

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Carree's 1st college Break

I lost my William early in 2001. He was a writer who, one day, planned to use my

diary, as a basis for true erotic stories. I kept the diary through our young

courtship and beyond, William and I enjoyed reading erotic stories of this type.

He planned to use the pen name Billy Hand. As a means of therapy for dealing

with his loss, I have taken up the project. Though not as accomplished a writer as

William, I too, write professionally for travel and vacation guides. I hope you

enjoy our stories as much as I did living them.

Whether you believe our stories or not, trust me when I say then have been

embellished little.

Our sexual awakening is told in the CARREE LOVES BILLY series.

There are 10 separate other stories to be written, from Williams outlines, about

specific days and events in our sexual lives. This is the fifth in the series. It tells

the story of our lives away from each other for the first time at separate schools.

Not seeing each other everyday changed our perspective, and enhanced our

feelings. It also let us see other people's lives and relationships through our love

focused eyes and learned how to use those thoughts as building blocks for our

lives together.

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The final few days leading up to our departure to college was supposed to be a sex

filled romp that would hold us over until we saw each other again. Ha, think


The details of life and love are totally different than those of life and school as

you prepare to leave home for the first time. So many people you had to see, so

many details you had to attend to. Not to mention, packing, deciding what to

bring, and what not to bring. Turning your life's switch from "care free, fun and

love filled", to "student, first semester, scared as hell," took both hands and all the

strength you could muster.

As we got down to the final days of our summer it became increasingly obvious

that we were not going to be able to make up for future lost time filling our cups

from each others sex fonts. "Too busy" became the mantra of each cancelled


In the end, at our last late night phone conversation, we decided that since our

Upstate New York schools were only 72 miles apart we could meet on the first

Sunday before classes to say our official goodbyes. (Read -sex) Later, we were to

find that there was a reason that freshmen students were summoned on the

Wednesday before classes were to start, and those 5 days were still not going to

be enough time to adjust to campus life, and life with new roommates; The

roommates of which you had no choosing.

I was to live in a suite style dorm room. There were 3 small rooms and one larger

common area. In the common area we could share refrigerator, stereo and the few

pieces of furniture they provided. My roommates were to be Henny and Maria.

I asked upon our first meeting if "Henny" was short for Henrietta, and was given

a cold,

"No - guess again."

I never ventured another guess, but by the end of the first weekend, I heard the

same question asked, and same answer given about 100 times. You would have

thought she would have a better answer than that. She acted like it was a stupid

question, but I didn't think it was. Although it was a little thing, she was off on

the wrong foot with me.

Just before my Residence Life Council meeting, on Saturday night, I had to make

a call to Bill and tell him that our planned meeting on Sunday would be

impossible, unless he could make the trip all the way Upstate. There was no way I

was going to be able to rent a car and drive the halfway to meet him. Bill had

given me $50 and a phone number to rent a car for just such a liaison. Freshmen

were not allowed to have a car on campus. Bill thought the rented car would give

me transportation to see him, as well as a way to get any last minute odds and

ends I might need. His good intentions were for naught. It seemed that both our

campuses made it impossible to find free time for any such high jinx. I had spent

all of Saturday scouting down, and waiting in lines for, my books for the first day

of classes

When I got back to my room Henny was reading a campus guide and without

looking up said,

"Karen, a boy called and left a message for you to call him. I lost the number,

sorry. In the future, please try to have an answering machine pick up your calls."

I stopped for a second to see if Henny was trying to be funny, or snotty. I was in

the mood for neither. I couldn't decide whether to take her snottiness, or to

confront it now. The pressure of being away from Bill and home got the best of


"Well, fuck you too, Henny Penny. My name is Carree, and you know it is. It's on

the fucking door. There are just 3 of us behind that goddamn door and looking out

for each other shouldn't be all that hard. Taking a phone message shouldn't kill

you; I would have done it for you, or anyone under these new circumstances. If

you had left the phone to ring more than 5 times, it would have picked up itself,

and how could you have lost the number, I bet you haven't left the room," I said

in an even voiced mini-tirade.

"Listen blondie," she countered. "If you think I'm going to be your booking agent

for every guy you want to meet or date, you're wrong. I didn't have a pen and by

the time I found one, I forgot it. With your looks, I don't imagine you'll have to

wait long for another call."

I wanted to rip her face off, but that wasn't me. I decided to take the high road and

take the blame for getting off on the wrong foot.

"Listen Henny, I called you a name, you called me one. Let's end it right here.

We should be able to get along. I will look after your calls if you're not here, if

you can do the same for Maria and I.

So, One might sense you have an issue with my being blonde and want to stereo

type me. That is stupid.

Also, I'll only have one caller, which will be Bill, my future husband. He goes to

school about 75 miles from here and if we remain roommates for more than few

weeks, you will meet him.

If we have a problem, let's get it out in the open now. I don't know what I

possible could have done to cause you to treat me like I am some burden on you,"

I said as I put all my cards on the table.

"I'm sorry for being so rotten, but MY boyfriend hasn't called me yet and I'm

here 3 days now. He's not away at school, he's at home, and I sense NOT missing

me. He's the best freind I have. I don't have the blonde hair, the big boobs, the

confidant air that you do, to get another lover so easy," Henny sort of apologized.

"Well Henny, you would think that I flaunted myself or my situation, and I

haven't." I started in.

"We have barely talked." I concluded, and then continued.

"If what you perceive as my "confidant air" offends you, I am sorry. But, I must

tell you, I am scared shitless and about as far from confidant as possible. The only

thing I have that is sure is my relationship with my fianc‚e. The fact that you lost

his number pisses me off, but does not deter or diminish that confidence. We are

forever. So if the fact that your boyfriend hasn't called has made you think that

breaking me up with mine will make you feel better, try again. Like I said, we are

forever. Take my phone, call your boyfriend on my dime, and ask him why he

hasn't called you. When you get the answer, you will know and maybe you won't

be so pissy. THEN maybe we can get off on the right foot and we can become

friends, as long as we are going to live together."

That said, I turned, handed her my phone, went into my cubicle and closed the


I knew Bill would call me back, and I suspected that he was going to tell me the

same thing I was going to tell him, that is was too hectic to get away. My asking

him to drive all the way here would be selfish, and if he did come, I don't know

when he and I would have time together, besides the evening, and I didn't want

him getting back to his campus dorm late. His classes began Monday morning as


I had about a half hour to relax before my next pre planned "freshman welcome"

event put on by the Student Life Dept. I was chosen to take part in a program to

help other frosh with problems. It was a 4-year thing of helping students get along

with campus life. Those in their fourth year of the program were indoctrinating

potential new members. We were chosen from personality profiles that were taken

at orientation. I wasn't in love with being picked, and could have turned it down,

but the Residence Life guide from orientation weekend said it cold open a lot of

other doors for you. So, I would try it.

I had just lay back on the hardest bed I would ever sleep on and I heard a knock

on the window. It was may other roommate, Maria.

Maria was a thin, dark haired Brooklyn Italian girl who clicked with me when we

roomed on Orientation Weekend. We had hoped to be paired for the year and

made the request when we mailed our registration forms in. Our pairing showed

the good sense it was to attend the orientation. We both missed boyfriends that

weekend, we both were in committed relationships, and we were 2 peas in a pod

in many ways. There would be few conflicts with us.

I opened the blinds to answer her knock.

"Is Henny still here, still in a lousy mood waiting for the phone to ring?" she


"Yes, and I assume you had a run in with her too. I just used more swear words

than I had said in 4 years of high school, in just one sentence with her. She's

taking her boyfriends inattentiveness out on us, I guess," I said. "I gave her my

phone and told her to call on my dime, but I don't know if she will. The least she

can do is sit in her own room. She's out in the common room, and I sure as hell

don't want to sit out there with her, if all she is going to do is piss and moan."

