

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Mermaid Movie Chapter 1

This story is fiction. It involves the use of models to be dressed as

mermaids for a movie sequence, where they must wear the mermaid costumes

for a long time during which they must consume a lot of fluid, but cannot

urinate. No hard sex, nothing non-consensual.

W/s (Hold-it), exhibitionism, consensual, MFFFFFF

By Francine

Chapter 1 A Challenge

Tim Holt recognized a real challenge when he saw one, even if his client

didn't. Tim worked with a small modeling agency in a moderately sized

seacoast town of New England, and it wasn't unusual for him to be called

upon to provide models for photographers or movie makers using his area for

location work. The rocky seashore area was popular for vacationers and

make a great backdrop for shoreline activities.

Russell Thatcher, producing a low-budget movie, had called on Tim with a

very simple request; he needed six models who would be costumed as mermaids

and would serve as a kind of background scenery for a sequence he intended

to shoot. Originally, the scene had been planned for nearer his home

studio in California; but the director had recently viewed a location not

far from Tim, and decided it was just the perfect spot to use, so they had

decided to shoot on location. Tim now had been asked to find six female

models to portray the mermaids, and to be ready with them in about ten

days. Thatcher's company would rent a small studio in Tim's area, where

they would store their equipment, and prepare the actors and models for the


Tim had been provided a synopsis of the script, for his use in selecting

suitable candidates. The scene they intended to shoot was only a small

part of the movie, and they intended to do it in one day, once everything

was set up. The actual shooting location was to be an isolated rocky area

of coastline about fifty miles away, and at that location there were no

buildings or facilities of any kind, so all of the participants and

equipment would be taken directly there from the rented studio. It was

intended to do all of the shooting in one day, as it would expensive to

return to the location. Also, he had learned that the director was quite

fussy about the quality of his work, and, without an opportunity to return

to the site, he wanted all shooting done with numerous takes. This would

give him maximum opportunity to select that most to his liking for the

final production.

The scene involved a "dream" sequence within a larger story. Only the

"dream" sequence would be shot here. The scenario called for what would be

portrayed as a dream of the main character (played by a male actor). In

the story, the principal character has heard a legend that mermaids inhabit

a certain isolated coastal area where they can occasionally be seen by

humans. In the dream sequence, he dreams that he and two friends go in

their truck to the area, intent on capturing mermaids, which they would

intend to take home with them. As they explore the area, they come upon a

family of mermaids, consisting of five young mermaids and their

ever-watchful mermaid mother. All of them are reclining on rocks by the

sea. The men approach the mermaids and make overtures to befriend them.

In typical mermaid fashion, the mermaids never speak, but the men consider

how to go about capturing three of them, while they do not want to tangle

with the mother who keeps an eye on everything going on. They hit upon an

idea, and produce from their truck a supply of champagne glasses and a

number of bottles of champagne (in dream sequences one does not need to be

concerned with the logic of carrying such things in a truck). They offer

the mermaids, including Mama mermaid, champagne. Never having tasted it

before, the mermaids sip it cautiously, then enthusiastically down it -

glass after glass. While they are doing this, the men debate among

themselves which of the mermaids they will try to take. After a time, all

of the mermaids, including the mother, become so drunk they pass out. The

men then carry the three they have selected, unconscious, back to their

truck and drive away.

The scene seems simple. The actors do all the talking and the action.

The mermaids only have to sit there, look pretty, and drink numerous

glasses of champagne. In reality, of course, it won't be champagne, but

soda water or something similar that will look like champagne; but they

will have to drink it, as that is their part of the action. And, Tim knew,

each scene would be shot many times.

So he knew he needed six women, five youthful ones, and one older one to

portray the mother. All they had to do was lie on the rocks, in costume,

and drink simulated champagne. Russell had not seen that it should be

difficult to find female models locally to portray the mermaids.

Yes, Tim thought, he could probably find five girls and one older woman

to be mermaids. Thatcher's company was going to provide the costumes,

which were already made, and the place where they would dress and be made

up. Thatcher had told him, of course, that mermaids were ordinarily

topless, and the models would have to appear this way (it was obviously an

adult-oriented movie). The costumes covered the models only from the waist

down. Tim recognized that this did impose a bit of a limitation, but he

could find girls willing to be topless for this scene. A bigger problem,

but not unsolvable, would be the "mother" mermaid, as Thatcher had

specified that she must have gray hair (this could be sprayed, if

necessary, but natural gray would be preferred), and must have the

appearance of an attractive woman about fifty or more.. She would have to

appear bare-breasted, as a mermaid, but it was specified that her breasts
must have a fair amount of droop, so as to clearly suggest that she is much

older than the others. Tim knew he could come up with older models, but

the requirement to be attractive in appearance yet to have obviously

drooping breasts and a willingness to display them bare, would somewhat

limit the field.

Tim had done a bit of research on who among his lists of models he might

use, when he decided that he needed to be certain just what the costuming

would be like. When he found out from Russell Thatcher a little more about

the costumes, he began to realize he indeed had a challenge on his hands.

The mermaid costumes had already been made, and at minimum cost (this

was a low budget movie). Since they were to be used only for one day, it

had not been thought necessary to make them particularly durable or

reusable. After all, the mermaids would only lie on the rocks in them

while the scene was being shot. They didn't have to move around; they

could be carried into position, and the actors would carry off several of

them later.

