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BRETON girls hand both hers

Breton-American Collection {Pendragon} (MF nc 1st etc.)

Breton-American Collection

Uther Pendragon

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All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as

public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination

and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly


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Breton-American Collection

by Uther Pendragon

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Spencer Albright


Mythological Scene

Oil on canvas

832 x 471 mm.

Andromeda is tied naked to a large tree in an otherwise stony and

sandy wilderness. Her arms are above her head, her ankles are

tied behind the tree; this thrusts her body forward and spreads

her legs. To our right is the head and severed neck of a sea

serpent. To our left is a stack of Perseus' armor and other

impedimenta. Perseus himself is shown in the act of untying his


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Le Bain des Cousins.

[Bath of the Cousins]


16th ? Century

Gold and Enamel Bowl

Bowl 120 mm. diameter, 43 mm. deep, with Figures 52 and 44 mm. high

The inside of the bowl is covered in black enamel up to ca. 1 cm.

of the rim. The 5 cm. figure of the naked boy rests on the

enamel to just above his waist. He is naked and slightly erect.

The 4.5 cm. figure of the girl, on the opposite side, only has

her feet touching the enamel. She is also naked, with her hips

and one hand on the rim and the other hand hiding her pudenda.

When the bowl contains water up to the level of the enamel,

however, the hairless pudenda -- in exquisite detail -- are

visible in reflection. The boy seems to be looking at that


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La Cascade

[The Waterfall]

Eduard Denude



Oil on canvas

732 x 353 mm.

A pinkish-brown rock wall, black water streaming unhindered in

front of it until it meets two symmetrical, nearly spherical,

eruptions of white foam at the bottom of the painting.

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Dunyazade Asks For a story
Spencer Albright


Mythological Scene

Oil on canvas

232 x 576 mm.

Two girls. One, ca. 15 years old, is lying on a bed. We see

only one arm and her head turned to look down that arm. She

is open-mouthed in shock or agony. The other, ca. 8, is facing

her holding the older girls hand in both of hers. We see her

from a little above the waist. There is a tear just starting

from her eye.

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Un Etude Pour <<La Cascade>>

[A Study For "The Waterfall"]

Eduard Denude


Figure study

Charcoal and crayon on paper

152 x 98 mm.

A nude woman seen from the back. She holds her long hair up at

the back of her head so that the ends just brush the top of her

buttocks. Those buttocks are highlighted with swirls of white

crayon. Several other partial sketches of the same scene are in

the corners of the paper, each with the white highlights.

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Gerald Bridge


Mythological Scene

Acrylic on board

427 x 841 mm.

A modern barn. In left center, a naked woman bends over, facing

left, supporting herself on a bale of hay. Her large dangling

breasts just miss the hay. On the right, a bull sporting an

erection approaches her.

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La Forete

[The Forest]

Eduard Denude



Oil on canvas

460 x 392 mm.

A symmetric valley leads towards a forested mount. The nearby

stone is featureless; the distant mount has contours, but the

trees nearly hide them.

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Die Geschwesteren

[The Sisters]

Heinrich Geh



Oil on wood

623 x 548 mm.

On the right: The edge of a plantation mansion. Leaning out of

an upper window is a young woman in elaborate costume and

elegantly arranged hair. On the left: a young woman at ground

level with her hands tied to a rectangular frame. She is

collapsed forwards, and -- by the marks on her back -- has

evidently been lashed very recently. Aside from the clothes and

hair, the two women are identical; in face, in shape, even in

their pose.

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Robert Jameson



Acrylic and charcoal on canvas

732 x 425 mm.

Figure of a supine woman; fully painted from the waist to the

knees (at bottom of picture), merely sketched in above the

waist, except for two bright nipples. The thighs, although fully

painted, are fuzzy as if out of focus. So is a

disproportionately large man's hand above the right thigh. In

the hand is a paintbrush which is depicted in increasing

sharpness towards the tip. This spreads a very thin line of

intense red up the center of the woman's pubic thicket. The line

has reached about the height of the midpoint of her thighs.