"Tell you what", Maria said, "I'll come in, and you and I can both try to get her

off the dime to call him, or forget about it for now."

"It's worth a try," I said, "I'll meet you in there in a second."

I shut the window and gave Maria 10 seconds to go through the main door. We

both opened the common room together, and Maria shouted out.

"That's it Henny, your roommates are sick of you moping. Let's call the

boyfriend and get his story before he drives you nuts and makes the 3 of us crazy.

How can 3 girls have fun on this campus if one of us is miserable?"

Henny sat up startled, at first mad, then she smiled.

"I guess I've been a real cunt to the two of you. I'm really sorry. My relationship

can be a pain in the ass, and I knew he could do this. God only knows what he

might be up to. We don't have a big commitment to each other in that way."

Maria blushed. "Henny, I swear a little and don't care if you do, but that word is

just not one I like, it's really demeaning to women in general. I'm not activist, but

please refrain from that one word, OK?"

"Ditto from here," I added.

"Geez, sorry. I guess it is a little rough, and I don't really use it that much, only to

describe the kind of female I have been today." Henny said, and smiled and

cocked her head, saying, "Do you really think I should call him? I WOULD freak

him out."

"Sure, go ahead, it wouldn't hurt. Tell him you're the only girl in the dorm not to

hear from her guy," Maria said.

Henny laughed, "He said he wouldn't call until the goodbye sex wore off. Maybe

it hasn't."

"It's been 4 days Henny, no girl is that good, unless you have special talents,"

Maria said. "Call him and tell him it wore off you. Make him worry a little."

I was a little surprised at Maria saying that to Henny, but apparently she liked the

idea, she was dialing the phone. We heard her ask for Nick, and she flushed when

someone picked up. I motioned Maria to my room and let Henny have her


We sat on the bed and shook hands; glad we nipped a problem in the bud.

"Hello sex is better than goodbye sex, any way" Maria confided. "I didn't see

Jack for 5 minutes in my last 3 days home, he was so busy going away too. I don't

think I'll see him until like Columbus Day or something, but the phone will have

to do."

"It is a hard time to have a commitment, when you know you'll be apart. Sex is

the last thing I worry about, well not the last thing," I laughed, "But, you know

just seeing him, holding him, talking to him, you know, sharing the wavelengths.

He makes me whole," I said.

"Oh, that's so nice a sentiment," Maria said. "Jack and I are a lot like that. I just

wish he were a bit less serious at times. He forgets we are still kids, at heart."

"Bill can be serious too, and almost too much. But, he does open up. When we're

alone we have so much fun." I said, blushing as soon as I said it.

"I didn't mean that kind of alone, not that he's not fun then. Oh' hell. You know

what I mean Maria." I said trying to stop from getting any deeper into our

personal stuff.

There was a knock on the door, it was Henny, and she wanted to talk.

"Well, I'm glad I called. He said my phone doesn't work, he tried to call," she

said. " I got this from his roommate, and he says he is on his way up here. It's

only about 3 hours. I think he wants to stay the night. I should tell you guys that

he and I are in no big love affair; we've just been handy to each other. He's a

great guy, sort of like a brother I never had, ummm. . . that I sleep with."

"Whoa, slow down," Maria said. "As far as rules, I don't know anything about

overnight guests. I think it's OK. As far as I'm concerned, I just want him out of

here in the morning so I can get showered and everything. Come on, this is our

room. Our bathroom is off the common room; it's going to be real hard to have

guests. Do we all agree, and don't be afraid to speak your minds. I'll go along

with a majority."

"Umm, this is going to be tough," I said. "I would like Bill to be able to stay here

from time to time, but most times when he comes, I hope we can get a room. You

know, maybe we can plan around the others going home or getting a room. But, if

the 3 of us are here, boyfriends will have to be off limits for the most part. I think

that's only fair."

"Yeah, I fully understand. I would never think of having him here in the morning,

unless you guys were gone and I was going to be alone. I like my privacy, too.

He, or any other guy who stays, will have to get out during the night, or very early

in the morning. I think that's fair," Henny said.

"Well," Maria began, "I'll go along with it this weekend Henny, sort of a test,

like. But, yes, he does have to be out early. I like my privacy."

As Maria finished my phone rang, and it was Bill. As I suspected, his coming to

see me, or me going halfway to meet him was going to be out this weekend. We

both bit off more than we could chew thinking we could prepare for school and

see each other. "Each other" was not a problem and didn't need any work. The

school part was where we needed to concentrate. We made no bones about the

fact we would miss each other this weekend. The pressure of school was already a

burden on our relationship. We would be testing how strong we were as a couple.

I went to my Residence Life Facilitator training seminar, Maria scouted out for

more books, and Henny went in search of the women's sports director. Women's

Soccer and Field Hockey were looking for walk-ons and she wanted to sign up. I

asked her to get any Track info for me. Hopefully I could a least work out with

the team and be a second for some events, at least enough to keep me in shape. I

liked this better than any exercise class or self-induced physical regimen. Doing it

as a team member made it much easier for me to stay in shape. Plus, I knew I was

not kidding myself to think I was really good enough to compete on a week-to-

week basis with the real athletes. I was fairly quick afoot and had decent stamina.

The only thing I lacked was that real sports competitive edge. The best thing

about the running was that it kept my legs and my butt firm, my belly flat, and my

shoulders and upper back from slouching, thus keeping my breasts up and out

there. I wanted Bills plate to be full, and he kept in shape for me. We had both

given each other gold medals for OUR marathons.

We finished our meeting at Residence Life about 8:45 and as we left the meeting

hall, there was a sticky note on the meeting room doors little peek window,

"Carree, meet Maria at Newman Quad, called 8:30". I went out to check with the

"go-fer and pointer" who worked that hall, but she apparently left her post

sometime after the call. Who could blame her, sitting there all day showing

freshman where to go and what to do.

I rushed over to the Newman Quad and there sat Maria with 2 piles of books and

a forlorn look on her face.

"Carree, thank God you made it. Can you help me with these? I feel so stupid. My

art classes required so many books and workbooks! I had no idea. While I was

waiting in lines and putting together the pile I had a little cart they let me take, but

then they told me I couldn't leave the building with it. I tried to carry them, but I

only made it this far, and there was a phone here. Do you hate me?" Maria said,

near tears, it seemed.

I laughed at her frustration. "What were you going to do if I didn't show up?" I


"I don't know. Unbutton my blouse a few buttons and roll my waist up a few

inches to show some leg I guess," she laughed.

"I'm surprised some guy hasn't come along to offer help without all that," I said.

"Everyone else is buried in books too," she said. "Matter of fact, a guy said he

had to come by here around 9 and if I was still here, he would help. Can you

please help me Carree?" Maria was exasperated and embarrassed.

We divvied up the pile into 2 loads and made our way back to our dorm. She

couldn't found a place further from our room to call and wait for me. We were

just about 500 yards from "home" when we came upon Henny and Nick, her

boyfriend. They were walking toward the same building from the other direction.

We saw Henny point and Nick ran ahead to meet us.

"Hen says you're her roomies and need some help. Let me take those." Nick said

in a voice that would have melted butter. He was a dream.

"I can't let you take all of them," Maria said. "You're so nice to help."

Nick looked Maria in the eye and you could see he was melting her defenses right

away. This guy was a hound, and had all the moves, looks, voice and demeanor to

pull it off.

"I wasn't negotiating," Nick said. "I can take them, it's not a problem."

With that, he knelt and put the books from Maria's arms on a knee, arranging

them from biggest to smallest, using the smaller ones to make a square load, and

then he disarmed me with his eyes.

"Now yours, angel" he said as I bent to let him take them from me one at a time.

He built one large square load on his knee, and then hefted them up.

"I'll meet you at the door of the building," he said as he hurried with his large

load in tow.

