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Wonder Woman's Most Fulfilling Adventure



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Archive name: wwp.txt

Authors name: Homer Vargas

Story title : Wonder Woman's Most Fulfilling Adventure


(c) Copyright Homer Vargas - 1998 - This work is

copyrighted to the author, with all rights reserved.

This story may be archived and displayed on non-

commercial web sites without permission, but please

make no chages to the text and do not remove the

author name or address. Thank you


This takes off from and uses some scenes and

language from another story with a similar title,

author unknown to me, but I have taken the idea in

a different direction.


By Homer Vargas (

The day began like many others would for our

superheroine friend with the usual easy capture of

common criminals and petty thieves. But it would

end like no other, for our sexy super heroine

would begin an adventure like none she had

experienced before, one that would change her life


Our story began routinely enough in the

steamy jungles of South America with the eruption

of a volcano near a small native village at the

headwaters of the Amazon. The volcano erupted

with astounding ferocity, shooting ash and lava as

far as the eye could see. The lava's roaring

torrent ate away at the landscape as it rushed

down toward a tiny isolated village.

The village could have been there for

thousands of years thus, its inhabitants had

thought the giant monster to the North was but a

distant memory to a time that had long since

passed. Now suddenly their village was faced with

certain annihilation.

That morning Wonder Woman had helped in the

apprehension of a couple of bank robbers. This

afternoon she was flying the South America patrol

for the Justice League of America when she noticed

the volcanic eruption and saw the plight of the

village. She turned her invisible plane around at

once, knowing that she was the village's only

hope. Within minutes she was over the site. With

the lava rushing toward the village she realized

there was no time to spare. From in her plane she

lassoed a large bolder and with all the power the

plane could muster lifted the bolder and placed it

on top of the volcano's crater, diverting the lava

flow harmlessly in another direction. In this way

she was able to stem the lava's forward progress.

Only when she was sure that the danger from

the volcano was past did Wonder Woman land her

plane in a clearing next to the village. There

she was greeted by a throng of women who bowed

down before her and worshipped as if she were a

goddess. Wonder Woman tried to explain that she

was not a goddess, (Of course she is a goddess in

any *man's* book.) and said she only did what any

superheroine would have done. Never having read

Marvel Comics, however, the women did not

understand this explanation but insisted she come

with them into the village for a feast. Wonder

Woman graciously accepted the invitation.

It was a beautiful village with neat thatched

huts and fields around were laid out

geometrically. As she looked around she became

aware that there was something odd about the

village. It was *too* pretty, *too* orderly.

There was no trash lying about. The lanes were

lined with white stones that matched almost

perfectly. The thatch of the huts was evenly

trimmed and the mud walls were all painted in

bright cheerful colors. Each hut had a window box

of plants. Rows of flowers were interspersed

among the lush crops. Cows had bows around their

necks and pigs were squeaky (Agggh!) clean . The

village seemed so... *feminine.*

That was it! Wonder Woman realized that

there were no *men* around. When she inquired and

explained what she meant, the women just laughed.

Yes, there were stories and legends about another

kind of human -- larger, smellier creatures,

totally unsuited to village life. Perhaps some

lived on the other side of the mountains, but none

of the women had ever seen one. They knew of no

other people but themselves. Their valley was cut

off on three sided by the sheer flanks of the

volcano and the river exited through an impassible

gorge. As Wonder Woman saw the amazing variety of

crops produced on the rich volcanic soil, the

fruit that could be gathered from the jungle, and

the large number of domestic animals, she could

see how the village was able to exist comfortably,

though completely isolated off from the outside

world. They received and needed nothing from the

outside but, except...

Then Wonder Woman came to another shocking

realization. Although there were no men in the

village or anywhere in the whole valley, there

were women of all ages from smiling old crones to

infant girls. In fact, she noticed there was a

group of beautiful young women that all seemed to

be about eight months pregnant. One doe-eyed

beauty typified the others, looking ever so lovely

with her gorgeous round belly and full firm

breasts all of which she somehow just managed to

cover. The clothes on her pregnant body looked

like they were ready to explode so tightly was it

stretched to cover the woman's ever expanding

form. The cloth was light blue in color and

through it you could see the woman's nipples which

stood out, pointed and stiff The cloth was so

tight that it seemed to cup each breast and made

them seem even fuller which only accentuated every

sensual curve of this pregnant nymph's sexy shape.

Wonder Woman could just about make out the stretch

marks through the cloth. And then of course there

was her belly button which was being forced out by

the ever growing child within.

How was this possible? She wondered. but

decided it was best not to ask the women directly

just then because she felt it might offend them.

Perhaps at the feast she would learn more as

indeed she did -- much much more than she ever


Wonder Woman also noticed with a displeasure

she tried to conceal that the women of the village

were very free with their bodies. She saw girls

kissing each other on the mouth or women giving

one another an affectionate slap on the ass, or

squeezing together in embrace so warm their tits

must touch. She saw couples drift off only to

come back later flushed and laughing as if they

had been doing something delightfully naughty. In

her prudish way, Wonder Woman attributed this

immorality to ignorance and isolation from

wholesome American culture, though she was too PC

to say such a thing.

The fires were being lit and a sumptuous meal

prepared and as the first flagons of wine began to

be passed around, Wonder Woman got up the courage

to inquire how village women could conceive

without men. The group of smiling village elders

-- gorgeous, voluptuous women in their -- forties?

-- broke into gales of nervous laughter and told

Wonder Woman to come with them. They guided her

outside the village along a carefully tended path.

There in a perfect little grove they showed her a

curious pillar.

The leader explained that they prayed to the

pillar and worshipped it as their god. When the

time came, a group of virgins were presented to

the god and, if worthy, each would bear a child.

The pillar was a long phallic shaped object which

stood some 20 feet in the air. Around it were

dozens of smaller phalluses. At the base of the

pillar there was also an inscription which none of

the women could read. To her amazement, Wonder

Woman saw that the script was a very archaic form

of Greek which she could decipher "Thou who art

come of age, give thyself upon the stone and thou

shalt be blessed with child."

Wonder Woman was tempted to dismiss this

inscription and the women's belief out of hand,

but *something* had to explain how women who had

never been with men could bear children. The

pillar fascinated her and she felt herself

strangely drawn to it. As she approached the

pillar she experienced sensations she had never

felt before. She was suddenly more aware of her

sexuality and try as she might to avoid it, sexual

images of herself with a large, harry man flooded

her head. The closer she got to the statute the

hornier she found herself and the more realistic

the fantasy. She saw herself lying on the ground,

her legs spread obscenely with an expression of

total ecstasy on her face as the harry man fucked

away at her vigorously. Her arousal was so

intense that if the other women hadn't been

looking she probably would have masturbated right


Fortunately for her dignity, someone called

the group to come back of the village for the

feast. Moving away from the phallus the sensation

diminished and Wonder Woman was able momentarily

to put out of mind how horny being near the pillar

had made her.

Of course she was led to a place at the head

of the table where she was seated at the side of

the beautiful Queen Althea. During the feast,

however, Wonder Woman's mind kept wondering back

to the sensations she had experienced in the

presence of the pillar.

The native wine was good and surprisingly

potent. Wonder Woman realized she would have to

be careful not to drink too much, but without

realizing it she allowed Althea to keep refilling

her glass until she was quite as tipsy as the rest

of the women. Only Althea remained sober.

At the table next to hers, Wonder Woman

noticed a group of girls that all appeared to be

about sixteen who were being served from a special

pitcher. Through a rather nice buzz, Wonder Woman

reflected that girls so young shouldn't be

drinking. The judgmental superheroine would have

done better to pay attention to her own behavior

rather than worrying about others', for in her

haze she did not notice that her own cup was also

being filled from that same pitcher.

As Queen Althea poured her still another cup

of the special wine, Wonder Woman found herself

thinking about how badly she wanted sex. She felt

a tingling sensation in her breasts and between

her legs. She noticed that her nipples were

distended and that the moisture oozing from her

pussy had produced an expanding wet spot in her

tight blue and star hot pants. Embarrassed, she

hoped Althea did not see it. The urge to reach

down into her briefs and get her self off returned

and became almost unbearable.

Shaking her head to clear her mind of such

thoughts, Wonder Woman looked around and was

shocked. The feast was turning into an orgy. A

sexual frenzy had come upon the women who very

publicly were kissing and feeling each other up or

even 69-ing on mats that had been laid out by the

tables. She turned to Althea expecting the Queen

to stop this disgusting, though arousing, display

of public immorality.

"The spirit of the god is upon us. It is

beautiful is it not?" the Queen said with a serene

smile, seeming to defuse Wonder Woman's unspoken

disapproval. "It is the night of the

Presentation. It is fitting that women express

our love, our desire for one another," she

explained looking deep into Wonder woman's eyes.

"We love you, too, Beautiful One." Before the

astonished Amazon could reply, the Queen placed

her hand behind Wonder Woman's neck and was

kissing her full on the lips.

Wonder Woman's first instinct was to reject

the overture, but with her reflexes dulled by the

wine, she hesitated. The Queen's kiss lingered

and became more passionate. The Queen's arms

slipped around her, pulling her close, the

voluptuous woman's large tits crushing her own.

Wonder Woman realized to her horror that without

thinking she was cuddling close to the older woman

and kissing her back! Her tongue and the Queen's

were writhing together like love-sick snakes What

was happening to her? Maybe it was the wine or

that blasted pillar. She had never done anything

like this before.

A wave of revulsion and shame swept over her

and with an effort of will power she broke the

kiss. "Queen Althea, I thank you for your

hospitality, but I really must go," she managed to

make herself say. "It's a long journey back to my

country," she said, her voice quavering from

barely suppressed lust. The Queen would know that

she was only making an excuse, that seeing women

making love to women made her uncomfortable, but

she wanted to be polite.

The Queen continued to smile regally at her

and did not seem offended. "Oh please do not

leave us just now, Beautiful One. The feast has

just begun. You must stay for the Presentation.

Is there nothing I can do to make you change your


Wonder Woman was about to say "no," but the

words never got the chance to form. The Queen,

answering her own question, slipped a hand into

Wonder Woman's costume and took possession of one

of her tits. "Do you not enjoy a woman's

pleasures?" Althea whispered and kissed her again.

"Stay, Beautiful One, and I will pleasure you."

The bolt of erotic sensation that shot through

Wonder Woman left her weak, too distracted to

object. In a kind of erotic daze, Wonder Woman

allowed the Queen gently to pull her down onto a

nearby mat and to begin sucking first one then

another of her sensitive Amazonian jugs in


Wonder Woman's head swam. She felt giddy,

totally overpowered by a strange desire. She knew

this was totally wrong. She had never allowed

anyone, woman or man, o fondle her tits before.

But she loved what this beautiful mature woman was

doing to her boobs so much, she couldn't make her

stop. Wonder Woman's breath grew short and she

felt a warmth almost like liquid fire growing

inside her. Great Zeus she was about to come and

the woman hadn't even touched her cli...

"No! NO! Aiiiiiii" Wonder Woman screamed in

ecstasy. Her body was convulsed by an intense

orgasm as soon as the Queen's finger had touched

her clitoris. She may have blacked out for a few

seconds. When she opened her eyes again, the

Queen was staring down at her lovingly .

"That was good, Beautiful One. You needed

pleasuring, didn't you?"

Wonder Woman could only look up at her in

dazed confusion and nod her head `yes'.

"I could see your need, Beautiful One, in

your too rapid steps, the way you spoke too fast.

You were tense and your mind was filled with many

things a woman should not trouble with. You will

lie tonight with me. I will relax you, ... take

away your cares.... I will fill you with

pleasure, ... and empty ... your mind," she added

ominously, but Wonder Woman didn't catch the hint

of danger. The Queen continued slowly to finger

the overpowered superheroine's pussy.

Wonder Woman thought dizzily she should

leave, but the orgasm had left her disoriented and

the words of her beautiful companion rang true.

She did need to relax. She had been working

virtually twenty hours a day for weeks. As Diana

Prince she had a high-pressure job as a lawyer and

as Wonder Woman she was constantly on call. On

call! She started. She should be off to continue

her patrol right now, she thought something like

panic gripping her chest. Althea saw Wonder

woman's reaction and quickly spoke a few words.

The queen's voice and magic hand between her legs

stopped Wonder Woman's thought in mid-formation,

calming her instantly.

"You shout too loudly when you come into a

woman's pleasure, Beautiful One. We shall

continue, but you must accompany with me to my

quarters. It will be more ... seemly.

This was insane. A beautiful lesbian had

just seduced her and now wanted to take her away

to her quarters and fuck her senseless? `No

way!'. Then she felt the Queen's magic hand move

within her pussy again and a new wave of desire

swept over her. She needed the promised release.

There was no way she could refuse. The orgasm

this time was not instantaneous. She felt it

build up -- slowly, deliciously, inevitably. But

when it burst over her, Wonder Woman was utterly


Wonder Woman's recollections after that

orgasm were hazy. Perhaps two young women helped

steady her as the Queen lead her from the banquet

to the Queen's quarters. She was pretty sure that

the Queen's fingers never left her pussy as she

was taken away. The Queen held her on the verge

of another orgasm until the two young women gently

put her to bed. "Now we can take our pleasure in

private, Beautiful One," the Queen said as she lay

down beside her and took Wonder Woman in her arms


No, this could not be happening to her, but

then she felt the Queen's lips on her lips ... the

`other' ones. Oh no, oh yes! She was going

down for a woman! No mortal man could have forced

apart Wonder Woman's powerful thighs, but the

Queen found only the slightest resistance as she

gently opened up Wonder Woman's dripping snatch to

her kisses. The aroused and panting Amazon could

only moan when she felt the Queen's tongue invade

the temple of her self. All questions and caution

were suddenly washed away by another orgasm, as

the Queen gently sucked gently on her clitoris.

The Amazonian Princess lost all track of

time. At some point she saw or rather sensed the

Queen had turned around into the 69 position,

placing her moist pussy just above Wonder Woman's

face. The Costumed Crime-Fighter had never done

this, but in a orgasmic daze, she knew what was

expected. She reached up and pulled the Queen's

dripping crotch to her mouth and began to drink

from the older woman's copiously flowing slit.

Soon she was rewarded when the Queen yelped and

came, drenching Wonder Woman's mouth and lips with

her pungent love juice. This triggered yet

another of Wonder Woman's orgasms and then

another as the Queen persistently tongued her slit

and toyed with her clit.

As one orgasm blended into another, Wonder

Woman forgot where she was, who she was, totally

submerged in the giving and receiving of pleasure.

Then -- suddenly? at last? she was aware of the

Queen's rapturous face gazing down at her. "That

was good, Beautiful One. Your body is full of

pleasure. Now you must sleep."

"No, no" Wonder Woman wanted to say. She

could not go to sleep now. She had to get up,...

had to go to the plane, had to ... but her

unuttered protest was in vain, The Queen's magic

fingers found her sensitive clit once again and

she felt the beginnings of another kind of

volcanic eruption. She could only gaze up into

the Queen's eyes.

"Yes, Beautiful One, you had much pleasure

and now you are very tired. You are totally

satisfied, but so much pleasure has exhausted you.

Just a little more pleasure will make you sleep."

Wonder Woman could not focus clearly on the

Queen's words, the approaching orgasm didn't let


"It feels good, Beautiful One. You love what

I am doing to you, making you feel so calm and

relaxed. Your eyes are heavy. Close them and

drink the final draught of pleasure. The pleasure

makes you very drowsy, ... very drowsy...."

"Something ... wrong," Wonder Woman thought

as waves of sleepy arousal lapped ever higher

against her mind's defenses. "Got to fight it....

She's... trying to hyp hypnotize me..."

"It' no use fighting me, Beautiful One, you

are too sleepy Your desire for more pleasure is

too much. Sleep.... Sleep!"

"No, no" her terrified brain cried out, but

her body's demands were too strong. With a final

caress of Wonder Woman's rigid sex bud the Queen

brought the horny Amazon to a final, sense-numbing

orgasm. The last resistance of her powerful mind

was swept away by a flood of erotic sensation and

she fell deeply asleep in the Queen's arms.

The Queen looked down with relief at the

entranced Amazonian Princess. She had done it!

The most powerful woman in the universe had

succumbed just as her Master had said she would.

The drugged wine had worked, she laughed. It had

made the silly superheroine so horny, it had been

easy to seduce and entrance her. "Sleep well for

now, Wonder Woman" she now said to her insentient

adversary, "Soon comes the Presentation and you

are the `guest of honor.'" A grin of evil

satisfaction shown from the Queen's face


Hours later Wonder Woman half awoke on the

bed in the Queen's chamber. She was feeling

wonderful, tingling with excitement as if she knew

something important was about to happen but not

what it was. Outside it was still dark, but there

were sounds of a pipe, beautiful, erotic notes,

the same piping, now that she though about it,

that she had heard in the grove of the phallus.

Again she was aware of the need to leave this

strange village, but the piping music held her.

She was about to look outside when the Queen

walked in.

"I hope you had a good nap, Beautiful One.

The time has come for the Presentation. It is the

most solemn ceremony of the year."

"Thank you, Queen Althea, but I really must

be leaving. You see I have ..."

"Nothing to do that is more important than

attending the Presentation," said the Queen

authoritatively waving her hand in the eyes of the

astonished superheroine.

Wonder Woman blinked in confusion. The Queen

was right again. There was nothing more

important. The mere mention of the mysterious

Presentation had stirred anew the feeling of

excitement, sexual excitement. "As you say, Queen

Althea," she replied with a strangely calm voice.

"But you cannot attend dressed as you are, my

dear," said the Queen with a mysterious smile.

"You are not properly attired. Your strange

clothes reek of power, almost defiance. They are

not fitting garments for a woman who is to be

presented to the god. You are to become the god's

vessel, waiting to be filled. Your raiment must

show meekness and docility."

Had Wonder Woman heard correctly? *She* was

not being presented to the god. "Well," grinned

Wonder Woman, "I'm really NOT a very meek and

docile ..."

The Queen ignored her silly prattle and

clapped her hands. Two lovely nymphs appeared.

The same ones...? "Prepare the Beautiful One for

the Presentation," she ordered

Then she turned back to the confused Amazon,

"You will relax and let your attendants take

charge of everything."

Wonder Woman suddenly felt an almost erotic

tranquillity come over her, so much like earlier

tonight after the Queen had first gotten her off.

She hardly knew what the two girls were doing as

they led her thither and yon, petted her and

bathed her, toweled and perfumed her. Their hands

were never far from her nipples and playfully

teased her moist crack. She felt wonderful and

more ... more *femenine* than ever in her life.

"Now we will apply the unguents to prepare you for

the Presentation," said the taller of the two.

"Rest there."

The powerful woman warrior allowed the two

lithe young women to lead her back the bed where

the Queen had made love to her. Gently they lay

her down and begin to massage her. First they

poured warm oils on her back and shoulders. She

sighed as she inhaled the pungent vapors that sent

her mind drifting elsewhere. Surprisingly strong

fingers flew up and down her back and especially

her large round ass. Wonder Woman felt the

reawakening of arousal as soft hands kneaded her

buttocks and inner thighs, Then she found herself

face up, gazing into the excited faces of her two


"Your body must glow for the God," one said

and more oil was pored over her shapely naked

figure. The pretense of massage had long since

disappeared, but this did not register with Wonder

Woman's lust-befuddled brain. The two women fell

to work bringing the dreamy superheroine to full

arousal. One caressed her large sensitive breasts

while the other began a stealthy but inexorable

invasion of her womanhood. Slowly they stoked the

Amazon to a fever of arousal, but following their

Mistress's orders, were careful not to allow her

the release of orgasm.

Wonder Woman's eyes were closed and she was

moaning softly when the Queen appeared once again.

"Well done, my sweets. She appears to be in total

readiness," she whispered to the two women,

dismissing them. "Come, now, Beautiful One. Your

sisters await you."

Taking Wonder Woman by the hand the Queen bid

the somnambulistic superheroine rise. She opened

her eyes to gaze into the Queen's but saw little

else so strong was her almost trance-like arousal.

Gently the Queen slipped a simple and very short

shift over her sculpted shoulders. In front it

hung from her jutting tits, distended by arousal.

In back it caressed her full rounded ass. Nothing

covered her sex. She felt wonderfully,

deliciously open and vulnerable.

Wonder Woman was taken to join a dozen

similarly dressed young women with dumb, happy

expressions on their faces that matched her own.

