smothering her soft cheeks.

Lena had gotten his shirt off and his pants opened but his posture was

preventing much further progress. She tugged for a moment then simply

settled for fishing his throbbing erection through the fly of his boxers.

Shielded from her sister's sight by the bulk of Arron's torso the

six-year-old began to kiss and lick the oozing head of his prick.

After licking and sucking the soft ass-flesh for a minute he sent his

tongue spiraling in on the child's pink bottom hole. Rachel gasped as he

licked across the portal then began to flick at it with just the rip of his

tongue. He tested it a few times then began to apply pressure, Rachel had

tensed up and he could make no progress against her tightly sealed anus.

He swabbed his tongue over it then fluttered upward to dip into her tiny

slot. He made several small, shallow forays into the child's sex before

returning to her cute little ass. After several such round trips he felt

her little hole relaxing slightly. He managed to wedge just the tip of his

tongue past the guarding muscle then again applied pressure. Twisting like

a boring machine he slowly drove into her tiny rectum. When Rachel felt

her butt being violated she squealed and beat the floor with her tiny

fists. As he went deeper she began to buck, alternately trying to pull her

ass off his tongue and drive it deeper. He brought a hand up and began to

massage her pussy, fucking a finger in to the first knuckle while massaging

her barely perceptible clit with another. Rachel began to breathe rapidly,

blowing and squeaking on the exhale. Her soft little thighs fell forward

to lie on his shoulders where they proceeded to try and rip his ears off.

He picked up the pace, driving his tongue forward till the blade began to

stretch her then began a rapid in and out fucking motion. This child began

to hum softly, her little body tensing and relaxing. Arron felt Lena

abandon his prick and back out from beneath him. A few seconds later she

appeared alongside her sister with a small camp pillow in her hands.

Rachel relaxed one final time then went wire taut, only her shoulders were

on the ground, her back formed a perfect arch as she drew a massive breath

and screamed her pleasure to the night. Lena moved like a cat, dropping

the pillow over her sister's mouth and holding it gently in place. The

material absorbed the ear splitting screech rendering it inaudible more

than a few yards away. Lean lifted the pillow slightly so Rachel could

draw another breath then clamped down again as she let vent to another

shriek. Arron groaned as her ass tried to pinch his tongue off. One final

spasm and the child went limp, she twitched a few times then was still.

Arron gently pulled his tongue from her anus then gently eased her over to

lie atop her sleeping bag. Lena threw the pillow away and stared for a

moment then leaned down and gave her baby sister a quick peck on the lips.

She turned to look at Arron, "Wow, you gave her a good one." Arron grinned,

"your turn." She licked her lips and reached out to grasp his cock. "I

wanna do you first." She began to gently stroke his dick then met his eyes,

"can you spurt twice, like last night?" He nodded, "I think so." "Goody."

She tugged him by his prick and led him over to where Rachel lay on her

back, her tiny legs slightly spread. Lena maneuvered around till she could

comfortably stroke with both hands and began to rapidly jerk cock. She

leaned down and bathed the head with her hot little tongue then sat up and

jerked faster. Arron knew he wasn't going to last long. He groaned as she

bent down again and licked the head before giving it a little kiss. "I'm

going to cum!", he groaned. Lena pulled her head away and aimed his

pulsing cock at her sister's tiny mound. As jet after jet of cum sprayed

forth she moved it about, painting the three-year-old's bald twat with a

thick glaze of aromatic spunk. She admired her handiwork for a second then

turned and licked the residue from his cock. She released the wilting

member, shot a toothy grin at Arron then leaned down and began to lick the

cum from her sister's pussy. She worked slowly and methodically, cleaning

every trace of semen from the child's twat. Satisfied she shot Arron a

look then turned back and used her thumbs to gently pull those soft lips

apart. Arron groaned as her little lapper delved inside. His dick began

to recover as he watched a six-year-old girl eat her three-year-old

siblings tasty twat. He rested a hand on Lena's back and slowly slid it

back to massage the child's ass. She wiggled her butt in appreciation as

he gently stroked her cheeks. After a minute of gentle licking she backed

off and stared at her sister's glistening crotch. Gently Arron reached

past and eased Rachel's legs together before rolling her onto her side,

exposing her lovely, round bottom. Lena licked her lips and looked at him

for a second before turning to regard her baby sister's soft, white butt.