Henny was just catching up to us. "Isn't he a dreamboat, and he's like that

naturally, without trying," Henny said.

"Henny, he IS a dish, and you say he's like a brother to you?" Maria said.

The 3 of us turned to walk up and meet Nick at the door as Henny spoke.

"We were in daycare together as babies and every grade in school. He's had

girlfriends, and I've had boyfriends and when we are in between, besides always

being friends, we sleep together. I know it's weird. It's probably why I never can

keep a boyfriend for a long time. They feel threatened. But any girl who wants

him, has to accept me too. We're friends. We'll always be friends," Henny said as

she stopped to make a point with us.

"Umm, don't get the wrong idea. If he has a girlfriend, or me a boyfriend, or

anything, we don't 'do it' then. We aren't swingers or anything. Nothing weird

like that. I know it's a strange relationship. I'll explain more as we get to know

each other, OK?" Henny said.

Maria and I didn't know what to make of Henny and her arrangement, but I knew

Nick was a hunk, and he looked like the type to be sniffing buttholes and humping

legs, in a dog sense. (That's so unfair for me to categorize like that, but that's

what it reminds me of) But, his looks and whole package were disarming. Henny

was good looking in a frumpy sexy sort of way. She certainly would have no

problem finding a guy to be interested in her. But Nick, here was a guy who could

have most any girl he wanted. My own first impression said he and Henny were in

love and just too jaded by the "friendship" thing to come to grips with it.

We got to the door of our Hall and Nick sat patiently waiting for us. I think he

went so swiftly ahead to be sure Henny had a chance to explain a little about


"Nick, thank you so much for bailing me out," Maria said. "My name is Maria,"

she said as she shook his hand.

Henny piped up, "And this is Carree. She's the one who let me use her phone

when I found mine was dead."

Nick turned and took my hand to shake it, and his eyes, oh my god, those eyes,

just unraveled me. "So nice to meet you Carree." Nick said, "Hen said her

roommates were special, but I had no idea," as he picked up the load of books to

go with the load of crap he just shoveled.

We got inside the common room and Nick was pointed to Maria's door and he set

the books on her bed. We each went to our rooms and left Nick alone in the

common as we freshened up. Maria and I may have seen Nick as a hound, but we

made sure we looked good for him. Ahh, vanity.

Soon the four of us were sitting in the common room chit-chatting about school

and life's experiences. Nick was going to Community college back home and

planned to join Henny here at the SUNY school with the lesser expensive CC

credits he needed to get started on his major. All the while we talked Henny

snuggled close to Nick and you could see she was either really missing him,

homesick, or horny. It may very well have been all three. I was pretty well

convinced that the 2 of them were just afraid to commit to each other. I've had

guy friends who were special and so very close, like Jerry Bennett, who I went all

through all grades of school with, but the thought of sleeping with them was not

an option.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I am starved" Maria said, "And the last

meal is served at Frazier Hall at 9:55, if you aren't in line by then, sorry, no food.

We have 20 minutes to get there."

"You and Carree go ahead," Henny said, not waiting to find if I was hungry too.

"Nick and I just shared a pizza he brought from home in his van. It was cold, but

it was home."

I was a little affamato, but not starved, but was willing to let them have time

alone. Knowing Nick had a van, I kind of knew where he would sleep once he left

Hennys bed.

Maria and I went to Frazier and had a bountiful dinner of salad and Jell-O. We

would have had more, but it was all that was left. As the school year went on, they

had more and more food left over each day, as students began to grow weary of

college food. But tonight, the pickings were slim.

After our sumptuous dinner we strolled back to our dorm stopping at 2 frosh

parties on campus. Both parties had signs up telling where the booze parties, off

campus, were. As tempting as it sounded, tonight was to be an early night for me,

and Maria as well. With just Sunday to prepare for our first full week of classes, a

hangover was not in the mix, plus my drink of choice was champagne. Those keg

parties were pretty much champagne free.

As we let ourselves into our room it was dark. We put on the lights and saw

Hennys door was closed. We were not sure whether to assume they were in there,

it was only 11:15, or were checking out parties on or off campus. We put on the

TV to catch the end of the news and SNL. We whispered back and forth deciding

whether we were alone, or if dirty deeds were quietly being done behind Hennys

door. I reminded Maria that it was none of our business, but it didn't keep me

from wondering.

By midnight I was nodding off and caught Maria doing the same. I told her

"goodnight" and went off to my room, closing the door after visiting the

community john. I heard Maria turn off the tv and saw the light go out in the

common room and heard her door click shut. In the stone silence of the room, I

heard loud whispering from the other side of Hennys wall. It was hard to make

out what was being said, but in a few minutes there was no doubt what they were


That night, assuming, they had already "done it" once before we got back, Henny

got her self good and fucked at least 2 more times. It's hard to believe I could

have slept through one of them, but I was that tired. Henny was as loud as I am

when I cum at the end of Bills tongue, and she made no effort to stifle it. Nick

kept giving her loud shushes, but she apparently had little or no control. I assume

the last time I heard Henny, she was on her knees, getting it from behind, with her

hands on my wall. She was announcing her orgasm, almost in my ear. Needless to

say, it made me horny to hear the sex from the other side. I missed Bill and this

was going to have to do.

She was not listening to Nick when he was shushing her, nor did she care. My

fingers were deep in my pussy, while my other thumb and forefinger milked my

clit. I came quietly, much as I did at home, when I was alone in my room. Trying

not to get excited and influenced by their screwing was impossible. I was tense

and I missed Bill already. By the time I came the second time on Hennys third

screw, I was wishing to have Bills cock to play with and suck on. To feel that

hard cock in my mouth as it shot its load to the back of my throat was what I was

wishing for. I worried for a second that my craving made me a pervert, but I

realized that it was only Bill I craved. For a split second I thought of myself with

Nick, and as hunky, and as much as he made my loins ache earlier with just his

eyes and smile, the thought of anyone else's penis but Bills made me chill. I

missed, not just A penis, but Bills, and the way Bill loved me. To be sure, the

image of 2 people screwing on the other side of my wall made me hot, and got me

to orgasm. But it was Bill that I wanted. My second orgasm, caused by Henny

almost shouting sexual cheers in my ear, my third overall, wore me to a frazzle

and I drifted off into deep sleep.

I heard some noises a few hours later in the common room that woke me. As deep

a sleep as my finger play had gotten me into, sleeping in a strange bed kept my

senses wary. I cleared my head and realized it was Nick leaving. A glance at my

clock told me it was 5:15 a.m. I was glad Nick had enough common sense and

decency to be gone when we all got up. I heard them argue a little, with Nick

saying he definitely had to go, and Henny wanting him to stay longer. God, hadn't

she had enough? Then I heard the door swing open and then close, followed by

the outer door to our Hall, both open and close. I just closed my eyes when I

heard our door open and close again and the outer door do the same. My interest

was piqued.

I parted 2 slats of the Venetians and saw Henny, in pajamas, running to Nick, who

was no more than 100 feet from the door. They embraced and kissed for a long

time. Apparently Henny was not going to see him for a while, and frankly, if Bill

had to leave in the middle of the night, I wouldn't want him to go either. What

happened next made me feel like the dirty voyeur, but I couldn't turn away.