If she could have taken notice, Wonder Woman would

have seen they were the same girls that had been

served from the special pitcher at the banquet.

Were not her super senses dulled by the spell of

lust, she would also have smelled the surrounding

musk of females ready for sex. Like Wonder

Woman's, her young companions' pussies were slowly

leaking from intense sexual excitement. Wonder

Woman appeared almost twice the age of these

maidens and her stature and breast size made her

stand out from the rest, a mature, fully ripe

woman among mere nymphs. Hidden, masculine eyes

admired the sight of the sex-transfixed Amazon.

The beautiful piping led them outside the

village to the mysterious pillar. They walked

around the great phallus three times, gazing

upward at it reverently. Each chosen woman was

then placed before one of the smaller phalluses

that encircled the powerful symbol towering above

them. Most of the phalluses were eight to twelve

inches long. The smaller women were placed before

the smaller objects. Wonder Woman's bliss-numb

mind did not take in that she was positioned

before the largest, a fourteen inch monster that

had been laved and glistened with oil.

"This is the hour, Little Sisters. Your

yearnings are fulfilled. This is the hour of your

Presentation! Give yourselves freely, and may you

be found worthy." the Queen intoned. Then each

woman was led to her phallus. Gentle hands helped

her to lower herself onto the object so it slid

smoothly into her moist cunt. Wonder Woman felt a

momentary discomfort as the hands helped her

impale herself, but she was well lubricated, her

cunt loose from uncounted orgasms, and the massive

cock slipped inside her effortlessly. Immediately

any discomfort was replaced by unbearable

pleasure. Slowly at first she began to ride up

and down on the stone prick.

As Wonder Woman began to writhe in growing

excitement, her orgasm beginning to build, unseen

hands grasped her breasts kneading them and

pinching her nipples to increase the sensation.

Others stroked and teased her clit. Ecstasy such

as she had never known rushed up at Wonder Woman

from her loins. Heavenly fire seem to spread from

her crotch to her breasts and throughout her body.

An orgasm that made those of earlier that night

pale, erupted within her, racing from fingers to

toes and back, again and again. She split the

night air with her brays of lustful pleasure, but

her cries of defeat were drowned by the wails,

sobs, moans, and shrieks of a dozen other

simultaneously orgasming women. She continued to

thrash helplessly as she came again and again. As

at last she tired and slowed. As her orgasmic

high, gradually faded she slumped toward

unconsciousness. Strong masculine hands were

waiting to lift her from the stone.


An hour later the God Pan, satisfied in more

ways than one, smiled down at the still sleeping

Amazon. How he had longed for and plotted for

this night. He had established this colony of

brainwashed women here years ago, populating it

with his daughters. Vulcan had helped by

releasing the volcano's power. His beautiful

witch wife Althea had cast a spell to give the

phallus its erotic power. Pan's scheme was

proceeding well. Wonder Woman would cease to

pollute the world as a role model for a generation

of women, women who were too smart, too

independent. "No more, Amazon," he smirked. "No



In the bright sunlight of the next morning,

everything of last night seemed like a dream. The

grateful women of the tribe gathered around the

airplane waving good bye to the happy

superheroine. Only the Queen seemed more subdued.

"Remember us, Beautiful One. You can always come

back here. No matter what happens out there in

the World of Men, we will always love you."

Glowing with fond if hazy memories of the

magical night she had spent in the village, Wonder

Woman flew sleepily away, back to her world of

crime fighting and, as Diana Prince, high powered

legal battles. But she could not put aside the

memories of the village of happy women, especially

the image of those gorgeous pregnant girls she had

seen and their eagerness to have a baby. Sadly,

it was something her calling could never allow her

to experience in either personae.

Within a few days everything seemed back to

normal, except that the horniness Wonder Woman

first felt before the pillar would not leave her.

For the first time in her life she found herself

spending a lot of time with her legs open and her

hands in her pussy. She just had to get off

constantly! And with every orgasm, which seemed

to get more intense as the days went by, came

unbidden thoughts of motherhood. How glorious it

would be, she fantasized, to see her own belly

swell, her own big boobs grow larger still as she

made a baby. She found herself staring at

pregnant women and young couples with children and

thought how wonderful it must be to be a mother.

Was there a biological clock even for Amazons, she


The fascination with pregnancy even invaded

her dreams in which she saw her cute silky-smooth

tummy expending and growing larger. She awoke

from these dreams about pregnancy hornier than

ever, but she tried to dismiss them. She could

never allow herself to become pregnant. She was a

modern girl, holding down two very important jobs.

If she became pregnant, how she could possibly

continue in her crime fighting efforts. In her

case pregnancy was even more impossible since if

she ever willingly gave herself to a man, her

super powers would fade. With growing efforts,

she tried to keep these fantasies in the


Disturbing as these fantasies were, Wonder

Woman did not became concerned until she

discovered that they seemed to be having a

psychosomatic effect. Was it just her

imagination, or were her breasts actually larger

and fuller, making her lycra top cling to her

Amazonian tits like seran wrap. No, it wasn't her

imagination. Diana measured and found her bra

size had gone from a size 36D to 39E. Moreover,

having her now swollen breasts cramped into that

tight lycra top with her nipples being as

sensitive as they were, made her extremely horny.