She was working without a net now, none of her uncles tasty spunk for an

excuse. She hesitated for ten long seconds then bent over and began to

gently kiss Rachel's cheeks as she had seen him do earlier. She backed off

again as Arron's cock grew harder. She licked her lips then went back in,

this time her target was between those plump little cheeks. Gently she

rooted at the three-year olds crack till her nose slipped in. Her tongue

followed and the lapped up and down that soft furrow before zeroing in on

the child's bottom hole. Rachel moaned and stirred a little as Lena's

tongue pushed into her relaxed rectum. The older child froze with her

tongue up her sister's butt. She held that erotic pose while Rachel's

breathing dropped back into the deep rhythm of sleep and stabilized.

Satisfied Lena began to shallowly and gently tongue fuck her sister's sexy

butt. She continued for a minute then raised her head and backed away.

She looked up at Arron with a grin then licked her lips. He reached for

her but she wiggled away. "I wanna do you again." He allowed her to push

and tug him around till he sat on his sleeping bag. She pushed on his

chest till he overbalanced and fell flat on his back. She giggled then

turned her attention to his again stiff cock. Lena used a single finger to

spread the oozing lube around the fat head of his prick then slowly trailed

it down the shaft. Once she reached the dense thicket of his curly pubic

hair she ran her hand slowly through it, stopping a few times to give

gentle tugs. She stroked his balls before gently weighing each one in the

palm of her small hand. She again returned to his cock, pulling the

throbbing member down till it was flat on his stomach and releasing it to

let it bob back up again. Next she tried to see how far she could pull it

back toward his feet, reaching a forty-five degree angle before her uncles

wince told her so stop. She again released his prick and giggled sweetly

when it bobbed a few times before coming to rest. She gently enclosed his

shaft with both hands and began a slow up and down stroke, her gaze on the

pulsing head. She wiggled and moved closer till he could feel the gently

pulse of her breath on his prick. A new bead of lube had pooled on the

tip, she gazed at and licked her lips before leaning that last fraction of

an inch and cleaning it off with the flat of her tongue. Arron groaned and

she giggled, "Does that feel good?" "Very good honey." She licked again,

this time swirling her little pink tongue over the entire mushroom shaped

head. Once it was all wet with her saliva she sent her tongue sliding over

the edge and ran the tip under the flare of the rim. She pulled back a bit

then flashed him a smile and began to lick the entire length of his shaft

with long strokes. She continued this for several minutes as Arron tried

to remain still. Abruptly the child sent her little lapper back over the

rim of the head and zeroed in on his piss hole and the new puddle of

pre-cum there. She licked it up then kissed the head. She looked at him,

in the gloom of the tent he couldn't read her expression but he smiled in

encouragement. Her lips again came down on the head but this time they

remained in contact. He felt them slide apart as she opened her mouth

wide. She pushed downward and the soft vice of her lips slid down the domed

head of his cock and into the groove behind the head. Arron threw back his

head and groaned. She had the head of his prick in her mouth! She paused

for a second, her breath cool on the set head of his embedded prick then

pushed downward again. With exquisite slowness she kept going till two

inches of throbbing dick was buried in her six-year-old mouth. She again

paused and then pushed on only to pull off a second later as the head of

his cock triggered her gag reflex. She coughed and wiped her mouth on the

back of her hand then looked at him. "Is that how you do it, that 'blow

chore' you told us about?" "Blow job, and yes that's how you do it, only

you don't go so far as to choke on it. You also move your mouth up and

down, like you're jacking me off." She nodded then quickly popped the head

of his cock back into her mouth. She went down till she had the previous

two inches then began to bob her head gently up and down, pulling back till

her lips caught on the groove behind the head then going down again. Arron

fought to keep from lunging up and gagging her as his niece slowly sucked
his cock. He let her go on for a minute then grasped the part of the shaft

the child could not accommodate and began to jack in time with her sucking.

It didn't take long before he felt an orgasm building. He began to pick up

the pace of his stroking and to his delight she matched it with her mouth.

Thirty seconds passed then he groaned and began to whack furiously, his

fist grazing the softness of her wide-spread lips on each up stroke.

