

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

researching bliss

This story was written as a part of the first SEWG "Plot

Luck" Game. Five participants submitted five plot elements.

Each author had to write their own story which would

include all five elements. The plots are listed at the end.

I hope this story is worthwhile. It was difficult and

rewarding. I hope, most of all, that you enjoy it.

This story (c)2002 by Sara H

All rights reserved.

Please do not post elsewhere without permission of the




A Plot Luck story
by Sara H

FF, F-solo, Toys, Rom


Ann Thomas walked into the plush offices with the nervous

excitement that always came when she was pushing into new

territory. These meetings were always like that for her --

they always felt like the first time she jumped off the

high-dive at the swimming pool. She'd already been through

several private conferences. Even so, it never seemed to

get any easier.

Then again, doing it was less stressful than thinking

about it.

The law office receptionist recognized her and showed her

to a small conference room. After being told that Elizabeth

Daly would be with her shortly, she accepted the offer of

coffee. In truth, the wait could short or long. There was

never any telling at a law office as busy as Lampton, Daly

and Ricketts.

This time, the wait was short. Liz Daly walked in and Ann

stood to shake her hand. The older woman was thin, and wore

rather austere wire frame glasses. Coupled with her very

short hair, suit coat and wide tie, she had a look that

seemed designed to make her a force with which there would

be much reckoning.

The attorney broke into a wide smile that helped Ann relax

without a word. "Hello, Ann. I'm very pleased to meet you.

I'm Elizabeth Daly, but you can call me Liz. I'm a senior

partner here. I suppose I should begin by explaining that

Ms. Renfro was detained in court this morning. I'm taking

her place this morning, and I guess I should be the one to

tell you that I'll be taking over your case personally. Is

there anything I can get you? Another cup of coffee, a

muffin, bagel?"

"No thanks," said Ann, almost in a whisper. She was

surprised, to say the least. To have her case taken on by a

senior partner was unexpected, but welcomed.

"Great. I guess I should start by explaining the change.

Susan, the attorney you contacted, brought the case to my

attention, and I realized that it would take a lot of extra

time, especially because it deals with a sexual issue. The

fact that you are a lesbian will come into play -- even

though Body Bliss is a sex toy company, it is not beyond

them to try to make you out to be a sexual deviant with no

legitimate complaint.

"So at the outset, I have to tell you to expect some mud

to be slung your way. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I think so," said Ann. In reality, she wasn't sure at

all, but she didn't see that she had much choice. Her life

was a wreck, thanks to the Bliss Bulb. "I could use another

cup of coffee now," she added.

After getting Ann her second cup, this time in something

better than styrofoam, Liz continued. "I know it may be

embarrassing and difficult to come forward just by itself,

but in a case like yours, where you're claiming

psychological damage due to a sex toy, their attorneys are

likely to come at you with both barrels. They'll use your

past experiences and relationships to try to discredit you

and clear themselves of any influence."

Taking on more of an attorney's persona, Liz sounded more

dark and serious as she went on. "So I need you to tell me

everything you can remember -- anything, no matter how

small, that you think they can find out, even if you think

it's something they couldn't use, and you need to start

before the issue with the Bliss Bulb existed. Trust me...

everything in the courtroom is about spin. The truth has

very little to do with whether we win or lose this case.

It's how the truth looks when we're all done talking to the


Ann tried to hide the desert in her mouth as she croaked,

"I'll try."

"Good. Now that I've scared you a little, I need you to

relax. The way this feels? The courtroom is much tougher,

much more intimidating, and you'll need to be able to relax

and be strong at the same time. Part of our job is to

practice that. Part of theirs is to try to find a chink in

your armor.

"Let's start with how you met janet Garrison, and how you

ended up in a relationship with her."

"Okay. Well, I guess it started when I was walking across



The offer was just what Ann was hoping to find. Student

loans and work/study might pay for school, but it didn't

help with clothes, transportation, or the weekends when she

was free to go out and play.