Her pants became wet within minutes whenever she

was in her Wonder Woman costume which she found

herself avoiding.

At her apartment one day as she walked past a

shiny metal cabinet, she noticed her reflection.

She marveled at how large her breasts had grown

and how they looked as if at any moment they would

rip through the lycra top. Her nipples were

standing straight out and she could see clearly

the definition of where her breast ended and her

nipples began. Although her nipples had stood out

before there seemed to be something different

about the way they protruded now, as if they were

preparing themselves to be suckled.

Moreover, she noticed that her whole body

seemed to be growing rounder and softer. She took

a closer look at her reflection and felt a little

shock. Did she see a small definable bulge where

a few days before had been only the hard flat

stomach of a superheroine? Now that she thought

of it, her already tight fighting shorts had been

getting more difficult to wiggle into with each

passing week since she had visited the village.

Her shorts now came up just past her belly

button leaving half of her tummy exposed, and she

could see that her belly button was being forced

slowly but surely outward. Her blue shorts seemed

to cup and cradle that little bulge like a mother

cradling an infant in her arms. She placed her

hands on her stomach and marveled at how sexy that

little curve seemed to make her look. Especially

since the tight fitting blue shorts seemed only to

accentuate that curvature of her rounded tummy.

It made her hot!

She hurried to her bedroom to change out of

her outfit and to get herself off. She put on a

sheer satin white nightgown which only accentuated

the changes in her body. The gown made her

jetting breast look like two missiles that were

getting ready to blast off into the stars. It

clung to her little stomach showing a clearly

definable round little sphere. She walked to her

bed and climbed in covering up with the soft silk

sheets. The combination of the sheets clinging to

her body and the shadows of the room only made

that cute little bulge of her stomach seem larger.

She was rubbing herself vigorously, near dozing

off after a third orgasm when she became fully

aware of the implication of the changes which had

occurred in her body could mean.

Could she actually be...? Of course not!

She had never slept with a man. She just hadn't

been getting enough exercise and she had been

eating like a pig recently -- ice cream, pickles,

the weirdest things. "Get a grip, girl," she told

herself. "Tomorrow you start back exercising," as

another orgasm put her to sleep for the night.

Wonder Woman might not have liked her new

look, but Steve sure did and pestered her for

dates more than ever. Horny as she was, it was

getting harder to turn him down. At last one

night she let the delighted officer come in for a

nightcap, as Diana was "out." Just one glass of

wine seemed to hit her like a bombshell. Steve

saw what was happening and before she knew it, he

had his hands in her pants. Only by the most

extreme force of willpower did she force herself

to push him away and send him off confused and

seething. As soon as the door closed her own hand

flew to the site Steve's had just vacated and she

brought herself to a screaming crashing orgasm.

That was too close! It was time for her to go on

the pill.

A few days later she showed up for the

appointment with the OBGYN Batgirl recommended.

She hated the sly look of triumph on her younger

rival's slutty lips. The self-righteous Amazon

certainly had no intention of sleeping around like

the promiscuous Bat-slut who seldom spent a night

with her pussy unfilled, but precautions were


The doctor asked Diana to undress. With some

embarrassment she did so, never having let a man

see her naked before. Why was he just smiling at

her? "You can get dressed and come into my office

Miss Prince"

"What's wrong?" she asked a few minutes later

as she sat across from the smiling doctor. "I

thought you needed to examine me completely before

giving me a prescription for contraceptives."

"You should have thought about contraceptives

a long time ago, young lady." he lectured.

"You're three and a half months pregnant!"

Back home, once the initial shock of being

pregnant wore off, Wonder Woman tried to

understand how this could have happened. Then she

recalled the tremendous orgasm that she had as she

rode that strange stone in the village. She also

realized that the dreams and fantasies about

pregnancy had started as soon as she returned from

there So the beliefs of the village women were

true! In some mysterious way that phallic-shaped

pillar did have the power to impregnate a woman,

even a Wonder Woman!

Strangely, she was not really upset because

of the joy that she now felt over having a baby.

In fact she started growing horny with the

anticipation of what it would feel like as her

belly grew with each passing day. Her hormones

were raging so strongly at the thought of being

pregnant that she could no longer control herself.

She lay in bed and began to masturbate over and

over bringing on one orgasm after the other until

she was struck by a wonderful thought. She was

already pregnant; she didn't have to masturbate at


Steve was surprised when a leering Wonder

Woman showed up unannounced at his apartment. He

was shocked and delighted when he heard why she

had come. As Wonder Woman tried to fuck him for

the fifth time that night, however, he was no

longer so delighted. Wonder Woman, too, was

disappointed to find out that men had so little

stamina. How did mortal women make do with only

one of them? Nor did Steve's cock compare to the

phallus in the village, she thought.


At first Wonder Woman tried to continue her

career, but pregnancy made it increasingly

difficult. For example, one morning her crime

alert went off sending her whisking off in her jet

to stop a bank robbery. On the way, however, she

found herself suddenly feeling ill. She felt so

sick that she had to land the plane so that she

could get out and vomit. This was strange she

thought because she had never been sick before.