Unable to match that torrid pace Lena simply stopped with an inch of dick

in her tiny face. Arron groaned again then began to send stream after

pulsing stream of scalding dick cream into that tiny, hot cavern. He felt

her palate caress his cock as she swallowed each pungent mouthful. Spent

he fell back. Lena released his wilting cock, gave it a final lick then

fell back with her legs spread wide. "My turn," she whispered sweetly.

Arron shook his head and advanced on the child, pausing only to scoop up

the pillow Lena had used to stifle her sister's orgasmic scream. He

unwound on the child, eating both her pussy and tight, tender ass till she

was shuddering like a runaway dynamo. When she reached her peak he began

to flick a thumbnail over her tiny clit while trying to batter the portal

of her hymen down with his tongue. She shrieked her cum into the pillow,

her body arching and driving his lips into her tender vulva while her hymen

bowed inward under the pressure of his stiffened tongue. After she

collapsed he gently lapped up the tiny amount of cream her little pussy had

secreted then kissed that darling cunt. He cuddled her for a moment then

gently began the task of dressing the unconscious children. He slipped

Rachel into her sleeping bag and started to deposit Lena alongside her but

stopped. After a moment he zipped the younger girl's bag then eased Lena

into his own. He pulled on his boxers then gently eased in behind her. He

snuggled up the child then pulled her nightgown up and slid his hand into

her tiny cotton panties. He drifted off to sleep cupping her soft little


It took Arron another two days to finish his 'contraption' as the other

adults took to calling it. On the third morning they all stood around

behind the house regarding his creation, Arron with pride, the other two

adults with more dubious expressions. The girls were too busy chasing each

other up and down the slope to render an opinion.

The frame of the old mobile home had been leveled and fastened securely

to the ground. Two fences, adjustable via acme screws and comprised of

recycled auto frame members, ran lengthwise, one near then center, the

other on the uphill side. The electric motor they'd purchased at the home

center had been fitted with a circular saw blade and was bolted to a mount

at the far end of the frame. The garage door opener had been mounted on

the bottom side of the frame with its screw running the length of it. The

shoe that would have engaged a garage door had been fitted with an upward

sticking tang to serve as a feed. At the far end of the entire cobbled

together rig a wooden platform had been knocked together from the sturdier

timbers and planks from the old house and the tractor shed. It would serve

as a table to catch the cut planks. The tractor shed had been bad. Arron

had puked at the smell. To his chagrin his brother hadn't

Arron crushed out his cigarette and rubbed his hands with glee. "Let's

try it." They'd cut a log to twenty feet in length earlier the drug it from

camp behind the Ram. With Arron directing Carl eased the truck forward

till the log was in position. The ropes were removed then a shove given.

As planned the log rolled over the first fence only to stop short against

the taller middle one. The assembly shuddered but nothing moved. The

inner fence was already adjusted for a two-inch cut. Now Arron screwed the

outer fence in till it made contact with the log and then a little more.

Next he adjusted the converted garage door opener till its tang was at the

back of the log. He nodded to his brother and the generator was fired. It

was showtime.

Holding his breath Arron flipped the first switch on his jerry rigged

control panel. With satisfying authority the saw whined into life. Giving

Carl a thumbs up he pushed the button to activate the garage door opener.

His spirits fluttered and sank as absolutely nothing happened. He tried

again with the same results before shutting down and signaling his brother
to kill the generator.

Ignoring the knowing looks that Jenny and Carl flashed at each other he

dug out the opener's manual and dropped his butt down onto the stubborn

log. He soon found what he was looking for and jumped up to find a

screwdriver. It was the work of less than a minute to adjust the opener's

force to maximum.

Again the generator and saw were fired up. This time when Arron pressed

the opener's button the log began to slide toward the spinning blade and

soon sawdust was flying. Arron's elation was brief. After moving less

than two feet the log jerked to a stop. The opener recycled and the tang

returned to its start position. Repeated tries moved the log maybe another

six inches but no further.

Jenny shook her head and patted him on the back, her brows raised in a

mirthful expression. She looked at her husband, "I'd better get back and

start some lunch. It should be ready in about an hour. You and the

'professor' come on up about then."

