

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

BEACH video youd know that woman


************************************************************ The

following is a work of fiction regarding sexual relationships. If you feel

that it is illegal, immoral, or otherwise improper for you to read this,



Adrienne Brown Est. word count: 5800 e-mail:


About a half hour after Meg arrived in the office at Pacific Fleet

Intelligence on Monday, she checked her e-mail. As the waiting mail list

scrolled down the screen, she noticed a message from Carl. She went

directly to the message. He would be arriving at Hickam Air Force Base

shortly before noon on Thursday; he had managed to snag three days of

leave, enroute to a Temporary Duty assignment in Australia. She felt like

jumping up and shouting 'hallelujah!' But that would be inappropriate

behavior for the office. Even though she was a 'short-timer'--she expected

orders to a new duty station within a month, there was a dignity to uphold.

Then Meg read the rest of the message. Carl had arranged for them to

stay in the new vacation cottages near Nohili Point at the Barking Sands

Military Reservation on Kauai. He had included a telephone number and

asked Meg to contact Matilda Kalikimaka at Barking Sands to confirm these

reservations; apparently, there was a local requirement that they be

confirmed by someone on active duty in the islands.

She was baffled. What was he thinking of? Damn it! It had been

thirteen months since he had been transferred back to the mainland. For

thirteen months, she hadn't seen him. For thirteen long months, she'd had

to practice the art of unisex.

They could easily have gotten a cottage at Barber's Point here on Oahu.

Beautiful beach there. The sand didn't 'bark,' but it was less than 30

minutes from Hickam; they could drive to Barber's Point and back to Hickam

in her car on their own schedule. Going to Barking Sands required

scheduled inter-island air transport, a half hour's flight, a rental car,

and perhaps an hour's worth of driving on Kauai. What a waste of time that

could be otherwise used!

Carl had done it again. That man was infuriating, at times. Obviously

he had a reason, but he hadn't let her in on it. He really took

'need-to-know' to an extreme. He liked to keep secrets, he liked to

surprise her. Meg fumed silently; if she were neutered, would she still

love him this much? Damn it. Why couldn't she be like Heinlein's Friday?

Able to treat sex as a natural act, like eating? able to go to bed with

whoever was available? regardless of gender? It would be so much more

convenient than to be hung up on one man.

Well, she had to admit that Carl had pulled a nearly impossible deal,

getting leave on his Temporary Duty orders. And, even though they were

engaged, there was no law that he had to take his leave with her. She

whipped out a leave request, filled in the blanks, and headed for the

division officer's office.

Lieutenant Commander Berriol looked at the request and then at Meg,

"Rather short fuze on this request, Sloan, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir!" came the prompt reply. "I just got word on my friend's

orders a few minutes ago."

Berriol had long been wondering why Sloan had taken no leave since a

year ago September; young officers, on their first tour of duty in Hawaii

often ended up running out of earned leave. But not Sloan. Now he

understood: the 'Ice Queen' actually did have a boy friend; her rumored

engagement was a fact. She had been saving leave for a 'special occasion.'

He smiled inwardly. Let the bachelors in the office eat their hearts out.

Sloan was going to get her leave. She was one of his best analysts: she

liked to work, she worked hard, she did excellent analyses, she would be

gone in a few months. But he wanted to appear reluctant; other officers in

the division might get the idea that leave would be routinely approved on

short notice. He spoke loudly enough that those eavesdropping from the

outer office could hear, "What's the status on your reports?"

"I'll be staying late tonight and have the summary on the new Russian

overhead surveillance satellite on your desk by close of business tomorrow.

I can come in on Sunday to finish up the analysis on the new Russian

Pacific Fleet anti-submarine organization for Monday's brief."

Berriol was running out of questions. Several seconds of grumpy silence

should do. Finally, he groused, "This office has a tight schedule for

producing reports. I like to have plenty of warning on leave requests so

that I can adjust assignments. If you were in my position, how would you

handle a case like this?"

Meg answered promptly, "I'd reward good work, sir. It helps to keep up


He scowled, but agreed with the logic. He checked 'approved' and

deliberately signed the request as slowly as possible while still making a

legible signature. He pushed the form back across the desk toward Meg.

Silently, he wished her a good leave, but maintained a slightly put-upon

look. There were too many flakes in the office who might be encouraged by

this precedent.

Meg thanked Berriol and returned to the outer office. She immediately

went to the desk of Lieutenant Julie Perez, the senior analyst in the

office. Perez had overheard enough from Berriol's office to know what was

up. But she continued to check the duty lists.

"Lieutenant Perez, ma'am?"

Perez looked up with a feigned look of slight surprise. "Oh, . . .

Yes, Sloan. What can I do for you?"

"A personal emergency has come up. I just got leave approved for

Thursday through Saturday. But I have duty on Thursday. I know this is

very short notice, but could you take my Thursday duty day?"

They had talked about this before. Perez knew what 'personal emergency'

she was talking about; it had been over a year since Meg had seen Carl

Munsee. But Perez decided to take this opportunity to reiterate to the

office her estimation of Sloan; a Lieutenant was willing to take the duty

day of a JG. She repeated the details of their deal, "Okay, you'll take my

duty on Sunday and on one other weekend of my choice, too. Right?"

"Right!" Meg beamed. She was home free. She thanked Perez, returned to

her desk, and dashed off a e-mail reply to Carl. She paused, should she

make the call to Kauai from her desk? or should she use a public phone?

She decided to save time; she was a master at making short phone calls.

She dialed the number Carl had provided and asked for Matilda Kalikimaka.

Ensign Donna Elwood, who had the desk across from Meg's, could not help

but note the conversation. Elwood was a brand new officer and looked up to

Sloan, who, with more than 20 months at Pacific Fleet, had been assigned as

her mentor. Elwood admired Sloan's telephone manner and often listened to

pick up pointers.

The male voice which answered at Barking Sands said that Matilda was not

in the office today. Yes, a cottage had been reserved by Captain Carl

Munsee, but it had not yet been confirmed by someone serving in the

islands. Meg cheerfully said that she was calling to make that

confirmation, gave her name and duty station. The voice asked whether the

reservations she was confirming had been made by her husband. Meg lowered

her voice; she didn't want to spell out for the intelligence office what

she would be doing on leave, "No, the reservations were made by Captain

Carl Munsee, United States Air Force. Last name, Mike, Uniform, November,

Sierra, Echo, Echo."

The voice asked, "So, you are Mrs. Munsee. Who is this M.A. Sloan?"

"I'm M.A. Sloan, Lieutenant JG, U.S. Navy, Pacific Fleet."

After a pause, "Would you spell that last name?"

"Sloan, Sierra, Lima, Oscar, Alpha, November." Meg was becoming

frustrated; with anyone else on the other end of the line, she would

already be off the phone. Perez was looking in her direction; there was a

policy that the telephones should not be tied up with lengthy personal


The male voice now said that a cottage was available; in fact, no one

else would be at Nohili Point until the weekend. But the voice continued,

listing all sorts of inconveniences. To begin with, it pointed out that

the Officer's Club at Barking Sands was closed in mid-week. Meg had

learned this when she had checked out all military recreational facilities

in the islands shortly after her arrival. She patiently responded, "My

friend is travelling half way around the world. If we wanted to eat and

drink, we could stay on Oahu. We just want a place to get away and be by


The voice responded, saying that all food services would be closed,

including the Burger King restaurant. The Base Exchange was closed; no

food would be available anywhere at Barking Sands. Meg answered testily,

"We plan to buy our food on the way in from the airport. We'll cook it

ourselves in the cottage. We don't need any food service."

The voice pointed out that during the off-season, no recreational

facilities would be available, no movies, no bowling alley, no video
arcade, no swimming pool; no lifeguards would be available on the beach.

Meg realized that she was just not getting through to the voice. She tried

a new tack, "Besides fixing and eating food, all we'll be doing is what

newlyweds do on a honeymoon."

Ensign Elwood made it obvious that she had been eavesdropping on the

conversation; she choked on her donut and coughed moist scraps of it across

the papers on her desk. Meg realized that with her reputation as the 'Ice

Queen'--a good-looking (excuse the pride), healthy, and eligible young
woman who refused to date, as far as anyone could tell--there was intense

curiosity elsewhere in the office about a telephone conversation that

obviously had nothing to do with intelligence. She wished that she had

been more patient and had placed this call from a public phone where she

would have had some privacy.

Nevertheless, the voice continued and told Meg that there would be no

maid service. That was the last straw; she was about to explode, but

instead spoke quietly, with exaggerated diction. She didn't want the

office to hear, "Captain Munsee and I won't be out of bed long enough for

any maid to have time to make it up."

From over the phone she heard a now comprehending "Oh." She also noticed

the absolute quiet in the office. She looked around to see all the other

analysts hurriedly turn back to their work, or whatever it was on the desk

in front of them. She was mortified and began to blush.

Now that the voice on the telephone understood that Meg wanted the

cottage for immoral purposes, it was helpful. In less than a minute, she

was able to hang up, having finally confirmed the reservation and obtained

directions to the office which would have the necessary keys. She decided

that she should have said right up front, "We need a place to get laid."

Meg looked around the office again; all heads were down, busy at work.

She could feel the blush rising from her neck and burning her cheeks. She

had to get out of there. She tried to be inconspicuous as she stood up and

walked out of the room. She refused to look around.

Berriol looked up from his desk in the inner office; the outer office

was just too quiet. He noticed the studied busy-ness of most of his

subordinates and the crimson blush on Meg's face as she walked out of the

office. It contrasted so starkly with her blonde hair. When the door

closed behind her, he asked, "Would someone please tell me what that was

all about?"

For several seconds, the office was silent. Finally, Lieutenant (Junior

Grade) William T. O'Bannon, a handsome, self-assured Academy graduate,

spoke up irreverently, "The 'Ice Queen' is going to get laid on Thursday."

One of the women in the office tossed a printer manual at O'Bannon's


Ensign Elwood spoke up, "You're just jealous, Mr. O'Bannon, sir. You

hit on her for a date just about every time she turns around. How many

times has she turned you down? Sir!"

A female voice rose above the hubbub, "God's gift to womankind is an

expert on Sloan."

Lieutenant Perez eventually spoke up, "O'Bannon, you know what that

tells us?"

She continued without waiting for the ring-knocker to answer, "Sloan

shows good taste in choosing who she goes to bed with."

Berriol looked disgusted. He finally bellowed, "Okay, okay. Back to

work, people. We have work to do."

He muttered, as he went back to his desk, "Women! Goddammed hormones!"

Perez noticed Berriol muttering as he went back to his desk. She

guessed what he was thinking and, as she turned back to her keyboard,

mimicked him, talking to no one in particular, "Why can't a woman be more

like a man."

- - - -

When dawn came Thursday morning, so did Meg. She had been awake since

half past five--0530 hours she reminded herself. Unable to sleep, she had

let her fingers do the walking, hoping that it would reduce the tension

that had built up in anticipation of her fiance's arrival.

It hadn't discernably helped, she realized, as she stood near the

arrival gate at Hickam Air Force Base in the late morning sun and watched

Carl's plane swing around on the nearby apron to debark its passengers.

She felt more moisture than just her own perspiration. Suddenly, she

laughed to herself: she had called that jet out there 'Carl's plane'; but

he wasn't the only passenger on board.

Wincing and involuntarily ducking against the scream of turbojet

engines, Meg realized that her morning had passed in a blurry haze; she

couldn't even remember the drive into the base from her apartment. She

reached up and touched the hibiscus blossom in her hair. Yes, it was

there. Then glanced down at her right hand. Yes, again. She had the six

plumeria leis for Carl's arrival.

The whine of the turbines died and soon passengers were debarking. Meg

felt herself trembling as she saw the first arrivals pass through the

nearby gate. She had to force herself to keep her right hand from

clenching in anticipation. She had decided that her fiance should receive

the traditional greeting; she glanced again at her sweaty . . . 'Sweaty'

was the right word, she decided; perspiration was not descriptive enough of

what her body was doing to her right now. She glanced at her sweaty right

hand and hoped the plumeria blossoms would not be too damaged.

Suddenly, she saw him and then there was only one other person anywhere

in the world around her. Yes, there were colors and blurs here and there

and an occasional muffled sound that made absolutely no sense. How could

it? The only thing that mattered was that smiling brown-haired, blue-eyed

man in the light blue short sleeve shirt and khaki cotton slacks, carrying

the gray flight bag.

Meg had started to take the leis in both hands, in order to place them

over his neck, when she realized that neither he nor she wanted to delay

their first embrace long enough for that silly ceremony. She swung her

right hand and the leis free, just as Carl reached her, grabbed her, and

crushed her to his chest. In a flash, the thirteen months apart


Meg had no idea what it was that brought her back to the present. But

suddenly it seemed to her that it was incongruous for them to be French

kissing in such a public place. Shortly, they broke the kiss and the

embrace, and she remembered to drape the leis around his neck. She

marveled that she had had the presence of mind or something and had not

crushed the fragile blooms during their welcoming mutual grope.

"What did you say?"

Meg realized that Carl was almost shouting to make himself heard above

the noise at the gate. She stood on tiptoes, leaned close to his ear and

answered, "I said, 'Aloha.' Remember? It means both 'welcome' and 'I love


He grinned and, as he leaned down to pick up the flight bag he had

dropped at some time or another, said, "Isn't that redundant? I mean, what

more could you have to say, after the kiss you gave me?"

Though she blushed, Meg seized the opportunity and grabbed his arm.

"Carl, why don't you just get your luggage and let me show you what else I

could have to say. I want to. It's only fifteen minutes to my apartment.

We don't need to go to Kauai."

The grin disappeared from his face as he recognized how serious she was.

He seemed to pause a moment, then said, "Oh, Meg, I'd love to. But my bags

are already on their way over to the International Airport."

"We can call and have them send them back. Or we can go over and pick

them up." Then very hesitantly, she added, "You won't . . . need . . . to

wear . . . much, . . . if you don't want to, . . . 'til Saturday, . . .

when you leave for Australia."

"My bags are checked through to Lihue, Meg. And I put some government

equipment that I've signed for in them. . . . Besides, haven't you seen

enough of Oahu? You haven't been to Kauai yet, have you? You can't leave

the islands, go back to the mainland without seeing Barking Sands."

She realized that he was correct about Oahu. She had seen all there was

to see on this island. And, before he had been detached a year ago last

September, they had gone to the Big Island twice, to Maui, even to Molokai.

They had planned to go to Kauai, but that trip had been scrubbed by a

hectic weekend she had been required to spend working on PacFleet's input

to PacCom for the latter's input to the JIEP.

However, their canceled trip would have taken them to Wailua, just a

stone's throw up the road from the airport at Lihue. She wondered why he

wanted to go to Barking Sands this time. What was the big deal about sand

that 'barked'?

Meg was about to renew her invitation that he spend his leave in an

extremely private, thoroughly intimate, though quite unspectacular locale,

when she recognized the look in his eyes. No matter what she might say, no

matter how long it might take, he would work her around to going to Kauai.

She surrendered: it would be better to save her breath and energy and spend

the time instead enjoying his company.

She was smiling again when they arrived on the opposite side of the

airfield at the main terminal for Honolulu International Airport. He

remarked on the dark red hibiscus bloom in her hair as they sat down to

eat. She learned that he had been awake for nearly fourteen hours as they

consumed what was dinner for him and lunch for her; he had not been able to

get any good sleep on the flight to Oahu. Although the flight to Kauai was

smooth as glass, he stayed awake. She didn't blame him; after thirteen

months apart, she couldn't keep her eyes off him either. Besides, there

wasn't much else to do: neither of them had a fantasy about using an

aircraft's bathroom that way. And the plane was far too crowded to let him

feel her up under her muumuu.