Still, she felt so bad, she decided the only thing

to do was to return home. It was only a bank

robbery, she thought; the police could handle that


Shortly afterwards, Wonder Woman had a

terrible row with Steve. His pride at having

knocked up Wonder woman turned to fury when he

figured out she had been well pregnant before they

started sleeping together. He assumed she was

going to name him as the father and ask for child

support. That made Wonder woman livid. Steve

said some terrible things about her and demanded

to know who she had been sleeping around with,

insinuating that the little bastard that was on

its way might have little pointy bat ears. That

made Wonder Woman so mad she refused to fuck him

for almost a day.

The police soon stopped calling as Wonder

Woman became more and more unreliable, between

morning sickness and just feeling sleepy all the

time. Diana Prince was fired from her job at the

law firm because as her belly expanded, her IQ

seemed to shrink. She was just too horny all the

time to think logically anymore.

The last straw was when the media got wind or

her condition. Photos in the tabloid Gotham

Gazette of an obviously pregnant Wonder Woman

waddling ineffectually after a bank robber held

her up to ridicule. Rush Limbach pontificated

that "Little girls who want to play superheroine

should learn to keep their knees together."

Wonder Woman knew she had to escape the

humiliation, but the though of going home to

Paradise Isle was worse that staying in the

Gotham. Her mother and the other Amazons would

never believe her story, thinking she was just

another oversexed Amazon who had been corrupted by

the world of men. No there was only one place to

go ...


A throng of cheering women greeted Wonder

Woman as she set her plane down by the little

native village. She maneuvered her now swollen

belly out of the cockpit and sent the invisible

aircraft away, back to Paradise Isle never to

return. No one could possible find her now. Here

there would be no shame, no regrets, only love and


Queen Althea was there to greet her.

"Welcome back, Beautiful One. I knew you would


"You did, but how?"

"This," she smiled and patted Wonder Woman's

tight belly. "Of all women at the Presentation,

how could the god `not' have found you worthy?

Let's get you set up in the maternity house."

The women escorted her to a large, airy lodge on

the outskirts of the village. Wonder Woman looked

around and noticed that all the other girls that

had been Presented that moonlit nights months ago

were there and all were in the same marvelous

condition as she. They pointed their fingers at

her big tummy and giggled. She wanted to giggle

back. They welcomed her like one of their own, as

she was, just another horny, knocked-up young

woman. Wonder Woman found that the maternity

house was a big playground where the little

mommies-to-be were just as horny as she was. They

could eat and make love to their heart's content.

She immediately became like an older sister to all

of them and they *loved* her for it. Nights and

siestas Wonder Woman usually found a girl sucking

her bloated tits while another snuggled between

her now quite plump legs, lapping her to a

relaxing, sleepy orgasm.

Wonder Woman was neither the first nor the

last whose time came. When her contractions set

in, the older women gently led her to the birthing

lodge where they examined her. On determining

that she was indeed in labor, the beautiful

attendant gave her a soothing tea that made her

very drowsy and put her in bed. Speaking in a

sing-song voice and putting her fingers in Wonder

woman's cunt, the midwife brought her to a series

of powerful orgasms that put her into a deep


When Wonder Woman woke up she was horny again

and she knew why. She smiled through closed eyes

as she felt one of her sisters sucking her tit.

But, the sucking didn't feel quite like what she

was used to. It seemed both more delicate and

more persistent. As she finally opened her eyes,

she let out a squeak of joy to see a beautiful

little girl nursing vigorously at her large

exposed breast.


Two weeks later Wonder Woman was back at the

maternity lodge, again happily nursing her rapidly

growing daughter. The plump little angel had

suckled almost thirty minutes at both breasts

before falling back to sleep, drugged by her

mother's rich milk. As always, the experience

left Wonder Woman very much aroused. A nurse had

taken the infant away and she was about to begin

masturbating when Queen Althea arrived.

"I came to see how you're feeling. Are you

all recovered?" the queen asked.

"Oh yes, Althea. The herb baths have me

fully healed and feeling wonderful. Thank you for

coming You have been so good to me, Althea,"

Wonder Woman overflowed. "Being here is wonderful

and I love my new daughter so much. I owe it all

to you!"

Queen Althea smiled back knowingly. With a

hint of hardness in her voice she said, "Well, not

`everything,' sweetie. There is someone else who

had just a little bit to do with it." She

gestured and in stepped a powerfully handsome

horned figure. "Perhaps you should get to know

your little girl's father."

Wonder Woman looked and her happiness turned

to horror at the sight of satyr-god, Pan, the

Amazons' ancient enemy. A thousand thoughts

tumbled through her brain at the same time.

Despair! Treachery! Shame!, but also, to her

chagrin, a powerful physical attraction to the

undeniably macho form before her. The Queen saw

her reaction and waved her hand. Everything but

the attraction disappeared.

"But how....? I thought ... that night ...

the pillar ...?"

"Didn't you learn anything about the birds

and the bees out there in the World of Men?"

Althea asked sarcastically. "Babies don't come

from Paris in a box and they sure don't come from

humping yourself to silly on a granite dildo, my

dear. You got knocked up the same way as every

other woman in the world has. My husband put his

big marvelous prick between those pretty legs of

yours and filled your fertile cunt full of his

semen. You were impregnated by a master cocksman,

darling," she smiled and looked with pride at the

beaming Pan.

Wonder Woman could only gape.