Car hid his own grin and headed for the house. He'd finished the

exterior patching the day before and was now working on the inside. Arron

ignored them both and simply stared at his reticent creation. He thought

for a minute then went to the truck to retrieve some tools. He wiggled

beneath the frame and soon had the cover off of the opener. It was as he

had suspected. The mechanism that controlled the opener's closing force

could go further. It was limited by a factory installed set screw. He

found the correct size alan wrench and began to back the screw out. He

backed it out, backed it out some more, then said 'screw it' and removed it

completely. He then ran the closing force adjustment all the way up. It

probably wouldn't do much for durability but then they didn't need it to

last forever. As he worked Arron though of the girls and his and their

nocturnal playtime. Both previous evenings he had eaten the girls to

squealing climax. Lena still insisted that Rachel go first as the younger

child's cums inevitably put her to sleep. That let her sister move in and

take liberties with her tiny, immature charms. She no longer needed the

excuse of Arron's cum to give her sister's cunt or ass a gentle tongue bath

but she still liked to lick it up when he did spunk on the child. The

night before she had eaten pussy with such enthusiasm that she'd nearly

wakened Rachel to Arron's amusement and her own near panic. Lena had

insisted on sucking his cock both nights. She still could not get more

than a third of his prick into her small mouth but her technique was

improving rapidly as she learned to make the best out of what would fit.

His train of thought was giving him a hardon, a most unwelcome thing in the

middle of the morning. He willed it down and forced his mind to the task

at hand.

Carl was starting to smear his first batch of mud when he heard the

generator re-start. His brother's yells of elation a moment later were

loud, even over the not quiet purr of the generator. By the time he

descended the ladder and rushed outside the log and a two inch wide plank

were just stopping on the 'table'.

After some quick consultation Carl went back and hurriedly smeared on

the mortar he'd already mixed then returned to help his brother. The two

of them managed to convert the log to nine rough cut planks before it was

time for lunch.

Back at camp they relayed the news to Jenny and the girls. Arron duly

received both congratulations and apologies for the earlier doubts. After

eating they cut another log to length and harnessed it to the Ram.

This one too became boards and sawdust. As the afternoon wore on a

system began to emerge. They would rip down a log then Carl would return

to smearing mortar as Arron took the truck and went for another. The

younger man had just enough time to mix and apply one batch before the

pickup came clattering back up with another log.

They managed to rip down three logs that afternoon. The mill was far

from perfect, lacking any kind of power return for the next pass of the log

through the saw for one thing. This meant that it took both of them and

sometimes the mechanical muscle of the Ram to pull the timber back for the

next cut.

They knocked off as the red tinted sun sank in the west. They drove

back to camp for a supper of stew and biscuits. The latter were getting

better. Fed, they all trooped down to the spring. Modesty had slipped

enough that they now often bathed together. Carl and Jenny would move to

the furthest end of the pool while Arron occupied the girls at the near

end. Those two were getting bolder. A giggling Rachel rubbed her soft ass

and pussy all over her uncles leg while Lena played with his cock below the

water. Arron shot a few nervous glances at his brother and sister-in-law

but they seemed only to see each other.

They stayed till fingers and toes were wrinkled like prunes then wrapped

up for the cold dash back to the fire. That night Arron finalized the

house drawings to Carl and Jenny's approval then activated the programs

'bill-of-materials' function. To 'oohs' and 'aahs' the laptop digested the

simple two story design and quickly generated a stick by stick list of the

lumber required complete with lengths and dimensions. It also tossed in a

half-a-hundred sheets of plywood, assuming the structure would be sheathed

in such. They actually planned to use thin overlapping planks for the

exterior but there was no way to tell the idiot program that. Arron

recorded the framing requirements then shut down the machine.

They had barely retired when a thunderstorm moved in banging and

flashing. This rousted the men out of bed to dash back to the house site

and make sure everything was covered and secured. They were soaking wet by

the time of their return and at least to Arron's disappointment both girl's

were sound asleep.

He stripped out of his wet clothes and satisfied himself by rubbing his

cock over Rachel's soft ass before blowing his load into a wad of tissue.

They set to work the next morning with high spirits and stomachs full of

pancakes. The pancakes lasted a while but the spirits failed as the feed

on the sawmill died a third of the way into the first cut on the first log.

Arron got the cover off the garage-door-opener only to have a handful of

white plastic confetti fall out on the ground. A quick examination showed

that the light duty plastic gears that made up much of the unit's innards

had ground themselves into toothless impotence under the load imposed on


Dejected they went back to camp and reported the failure. In the

discussion that followed it was found that they were again nearly out of

ice anyway. It seemed time for another road trip. It was Jenny that

mentioned that neither her nor the girl's had been off the mountain since

their arrival. To the children's cheers it was decided to make a family
outing of it. There followed a half hour of pandemonium as tents and gear

were secured. Then everyone piled into the Ram for the ride to Avery.