Henny broke her kiss with Nick, and in the pre dawn light I saw her squat down

and unzip his jeans. Henny looked around to make sure no one was else was

stirring (who stirs at 5:15 in the morning?) She drew out his penis and proceeded

to give him a blowjob right there in between the Halls. I wondered if she was

going to finish him right there, but then she stood and turned around, lowering her

bottoms and bending over. Nick, still fully dressed, with only his cock out,

slammed into her pussy, but Henny was quiet this time, realizing that waking the

Quad to see her screwing just might be embarrassing. Nick came in about 20

seconds, obviously primed by her sucking. Henny went from a bend to a squat,

and I assume was letting Nick run out of her. He went to the front of her and she

took his penis back in her mouth, apparently cleaning it for the ride home. She

finished doing that and Nick stuffed it back in his pants, while she continued to

squat. Nick reached into his pocket and took out a napkin, or his handkerchief and

handed it to her. She wiped herself and pulled up her bottoms and kissed Nick

again. They hugged and he was on his way. She stood, with arms folded in the

cool morning air just before the sun broke the horizon, waving goodbye to her

friend. She walked, albeit a little funny, back up to the Hall entrance. Through my

open window I could hear keys jiggling in her hand, and her humming a song of


In a way, I was astonished at what I saw, in a way I was jealous. I was happy for

Henny. She was the most homesick of the 3 of us, the most insecure of the three.

But she knew that she was the one who was satiated the most right now. She was

the first to get off with her guy at school and face the first week of school with a

smile on her face. I had another orgasm in her honor.

In the morning I was the first up about 10:30 and Maria followed about a half

hour later. We made some small talk and she finally got a shit-eating grin on her

face and asked:

"Did their cavorting keep you awake last night? If not, you must sleep like the

dead. Apparently she doesn't care who hears her. Wow, it was quite a show."

"Oh Yeah, I heard them. God Bless her. It was quite inspirational." I said.

"Believe me, I know what you mean. I miss Jack too." Maria intimated.

"You didn't happen to see them when they left together this morning, did you?"

Maria asked.

I was embarrassed to say that I spied. "No, I didn't. I figured he left early, why?"

"She did him again, outside, not fifty yards away from the building. I couldn't

fully see both of them, all of the time, from my window, but it was obvious what

was going on. I looked out when I heard her leave about 10 seconds after he did,"

Maria said.

"Well," I said, "One of us will be in a good mood today. God, I miss Bill, but the

inspiration was welcome last night," I admitted.

"Yes, we can be naughty little creatures can't we," Maria said agreeing with me.

Frazier didn't open until noon for breakfast (I'm sorry, back home we call that

LUNCH), so I decided to shower, but just as I was going in Maria passed me.

Now we had 2 stalls, but I wasn't ready for community nudity yet. I realized that

some days it was going to be unavoidable. But, today, I let Maria finish. When

she was done I went in took my shower, with Maria agreeing to wait and go to

Frazier with me. I was halfway through my shower when Henny paraded in to

shower herself.

"Hi Carree. Umm, sorry if we got a little loud last night, I really needed it. I won't

be seeing him for a while. So . . . . . Hey, nice shave job! You go baldie for your

boyfriend, or do it for your self?" Henny asked, giving my nude body the once


"Ah . . Um . .It's for both of us," I said uncomfortably as I turned away.

"Hey, don't go shy on me, Carree. Living together like this, we have to get used

to it. Nothing is private. You're beautiful and have nothing to be ashamed of,"

Henny paused, then added. "I say nothing is private because, . . Nick said you

were watching us screw in the Quad this morning. He saw the blinds part. Don't

be embarrassed. If I cared I wouldn't have done it outside."

I was stunned and embarrassed, almost to tears. "I am so sorry, Henny. I just

looked out to make sure everything was OK, and then one thing led to another and

. . ."

"Don't sweat it, Carree. I needed a good dicking, and I got it. I don't do those

things with every guy I go out with, just Nick. He's special. Please understand,

I'm no slut or whore." Henny defended herself.

I was still uncomfortable. "I can't judge you Henny, and I don't." I said. "What

you two did was private, and I was a bad person to keep looking. I even denied it

to Maria, who also saw you. So, lets just drop it, OK?"

There was a long pause as Henny thought about our words, standing there in the

nude watching my backside as I spoke. "Thanks Carree," Henny said. She paused

a long time and I turned to hear the rest of what I knew she wanted to say.

"Thanks for not judging me, and letting it drop with Maria. I appreciate it. It was

one of the few times I didn't feel guilty about sex, up until Nick said you were

peeking. Now, it all feels good again."

I smiled at her, "Take a shower and come to breakfast with us, OK?"

She smiled and said "Sure!"

I finished my shower and met Maria in the common room and asked her to wait

for Henny, too. We all went to breakfast and the incident was never brought up

again. Nick came and stayed over one other time before Columbus Day. Maria

and I went to a party that night and stayed out until 3 a.m. When we got back, all

as quiet in Hennys room and in the morning, when we got up, Nick was gone and

no one heard a thing, except the walls.

I had not seen Bill since August 31st, the Wednesday before Labor Day. It was

now October 7th and we had our first break for, of all things, Columbus Day. We

had classes on Labor Day and get Columbus Day off. Go figure New York State


All of the plans Bill and I had made, to get together on weekends from time to

time were dashed by studies and Bills internship with Time, Inc. Using the school

computers he was able to get pieces to edit, and was submitting "Campus Life"

articles, which was a monthly feature, and "Youth in America" articles, a twice

monthly feature. He hadn't been published yet, but felt he was close. He was

excited that the critiquing of his pieces had gotten less and less negative and more

positive. He had one "contributing to" credit in the magazine, and I missed it at

the newsstand. I ferreted it out of the library to make sure I had it to show him

that I had seen it. He was so proud.

The whole week leading up to Friday the 7th I cringed every time the phone rang,

in fear it was Bill canceling again. I know he missed me like crazy. We had phone

sex a couple times, and he told me about all the times he was frustrated and horny,

missing me, jerking off. My story about Henny in the Quad got him off as well as

it did me. But we needed the real thing. He called on Thursday night as promised.

I held my breath not wanting to hear a change in plans, but he said,

"I've got a surprise for you!!"

The sound of his voice had me hot, but his words made me hotter.

"I just got off the phone from 3 phone calls. Number one, I talked to your mom

and Dad and said I was going to bring you home for the weekend, and they need

not bother coming for you. I will deliver you early Saturday afternoon. I spoke to

my mom and Dad and told them to expect me Saturday afternoon. Then I also

spoke to a real nice hotel in Syracuse and told them that we would be arriving in

the early evening on Friday for a nice stay in their honeymoon suite, and would be

returning on Monday night in a regular room with a king size bed. Since your first

class isn't until 11:00 on Monday, and mine isn't until noon, we can leave at 7 on

Monday and get you to school in plenty of time, and I can do the same. But, that's

2 whole nights alone, just you and me. What do you think?"

"Oh Bill, I have my hands in my pants already. I NEED you so bad right now. We

can never go this long again. It's not just the sex; it's just seeing YOU. God, I

need to hold you! (I was starting to cry) I need to hear your voice, to feel your

skin against mine, and then, IT'S THE SEX!! But I don't want anyone but you.

Ever since I saw Henny in the Quad with her boyfriend, I have ached for you," I


Bill paused at my words and said, "I thought you made that story up, just to get

me hot and we could do it on the phone together!".

"No, I couldn't make something like that up. It happened!! It made you as hot as

it did me. We did it on the phone when I was telling you; imagine what I was

doing when I watched them. But, I need you now. You can take me now, Bill. I

don't want to wait till we are married." I admitted.

"Carree, think about what you're saying. You know I would love to be inside you,

inside your pussy, making you happy, making me happy. But, we've waited this

long, let's keep waiting making it as special as it should be. Plus, you never know

the consequences. I got a note from Jerry Bennett, and Julie is pregnant. He wants

your email, but I told him we would see him this weekend. Julie's prep school

may not let her carry to term at school. The only thing saving her is that she's a

second year student. But, she still may have to leave before the semester finishes.

They are screwed," Bill said.

Bills words grounded me, and took me out of my horny little dream. Jerry Bennett

was my oldest pal in school. Julie was a year older and went to a 2 year Prep

school to get ready for a Law degree. What would happen to her plans now, . .

their plans now? I didn't know Julie all that well, but I knew Jerry was playing in

his band almost every weekend to help save money for his own college. He

confided that they would get married after his fourth year and then work while she

got her Masters. All their plans were shot to shit, unless she did something about

the baby, and I doubted Jerry would let that happen. I left Bill with a long pause

on the phone.

