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Unexpected Consequences

Unexpected Consequences {Redman}

When I saw it on Bobby's computer, I was stunned. Home

for lunch today, I went to put away his clothes. I'm

not a snoopy mother. Really, I'm not! A boy needs

privacy. I've taught him to respect mine; I give him

his as well. But he had obviously rushed off this

morning, forgetting what was there.

There, on the screen, what I saw was deeply troubling!

I know such things exist. I just never thought I'd see

them in my own home. Certainly not in Bobby's room!

Bobby is a quiet, serious boy. He's only fourteen

and the story of incest and violence that I saw on his

monitor was painful for even me to read. I know I

can't protect him from all life's terrors, but I can

and I will protect him from this.

I understand computers. I use them every day at work.

So, after calling in and saying I had a family

emergency, I set out to find where my son was getting

such stories and to know the extent of this behavior.

I looked first on his hard drive. I found them easily,

dozens of stories, most with obscene titles. Many of

them contained the word "Mother." These distressed me


But then I reasoned, all boys fantasize about their

mothers. Even the ancient Greeks wrote about it. So I

applied the first rule of parenthood: Don't panic! I

read them. They were shocking true, but that soon wore

off. A few of them were just crude and stupid. But

most he had saved, the better-written ones, would have

been arousing in any other context. I saw at least my

son had better taste than the first few examples made

me fear.

I searched more thoroughly. I made notes on his

favorite newsgroups and websites. That's when I saw


I had pulled up a bookmarked website titled

"Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository." I clicked through

the page with the attractive blonde and there it was,

in the list of "New Files." {ASSM} Photographs and

Memories by Desdmona (MF rom) - whatever all that


That was the title of Robert's favorite song. Just

seeing those three words in print made me realize

again how lonely I'd been since he died. God, I missed

him so much! The pain was suddenly so raw, I almost

didn't click it. But once I did, I couldn't stop

reading. All of the memories that story evoked. Robert

and I... our first time... Such a sweet experience

then. Such a bittersweet memory now!

I didn't confront Bobby when he came home. I couldn't

so soon after reading that story.

Tonight as I lay in my bed, I struggled over what to

say to him when I did, how I could use this to help

him grow to be the man his father was. Then I closed

my eyes and thought about that story. Suddenly, Robert

was holding me and we made love for the first time...