They dropped the women at a good sized mall and then headed for the now

familiar home center. This time Arron picked out a premium

garage-door-opener meant for heavy commercial doors. He also picked up a

second trolley, he started to explain this to Carl but his brother had

already figured it out. "Put that on the other end of the screw and we

have a power return. Good idea!"

They topped off the gas cans and the truck then picked up the girl's and

an even dozen bulging shopping bags. They had lunch at a steakhouse with a

salad bar that seemed a mile long. They had planned to head back after

lunch but during the course of their shopping the ladies had discovered

that the town boasted a drive-in-theatre and the current feature was one

both Jenny and the kids wanted to see. Arron and Carl went into a huddle

and decided a night in town wouldn't hurt.

They got a motel room on the outskirts of the city. Once checked in

they watched television while the children dashed in and out of the

bathroom to change as they modeled every outfit their mother had purchased

before them. Arron got nervous when both girls emerged in short skirts

with nothing beneath. They danced and cavorted flashing dick stiffening

glimpses of bare white butts and bald twats. Arron glanced uneasily at

Carl and Jenny but they seemed to think the display was cute.

They loaded up in the truck for supper at an IHOP then it was off to the

drive-in. The film was sappy, sentimental and tedious. Worse, to the

men's view at least, not a single thing exploded, burned down or crashed.

The females in the truck seemed to like it though. They got back to the

motel in time to try out the establishment's Jacuzzi. The children were

mildly affronted when told they could not go in naked. Everyone soaked for

a while before heading back to the room, Lena loudly proclaiming that the

Jacuzzi was 'nice but not as good as our spring'.

Carl and Jenny slept in one of the king sized beds while Arron shared

the other with the girls. Having the children's parents only feet away

meant no play time. They settled for a few gropes then all passed into the

land of nod.

The had breakfast at the motel restaurant's buffet then, after a stop

for ice and grub, headed back down 55. By noon they were again at camp.

Arron and Carl left Jenny to arrange lunch while they went to minister to

the ailing sawmill. They quickly got the dead opener removed and started

to fit the new one. A few of the mounts had to be changed but this went

fairly smoothly. They broke for a late lunch when the girls came strolling

up with a picnic then went back to work. They had it together and adjusted

before dark and adjourned to camp for a well deserved supper.

That night Arron arranged Rachel in the doggy style position and began

to eat baby butt. He'd just started to deep stroke the three-year-old's

tight bottom when he noticed Lena kneeling beside him. He pulled his

deeply embedded tongue from the little girl's rectum and offered her saliva

wet ass to her sister.

Lena shot a nervous glance at her sisters pillowed head then knee walked

sideways till Rachel's body blocked her view. She leered at Arron then

tossed her long hair back and dove between her sister's soft, damp bottom

cheeks. Rachel groaned as her sister ate her ass with gusto. For Lena's

part, rimming her sister while the child was awake seemed to turn her on

tremendously. Her own butt rotated and waved like a flag in a strong

breeze as she dined on sibling butt. Lena pulled away after a minute and

licked her lips. She looked at Arron then back at her sister. Rachel's

plump little pussy lips had swollen and separated the tiniest amount. A

hint of moisture glistened in the diffuse moonlight.

Lena looked back at Arron, "I want her cunny", she whispered. "I want

to eat her pussy." Arron's cock jerked at her words. He leaned forward and

kissed her hard then indicated she should go ahead. She grinned and threw

her hair back as she bent and fused her mouth to her sister's puffy little


Rachel had began to grow restless with no stimulation. She had opened

her mouth to complain when she felt a soft, hot, tongue split her little

cunny and drive for her center. A low sigh escaped her lips and her head

sank back to her arms. Lena ate pussy just like she had ass, furiously.

In minutes Rachel was humping back at her sister's mouth and squealing her

passion to the night. As she neared her peak Arron leaned over and gently

pushed her blond head into her pillow. A second later she stiffened and

shrieked her cum into it.

Lena kept her tongue in her sister's tasty twat, thrusting in time to

that little pussy's contractions. This prolonged Rachel's orgasm. When

Lena finally pulled back with a slurp the tiny child melted bonelessly into

the fabric of her sleeping bag.