"Oh shit, Bill. That's awful. In the paper mom sent me about the Columbus Day

Parade, Jerry's band is playing at The Aud on Sunday. I'm looking forward to

hearing them and seeing him. Damn, this can't be true, can it? I asked.

"That's what he told me Tuesday night and in my mind, I was so proud, that we

had been so good, Care. We don't have to do it to make love. God, you know I

want to. But this one is hitting home. I wasn't even going to tell you until we were

home. Come on, let's be the hot virgins, we know we can make each other hot

and happy." Bill told me.

"Oh, I know you're right, and now I really know you're right. I probably would

have changed my mind anyway," I said.

"Yeah, you big tease!" Bill kidded, always finding away to make me smile.

"Let's cut this call short and save some bucks, and I'll see you after your last class

on Friday, 3:20 right? Be packed and ready to go! I love you, madly" Bill said.

"Oh, I love you even "madly-er". Take THAT you English Lit major. Work on

putting fuck in the dictionary, I expect to use it a lot times on Friday night, OK?

Yes, 3:20 is the end of my last class. Follow the signs to Hall Hall. I'll be looking

for you," I finished.

"Goodbye, my sweet," he said as he hung the phone up.

I went to bed that night knowing that the next night I would be wrapped around

Bill, feeling him, tasting him, him tasting me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to fool

with the butt-sex, it would be nice, but you always run the risk of being sore or

uncomfortable the next day. So far, I had been pretty lucky. Bill had packed the

toys with his stuff when we left. I insisted he take them, I didn't want to be

tempted to use them on myself when I was alone. If he brought them tomorrow, I

guess it would be that he wanted to get in me, uhh . . . Back there. We have to

come up with a sexier name that anal sex, butt-sex or up the ass. Those names all

sound so dirty and tawdry. It can be so beautiful. Yes, it is messy to prepare and

can have some embarrassing consequences, but we have mostly followed all the

rules and not had a problem when we did it. The one time we didn't follow the

rules, we paid with, as Bill called it, unpleasantness. As long as I was with Bill, it

made no difference. I could just hug him and hold him and I'm sure I would

orgasm and float through the weekend. Every person should feel this much love at

least once in his or her lives.

My alarm was set an hour early so I could have time to pack in the morning. Nick

was coming to get Henny and Maria's Jack was flying into Syracuse and driving

up to spend the long weekend in our dorm. If we timed it right, and it would be

close, everyone would meet everyone by 3:30 tomorrow. Faces would go with all

the names we had used in our conversations with our loves.

I slept like a hibernating bear on Thursday night. My lover was coming to rescue


Friday's classes flew by in a complete turnaround of what I expected. I was sure it

would be the longest day of my life. My English Prof asked my permission for her

to read my paper I had done on Life in New York State. We each had to draw

subjects from a hat and submit composition that would make the reader want to

go out of his way to find additional information on your random subject. When I

got it, I hated it because it seemed so "high school", but she said mine was the

only one that intrigued her and wanted to show examples in my style. As much as

I was proud, I was embarrassed. It really felt like high school. The other 2 classes

I had, a Lit appreciation class that I stumbled into to fill my credits, has turned to

be a great class, and finally my art class. Art is something where I feel I have a bit

of talent, but the prof really knows how to make you feel good about yourself and

brings a lot out of you. I can draw still life pretty well. I don't know where this

will lead me, but I am keeping my major open. Today we mostly talked and

"appreciated" each others work. It was only a couple minutes after 3 when he told

us to bag the day, and enjoy the weekend. I think I did a sprint across campus to

get to Hall Hall. (If your name was Hall, shouldn't you be exempt from having

them name a Hall after you. It's like Street Street)

I couldn't wait to get in my room, change into clean clothes and move my stuff

outside to wait for Bill. I opened the door to the common room and there sat

Maria, and I assume her friend Jack, Henny and Nick, and in the corner, BILL.

I looked at everyone as an unending smile crossed my face. I looked again at Bill,

and without a word ran and jumped in his arms. I never held him so tight as I did

then. I never knew how much I missed him. To hold him, smell him, feel the

warmth from his body.

"On my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, I missed you!!" I whispered in his ear so

low only he could hear. I was crying, and I would not let go. How a man could

have that effect on me was beyond my wildest dream. His gripped hug across my

back loosened, but I would not relent. I waited so long for this.

"Carree, I'm here, you're here, and everything is perfect. I'm not going anywhere.

Introduce me to your friends" Bill whispered to me.

I let Bill go, and I realized I was all wet-eyed and red faced, embarrassed I had

made a scene, but I really didn't care.

"I'm sorry, everyone. You probably already know, this is Bill, and I really love

him a lot. This is Maria, and I assume John, Henny, and Nick" I said.

Maria and John stood up and Maria said "Carree, this is John, but we always use

Jack. When I talk about him if he is not around I always say John, I don't know

why, but he's my Jack," Maria said as she hugged him.

I extended my hand and we shook hands. Jack was quite handsome and sort of

rugged looking, maybe an athlete. He and Maria looked like the cover of a fitness


Henny stood up and hugged Maria and then me. "It is so great to finally meet the

guys you have been talking about these first couple months up here in God's

country. I'm the only one to have a visitor here so far and I was beginning to

wonder if Jack and Bill existed," Henny chuckled.

Dreamboat Nick stood up and said "I knew girls as pretty as the both of you had

to have boyfriends, no matter what Henny says. Hey, I hate to be the party spoiler

here, but Hen, we should get rolling. Your mom said she would hold dinner till 7

o'clock unless she heard otherwise. If we leave now, we should make it OK."

"Nick doesn't get home cooked meals at his frat, so my mom is it for him" Henny

said. "Umm, Nicks parents split up and his mom moved away, and his Dad lives

at the VA home, he's got big time medical problems. It's a long story."

I had wondered why if Nick was "home", he lived in the frat, I guess that

explained it all. I'm sure Henny would let more of his story out as we got to know

each other. But, for now, Bill was anxious to get a move on too.

"Yeah, babydoll, let's get your stuff out to the car and we can head out too. It was

nice to meet each of you; I think I've heard all the stories. Carree likes to fill me

in." Bill said.

I think each couple wanted to get out and be alone with each other. There was a

tension that can only be broken when you finally get alone. With Henny and Nick,

it was hard to tell which one of them was the one who wouldn't admit to really

being in love with the other, while both denied it. There were times when Henny

acted the part, and other times Nick. They were a good couple and I hoped they

both admitted their love to each other. They couldn't be just friends. No way.

I imagine Maria and John, . . .er Jack, were going to be spending the bulk of time

in the room after we left. They wouldn't be together again until Christmas, for


Bill and I piled each other up with my things and we trekked to his car. I don't

think I shut up for the next ten minutes, telling Bill how much I missed him and

what I had done that day. Nervous energy had to be expended if I was going to

have to sit in the car for a little over 2 hours to Syracuse. Once the car was loaded

and I got in the front seat, I scooted over and hugged Bill again and kissed him

over and over. I didn't want to neck, because I would have to have him right here,

and I wanted to wait until we got situated in our room. Bill finally got me to move

over so he had room to drive the unfamiliar road. We talked about everything in

our lives for the whole 2 hours and that made the time go by in a whisper.

We were just pulling to a stop in the Hotel parking lot when I cuddled up to Bill

and asked him, "Did you bring our toys. Do you want to get that frisky, doing it in

my . . . umm "back there," or are we going be tame this time and just love each

other here?" I said kissing his lips.

"I have a little preparation kit for anal, if you want to use it, Carree." Bill said as

he sat back. He turned in the seat and hugged and squeezed me. "I want so much

to be inside of you Carree. But, only if you feel OK and everything is right.

