

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Midsummer 1

WARNING: This story includes sexually explicit material.

Please note any unfamiliar spellings and phrases may be due to the fact

I am English, not American.

I would like to thank the proof-readers for all their help

Any comments, including constructive criticisms, would be most

appreciated. Please send to

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copy for your personal use as long as my by-line and e-mail address and

this paragraph remain on the copy. Any posting or reposting on a website,

other than the archive or Dejanews, or to a newsgroup requires my

permission first (but I'll probably say yes). This story should not, under

any circumstances be used to make a profit by anyone other than the author


REPOST NOTE: This was my attempt to write an orgy story about normal people

with normal lives.


Midsummer Night's Orgy Vickie Morgan

Chapter One

Rebecca finished loading the dishwasher and turned the kettle on. She

put her head round the sitting-room door to inquire if Tony wanted a cup of

tea, and received an affirmative grunt by way of reply. Passing the phone,

a message scrawled on the notepad next to it caught her eye.

"When did Natalie phone?" she demanded, annoyed that he hadn't mentioned

it before.

"What?" Tony asked without taking his eyes off the television.

"There's a message by the phone that Natalie called. You remember

Natalie, my old university friend? We shared a house? Natalie Robinson?"

"Yeah, of course I remember Nat. She called yesterday, said something

about it being time to catch up on old times," Tony said. "I wrote her

number down for you."

"Thanks for telling me," Rebecca grumbled. She set the tea to stewing

while she thought about returning Natalie's call. They had been such close

friends at university, almost inseparable. There had been three of them,

Natalie, Dawn and Rebecca. Everyone had called them 'The Three Witches',

partly fuelled by Dawn's eccentricities. They had vowed always to remain

friends but they had all gradually drifted apart over the years. The last

time Rebecca had spoken to Natalie it must have been over two years ago and

it was almost as long since she had talked to Dawn.

Rebecca smiled as she remembered some of the wild times they'd had

together. Then a thought struck her and she shot a worried look at the

calendar. Their last night together they had gone down to the beach and

built a big bonfire. They had sat around it through the night, drinking

and laughing. At some point Rebecca remembered Dawn making an outrageous


"Whatever happens, we have to meet up for the last summer solstice of

the millennium. We can't miss celebrating that."

"You're such a pagan," Natalie had told her. "It's just another day.

If you were chinese or Jewish or something it wouldn't even be the end of

the millennium."

"There's always something magical about midsummer's night," Rebecca had

said. "It never gets dark, just all purple and silver all night long."

"Of course it's magic," Dawn had insisted. "Come on, let's make a pact.

Whatever happens, wherever we are, we'll meet up and celebrate the last

midsummer's day of the century. Come on, swear."

"Ok, I swear I'll celebrate midsummer, 1999 with you two," Natalie had

said. "But I'm not cutting my thumb and doing the blood mixing thing, so

don't bother asking."

"Don't worry, I know how squeamish you are about blood," Dawn had

replied. "Rebecca, your turn."

"I swear I'll celebrate midsummer night with you two," Rebecca had said

obligingly. "How are we going to celebrate though?"

"Come back here, build another bonfire, have an orgy," Dawn had

suggested casually.

"What!" Rebecca demanded.

"An orgy, how else could we celebrate?" Dawn had asked innocently.

"What's up, not chicken are you Becca?"

"No, she's probably worried her boyfriend won't let her," Natalie had


"Hey, Tony doesn't control what I do," Rebecca had replied indignantly.

"Ok, an orgy it is. I'll see you both there."

What had seemed like a good idea at twenty-one didn't seem quite as

sensible eight years later. Rebecca couldn't believe that Natalie and Dawn

were actually going to go through with it. But why else would Natalie call

out of the blue, a month before midsummer's night.

Unsettled, Rebecca carried the mugs of tea through to the sitting room

and collapsed on the sofa next to Tony. He muttered some kind of thank you

when she gave him his tea, but his gaze never wavered from the television

screen. Rebecca sighed, resigned to his ways, and went back to worrying

about what to say to Natalie. There was no way she could possibly take

part in an orgy, but she had to come up with a good excuse. Natalie was

now a high profile and very successful lawyer while Dawn worked at a

natural health centre during the day and also taught at a local college.