Only pausing to make sure her sister was truly out Lena shoved Arron

back and attacked his cock. She sucked dick maniacally, repeatedly choking

herself as her head movements drove his cock against the entrance to her

small throat. So fierce was the assault that he lasted less than a minute

before blasting the six-year-old's tonsils with what felt like a quart of

hot spunk. Like a trooper the child swallowed it all then sucked his

softening prick for more.

Arron threw Lena face down and attacked her butt with his mouth while he

wormed a finger into her tight pussy. He fingered and rimmed till she

screamed her own orgasm into the fabric of her pillow. Only when he was

dressing the girl's and sliding them into their sleeping bags did he notice

the blood on his finger. He'd ruptured Lena's hymen during the throes of

her cum.

The mill's new feed worked perfectly. So much so that Arron could now

handle the cutting himself. He quickly disposed of the log they'd brought

down after breakfast and took the truck for another. Through the morning

he cut and hauled, stacking the untrimmed planks a little ways down slope.

By experimentation he found he could rig three logs behind the truck per

trip. By lunch the huge stack of cut and trimmed trees to one side of the

camp had been noticeably reduced.

Jenny again brought the girl's down for a picnic lunch. Afterwards she

went back to camp but the children wanted to stay. After several rounds of

'please daddy/mommy!' and 'we'll be good!' they got their way. Rachel

wandered off to 'help' her daddy with his patchwork while Lena stayed out

with Arron.

Arron used the truck to muscle another log onto the mill while Lena

settled down to watch. She was wearing tennis shoes and a faded

little-girl sundress. When Arron finally got the log onto the mill he

found her sitting with her back to the house and her dress pulled nearly to

her hips. She sat with her legs spread and her pantyless pussy on display

for the world. He glared at her but a grin was the only response. He'd

pulled her aside that morning and explained about her hymen. She had been

unconcerned but did admit to being a little sore.

He turned away and fired up the mill. He had just started the first cut

when she wiggled between him and the laboring generator. Shielded only by

the slope of the hill and the not large bulk of the generator she squatted

down and unzipped his pants. He glanced nervously uphill at the old
foundation that Carl labored away inside and moved to push her away. She

deftly avoided his groping hand and before he could try again popped his

cock into her mouth.

Arron groaned and continued to mutilate another log while a six-year-old

girl gave him excellent head in broad daylight with her father only a few

dozen feet away. Somehow he kept cutting through the torrid manipulations

the wanton child's mouth was visiting on his dick. He was completing the

final cut when his throbbing cock fed her a protein shake that she eagerly

swallowed. She gave his wilting dick a few deep sucks to make sure she had

everything then tucked him back in and zipped him up.

She was a perfect angel for the remainder of the afternoon, not even

exposing herself much during the infrequent trips back to camp for more

logs. With the day waning his finally shut off the generator and, with

Lena's help, began to cover everything up. When Carl and Rachel emerged

from the foundation Arron had a hard time suppressing his laughter. When

Lena began to chuckle he could no longer hold in his mirth and they both

broke loose. The object of their amusement, Rachel so covered in mortar

she was only recognizable by general size, walked to the truck with all the

dignity a near completely gray three-year-old could muster. A grinning

Carl followed her. She rode in the bed on the way back, her father rode

with her to take some of the sting out of the exile.

Jenny took one look at her youngest and turned supper's finishing

touches over to the men as she drug her protesting daughter off to the

spring. She returned a half hour later with a wet, irritable Rachel. A

few good natured digs about 'mud puppies' and 'piglets' didn't help the

child's mood any but when the marshmallows and cocoa came out she cheered

up readily enough.

Carl, Lena and Arron went down for a bath after supper. They played for

a while before getting down to any serious washing. After scrubbing the

days sweat and grime away they trudged back up the hill.

They were sitting around relaxing when Carl began to swear from the far

side of camp. He'd wandered off alone to place a cell phone call to his

lawyers in New York, something he did every second or third day. He

obviously didn't like what he'd heard this time however. He came back into

the light and dropped down beside Jenny. The two talked quietly while

Arron pointedly ignored them. After about five minutes Carl cleared his


"I've just found out that I need to be in New York the day after

tomorrow to sign some papers. I thought I'd assigned power of attorney for

everything but it looks like some things got missed." He paused a moment.