Believe me, just holding you all night would be enough. I love you so much."

Bill hadn't shown a lot of emotion ever since I first saw him back at the dorm. I

knew he had something on his mind, and I feared it was school or internship

related. I didn't want something weighing on his mind. He finally spilled.

"Ever since you said you wanted to give it up for us last night on the phone, I've

thought about being inside you Care. I know, and you know that can't happen yet.

The risks are too great. I think the fact we put so much emphasis on it makes it

harder to ignore. But, I love you so much, I just want to do it as much as you. This

other way, this way seems so nasty . . . I don't know. So, . . . dear God I can't

even think of a word. But, when we actually do it, it is so beautiful. I'm just afraid

that when we do it, that you . . .you think."

"Bill stop!" I interrupted. "I go through the same things with it, but it is right for

us, and I do want it to, and I don't think anything bad about you or us when it

happens. God, we've spent too much time away from each other, I think. We used

to talk about these things so free and easy. Even alone in my bed last night,

thinking about our possibilities this weekend, I struggled with this same thing.

Remember, whatever we do, as long as we both go along, is OK. We talk, we

communicate. We need to get back into our own little world. Remember we have

seen each other almost everyday for the past, what, 8 years? Now, for the past 3

years we have become real intimate lovers, and again, seeing each other almost

everyday. Except now, we are ONE, Bill. That hasn't changed." I implored to


"No, Carree, that hasn't changed, we ARE one. I guess I let too much of the world

into my life in the past few months. I have to let go of some of that and make

more room for you. Anything we do is right, baby. As long as we are together,

that's all that counts. I'm already beginning to think like we did last summer at

the Six Flags Marriott. What an incredible time that was. No man could

experience that much love with any woman, except you Carree." Bill finished as

he leant over and kissed me, hot and deep.

"Come on, I want to show you off, lets go check in together, Mrs. Wilson." Bill

said so proudly.

"Right behind you Mr. Wilson," I said as I slid out Bills door right behind him.

We could be so serious, so silly, or so sexy all in a minute's time. As we strutted

into the lobby of the Hotel I felt eyes looking at us, and I knew they were all

envious of the obvious love we shared, arm and arm, giggling and laughing. From

the corner of my eye it seemed every shard of light caught in my ring and sent a

glitter off of us. I was so proud to be with my Bill.

We checked in and made a wake up call, or actually a do not disturb call, for one

o'clock. That was the latest we wanted to leave, so he made sure the maid service

knew to do our room as one of the last. We went to the car and got our things. I

forgot to pack a one-night bag like Bill did, so I had to bring both my bags up.

Bill said he better get a good tip for the extra work. I told him not to worry; he

would be tipped just fine. Ha Ha.

To get to the suites, you had to ride an escalator to the concourse and then take a

special elevator that only went to the top floor of the building. When the door

finally opened on the elevator we only saw four doors for the whole floor. Bill

thought some of suites or penthouses on the floor below must have had lofts that

took up space on our floor. When he opened the door to our suite, we saw it was

huge, no matter what. It was more opulent than the last place we had. There was

champagne cooling in a bucket (I guess the drinking laws don't pertain to

newlyweds in honeymoon suites. By reserving as Mr. and Mrs., they must assume

you are of legal age), a huge bath boudoir, 3 bedrooms, one a large round bed

with a mirror, a four poster with canopy and, of course a waterbed. It included a

decent size kitchen and bar. We hadn't finished our own little tour when a knock

came to the door.

Upon opening the door a waiter wheeled in a cart with shrimp cocktails, and

various little hot and cold snacks.

"Compliments of the management, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Our best wishes." Said

the waiter.

Bill tipped him and turned to me, a little red-faced. "I guess I told them we just

got married when I made the reservations. Uhh, pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah, pretty cool lover boy. If a violinist shows up, mid orgasm, to play the

anniversary waltz, I'm outta here," I joked.

"Let me lock and chain the door and we can make our night a "clothing optional"

affair. How does that sound?" Bill said.

I crossed my hands and grabbed the bottom of my sweater and whisked it over my

head. I think I gave him an answer for his question.

Bill turned from the door and saw me in my bra and slacks and smiled. He came

up to me and kissed me lightly on the lips and turned me around, wrapping his

arms just under my breasts.

"Oh, how I've waited to hold you, Carree," he said as he found the front snap on

my brassiere and let my breasts free. His crossed hands slid up, held and fondled

them. His voice was breaking as he whispered to me. "Carree, you are the most

beautiful woman on earth and I thank God everyday for bringing you to me. But, I

have missed you so, so much." His hug intensified as I brought my head back to

lie on his shoulder and let him hug me tighter.

"Shhh, Bill. No words." I said. "None are needed. Your touch, your body against

mine is all I need to know how you feel. Lets get out of our clothes and take a

shower and wash, touch, and taste each other. Does that sound good?" I asked.

Bills hand fell to the snap of my slacks and he slid his hand down over my

stomach to the very top of my vagina. As he tongued my neck he touched my clit.

"You better stop me now," Bill said, "Otherwise we'll be on the carpet here in a


"Don't think that doesn't sound good either," I said as I pulled away from him.

"But, I'd rather be on the shower floor where we can slide round without carpet

burns" I said while swishing my hips towards the bath boudoir. Bill was close


The bath was huge with many lights and mirrors strategically placed around the

room. There were 2 make -up tables, like you would see back-stage at a theatre,

with the little round lights around them, and a long counter that ran 12 feet or

better. It had little set-ups of soaps and towels, make-up, wipes and tissues, and at

the end, a long roll of a plastic wrap with netting in it. It was a gown saver. It

explained how to roll it out on this counter and how to lay your wedding gown

into it, and wrap it. I closed my eyes and dreamed of the day. Bill caught my little

daydream and kissed the back of my neck.

"Penny for your thoughts" he said.

"Ask me to marry you everyday, OK? I love how great I feel when I keep saying

yes," I told him. He laughed. His smile and his eyes were all I needed to know

that I was asked again.

I reached out and started to unbutton his shirt, but he stepped away.

"Let me watch you finish while you watch me," he said while his eyes glued to

my body, and mine to his. We stripped off each piece of clothing and then stood

before each other at about 6 feet or so apart. He motioned for me to twirl, and I


"You have got the most beautiful bottom, most gorgeous ass, in the universe. I

could stand here and cum without touching myself, just looking at it" he said.

"Penny for YOUR thoughts," I said giggling as I looked at his erect penis, the

skin already retracted back past the beautiful head. I wanted it in my mouth right

then, but promised myself to restrain until we got into the shower.

Bill took my hand and walked me to the shower, and what a huge shower it was.

Three shower heads in a round glass and mirror cylinder. Bill went in and turned

on 2 of the heads and then extended a hand to me. There were pull bars and

handles on the walls that I was sure weren't there for the handicapped. We

hugged under the flow of one of the showers.

"Three shower heads," I said. "Is this going to make me extra clean?"

"I only put on two of them, I want you to be a little dirty," Bill said with a grin.

"You are a nasty man," I said, "and I wouldn't want you any other way."

I pushed Bill back so his head went into the spray and he got his hair wet, and he

pulled me under too. We hugged and danced around under the water of the 2

sprays. Finally I saw the soap dish and grabbed a bar and unwrapped it. I began to

soap Bills chest. Once it was good and sudsy, I hugged my breasts to him and

backed away. He then used the suds to wash me. This was going to be fun. It

didn't take long before we got to genitals and buttholes, and that certainly made

things interesting. I took the shampoo sample and poured some onto Bills hand,

and he to mine. We lathered each other's hair until the soap began to run into our

eyes. Then we washed our own hair in earnest so we could move on. We each

took a shower spray for rinsing and Bill was done before me. He wasted no time. I

felt a hand come up between my legs and a long finger go right up my pussy. I

wanted to duck away from the sexual rush I felt, but I was still rinsing soap. His

finger went right up behind my clit, and I know he wanted to hit my special spot.

Once the soap was gone I was able to open my eyes and see he was kneeling

down behind me and his hand was palm forward with the pad of his middle finger

right behind my button. He used his other hand on my back to show me to bend

over. As soon as I did his tongue was at my butthole and I was sucking breaths

trying to allay the too good, too soon feelings.

Just as my breath became caught in my throat, Bill stopped his fingering and put

his arms around my hips and pulled me back off my feet right on top of him. Here

both sprays were hitting us and he maneuvered around so his face was right under

my pussy in a 69 position. He didn't need an invitation to assault my vagina from

top to bottom with his tongue. While my back was arched in ecstasy, I knew what

he had for me below. There was the beautiful penis I had missed for the past

couple months. Although I am no deep throater, I wedged as much as I could into

my mouth and to the breach of my throat, just to where I had to fight the gag, and

then I sucked it right to the tip. As he lapped and tried to get his tongue into my

pussy, I tried to polish the head of that tasty cock with my tongue. He snaked his

left thumb behind my clit and attacked my pussy with his tongue. I would have to

give up his cock in a moment to make sure I didn't bite him during my orgasm.

"Ughhh, Urghhh, Urghhh" I grunted while I stroked his cock, my orgasm hitting

hard, but then Bill relented. He licked the length of my pussy again and kissed my

little butt, then asked me to hold on while he rolled over.

Now he was on top and had more control. He dove right into my pussy and then

slid a finger at the top of my slot behind my clit, leaving enough room for his

tongue. I put his cock into my mouth and before I could start to move on him he

began gentle thrusting. I was being fingered, licked and mouth fucked at the same

time. I wasn't going to last long.

My G-spot orgasms really knock me out and I squirt pretty well when they are

intense. I thought these were going to be extra intense, I was almost afraid of

passing out, as I had done before. I climbed the ladder on this big O very fast and

lingered at the top ready to dive off for a count of 5 or 10. I was without breath or

even a grunt for that moment, then . . .URGHHHHHHHH. I felt the blood run

from my head and I thought I was going to pass out but I forced my lungs full

again through my nose and around the cock in my mouth. Bills gentle thrusting

never wavered a bit and made sure he was not choking me or forcing himself

down my throat. My orgasm was his goal and he was right to the task. I was sure

he could coax a few more from me, but I wanted him to get his.

Before I could take control of sucking him though, he drilled once again into my

clit and pushed from behind it to get my spot.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, I thought to myself and then,

"URGHHHHHHHH." I came with a vengeance again, and this time with a long

hard squirt that must have caught Bill right in the face. Playing in the spray of the

shower, he must have barely felt it, but he must have tasted it. I knew one more

would send me to black out; I had to roll from under him.

My move from under him was a violent one, but drastic times require drastic


"Oh God Bill, are you trying to KILL me? That was so awesome, but you're

going to make me pass out," I said as I panted like I had just ran 4 miles.

Bill was puffing too as he had stayed in position on his knees and elbow as if I

were still under him in the spray. He sat back on his knees and haunches and

grinned at me. "I had to make sure you had the orgasm you've wanted for the past

2 months, didn't I? Was it worth the wait?"

"Oooo you could add up all the cums I had at school together, alone in bed

thinking about you, and they wouldn't equal that one. But I don't want to wait

that long again," I said as I crawled on just my elbows in the spray until

I was looking straight into his genitals. His low hanging balls and erect cock were

right in front of my face. I pushed myself up a little on my elbows to get an angle

to sink his cock into my mouth. I dropped my head over it and moved my jaw up

and down, taking about 3 or 4 inches in and out with a steady rhythm. I could

have done little things to make this sexier, I thought about licking at his sack and

tickling the underside of his cock head with my tongue tip. But, I was selfish; I

wanted his cum in my mouth and belly, now.

I don't think I made more than 10 or 15 pumps with my mouth before he began to

lose control and coo at me.

"Carree, Carree, I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum, Oooo, Oooo, Ohhh,

hut Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Ahhh."

My mouth filled with a watery shot and then pulse after pulse of semen. I kept

swallowing to avoid choking as at least 3 shots hit the back of my throat. It seems

I can never get ready for those. Then he continued to pulse cum into my mouth as

I swallowed. It seemed like 5 minutes I sucked at the head of his cock, although I

know it was probably just 15 or 20 seconds. He was shuddering and I knew he

would have to push me away. He was already all chicken skinned. I pushed as

much of his softening penis into my mouth as I could and formed a tight O for the

trip back up. It slipped from my mouth with a loud kiss and a final pulse of cum

to my tongue and lips. I don't love the taste, but it is definitely Bill, and I love

swallowing him like that. It's my love communion. To know I brought him off

with my mouth, in my mouth, is so personal, so sexy. I'll never grow tired of this

act. Can anything be more personal than mouth to genital sex for either of us?

I sat back on my haunches in a mirror image of he. I smiled at him, and he at me.

"God, I miss you," we said in unison and he knee walked to me and crushed his

face to mine tasting the drops of semen left on my lips as we kissed. Our kiss was

long and deep as we held each other. Finally it was becoming apparent that the

water had lost its warmness and we broke the kiss for Bill to get up and turn off

the sprays.

"I hope this room has its own hot water tank. If not, my apologies to the rest of

the guests." Then he laughed uncontrollably at his feeble joke. I laughed too, but

at him more than anything.

We got out of the shower module and began drying off as Bill searched for robes.

"These places always have those big oversized terry robes," he said as he opened

a mirrored pantry. "And here they are!" he said as he pulled one from its hanger.

"For you milady", he said as he opened it and held it for me. Then he slipped into

the other and we went arm and arm into the living room. The city skyline was

more pronounced now that the sun was almost down and as we stepped up to look

at it, we saw there was a Jacuzzi in the floor where you stepped up to the terrace

to see the view. We hadn't got that far in our uncontrolled horny state earlier.

"Even this dumpy city is pretty when you're with the one you love and looking

over it like this," Bill said.

I just held Bill tighter to show my agreement.

"How about shrimp and champagne, Care? Sound good?" Bill said.

"Sounds wonderful, can we do them in the Jacuzzi?" I suggested.

"Why not?" he said as he left my side to go and prepare our opulent feast.

I found the controls on the Jacuzzi tub and got it going. It was amazingly quiet

after all of the outdoor models I had heard. This was going to be really nice. I

knelt to feel the jets, and the water coming out was warm and although the

standing water was not what you would call cold, the whole tub would be quite

warm in no time. I found a defoamer, added that and watched the swirling water.

As Bill began to walk from the bar area with a tray, I dropped my robe and

stepped down the steps of the tub to pick my corner.

"How am I supposed to keep my mind on anything when you drop your robe,

Carree?" Bill said as he stopped in his tracks to watch me descend into the tub.

"Do you mean that you're going to spend the rest of your life with a hard-on if I

walk around nude?" I asked.

"Carree, frigging statues will have hard-ons if you walk around nude." Bill said.

"You fail to realize that you have a perfect body, one that Playboy and Penthouse

magazines would drool to have in its pages. It's not that I view you as just an

object, but I guess I just can't believe that you're going to be my wife AND

you're so beautiful." Bill added.

Bills words flattered me and made me blush. I rarely dressed to show off my

body, although I knew it was in good shape. Later on in life I would find I easily

could make money modeling bathing suits, but I would never consider nude

sittings. All of my photos have been shot outside, on location, to be true to the

resorts and agencies I write for, and only for those agencies and resorts.