In contrast, Rebecca just worked part-time on the tills at the local

Safeways. She didn't want to just refuse to go the orgy because she had

succumbed to middle-class morality. She needed a good excuse, but her mind

remained stubbornly blank.

She considered asking Tony for help, but he seemed totally absorbed by

the flickering box in the corner, as he seemed to be every night nowadays.

She didn't know when the subversive thought first crept into her mind, but

once lodged it refused to leave. She could just go. Tony wouldn't object

to her spending some time with her old friends. In fact, she would be

surprised if he even noticed she wasn't there until he wanted something to

eat. Slowly, a knot of excitement formed in her stomach. The thought of

attending an orgy was so strange, so exciting, so unlike anything that

normally happened in her humdrum, mediocre life.

Filled with determination, she went out into the hall, picked up the

phone and dialled Natalie's number.

"Hi Natalie, it's Rebecca," she said brightly.

"Becca!" Natalie's voice came clearly down the line. "Hello stranger.

How long has it been since we last spoke."

"Hello yourself," Rebecca replied, smiling just to hear her familiar

accents. "It's been too long. Although I was half expecting to hear from

one of you, considering the date."

"The date?" Natalie asked.

"Um, not long until the orgy date, is it," Rebecca said, hoping she

sounded more confident then she felt.

Natalie was completely taken aback. She frantically searched her memory

for whatever Rebecca was referring to.

"Yeah, I suppose its not that long," Natalie said cautiously. Then she

remembered: sat around a bonfire and Dawn making them swear to meet up for

an orgy on the last midsummer's night of the millennium. She couldn't

believe Rebecca expected them to go through with it. She wouldn't have

been surprised to be having this conversation with Dawn, but Rebecca had

always the sensible one. "So, you're still going to go through with it?"

she asked. "I thought Tony would have refused to let his little wife go

off to an orgy."

"Where do you get this strange idea Tony controls my life?" Rebecca

demanded indignantly. "Now, I presume you are organising the details. Let

me know what you want me to bring."

"Well the most essential thing is going to be men, don't you think,"

Natalie drawled. "How many do you think you'll be able to lay your hands


"Um, I'm not sure right now," Rebecca replied, wondering what she had

got herself into.

"Ok. I'm going to talk to Dawn, and then I'll get back to you nearer

the time," Natalie said briskly. "It's been great talking to you again,

Becca. See you at the orgy."

"Yeah, see you then. I'm looking forward to it," Rebecca lied.

Natalie gently replaced the telephone receiver and stared blankly at the

wall. She couldn't believe the conversation she had just had. If she had

known what the impulse to get back in touch with her old friends would lead

to she would have firmly squashed it. She had been feeling lonely recently

and she had thought a nice chat with Rebecca or Dawn would have made her

feel better. There was no way she could have admitted to Rebecca that the

idea of an orgy scared her silly. So her foolish pride had made her

pretend that she was blasé about the whole thing. Now her only hope was

that Dawn would refuse to go along and provide Natalie with a legitimate

excuse to cancel. It was a weak hope at best, but there was always a

chance that Dawn had become more sensible as she had grown older.

Natalie looked around her apartment. Everything was carefully chosen to

co-ordinate and be as tasteful as possible. Somehow, today it seemed

sterile and lifeless. Maybe something as crazy as an orgy was just what

she needed to spice up her life. She had just finished a long and bitter

court case between two hostile ex-partners, which had left her, tired and

disillusioned. If nothing else, it would distract her from work. And all

the magazines insisted that sex was a great stress-buster. She might even

be able to claim the expenses back against tax.

There was no time like the present, so Natalie looked up Dawn's number

and dialled it in. She had forgotten how bubbly Dawn was. Even her

'hello' sounded cheerful.

"Hi Dawn, it's Natalie."