Actually, the wearers would hardly be able to move, at least from the

waist down. The wearers would have nothing on from the waist up, but the

costumes would encase them from the waist down, completely hiding their

legs. Instructions had been prepared for dressing the mermaids, and Tim

had read them. While specific, they did not directly suggest any major


He had been given a size range for the models, but the costumes could

accommodate a reasonable range of sizes. He noted the one for the mother
was a bit larger. Size would not be a major problem. Under the costumes,

the wearers could not wear anything. Underwear of any kind might cause

lines to show or would interfere with the make-up process. Before putting

on the costume, the wearer would have to lie (presumably naked) holding her

legs together. A thin but tough ribbon was to be used to loosely bind both

legs together, to prevent any accidental movement which might damage the

costume; so, once dressed, the wearer had to remain with her legs bound

together until the day's work was done. The costumes themselves were

fragile, being made of a kind of paper mache with an elastic top.

Actually, each would come in three pieces; a front and back which were

molded into the fishtail shape, and which would be placed on the wearer and

the two halves then fastened together; after which the elastic portion

would be slid into position over the top portion and covering the area just

below the wearer's waist.

The make-up people could trim the front and back halves slightly to

adjust the fit to the wearer, and after all the pieces were in place, a

type of body make-up would be applied over any visible seams and to shade

the costume into the wearer's body.

Obviously, the costumes were intended to be worn only once, and once in

place, were not intended to be taken off until no longer needed. As the

actual costumes were fragile and were not intended to be reused, the wearer

had to keep her legs together and quite still as long as she wore the


Thatcher's costumer had sent Tim a note with a bit of added information.

"Whoever you select as a mermaid needs to know that she will have to be

dressed in the costume very early in the day, and the process of dressing

and applying make-up will probably take an hour, possibly an hour and a

half. She will have to wear the costume all day, or at least until the

shooting is finished. She can move her legs a little, but the costume will

probably make her feel cramped. With the costume on, she cannot walk or

even crawl, so she will have to be carried to wherever she must go. Also,

this type of costume tends to be quite warm for the body parts it covers.

She will probably find that her legs get hot, but as she will be bare from

the waist up, and presumably near the seashore with the probability of some

cool breezes, it should be tolerable. When we designed these costumes, we

expected to be shooting very near the studio, so you will need to make the

wearers aware of the time it will take to transport them to the scene of


The challenge, Tim realized, was the time the models would have to wear

the mermaid costumes. An hour and a half to get dressed and made up, he

calculated, plus about two hours and a half to get to the location

(possibly an optimistic assumption, given its isolation), then maybe an

hour or two to set up. That came to six hours, and Russell had said he

wanted the models available for at least six hours to do the shooting and

retakes, with the possibility of overtime if needed. Even not counting the

trip back, the models would need to wear the mermaid costumes twelve hours

or more. He verbally went over his calculations with Lucy, his office

assistant sitting across from him.

"Lucy, don't you think those girls are going to get very cramped legs,

having to keep them together in that suit for twelve hours? Think we can

get girls willing to do it? Seems a long time!"

"Tim, you started out saying all they had to do was lie there in the

costumes while the shooting goes on. By the time they get to the shooting,

they'll have been in those things six hours. I hope they're still going to

feel like looking pretty! Glad it isn't going to be me. I hope you come

up with a warm day for their top halves and a cool one for their bottoms!"

"Well, at least they'll get to guzzle some make-believe champagne! Russ

said he expected a number of takes, and they have to be seen drinking the

stuff. That'll keep them cooled off!"

"Champagne! You didn't tell me about the champagne!"

"Don't get excited, Lucy. It'll only be make-believe champagne, but

each girl will probably get to drink two or three glasses for each take.

The drinking has to be real, that's been specified. So they won't be

thirsty. I'll try to arrange to have it chilled, so it will help keep them

comfortably cool."

"COMFORTABLY cool? They may be cool, but they sure won't be

comfortable. I didn't know about the champagne part of it. You may have a

real problem getting girls who can do this!" Lucy seemed a bit dubious.

"Yeah, I figured we'll have to explain it all to them. But I can hike

the hourly rate a bit, and they ought to be able to endure a few cramps in

their legs for what they'll get. Especially if it runs into overtime!"

"You're worried about cramps in their legs? That's going to be a

minimal problem. Tim, don't you know anything about female biology?"

"What do you mean? Every model has to get used to a little discomfort!"

Lucy shook her head in disgust. "Tim, how long do you figure they have

to keep those fish legs on, altogether?"

"Probably a bit over twelve hours. They'll need to be prepared for

possibly fifteen, though, with the chance of overtime or the return trip."

"Tim, do a little thinking. They are in those things, all sewed up,

with their legs tied together. Once they're in that state, they can't go

to the bathroom until the day's over. Right?"

Tim thought a bit. He had been thinking of the hot legs cramped up in

the fishtail costumes. Lucy had a significant point. "I guess you're

right. So we better warn them before they go..."

"BEFORE? Tim, could you go twelve hours, let alone fifteen, without

going to the bathroom? Even without guzzling a dozen glasses of

make-believe champagne? Then you want them to drink like fish during a six

hour shoot, which may mean they have to down a couple of liters of the

stuff, if he insists on a lot of retakes. Then, if one of them leaks, the

costume gets wet and you know they're not waterproof, so they will fall

apart. You better find girls with iron bladders!"

"Lucy, what am I going to do? Russ is an important client, and he isn't

going to budge on his requirements. We've got to find six models for this

job. How do we do it?"

"Look, Tim, about all I know is that I couldn't do what this is going to

take, even if I had the shape for it. You're going to have to call those

on your list and give them the requirements. You've got to tell them the

job calls for posing half nude with their legs encased in a tail for

fifteen hours, while drinking a quart or two of liquid and absolutely no

bathroom breaks! You'd better offer a good price! And even if they say

they'll do it, you'd better come up with a way to test them, because if it

turns out they can't do it you're going to have a big problem!"

All of this resulted in a long planning session, well into the evening,

between Tim and Lucy. Eventually they did come up with a plan.

END OF CHAPTER 1 (Chapter 2 next)