The paper on the bulletin board was plain, and typical of

college ads:

"Writer looking for help with background research for a

novel. Minimum five hours a week, $25.00 an hour.

English/journalism majors a plus. Call janet for details."

Phone numbers were listed vertically across the bottom, and

cut into the tags that were the living art of student

bookstores and cultural centers.

One thing wasn't typical, and that was the pay. To Ann's

amazement, none of the phone numbers had been taken. At

such a wage, she was surprised there were any left at all.

It had to be new.

Ann wanted that job.

She looked around and, seeing no one, proceeded to pull

all the numbers from the bottom of the page. She was

determined to be the first, and only, caller.

Three days later, she was sitting in the office of the

University's Author in Residence, janet Garrison. The

writer was the "earth mother" type, wearing a long print

dress, flowing cotton top, and sandals. Considering the

fact that she'd written three best-sellers, Ann was amazed

at how relaxed she felt around her, almost immediately.

The interview started as a standard recitation of

qualifications. Ann was an English major, considering

journalism. She was used to many kinds of research, from

poring over books and documents in library cellars to

handing out questionnaires on campus. Her GPA was 3.9.

But that was only the beginning. A half hour stretched to

an hour, and then to two hours. As they talked, she began

to feel that janet was a kindred spirit. They talked about

music, about how relationships should work, about artists,

movies, food... the more they talked, the more amazed and

comfortable Ann became.

Janet felt it, too. She'd promised herself that she

wouldn't hire anyone to whom she felt attracted. But Ann

was perfect for the job, and if hired, they *were* going to

be working very closely together on her next book. She

wanted to hire the young sophomore, but felt a twinge of

guilt at the dampness between her legs, and the tickly

feeling she got just looking at the beauty sitting on the

other side of her desk.

Janet felt her rationalization in wanting Ann as her

research aide. There was also no denying that she simply

*wanted* her. As the conversation meandered over more and

more personal territory, her justification process shifted

into high gear.

It was safe. It had to be. janet was a professional, and

Ann was a student looking simply to make some money and

gain valuable experience. As the picture of Ann emerged

through their conversation, it was clear that she wasn't a

lesbian, and didn't seem to be bisexual either. They got on

well -- that was all, despite the fact that the beautiful

co-ed looked so delicious.

She felt a tiny bit of conflict -- she wanted someone

whose detachment would help her move her book forward, but

she couldn't resist someone so, well, damned appealing and


But it wasn't like students were beating down her door to

come to work. No one else had called her in the week since

Ann had answered her ad, even though all the number tabs

had been removed.

She was no simpleton. She realized that Ann could have

taken all the numbers. But if she wanted the job that


Janet turned a corner in her mind. She ignored the fact

that her nipples were stiffening. She was sure that this

initial infatuation would pass. After all, they'd be much

too busy to get involved with each other, they'd only be

meeting to go over Ann's research results, and Ann wouldn't

be interested in the first place.

Darn it all.

After using up the entire afternoon talking with her

prospect, janet said, "So, Ann, would you like to come work

with me? The job is yours if you want it."

Ann nearly jumped out of her chair with enthusiasm. "Oh,

thank you, yes, I mean I, yes, thank you, Ms. Garrison!"

she answered. "Oh, this is so great! I can't believe this!

Thank you!"

"Well, if we're going to be working together, I suggest

you call me Janet. And I'm the one who should be thanking

you. You're perfect for the job, even though no one else

called." She smiled inside as Ann's face showed the tiniest

trace of red.

She also crossed her pressed her legs together more tightly.


Liz sat for a moment as Ann stopped talking. Then she

said, "That seems straightforward enough, Ann. A little

problem with the phone numbers... their attorneys might use

that little deception to show a general desire to stack

things in your own favor and try to associate it with

bringing your case. I suggest you leave that out of any

testimony you give. Don't deny it. Just don't mention it. I

don't think anyone will ask.