"Jenny will have to go with me, some of the documents bear her name as


Arron nodded. "There's plenty of food and if the ice runs out there's

cans. Take the truck and go. I'll be fine till you get back."

"Ahhh, actually we were hoping we could leave the girls with you."

Arron nodded and kept his voice neutral, "No problem."

"And", Carl continued, "I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the three of

you up here with nothing but your wagon in an emergency. I figured you

could drive us to the airport then pick us up. It's kind of a long haul


Arron nodded again, "Where are you flying out of?"

"Beckley, If we leave in the morning you should be able to make it back

before dark."

Arron nodded, "That that's what we'll do."

The children had held there council all through the conversation now

Lena cheered lustily. "Yay, we get to stay with uncle Arron!" Rachel

joined in as well though it was doubtful whether she had understood the

conversation. Both girls began to dance and cavort about the fire.

Jenny beamed at her brother-in-law. "They are fond of you."

Guilt welled up again in Arron. If only she knew why they were fond of


His play that night was limited to gently finger fucking both girl's to

pleasant little cums that sent them into happy slumber. Neglected, he beat

his cock into submission then crawled into his own sleeping bag. Sleep

came quickly.

They had a simple breakfast the next morning then piled into the Ram.

There was some confusion at first as Rachel's car seat could not be found.

It was finally located in Arron's backpacking tent which had been left up.

It and his wagon had become catchalls for anything that needed to be kept

out of the weather.

They were on the pavement by ten and headed southwest. Jenny led the

girl's in singing road songs, they worked through quite a repertoire before

settling for the hoary old '100 bottle of beer on the wall'. They stopped

for lunch at tiny roadside diner with a fantastic view. After demolishing

a half-dozen belly-bomber burgers between them they were on their way


Beckley hove into view shortly after two in the afternoon. Directional

signs with the universal airplane symbol made the airport easy to find. It

was a smallish affair, only five gates. Arron pulled around to the

unloading zone and Carl baled out. He waved off the skycap who was

approaching and pulled the one light bag the two of them were taking from

the back of the truck. Jenny gave each of her children a kiss and a hug,

"Be good for uncle Arron. We'll see you in three days."

After a last round of discussion about pick up schedules the couple

vanished into the terminal. Arron climbed back into the Ram and clattered

toward the exit. If they were not to be on the logging roads after dark it

was time to make tracks.

Once outside of the city he pushed the big truck up to the speed limit

then, after a glance at the glowing digits of the dash clock, beyond.

Supper was the McDonalds drive-through off I-64 the exit also sported a

Pizza Hut. The girl's had wanted Pizza and pouted a bit when he told them

they didn't have the time. The hit the forest with an hour of light left.

Rachel was squirming in her seat and Lena had proclaimed her need as

well. Arron own bladder had been telling him that his '32 ounce supersize'

wanted out for the last dozen miles so he pulled to the side of the

deserted dirt track. The girl's slipped a short distance into the woods

while Arron simply watered a tree alongside the road.

The sound of approaching giggles told him the girls were done but didn't

prepare him for the sight of both appearing bare from the waste down. They

giggled some more and modeled for him as he stood with his mouth open. He

shook his head and climbed behind the wheel as the girls both piled in the

front on the passenger's side. He opened his mouth to order Rachel into

her kiddy seat but closed it without uttering a sound. There was no

traffic and nothing but trees to run into. A twenty mile-per-hour impact

with a pine might or might not set off the trucks airbags, he'd read

somewhere that most trucks had less sensitive sensors. In any case he'd

just have to be careful.

That wasn't easy to do as first Lena then Rachel cuddled up against him,

pulling his hand into contact with their peach soft little twats while

groping his rock hard cock through his pants.

When they finally pulled into camp it was after dark and Arron was

half-crazy with fuck-lust. The girl's were not much better. He'd fingered

both of them but his driving had prevented him from concentrating enough to

get either of them off.

It was chilly so the girl's slipped on jackets while Arron dug the ashes

out of the firepit and got some kindling started. The children somehow

managed to look both silly and sexy as they danced around with their bare

legs and asses showing below the edges of their light parka's. As soon as

the kindling was burning well Arron got some heavier pieces started. Soon

a cheery blaze was pushing back the night's chill.