Meg was somewhat amazed at the discussion Carl initiated as she drove

them away from the Rice Shopping Center in Lihue. He asked about the

Russian overhead surveillance satellite that she had studied before going

on leave. At first she was reluctant; but they were both cleared for this

level of intelligence and, in fact, he had provided her some of the

information that she had used in finishing the briefing summary. Soon she

was absorbed in their 'shop talk.' It seemed that he wanted to ensure that

she knew the capabilities of the new Russian infrared sensor. Much higher

discrimination due to a major advance in optics and greatly improved

sensitivity to temperature differences.

Meg agreed that, under the right conditions, against the right

background, it might be possible to detect small groups of humans, perhaps

even individuals. But she would want to make her own calculation of the

proportion of a single pixel a human body would occupy and verify the

expected skin temperatures and background temperature that Carl suggested.

Suddenly, she had a list of doubts. Clothing would probably act as

shielding and reduce the IR emissions available to the sensor. Besides,

human beings would be very small targets from overhead. Even a jogging

bald man would probably not generate enough heat within the space of a

pixel to create the needed temperature gradient to be detectable.

Carl let the topic drop with Meg's doubts and changed the subject,

commenting once again that the dark red hibiscus bloom was stunning in her

hair. She glanced over at him and smiled from ear to ear before turning

back to look at the road. That was the impact she had wanted; she always

appreciated his compliments.

Carl had been quite alert, even enthusiastic, while they talked on the

way to Nohili Point. And yet, by the time they finally reached the cottage

and unloaded their groceries, he had been awake for over twenty hours. He

barely got through dinner, bravely changed into his sleeper shorts, told

her that he wanted to go swimming early in the morning, but fell

asleep--despite her new sheer negligee, his head in her lap, the clock

showing not quite 1930 hours.

Meg ran her hand through his hair, there was no response. He was dead

to the world. This was not fair! She had kept her hands off of him since

before noon, for more than seven and a half hours. And this was her reward

for that restraint? She pulled the dark red bloom out of her hair and

threw it toward the open window. Perez would be disappointed in her.

Elwood would never believe it. If O'Bannon ever got wind of it, he would

make some stupid remark like "that's what you get for dating Air Force."

She should have pulled the car off into that cane field right outside the

airport in Lihue and torn his clothes off when she had had the chance.

Carl had sprawled diagonally, taking up parts of both sides of the bed;

she took a pillow and finally found a position in which she could share the

bed with him. It would have been more comfortable to sleep on the couch;

but she wanted to be close. She didn't think she was tired, but fell

asleep quickly.

Some time later, Carl woke up, scooted over to one side of the bed and

gently moved Meg into a more comfortable position before he went back to

sleep. She was barely aware of this; it seemed like a dream. But when the

alarm clock went off, she was jolted awake.

Meg was sitting up before she recognized that it was still before dawn.

She looked at the clock; in glowing red numerals, it said 0500 hours. No

wonder it was dark outside; it wasn't even morning twilight. She flopped

back down on the bed. She was going to kill that man. She had not set the

alarm; there was only one guilty party. Then she realized that Carl was up

and moving around the room. Light from the full moon streamed in the

west-facing windows. She saw the moon low in the western sky not far above

the horizon. Carl was putting a beach blanket and various other things

into a beach bag. Obviously, he was going to go swimming. Shortly, he

came back to the bed, "Come on, sleepy head, time to hit the beach."

"Carl, you've got to be kidding. Swimming at this hour?"

He sat on the bed beside her and gave her a caress guaranteed to ensure

she was awake. That was more like it; she threw her arms around his neck

and pulled him down to the bed on top of her.

Carl spoke softly in her ear, "Meg, we're going down to the beach."

She petulantly replied, "Only if you carry me."

As if it were preplanned, he scooped her up and somehow worked the

handles of the beach bag over his right wrist. When he got to the door of

the cottage, he asked for her cooperation. She opened the door and then

put her arms around his neck. Surely, once they got outside, he would stop

and they would go back to bed. They were dressed only in sleepwear.