"Now comes the tougher part, at least for you. How did you

and janet Garrison become involved?"

Ann looked hesitant. "How much will they want to know?"

"They'll want to know as much as they can get. I'll be

stopping a lot of your testimony due to irrelevance. But I

also need to know more than they can find out. I need to

know everything, so that there are no surprises in the

courtroom. I need to know when to protect you, and

therefore your charges against the defendants, and when you

let you speak."

"Okay," said Ann. She'd known this was coming, but it

didn't make it any more comfortable.

"I'd been working for janet for almost three months, when

she asked what I thought of the Yoni Girls..."


"They're okay," said Ann. In truth, she'd never heard

them, but didn't want to admit it to Janet.

"Just okay? Well, I had a surprise for you, but if you..."

"Surprise? What? Tell me!"

Janet laughed at her assistant's exuberance. It was one of

the things she had come to love about her. She had a child-

like quality -- a certain way of looking at the world like

it was always on the verge of Christmas morning.

"Well, you've been working so hard, and I'm much farther

along than I thought I would be, that I thought I'd treat

you to dinner and a concert."

"Oh, God! That would be so great! When exactly?"

"Tonight, unless you have plans. If so, it'll have to be

dinner and a movie some other night."

"No, no! I don't have any plans!"

Ann was beside herself. Over the last eleven weeks, she'd

developed not only incredible respect for Janet, but a kind

of heroine worship. She loved the way the thirty-two year

old woman didn't compromise on anything, including her

lifestyle. She lived both in and outside of society, able

to enjoy the company of others, but with a sense of

distance and keen observation.

Ann blushed as she realized that her feelings were almost

like a crush. She loved spending time with Janet, and they

were becoming something like best friends, except it wasn't

exactly like that. Ann was having a hard time figuring it

out for herself, but when it got too complex, she just let

it go.

"So what time, where is it, all that?" bubbled Ann.

"Dinner at six, and the concert is at nine. It's at City

Nights. You know, the bar."

"Um, I thought that was like a lesbian biker bar..." said

Ann, suddenly unsure.

"Yeah, it has a reputation, but it's not like you think.

If you'd rather not go..."

"No -- I mean yes -- I still want to. You're sure it's


"If it wasn't safe, I wouldn't take you, much less go

myself. Besides, I'll be there to make sure no butch women

try to steal my woman," janet said, joking. Or maybe not.

She felt the smile on her face go a little too wide, her

gaze a little too strong.

Ann felt the oddity of it, but liked the sensation.

Protected. janet did really care about her. She blushed

without understanding why. There was an underlying

tenderness that seemed to dance just under the surface of

her skin.

"Okay, I'll be back at 5:30 then. It's 4:00 now, so I'd

better go get ready."

"Don't overdress, Ann. It's just a concert. Okay?"


"Good... then scoot."

"Bye!" said Ann as walked to the door and left. She was

working hard to keep from breaking into a run. She wondered

at her excitement as she made her way through the ravine

between the faculty offices and her dorm.

She just needed a break. That was all. She was excited to

go out and do something. It would be great to finally get

out to party a little.

With Janet.

The thought stuck in her throat as if she'd spoken some

secret hidden for years. But before she could get upset at

it, she pushed it aside with the thought about what to wear.

For Janet.

As she showered and dressed in a tube top, denim jacket,

jeans and black platform shoes, she had to keep working to

stop her hands from trembling. What was going on with her?

Why was she reacting like this? It made no sense. It was

like she was going on a first date.

But it was just Janet.

Just? janet had become her mentor, her guide. She had

become, in eleven short weeks, the focal point of her days

and weekends. Her schoolwork wasn't suffering, but she had

given up most of her social life to be around the amazing


She was surprised she wasn't being accused of being a dyke
or something by the friends that saw her less, now. But

that wasn't how it was at all. She was just excited to be

able to be around greatness. After all, how many times

could that happen in one lifetime?

---- ---- ---- ----

Dinner went by in a dream of wine and succulent morsels of

Italian Mediterranean cuisine. They never got past plate

after plate of antipasti, laughing and chewing and

swallowing glasses of wine that tasted of the summer sun in

the vineyard.

Ann felt outrageous and elegant. She'd never been part of

the social elite, and yet her she was with an

internationally famous author, trading ideas about

philosophy and politics, art and the women's Olympic

volleyball team. Every word had an air of humorous asides,

and it was as if she only had to breathe for thoughts to

coalesce into something worth saying.

Janet was, after all, another woman who was living her

life, as everyone does. Her advantage wasn't so much her

talent, with which she was well-gifted, but her relentless

pursuit of what she wanted to do with her life.

Ann was a bit beyond tipsy, and the flush of emotion that

rushed over her now had no barrier to cross. Her affection -

- her adoration -- of her employer and mentor filled her

like water pouring into an empty pitcher.

It was almost painful when janet paid the bill, put out

her last cigarette and said, "Well, I guess we ought to get

to the show. What do you say?"

"Okay... I need to stop in the restroom for a second, okay?"

"No problem. I'll pull the car around."

As Ann sat and relieved herself, she noticed the scent of

arousal. "Wine, women and song," she said, giggling. She

was much too relaxed to worry about why she would be

aroused. It wasn't that it made sense for her pussy to be

wet or her nipples to be itching with need. It just didn't

occur to her to worry about it.

As she pulled her panties back up, her pussy felt the cold

press of wet panties. It brought home her feelings, and

this time she couldn't pretend she wasn't surprised. As she

looked in the mirror at herself, she wondered if maybe she

was feeling something more than friendship for Janet, or if

Janet could feel more for her. The thought rushed into her

and melted into vague longing. But there was no time to

ponder. She laid it aside as something to consider later.

Right now, there was a concert to go to.

She breathed in unconsciously one last time to catch her

scent in the small bathroom.

It seemed the natural thing to do.

---- ---- ---- ----

City Nights. It was a name that was well known on campus.

It had a reputation as the kind of place you didn't tell

your parents you had even thought about going.

"And here I am," thought Ann, with a touch of taboo
amusement. janet had been right about it, however. Although

it was a dark, rustic club, it was both large and busy,

with none of the wild goings on that the college rumor mill

spouted. Other than the fact that it was only filled with

women that were openly affectionate, it could have been any

successful bar in town.

Even so, Ann was wide-eyed at what she saw as they walked

to the room in the back reserved for concerts. She'd never

considered herself sheltered, but here were women who

looked like everything from supermodels to bad-ass butch

bikers -- women in masculine clothes and women who were

completely impossible to classify.

Leather, silk, lace and denim swarmed around her, and she

felt as if she were in the midst of some glorious secret

coven that the world just didn't understand. There was

power here; freed from the roles of the outside world,

these women were being exactly who they were.

It excited her.

She stopped for a moment a she caught sight of a pair of

women locked in a passionate kiss, both of them as

oblivious to the crowd around them as the crowd was to them.

Her heart was beating fast. She realized that she was

being seduced... not by Janet, but by the freedom and heady

lust that was bubbling just below the surface of the room.

The concert room was filled with tables and stools, and

held what looked to be about 500 people. The stage was only

slightly raised, giving a sense of wonderful intimacy.

Janet guided Ann to a small table and they sat next to each

other as they faced the stage.

Two more glasses of wine ordered, a brief smile, and the

show began.

The house lights were already down, and wild applause

broke out as the Yoni Girls, Etta and Jamie, walked on

stage, each holding an acoustic guitar.

Etta broke into a fast strum... catchy and strong, the

sound was amazing. Then the voices began, and Ann was

carried away. By the time the rest of the band came to the

stage and joined in one by one, she was completely

captivated by the sound.

Each song seemed more beautiful than the last, and Ann's

cheeks were aching from the smile on her face. Jamie's

comments in between songs were so easy and casual that Ann

felt almost like she was in someone's living room,

listening to two lifelong friends.

By the time the duo got to their second ballad, she was

awestruck. It was like she had forgotten how to let go of

worry, and now this beautiful, lyrical melody of painful

longing was taking her somewhere she'd never been, bringing

tears to her eyes.

She jumped as she felt an arm lay across her shoulder, a

hand tracing up and down her upper arm. She looked over to

Janet, who was looking back into her eyes. The lights

reflected into the darkness from the stage were enough for

her to see the question there.

She answered by leaning into Janet's shoulder. She

couldn't tell if the warmth inside her was from the wine or

the unspoken decision she'd made.

She didn't think about it again as she let the music carry

her away.

---- ---- ---- ----

The drive home to Ann's dormitory was a blur of emotion

and longing. As they arrived, Ann became aware of her

surroundings again. Looking out the car window, with no

words spoken, she'd lost track of anything but being with

the beautiful writer.

"This is weird," said Janet, pulling into the parking lot

of Harringer Hall. "I wonder what happened to all the

lights? It didn't storm..."

"Hmm," answered Ann, coming back to reality. "Maybe the

college was late on its electric bill."

"Very funny. Well, there's no way I'm letting you navigate

fifteen flights of stairs in the dark after drinking.

You're coming home with me."

"But Mayam, I'm nawt that kind uv guhl," said Ann, in a

terrible rendition of a southern accent that sent both

women into a fit of giggles.

"Puhhaps yew need sumone to show yuh whutcher missin',"

answered Janet, still laughing.

Ann was suddenly very serious. "Someone like you, Janet?"

Janet gulped. She had been flirting all evening but had

somehow written off Ann's actions as the effects of wine

and song. "If you want me too, Ann," she whispered.

"Let's go home..."

Five minutes later, they were walking in the front door

without speaking. Ten minutes, and janet had a couple of

candles lit. Fifteen, and they were sitting on the sofa,

looking at each other, each afraid to move.

Janet shivered and took hold of herself. It was now or

never. There was no getting out of how awkward it might be

tomorrow -- but one way would include a tomorrow with

pleasant memories.

She moved her hand and placed in on Ann's own, letting her

fingers glide up the sophomore's soft arm.

Ann shifted a little at the touch, and Janet's hand stopped.

Janet looked at the sweet innocence that showed so well in

the soft light of the candles. "Ann... do you want me to


Ann could feel her heart fluttering. She felt like there

was suddenly no air in the room -- and everything was

slipping. And yet, there was no denying the growing hunger

in her, the desire that was creeping through her, finally

showing itself in full. She tried to sound firm but only

managed a whisper. "No. Don't stop, Janet. I want this...

if you do."

With the gentlest of smiles, janet leaned forward and

gently stroked the young girl's cheek with her fingernails.

Without another word, she leaned further and kissed her

lightly, tasting for the first time the flesh for which

she'd been imagining for so long. She pulled back slightly,

feeling their breath as it mingled, savoring this moment of

awakening in her protegee.

Ann raised her hand to the back of Janet's neck and pulled

her forward, as if begging for another touch of her lips.

The writer did not resist, and fell into the passionate

embrace of her new lover.

Their hands began to roam and explore, teasing with

clothes and skin, like a flirting dance on the edge of a

cliff. janet moved her hand under Ann's top and released

her bra. Sliding her hand forward as Ann leaned back, she

cupped a breast, and brought her fingers to a wrinkled,

erect nipple.

It was like the breaking of a dam... Ann's moan created a

moaned response as their bodies began moving together. It

was better than any secret fantasy janet had conjured in

her moments alone. One by one their pieces of clothing

disappeared, thrown off by the energy of their lust and

unstoppable desire.

Their moans and gurgles became more entwined -- a synergy

of abandon -- as Janet's fingers traced up and down Ann's

thighs. Only a moment went by before Ann took the hint and,

spreading her legs wider, allowed the woman she had come to

love access to her most sacred place.

Janet felt the satin folds, slick and wet, give way as she

reached into Ann's heat and teased, finding her clit and

teasing it to distended hardness.

Ann clutched forward as an orgasm, swift and unexpected,

flew through her, shutting down her thoughts and slamming

her into Ann's body. Ann held her tight, kissing her neck

and chest and then her lips as their kisses became furtive

and hungry... and then softer as relaxation came and

afterglow descended.

"Mmm, Janet, I..."

"Shhhhhh. No words now, love. Just let me love you tonight."

"But tomorrow..."

"Will come. Tonight is tonight. I love you. Let me love


Ann sighed and kissed janet lightly over her face, finally

finding her lips. She had never known such tenderness mixed

with pure passion. She knew she had been in love, and

realized that this was just a sign of what had been part of

her for longer than she knew.

Janet kissed down her chin and neck, finding her way

between breasts and breath, and landed on a nipple, pulling

it in with sharp determination.

"Owww!" said Ann, and then, "ohhhh... God... so nice..."

The older woman, guiding her charge, began to nibble and

suck, flicking and circling until all that was escaping her

lover's lips were nonsense words and moans of passion. She

kept on and on, teasing with relentless purpose, knowing

she was turning the young woman's insides to pure sex,

heat, and the formless jelly of need. It fanned her own

lust, and as Ann's fingers found Janet's quivering cunt,

she let out a growl that sounded more animal than human.

She began to ride the offered fingers, her eyes closed as

a chant of lust began to press it's way out from her

throat. "Yes... yes... mm... shit... fuck... on my...

yes... cunt... fingers... your fingers... cunt... my...

oh... fuck yeah... oh... Ann... ANN... NNNNGNNNNNGNNNNNN



Janet's body shook and bucked as she lost her rhythm

entirely, and her display only brought Ann closer again to

her own release... and then janet fell on top of her, heavy

of breath and body, skin and sweat and matching

heartbeats... and then she was sliding, down, down, down,

pressing Ann's legs open. She stopped to take a taste of

her own juices from her young lover's fingers before diving

her tongue deep into the cleft of the inexperienced woman.

As Ann felt her thoughts leaving and tried to hold on, to

hold out a bit longer before losing herself in her lover

entirely, she knew that very soon, she would be doing the

same... and another climax showered out of her, stronger,

and then another on top of that, and then she was gone,

lost to her need, and only wanting the night to go on



Ann's attorney sat in silence, staring off into space. A

small ripple of embarrassed shock went through her face as

she brought her eyes back to Ann's. "This may sound

strange, but that part of your testimony is no problem. We

don't have to get graphic, although the defense attorneys

might. It doesn't matter. You just keep that air of

beautiful discovery in what you have to say, and you'll be

fine. I won't let them go too far.

"I know that your relationship went on through the end of

school and into the next fall. I know from what you've said

in your other interviews here that the problem came in

September. Can you explain it in a little more detail?"

"Well, this is where it gets tough, isn't it?" said Ann.

"Yes. But don't be afraid. We're on the same team."


Liz looked into Ann's eyes as she gave the girl's hand a

reassuring squeeze.


Ann wasn't sure what made her buy the Bliss Bulb. It might

have been boredom, but that seemed specious at best. It

might have been the promise of a new level of pleasure, but

that wasn't the whole story.

Really, it was the adventure of it. In the last seven

months, janet had opened Ann's eyes to who she was inside,

and to pleasures she had never believed possible. She had

become ravenous in her hedonism, and this was the next meal.

Her talent in research was as good as anyone's... now she

had simply applied it to sex.

She thought that just maybe she could give something back

to the woman who had given her so much.

She lay, naked, on the bed in Janet's apartment, waiting

for the writer who had gone from being her employer to

being her lover, to come home. Eyeing the strange looking

toy. In this light, it seemed almost silly. But it cost two

hundred and fifty dollars. It certainly wasn't a silly


Janet was getting late, and Ann was getting hornier by the


She kept eyeing the device, wondering how it would feel.

Janet didn't keep toys around, but on the few occasions Ann

had asked, she didn't seem averse to the idea. Instead, she

just said, "We'll get toys when we've explored everything


Ann wasn't so patient. If there was more pleasure to have,

she wanted it now.

She picked up the toy and lay back on the bed, still

looking at it as she held it above her.

Somewhere deep inside, a decision was made, her hands

moved and her pussy became much wetter in anticipation.

Pressing the gelatinous bulb into her vagina, she gasped

as it spread to fill her and press in odd ways inside her.

It was as titillating as it was unnatural -- Ann felt a

rush of guilty lust as she thought of pleasuring herself

alone in the bed of her lover.

She flipped on the switch.

Her clit expanded into a world of color and abandoned

pleasure. Within moments her head was shaking from side to

side, laughter and denial warring in her mind, trying to

hold back the tide of bliss and wanting more...


And on top of that, another explosion.


She was forgetting how to breathe... fear mixed with a

sensation of drowning in something much larger than

herself, the fire of her passion blistering away her

ability to stop.

She screamed a laugh as a merciless orgasm shattered her

soul and she fell of the edge of the earth.

As she came down, it felt like her ovaries were spinning,

her belly clutching. She tried to catch her breath and

after a time, her heart slowed down. She reached down and

touched the bulb between her thighs and jerked as

sensations, more raw and irresistible pleasure flashed up

her arms and through her pussy at the same moment, starting

the process... again.

She thought of janet and came. Of the bulb and came. Of

her dorm room and came.

She didn't stop playing for a very long time.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Ann, is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that for the last three weeks we haven't...

haven't..." Janet's voice trailed off and she wiggled her


"Made love?"

"Yes. Made love. Had sex. Fucked. Licked each other silly.

Played the night away."

"I'm sorry, Janet. I just haven't really been in the

mood." Ann looked down.

"Ann, are you cheating on me? Have you found someone else?"

Ann looked up quickly, her eyes sad. "No, not that. Not at

all. Well, not exactly."

"Not exactly?"

"Well, you remember how I used to ask you about toys?"


"Well, I bought one. And I was waiting for you to get home

and you were late and I tried it and it was really, really

good and then I was all embarrassed and it smelled like me

and I couldn't get the smell out and you would know I

didn't wait and..." Her words came to a stop as tears

filled her her eyes. "I've just felt so guilty."

Janet walked over and sat down next to her. "Ann, look at

me. Look at me. You don't need to feel bad. If anything,

you can feel bad about being afraid to tell me. I just

never knew you wanted to try one so badly."

"But you would have been mad..."

"Maybe, but not as mad as I have been hurt by feeling


"I'm sorry, Janet, I really am." She paused. "So what do

we do now?"

Janet considered for a moment, seeming deep in thought.

Then she said, smiling, "We go get the toy and try it out

with each other. No more secrets. No more guilt."

"Okay. Now?"


Ann smiled, the fear and guilt gone, and ran to the bedroom.

Janet followed her, walking.


"How did you discover you were addicted?"

"Well, first, our lovemaking was hollow. It felt like so

much less, even using the toy. I began to resent her

intrusion into my time with it. I began to wear it to


"Wear it?"

"It has these straps to hold it in place."

"Weren't you afraid it would be discovered?"

"No... it's completely silent. The only way anyone would

know is if you can't keep quiet when you cum. There are

enough secluded places on campus to go that it was no

problem. Heck, I kept it turned on low all the time, after

awhile. It really got hold of me."

"So what made you want to look at the manufacturer as the


"I didn't at first. janet and I tried to make it work, but

it was like something had broken our ties. When she quit

writing her book, and announced the project was finished, I

knew it was time for me to go. I ended up moving back to my

dorm room. My parents never really had known anything, so I

still had a room even though I was almost never there. But

I figured it was my own problem. That my addiction was my

own fault. "

"What changed your mind?"

"I went back to City Nights. Actually, I'd started going

there quite a lot. I was going cold turkey on the Bulb, and

I was staring to feel really horny. I get horny a lot more,

now. I think it's because I'm still craving the Bulb. You

have no idea how good it is. How it gets into your head.

How you want to do it again."

"What happened at City Nights?"

"I ran into janet there. She was sitting alone in a corner."

"What was wrong with that?"

"Nothing, by itself. I decided to go talk to her. We

didn't part on bad terms, just sad ones. I thought that

maybe now that I'd stopped... well, I can dream, right?

Anyway, she was watching a couple on the dance floor,

dancing as dirty as I've ever seen. I have to admit, they

were hot. After just a few words, her eyes kept going back

to them, and I sat down to look, too.

"It was very intense. Sensual. Erotic. It was like

watching liquid seduction.

"That's when I heard janet again. The table began to shake

and I looked over at her. Her eyes were rolled up into her

head. 'You're wearing a Bulb, aren't you,' I whispered.

"She didn't answer for a bit. Then, when she came back

down, she looked at me, eyes dilated and kind of crazy.

'Yes, it's so much better when you can watch someone. It's

so much better than sex. Oh, God, it's so fucking much


"I knocked my chair over standing, and staggered out in

horror. It wasn't me, you see. It was the damned Bulb. It

was so damned good that it ruined everything else."

"I disagree," said Liz.

"What do you mean?" Ann looked confused.

"I mean, you two just didn't use it properly. Toys can be

great if you can learn how to use them together. They can

support your sex, not end it."

"I thought you were supposed to be representing me!"

"I am. And we'll win. Just because you don't know how good

it is when shared doesn't mean you didn't get addicted to

it. But I also think you might want to know the truth about


"You don't understand! This thing is evil! It ruins people!"

"I understand more than you might think, Ann." Liz stood

and walked around the table to stand behind Ann's chair.

She leaned down to whisper into the junior's ear. "I


She moved to the table and took Ann's hand. Then as Ann's

eyes grew wide with shock, Liz took her hand and placed it

on her crotch.

Ann could feel the squish and vibration as it hummed up

her arm. She tried to pull her hand away, but she was like

a deer with her eyes caught in a pair of headlights. Her

hand began to rub as her gaze went glassy.

"Yesss, that's right. You see? So good if you share. So

good. Now why don't we discuss strategy and how to handle

settlements if they're offered?"

Ann rose to walk out, but stopped. Her hand, still

rubbing, seemed glued in place. The thing she loved was so

close. Her lawyer was offering it freely. And offering


Slowly, as if in a dream, Ann turned and fell into her

Liz's embrace. She pressed her crotch to Liz's and felt the

thrumming, heavenly even through the weight of her clothes.

As their lips met, she knew she was lost forever, even if

the case was won. She was beyond all hope. She didn't care.

"Really, Ann," whispered Liz, "why the hell do you think I

took your case?

"Let's go back to my private office, shall we?"

Ann offered no words. And, without surprise, no resistance

at all.


Please send any comments to:


1. Serene Cherry - As our heroine returns home from an

evening with her partner, the two are stunned as their

entire block is hit with a total blackout, leaving them

alone in the darkness with only a few scented candles to

light up the room.

2. Katie McN - A famous writer who happens to be a lesbian
hires a female college student to help with research. The

two discover each other; have a relationship that lasts

during the time of the project; and, after the project is

over, they part.

3. Iago - In the course of convoluted legal proceedings

(either civil or criminal), a woman is unexpectedly drawn

into a liaison with the female attorney who is representing


4. Dryad - Two women go to a concert together.

5. Sara H - A woman's first sexual adventure with her best

friend leads to sexual obsession for her, and to a

compulsive addiction to sex toys for both.