"You were dazed but still in a delightful rut

when we pulled you off of the phallus," Pan

continued. "I had inseminated my daughters

quickly so I could spend the rest of the night

with you. I wanted to make sure you were well

serviced," he grinned. "I climaxed you several

times to ready the body for conception, especially

after the `preparations.'"

"Yes, you see I did more than just hypnotize

you that night to make you horny and submissive,"

explained Althea. "The herbs in the massage oil

my servants used contained large amounts of a

substance very much like female sex hormones.

Breathing those fumes re-arranged your monthly

cycle and made you extremely fertile that night."

"All you needed was my sperm," continued Pan.

"Your conscious mind didn't even know when I laid

you back and put my penis in you, but your reptile

brain knew. I hardly needed to get you into the

best position. You yourself lifted your legs to

my shoulders so that every stroke would slam my

cock deep into your hot cunt. Your hips bucked

and thrust in perfect time with me. Every entry

was deeper than the one before. You began to

orgasm almost as soon as I penetrated you and you

didn't stop until I unloaded a bucket of come in


"But we made sure, Wonder Woman." Althea was

taunting her now. "We kept you on your back with

your legs up on pillows so none of the semen would

run out until my sexy mate could get it up to do

you again. Then he fucked you a second time. We

kept pillows under your ass and plugged your

vagina with a dildo to keep you full of my

husband's potent cum come all night. I put you

back into a trance so you would sleep. My serving

girls kept working the dildo bringing you to one

soft rolling orgasm after another to promote

conception. There was no way you could have left

the island without being knocked up."

"You'll pay for this, Pan! I'll..." Wonder

Woman snarled.

"Do nothing. You can do nothing," smirked

Althea. "Your powers are already fading. Soon

you will no longer be Wonder Woman."

"You're Wrong, Althea. I lose my powers only

if I *willingly* give myself to a man. The night

of the Presentation doesn't count. You yourself

just said, I was drugged and hypnotized."

"Yes, of course you were. That's why it was

important to send you back to Gotham horny as a

skunk, to learn there that you were pregnant, and

in your despair..." Althea's voice trailed off.

"Oh, no!..." Wonder Woman gasped. "Steve!"

"Yes, Wonder Woman," Althea hissed

triumphantly. "You *willingly* gave yourself to

Steve. Then, when he and everyone rejected you,

you came running here into our trap, as we knew

you would!" Althea beamed.

"With you out of the way, Wonder Woman,

resistance to my plans for the World of men is

crumbling. Your sexless strength was a perverse

example to millions of women. Now things are

returning to `normal,'" Pan sneered. "Althea and

I have been traveling around influencing events

and attitudes quite successfully."

"While you were fucking yourself sill with

the girls in the birthing lodge, Althea started a

popular new talk show on public TV," Pan continued

with a self-satisfied smile. "You would be amazed

how many top women executives, professionals,

scientists after watching Althea have given up the

struggle and let their husbands and boyfriends

make them pregnant. young women are dropping out

of law schools and medical schools in droves to

take care of unexpected babies. Mid-career men

are finding new opportunities opening up as their

smarter women rivals find they have to stay home

to nurse "surprise" additions to their families.

You might be interested to hear that even Batgirl

hung up her ears when she found she was going to

be the mother of twins," Pan beamed.

A crushed Wonder Woman began to sob

inconsolably. "What.... what happens to me now?"

whimpered the humiliated and defeated ex-


"That's the best part, my dear!" Pam boomed.

"You and your new daughter will make you home with

us at the Palace. I am going to make you my

Junior Queen. Althea has spent eons practicing

how to please a man and she is one hell of a

fuck," Pan smiled affectionately at his elegant

mate. "But she has so many things to do --

traveling with me , casting spells, and all. More

pregnancies would interfere with that . We

decided I needed a younger, stronger mate to do

the child bearing from now on."

"Oh, no! No, No!" cried Wonder Woman, but

her body betrayed her words. She burned with

shame to realize she was terribly aroused at the

thought that this virile creature was going to

breed her ... again and again.

"Oh yes!" Pan gloated. "Although you are no

longer Wonder Woman, you are still a marvelously

strong and healthy woman. I'm going see that you

stay pregnant from now on. You will be a

wonderful baby making machine for me. I'm sorry

we will have to take your daughter away from you

for a while, but as you know, nursing delays the

re-establishment of your fertility; we couldn't

allow that. Now, would you like me to start

breeding you again right now or later this

afternoon when we take you to your new home?" Pan


Wonder Woman continued to sob softly, but a

very visible wet spot was growing on her gown.

"Well, I guess you have the Wonder Slut's

answer," sniffed Althea.

Pan stepped forward and pushed aside his

tunic. He fondled Wonder Woman's breasts for a

few seconds until she was moaning in bot despair

and arousal, then he pushed her down over a chair,

pulled down her panties, and rucked up her gown.

Positioning his cock at the opening of the weeping

cunt of the ex-superheroine, the smirking god

turned to Althea. "Do you want to wait outside

darling while I impregnate this bitch?"

"Oh no, my Lord. She's almost as much my

project as yours. I want to WATCH!"

The End

Comments welcomed at:


It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex

with strangers. But it isn't okay to *HAVE*

unprotected sex with strangers!! You only have

one body per lifetime, so take good care of it.