But Carl did not stop. Surprisingly for late October, there was a warm,

friendly, gentle breeze blowing in from the sea. If he had not pinned a

wee bit of the bottom hem of her negligee between her hip and his chest,

the garment would have blown up over her head. Rather than try to keep

herself covered, she simply closed her eyes and buried her head against his

neck. Anytime now he would stop and they would laugh and go back to the


Meg felt the movement of his walk change and heard a slight crunch. She

opened her eyes, they were in the midst of white coral sand dunes. She was

astounded, "I hope you have my swim suit in that bag, sir."

"Don't worry, Meg. It's there. So is mine."

She told him to put her down. They silently walked hand in hand through

the dunes, listening to the barely audible "bark" of the sand beneath their

feet, and onto a beautiful, wide beach. A band of golden light from the

full moon flowed across the ocean from the horizon to the beach. She

looked up at her companion. He had surprised her; for a remote sensors

engineer, Carl had become unexpectedly romantic.

As they started down the gently sloping beach, she noticed that there

were hardly any waves lapping at the water's edge. Beyond the high water

mark, the sand felt cool under her feet. The ebbing tide had taken the

previous day's heat out to sea with it. She looked at the distance to the

softly lapping waves. It was probably near low tide.

Carl stopped and started to spread the beach blanket well below the high

water mark. Meg was perplexed. Although the sand was practically dry

there, she questioned the wisdom of his choice. The Air Force captain

listened to the advice of the Navy JG, but continued to spread the blanket

in this intertidal zone. She tossed the towels further up the beach toward

the high water mark, fished her bikini out of the beach bag, and then

pulled her negligee over her head.

Carl surprised her, enfolding her in his arms from behind. His left arm

crossed her chest. She felt the coolness of his metal watchband against

her left breast; he cupped her right breast in his hand. His right arm

went lower and he caressed her abdomen. With a shriek of half-surprised

laughter, she indicated her consent to what would happen, dropped her

bikini, let her negligee blow up the beach in the breeze, and, opening her

thighs to his hand, leaned back into him. Carl knew the loci of all the

erotic buttons which were arrayed throughout her body; he also knew the

codes to press.

Meg mused that they were being very reckless. If some one were on the

beach, . . . Because of the full moon, no one who viewed the beach could

fail to see them; no one could doubt what they were doing. Under other

circumstances, she would have been beside herself in embarrassment.

Perhaps it was the sea breeze, but tonight this openness acted as an

aphrodisiac. They slowly went down to their knees. Given the attention

she was receiving, she had no idea how long it was before he laid her down

on the blanket. Nor did she care.

When they were done, they held each other closely, still coupled,

unwilling to break the physical bond. As her breathing finally slowed and

her head began to clear, she opened her eyes and looked up into the sky

beyond his shoulder. She dreamily noted the beautiful stars overhead.

Procyon was almost directly overhead. Almost due south, but easily visible

over Carl's shoulder was Sirius, the brightest star anywhere in the sky.

Slightly to the west stood the constellation Orion, with Betelgeuse,

Belatrix, and his three-star belt. During their thirteen months apart, she

had often imagined that the mighty hunter was her Carl. And had taken

comfort in seeing those stars. She smiled: she had fantasized about, but

had not anticipated making love beneath the giant's watchfulness.

After a few moments, as she noticed a slight lightening in the east, the

weirdest question entered her mind: why had Carl worn his watch to go

swimming? Several soft kisses, however, distracted her, until he asked,

"Do you remember what we talked about regarding the capabilities of the

Russian satellite?"

Meg thought that he had asked a highly inappropriate question, given the

circumstances, but answered, "Yes."

She could see a big grin on his face as he spoke, "I hope you smiled.

We were on candid camera."

She stared at him, not understanding what he was talking about. He

glanced at his watch and continued, "There's a special project, highly

classified, being prepared only about two miles south of here, a couple

hundred yards back from the beach. The Russian satellite passed overhead

about five minutes ago. In two weeks, my office gets their images; we're

doing a cooperative project that I can't tell you about. But I decided to

conduct an experiment, an informal test of the sensitivity of their


Meg began to comprehend as he touched her nose, grinned again, and said,

"You were my lab partner."