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La Mariee Heureuse Va Se Laver

[The Happy Bride Goes To Wash]

Pierre Raimond



Oil on canvas

327 x 318 mm.

The view is of a woman's buttocks and thighs, with only enough

space above her to show that she is bent over and only enough bed

on either side to see that she is leaving it. There is a splash

running down her right (far) thigh; it is white, streaked with

pink. Another, smaller, drop falls towards that thigh.

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John Salway



Acrylic on board

932 x 476 mm.

A woman from directly in front. Her head hangs down so that the

hair covers her face. Her left arm covers all of her

breasts save the swells at the bottom. Her right hand covers her

pudenda, except the left top corner of her pubic hair. Below

that hand, we see the open end of a condom. It is dangling from

her sex.

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La Muraille

[The Wall]

Eduard Denude



Oil on canvas

450 x 260 mm.

Featureless, pink-sandstone walls slope upwards on either side.

Directly in front is (from bottom to top) a wall of somewhat

brighter color than the ones on either side reaching nearly to

the center of the canvas, the rounded top of an doorway just

seen over the wall, a spout -- as if for rainwater, an elaborate

window with a woman in medieval headgear looking out, the domed

roof of the building with a few sprigs of ivy crowing on it. The

sky is a bright, springtime, blue.

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Lydia Castillo



Oil on canvas

500 x 300 mm.

A naked woman lies on a bed, our point of view is from above her

head. Her feet are drawn together and near her buttocks; her

left knee is on the bed and her right knee is nearly on the bed

on the other side. Her hands grip the sheet on either side of

her buttocks. Her face is in a grimace which could be pain, could

be ecstasy. Through a window at the foot of the bed pours golden

light. This concentrates at her groin, and spills off to her

left side. At that edge, there are a few golden coins.

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Prenuptial Coiffeur


Peter Fabian

Harem Scene

Oil on canvass

1237 x 1981 mm.

In the center of a harem scene (as traditionally depicted by 19th

century European painters) a woman with quite pale skin lies

across two Persian carpets. She is surrounded by women and girls

of tints from tan to ebony. None of them wear anything below the

neckline. Three of them are dressing the central woman's auburn

hair. Several are holding her wrists and ankles. One at each

armpit and one at each side of her waist are plucking her hair

with tweezers. The ones at her groin are about half done, enough

undone to show that she is even redder below than above -- enough

done to give us a view of the already plucked lips. These are

puffy, slightly spread, and aimed straight at the viewer.

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The Reason


Trevor Harding


Acrylic on board

607 v 607 mm.

On the left is a face, despite being turned half away from us and

depicted in yellow, it is clearly recognizable as the face from

Munch's "Scream." On the right, reaching from the right edge

well past the center of the picture, painted in a bright red and

looking more plastic than flesh, is an enormous phallus.

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La Tache

[The Task]

Eduard Denude



Oil on canvas

620 x 235 mm.

A fissure leads upwards from the viewer on a vertical face of

whitish rock. Towards the top of the picture, the fissure is

blocked by a boulder of the same sort of rock. A much smaller

crevice splits the bottom two thirds of the boulder.

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La Vallee

[The Valley]


Eduard Denude


Oil on canvas

540 x 325 mm.

A valley. The sides nearest us are bare and featureless. Over

those, we can see another -- verdant -- set of hills on either

side. In the center foreground, the far side of a hole or tunnel

just beginning. Beyond that, a spring. Beyond the spring, the

sides of the valley come together in more intricate folds leading

to a verdant hill just at the top of the picture.

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Breton-American Collection

Uther Pendragon


An entirely different sort of story is involved in:

life.txt "Life Sentence"

This "catalog" was originally posted as part of a larger catalog

organized by Mat Twassel.

Journal of Desire Winter-Spring 2000-2001

The list of all my stories is at:
