

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

An Interview with Miss Behavin

An Interview with Miss Behavin'


Copyright 1999, John Jameson. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction and all characters and events are drawn from

the author's fevered imagination. Any resemblance to persons, living or

dead, is unintentional. If you think you recognize yourself here, it's

no doubt a matter of projection on your own part. (Unless, of course,

you happen to be female, are not offended by what you read, and find

middle-aged would-be authors of erotica irresistible. But we'll save

that discussion for some other time.)

Please do not reproduce this work in any form without the express

consent of the author. You may contact me at

If you are offended by explicit depictions of human sexuality, you may

want to look elsewhere for entertainment (after consulting a competent

therapist). If it is illegal for you to read such materials due to age,

local laws or other considerations (and you know who you are, so let's

not kid each other), then please go no further. Not that I can stop

you, but at least my conscience is clear now.


In October of this year, famed author of Internet erotica Miss Behavin'

stunned her readers by announcing her semi-retirement from writing.

Shocked readers deluged the guest book on her Web site with pleas for

explanations and her return to the active writing community, but to no

avail. Insiders told Internet Sex Report that the beloved author,

recipient of the 1999 Golden Clitoride Awards for Best Author and Best

Story (for her short story "Batteries Included"), was emotionally

drained after a year and a half of producing some of the best-received

erotic stories to be posted on the newsgroup.

"The poor thing has just worn herself out," confided Maria Gonzales,

another author of Internet erotica and a confidant of Miss Behavin's.

"I think the shock of winning both the Golden Clitties was just the

final straw," Ms. Gonzales added, apparently attempting to adjust her

custom-made brassiere without drawing undue attention from your

reporter. Despite the sounds of four active offspring in the next room,

it was all this reporter could do to maintain his professional

detachment during Ms. Gonzales' struggles to adjust her lush breasts

more comfortably within the lacy lingerie showing now at the open

neckline of her otherwise conservative white blouse. When asked to

assist with the adjustments, Internet Sex Report's ace investigator

found it necessary to summon up a mental image of his mother-in-law's

face before muttering an excuse about other interviews and deadline

pressures to cover his hasty retreat.

The next author scheduled was the retired but not forgotten icon of

Internet erotic humor M1ke Hunt. As Mr. Hunt is well known for his

fascination with the female form, it was assumed that this would be a

straightforward discussion of Miss Behavin's announcement.

"You know," Mr. Hunt mused, "since my own retirement I've really kept

an eye out for female ASS - um, that is, I've been particularly

cognizant of the female writers on - and I've noticed

that Miss B has been coming consistently." Mr. Hunt shook his head as

though dazed or perhaps medicated. "What I meant to say was that Miss

Behavin' has consistently been coming up with new material on a regular

basis, and I was beginning to wonder how long she could keep me up - or

rather, how long she could keep up that pace." As Mr. Hunt didn't seem

to have any significant insights and seemed to twitch every time your

reporter struck a key on his laptop while attempting to take notes, the

interview concluded early. When last seen, Mr. Hunt was digging through

an untidy stack of papers in his office and muttering something about

"...June's been hiding my printouts again."

Finally we received a break in this story when David, Miss Behavin's

long-suffering proofreader contacted Internet Sex Report and admitted

that Miss Behavin' herself might be willing to discuss the situation in

order to reassure her readers that she is at least still among the

living. It was suggested that yesterday might be a good day for the


"I happen to know that she has to take her car in for service that

day," the intrepid proofreader noted. His idea was that an offer of

transportation through the course of her busy day might be the

incentive that would bring Miss Behavin' forward for an exclusive

interview with Internet Sex Report's investigator and so arrangements

were made to meet the elusive author at an automotive repair facility

somewhere in Ontario.

[Editor's note: As part of the agreement to grant this interview, Miss

Behavin' and her representatives, particularly Mr. Behavin', insisted

that all references to the name of the city be deleted from this story

and that ISR merely report the already-public knowledge that Miss

Behavin' makes her home somewhere in the Canadian province of Ontario.]

It was easy to spot Miss Behavin' in the waiting room at the repair

shop. Not only was there only one woman present, but this reporter

notes that few other women in this unnamed city are likely to be found

at eight o'clock in the morning wearing a black broad-brimmed hat

reminiscent of Ingrid Bergman in "Casablanca", a slinky black dress

ending at mid-thigh, black thigh-high stockings without garters and

four-inch black stiletto pumps. [Editor's note: You think we let just

any schmuck with a journalism degree do investigative reporting for

Internet Sex Report? We have very high standards, including at least

two years of staff experience on a quality investigative staff such as

the one at the Weekly World News.]

Your reporter apologizes for the interruption from his editor -

apparently, yet another hack from the New York Times has been flooding

our job applications e-mail account. Now where were we? Oh! I


This reporter initially found it difficult to understand Miss Behavin's

low, throaty voice over the sounds of rush hour. Just as he was

beginning to wonder if she was treating us to her impression of Lauren

Bacall in "To Have and Have Not", she confessed that she was suffering

from a "terrible freakin' cold", but would endeavor (or endeavour,

considering the source) to speak up so that her words would be

intelligible when the tape was sent in for transcription. With that

matter settled, ISR's reporter prepared to conduct his probing, in-

depth interview. Unfortunately, Miss Behavin' directed him to turn into

a parking structure and explained that she had to get to her regular

day job, but that she would be available to continue the interview at


"You are buying me lunch, right?" she asked your reporter. When assured

that she would be taken to lunch, the long-legged Canadian temptress

sighed and admitted her irritation at the number of people who took up

her valuable time trying to pry information from her and then expected

her to provide them a free lunch as well.

A hasty call to Internet Sex Report's offices resulted in the

accounting staff reluctantly approving a deviation from the normal $20

per diem meal allowance so that this subject could be entertained in a

manner likely to put her at ease and elicit the truth behind this

mystery, although one senior accountant did ask what was wrong with the

buffet at Pizza Hut and a pitcher of beer. This reporter was reminded

that he had managed to break the Roseanne-Tom Arnold divorce story

armed only with a sack of Burger King Whoppers with cheese, but the

accountants conceded that Canadians might be more difficult to persuade

than Americans, perhaps because of all the extra u's they put in their

words, eh?

Permission was also obtained to trade in the Ford Escort rental car for

a Mazda Miata in order to further put the subject at ease. Before our

loyal readers begin writing letters, this reporter knows the Miata is

associated with another female author, but he thinks it's a really cool

car and besides watching Miss Behavin' climb in and out of the low

bucket seats in that dress is worth a little added expense.


By the time internal issues had been resolved, it was time to return to

Miss Behavin's office to pick her up for lunch. At 12:43, your reporter

was beginning to think she would never make the interview, but at that

moment, she came dashing breathlessly out of the front doors of the


"I'm terribly sorry," she told me, "but I'm just swamped by e-mail

today." She bent down to the Miata's window level, which (considering

the decolletage of the black dress) did much to alleviate the

disappointment of a delay in the interview. "Could we possibly finish

this up after work this evening? After we pick up my car, you can drop

me off at home and take me to dinner. Here's the phone number of an

excellent restaurant." With that, she dashed back into the building,

though the afterimage of her elegant backside disappearing through the

door seemed to stay on your reporter's retinas for several minutes.

A quick call to the restaurant in question was followed by a much

longer call to the accounting department. Not only were dinner prices

considerably higher than the waiver already granted on my expense

account, but the restaurant had a waiting list for reservations that

was only bypassed with the promise of an upfront $100 (Canadian) tip.

This reporter spent the afternoon looking for anything in this city

that might interest the Internet Sex Report readership. Amazingly, it

would appear that Miss Behavin' (and Mr. Behavin' of course) are the

only people in the entire city having sex of any kind. That in itself

seems worth a follow-up investigation perhaps by the twerp from the

Times if the pictures he supposedly possesses should change the

editor's mind about hiring him.

[Editor's note: Look for a special investigative report "The City That

Sex Forgot" in the next issue of Internet Sex Report. As for those

pictures, they had nothing to do with our decision to hire our newest

investigative reporter, a distinguished veteran journalist formerly of

the New York Times. Besides, I was playing poker with friends that

night and I have witnesses to prove it. And anyway, she swore she was


Precisely at five o'clock, this reporter was sitting in the red Miata

outside the offices where Miss Behavin' works at her regular job. One

hour and eight minutes later, she dashed from the building and

scrambled into the passenger seat, unfortunately too quickly to

appreciate the resulting view.

"If we hurry, we can get to the shop before they close," the Canadian

beauty gasped, her rapid breathing somehow causing a similar

acceleration in your reporter's heart rate and respiration. Twenty-one

minutes and one traffic citation later (and hopefully that will be

approved when the expense account for this trip gets to accounting), we

pulled into the repair shop's parking lot and Miss Behavin' dashed

inside just in time to retrieve her car from the shop. Unfortunately,

the high-speed dash through rush hour traffic and the screaming of

sirens precluded any in-depth interviewing en route.

I followed the seductive author to her home and was introduced to Mr.

Behavin', who acted the perfect host while his wife changed for dinner.

He proved to be a patient and charming man in every respect but one: he

would not answer any questions regarding his wife's "semi-retirement."

Any information on that subject, he insisted, should come from Miss

Behavin' herself. Since he had a generous hand with the bottle of

Jameson 1780 Irish whiskey, we discussed a variety of topics as we

waited, none of them germane to the topic of this article.

Two and a half hours later, when Miss Behavin' emerged wearing

something green, an unexplained illness had gripped your reporter. The

Behavin's were gracious enough to call a taxicab to transport me to my

motel, since the sudden illness appears to have rendered ISR's

investigative reporter incapable of operating a motor vehicle.

The true tragedy of this turn of events only became apparent when your

reporter woke the next morning with a splitting headache to the sound

of a ringing telephone. It was the senior accountant from the home

office who was previously mentioned. He explained, several times, that

ISR simply could not afford to extend this trip one more day. This was

due in no small measure to the fact that the airline tickets had been

purchased on a discount that precluded travel on the following day (a

Saturday). Bloodied but unbowed, your reporter took a public bus to the

Behavin' residence, retrieved the Miata, and returned to the airport

for the flight home.

The balance of the "interview" with Miss Behavin' was conducted via

electronic mail and proved to be much more revealing than the face to

face attempts. Rather than subject the reader to a long string of e-

mail exchanges containing much that could fairly be represented as

private in nature, we have received Miss Behavin's gracious permission

to summarize it as follows:

As much pleasure as I personally derived from

writing and posting my stories, not to mention

the tremendous response from my readers, it was

those very responses which led to my decision

to enter semi-retirement. You see, I began so

many e-mail dialogues with so many of my

admirers that they began to take up more and

more of my time. Some of them, with male

readers possessed of especially vivid

imaginations, became so heated - yes, I think

heated is as good a description as any - that

they began to require all of my erotic

imagination (except that part reserved for Mr.


This did not leave me with either the time or

the energy to write stories of the quality my

readers had become used to. Rather than

disappoint them with an inferior product, I

made the decision to semi-retire until all of

these e-mail streams reach their proper


[In other words, gentle readers, Miss Behavin'

is currently engaged in what may be the world's

slowest and longest orgy via electronic mail

and the rest of us will have to wait for it to

end before we see any more stories from Miss

Behavin'. The only good news is that she should

have a lot of material for a new series of

stories.- Internet Sex Report]