She abruptly pushed him off of her and sat up. "Carl, you didn't!"

"Think of it. Two human bodies, in the horizontal position--not

vertical, no clothes--to use your words, 'no shielding.' I don't know what

the average skin temperature would be during sexual intercourse, but it

should be rather elevated. The sand here is cool. Nice background."

Meg burst out laughing. "So that's why that damned alarm went off at

0500. God, what an exhibitionist you are! This must be the most

imaginative flash ever staged on earth."

Carl sat up and dragged the beach bag to his side, "If we even show up,

all we'll be is a pixel on the beach. But before we go, I have to get a

GPS fix so I'll know where to look for us on the image."

Meg demanded, "If we do show up, I want a copy to remember this


He temporized, "We'll see. Shouldn't be any trouble."

As she watched him open the receiver and begin to operate it, a question

formed. "Carl, what would you have done, if it had been rainy this

morning. Or even cloudy."

He looked up, grinned at her, then reached over and ran a hand up the

inside of her leg as he said, "We would have slept in and I would have

gotten you up quite properly."

She pulled her leg away and scowled, "No, I'm serious. It doesn't sound

like you to take a chance on a one-time thing. I mean, we're spending all

your leave here on Kauai, taking a chance on one overhead pass?"

Without looking in her direction, he pulled a slip of paper out of the

receiver case and handed it to her. "That's from the emphemeris on the

satellite. We would have had another chance tonight when it passes

overhead again."

In the dim twilight, Meg strained to read what was written on the paper.

"So we would have had more than one chance to do this?"


She began to smile. The smile turned into a grin. For the first time

in her life, she knew when she was going to get laid. Down to the minute.

It was there on the paper.

She tried not to sound gleeful when she spoke again. "Carl, you're the

scientist here. Why didn't you talk this experiment over with your 'lab

partner'? Isn't that proper procedure?"

He paused and turned once more to look at her. "Yes. But what does

that have to do with--"

She interrupted him triumphantly, "We're just going to have to do it

again. Tonight. Your experiment wasn't conducted under optimum


Even if she hadn't been able to see his puzzled expression, his response

indicated incomprehension, "Huh?"

"Have you ever seen infrared photography of a man and a woman, ah, . . .

doing what we just did?"

"Don't tell me the Navy takes those sort of photos."

Meg frowned, then guessed that he was jerking her chain. So she pulled

her punch and only slapped at his shoulder as she replied, "No, silly.

Open sources. In fact, cable TV. The Learning Channel. TLC has some of

the best stuff this side of the Playboy Channel. . . . Anyway, if you'd

seen the video you'd know that a woman emits more heat when thoroughly

aroused than does a man."

She paused for a moment to let the information sink in. With a big

grin, she continued, "For best results, I should have been on top.

Besides, if you do me right--and you can, I can last longer. All the way

through the pass."

Carl grinned from ear to ear. "Meg, I'm surprised at you."

"I'm easily corrupted. By the right man."

"Okay, okay, you're on for tonight," he said, turning once again to the

GPS receiver. "But for now, woman, let me get our position recorded."

Meg patiently waited as Carl fiddled with the receiver and jotted down

some figures. When he had finished recording their location, she struck

him over the head with her bikini bottom. "Now, sir. Before we go back to

the cottage, we're going swimming. That's what you got me up for at this

ungodly hour."

Carl held up his swim trunks and shook them, "We weren't very careful,

Meg. They're full of sand. Itchy."

"Why the sudden modesty, Carl? You think the dolphins care?" Meg jumped

up and started for the water's edge, "Last-one-in's a . . . ."

She didn't finish the sentence. Carl was getting to his feet; she

bolted for the water, heading straight toward the setting moon. If he had

gotten her to pose for a Russian satellite, then he owed her something

special before they came back ashore, even if it was already morning


************************************************************ Comments

and constructive criticism are sincerely welcome.

Copyright 1998 by Adrienne Brown -