With the fire popping Lena dropped her taut little butt down onto an

upended log that they used as a stool and hunched her hips forward so her

thin thighs and bald pussy slid from the bottom of her parka. She spread

her legs and fixed her uncle with an imperious stare. "Now, eat me!"

Unable to resist such a subtle summons, Arron dropped to his knees on

the damp ground and buried his face between the child's soft thighs. She

giggled when his whiskered cheeks scrubbed at the soft skin of her inner

thighs. The giggles turned to a gasp when he planted a kiss on her twat

then forced his tongue into her gooey girl slot. Her little hands came

down on top of his head and she began trying to pull him in deeper.

With her hymen gone he could accommodate her. He pushed in till the

base of the oral intruder pushed her lips aside then began to worm and

massage the tight channel of her fuck passage. She winced when he pushed

past the tattered remnants of her hymen but was soon cooing and squealing

as he dug for gold. He began a rapid in and out fucking motion that soon

had the child gasping. She pulled harder on his head then shuddered and

let voice to a shriek. Her thin thighs tried to pop his head like a zit as

her cum rolled over her.

Arron licked up the tiny amount of sweet girl-cum her little twat had

produced then extricated his head from between her thighs. Lena was

conscious but limp. She licked her lips as she stared at him. He smiled

and kissed the inside of each thigh then planted a gentle peck on her damp

pussy. She returned the smile as he gathered her up with one hand under

her bare little ass and gently laid her out beside the popping warmth of

the fire. He pulled her jacket down to keep her butt off the cold ground

then planted a final kiss on her forehead.

When he turned to Rachel he found her staring wide eyed at him. When

she saw it was her turn she turned away from him and dropped to her hands

and knees. She yanked up her parka to bare her white little butt and

pouting baby cunt then turned to look over her shoulder. "Do me like this

and make sure you get my butt hole. I like that."

Arron moved up behind her. He shoved his hands up her parka to gently

grasp her tiny waist then dropped his face to her soft, little-girl ass.

He peeled back his lips so his teeth were bared then slowly raked them

across her left cheek from top to bottom. He then repeated the act moving

from the side. He bounced over her crack and sank his teeth into her

smooth right buttock. She squealed at the unexpected bite but cooed when

he immediately began kissing the dimpled flesh. He kissed his way across

that lovely butt, pausing to suck in the occasional mouthful of baby

ass-flesh. In several places he sucked long and hard enough to give the

three-year-old a hickey on her tiny bottom.

She wiggled and squealed as he dined on her ass. He stroked her soft

back beneath the parka as he licked. His hands gently roamed over the

sharp points of her shoulder blades then caressed their way down her spine.

He shifted over to her front and kneaded her flat stomach before moving up

to her sexless chest.

She had begun to relax as his hands roamed, her breath coming in

shallow, evenly spaced measure. That changed when he abruptly forced his

muscular tongue into her anus, rudely shoving aside the gates of her

sphincter. She tensed and screamed as three-fourths of his lapper came to

rest in her butt. Arron grasped the front of the child's thighs and began

to alternately pull her onto then off of the invading member, fucking his

rigid tongue with her tiny body. The little girl's ass cheeks struck his

face with an audible 'smack' on each inward plunge.

She tried to say something but it came out only as "unn,unn,unn" as he

reamed her bottom. After a moment she gave up attempts at communication,

dropped her head and simply rode the moment. He pulled out of her ass and

gave her pouting pussy a little suck before returning to her bottom. She

squealed and flexed against him. Another half dozen thrusts into her

bottom and he did it again. On he went, concentrating on her ass but

giving her little twat a little lick or nip at irregular intervals.

Another minute of this treatment was enough to bring the child to her

peak. She quivered on the razor edge between ecstasy and oblivion. As he

drove his tongue deep into her ass and reached around her thighs to diddle

her burning little cunt she tumbled over. A shriek like a horse being

gelded rent the night, startling the birds roosting in the nearby trees.

Rachel screamed till their was no air left in her lungs and tried to do

more, her little chest quivered, rendered unable to draw breath by the

power of her cum. With fingers and tongue he held her a moment longer then

let her limply sink into oblivion.

He pulled her parka down then gently laid the child on her side. When

he finally looked up it was to see Lena, propped on one elbow, staring at

him. She licked her lips, "Wow!"

End of Book 1