"Nat! How lovely," Dawn cried. "I haven't heard from you for ages.

How have you been? Still being the super-lawyer?"

"Doing my best," Natalie replied, smiling despite herself.

"Oh you career women. You need to kick back and relax a bit," Dawn told

her. "I bet you don't even have a boyfriend."

"I refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate me," Natalie


"Haven't changed a bit," Dawn sighed. "So, to what do I owe the honour

of a phone call?"

"Well, Becca and I thought we'd better start making arrangements.

Wouldn't do to leave things to the last minute, would it?"

"Arrangements?" Dawn asked. "Arrangements for what?"

"For the orgy, of course," Natalie said innocently. "You hadn't

forgotten had you?"

"Orgy?" Dawn echoed. While she wouldn't have been surprised if some of

her friends had casually referred to an orgy, Natalie wasn't one of them.

Yet Natalie was talking as if Dawn should know what she was talking about.

If Rebecca was involved then it had to be something from university, the

three of them hadn't really been together since then.

"I thought you two wouldn't be wanting to go through with it, now you're

both all grown up and boring." Dawn said, playing for time.

"Well there's only one end of the century solstice," Natalie said

cheerfully. "And we have to keep our vows, even if we didn't sign it in

blood." Suddenly Dawn remembered, sitting around a campfire, making plans

for the future. Some crazy idea about having an orgy. She had a horrible

feeling it had been one of her crazy ideas. But who would have thought

that two such conventional women as Natalie and Rebecca would have been

prepared to go through with it. If they were up for it, there was no way

she could chicken out. She had a reputation to live up to, after all.

"All right, excellent," Dawn said. "How are we going to organise this?"

"Well, it's probably best if I handle it, don't you think?" Natalie

suggested. "You're not known for your organisational skills and Becca

isn't much better. I've got a couple of windows in my schedule, so I'll

check things out and let you know. Ok?"

"Sounds good to me," Dawn said. "Hope we can still get to the beach."

"First thing I'm going to check out," Natalie told her. In fact, I'll

probably go down this weekend."

"Sounds great," Dawn said. "It'll be a blast just for us all to get

together again. I take it you've been talking to Becca. How is she? I

thought she would have a whole horde of sprogs by now."

"She seemed fine. Still with Tony the Terrible, but no mention of kids.

You're right, it's been too long."

"The Three Witches meet again," Dawn said, just to hear Natalie's

reaction. Natalie had always hated that title and sure enough she gave an

indignant snort.

Laughing, Dawn put down the phone and wandered into her kitchen to make

a mug of camomile tea. She needed something to calm her down. It was one

thing to propose an orgy just to be outrageous, quite another to actually

plan and attend one. She wandered around her tiny cottage, lighting

incense sticks and dropping some lavender oil into a burner. As the

soothing aromas seeped into her senses, she let her mind drift back to her

university days. She had had such fun, and Rebecca and Natalie had been a

major part of that fun. She hadn't had any friends as close as since. She

just wasn't sure if an orgy was the best kind of a reunion.

Then she stopped and reconsidered. A few years ago, she would have

leapt at the idea. Maybe she was getting staid in her old age. After all,

she was thirty in less then six months, as her boyfriend had reminded her

just last week when he left her for a eighteen old. Of course, he had only

been twenty-one himself. Dawn looked at the box of his possessions that

were waiting by the door for him to pick up. It seemed that Peter didn't

even care enough about their relationship to bother picking up the things

he'd left behind. She just wished she could cut off her emotions as

easily. Somehow an orgy was looking more and more attractive. Doing

something wild like that might help her centre herself, regain some of her

youthful enthusiasm again. At the very least it would distract her from

moping around the house brooding about her love life.

Copyright Vickie Morgan, June 1999 E-mail

This story is distributed free of charge for your entertainment. It

does take quite a lot of time and effort to write, type, edit and post a

story, especially a long one like this. All I ask is that you take a

couple of minutes to e-mail me, let me know that you've read this and

perhaps give some reaction. Thank you.