Bill set the tray down beside the tub on a lip specifically made for such things. He

picked up the bottle and popped the cork and began to pour into the flutes he had

put on the tray. He stood and was just about to drop his robe when he winked at

me and ran to our room. He came back with our little blue anal toy and a tube of

colored gel. He smiled at me and said, "Just in case we get so inclined for a little


"Geez Bill," I said, "we should have done the rest of the prep things before we

came out here and had food and drinks."

That wiped the smile off his face. I was sorry I had said something, I could have

just let things progress along, although we would have to stop somewhere along

the line, and I would rather not do it after eating.

"Oh Shit, you're right. Lets just forget about it for tonight, we can catch up to it in

the morning or when we come back. I don't want to ruin this moment" Bill said, a

little dejected but not totally bummed.

"No, Bill. I really was looking forward to being extra naughty and having you

stuffed up inside me. It's been 2 months since I saw you and even longer since we

did this. Lets cut our losses. Put the shrimp back in the fridge, put the hot things in

the oven and lets bring the wine you poured into the boudoir." I suggested.

"Damn, I was going to skip the hot things so we could be together faster. I'll put

them in the oven on real low, and leave the champagne in the ice bucket" he said.

"See," I said as I was getting out of the Jacuzzi, "we can make it work. I'll make

you smile again, you pouty little brat."

"Pouty little brat? I don't think I would be calling the person who's going to be

putting things up your butt any names right away, missy! Remember I was the

one who was willing to wait." Bill whined.

"I saw that look on your face." I said as he handed me a towel. "It was a pout!

. . . and you wouldn't really do anything to hurt my cute little butt would you?" I

said with a naughty smile.

"Never, I love that butt," he said as he gave it a playful crack. "Well, I might give

it a little spanking."

I turned my bottom away from him and pulled my robe up over my shoulders.

"Forget about that, you dirty college boy. I'm not into spankings," I said as I

picked up my bubbly and headed to the bath boudoir.

Bill came in right behind me and went to a bag he had on the counter. He pulled

out 2 Fleet enema bottles and a spare tube of lube gel. He also bought some baby-

wipes that I had mentioned the last time might be nice to have. He's so damn


Bill crooked his finger and motioned me over to the counter. As I got there I told

him that this was the part I hated and I just wanted to get it over with.

"It doesn't have to be so bad" he said as he slipped my robe off my shoulders and

spread it on the counter.

I went to bend over it and he said to sit instead. He shucked off his robe and sat

beside me and handed me my champagne back. He held up his glass and said,

"Cheers! To my wife, who I love more than anything."

We sipped our wine and smooched like a couple nervous kids on a first date.

He definitely had me relaxing, and on the empty stomach, my wine was going

right to my head, one of the things I loved about champagne.

"You wouldn't want to wait until Monday night anyway Billy, there won't be a

bidet in a regular room, and I like the bidet. It makes me feel cleaner," I said.

"You called me Billy. Are you just being cute or are the bubbles hitting the gray

matter?" he asked.

"I'm always cute Bill, so it must have been the bubbles," I said with a giggle.

I hopped down from the counter and got in front of Bill spreading his legs to stand

in between them. He was already getting hard again. I put my head to his chest,

hugging him.

"I love you Bill. Someday I want to give you myself, my vagina, my pussy, no

matter how you want to say it, to have and make love to, and I can love you back

and maybe even have a family. Until then we have this. I need you inside me.

Let's start." I said as I gave him one more squeeze and then a kiss right on his

chin. There was a little step stool under the counter and I pulled it out, stood on it

and bent over the counter with my butt in the air. I heard Bill fiddle with the


"OK baby, Ohhhh you have such a cute ass, . . . . a little cool gel coming babe"

he said as I spiked up a little as the coolness hit my most private place. He didn't

play or poke, he just laid on a dollop of gel. A second later, I felt the tip of the

little enema bottle, with more gel on it, go inside me. The thin tip was not much of

an intrusion, but it did burn a little at first.

"It's OK baby" I said giving Bill the go ahead.

Bill squeezed the bottle gently and I felt the water enter me, and after about half

was in, he squeezed hard to empty it. I groaned, but was glad to have it over. He

slid the tip from me and I stood up on the step stool.

"Pour me a little more champagne and put 5 minutes on the timer," I said.

There was an infrared light timer on the wall beside the shower and he set that.

He then took my glass and went to the bar to check on the hot food and pour me a

little more. I sat back up on the counter and turned to let my legs walk up the wall.

I don't know if being upside down help the Fleet work, but I wanted it to be

thorough. By the time Bill came back I was just turning back upright.

"Here" he said as he handed me the flute, "lets take a quick tour of the rest of the

suite" as he offered his arm. We were quiet and said little as we looked in each

bedroom. He asked me where I wanted to sleep that night, but my mind was

beginning to be consumed by keeping the fluid in me.

"Ask me later, I'm trying to concentrate on other things right now, and we better

get back in here," I said as I turned him towards the boudoir again. Just as we

went into the bath we heard the timer stop and the lights go out. I eased over to

the toilet and sat down.

"This is so embarrassing Bill" I said as I let go. He just stood beside me and

stroked my hair.

"Don't be embarrassed," he comforted me. "I would be embarrassed if you were

hiding in here alone doing it. We are together for the rest of our lives. This is


I flushed the john, pointed my finger to the bidet and he took my elbow to lead

me. He went to get the second bottle ready as I ministered to myself.

Half done, Bill had made it a lot easier and more pleasant. I never would have

thought I would allow anyone, even Bill, be with me while I did THAT. But I

guess this is different. I dried myself a little, careful not to rub too much, and went

back over to the step stool and took my position. Bill reached around me and

hugged, kissing my back and giving my nipples a little tweak.

"I love you Carree. You look like a lamb going to slaughter. This is your idea,

honey. We can stop." Bill said in his gentle reassuring voice.

"NOOOO, I WANT to do it, it's just getting this part over with. No matter if you

are here or not, it's embarrassing, but you DO make it easier. In less than 10

minutes we'll be out in the Jacuzzi and all of this will be behind us. Can I get

more champagne?" I said, very matter of fact-ly to Bill.

"No more wine, until we eat, OK, Care. All right, more cool gel." He said

applying a little more to my pucker. Now, here comes again, baby," Bill said as

he began to insert and squeeze the second bottle.

The second bottle went in quick and I was up in a second. I asked Bill to bring me

to the kitchen and see what there was to eat right away. I didn't want him to think

I was bitchy, but I had drunk too much wine, but not that much. A few bites of

food and I knew I would be OK.

I found a couple pieces of garlic toast. I washed my hands in the kitchen sink, and

then gobbled them down. Almost instantly I felt better. I just needed something in

my tummy to soak up the alcohol, plus, I feel silly saying it but, Bill did cum an

awful lot earlier. Just his orgasm, and the wine in my stomach, made me a little

uncomfortable. Once the bread was in me I instantly felt better. I saw a small egg

roll on the platter in the oven and grabbed that too. I ate that and washed

everything down with a little water. I told Bill I felt 100 percent better and he

motioned me back into the bath boudoir. He said it had been 5 minutes already.

I didn't feel any urgency yet, so I wanted to get upside down if I had the chance.

While Bill told me how unnecessary it was, I hopped up on the counter and spun

and walked my feet up the mirror until I was inverted. The urgency, there it was!!

After just a few seconds being inverted, I was ready to expel the second bottle and

get into the Jacuzzi. Bill helped me down from the counter and helped me sit. He

stroked my hair, as before, while I expelled the fluid and flushed. Bill asked if I

was ready and offered his arm to lead me to the bidet. He was such a sweetheart

to me. He brought me the baby wipes and said he would see me in the tub.

I looked forward to the relaxing waters of the Jacuzzi, and to being ravished by

Bill. Despite the embarrassment and discomfort of the prep for anal sex, it was

still our next best alternative, and I did find it quite enjoyable and fulfilling.

When I came out of the bath Bill was waiting with fresh pours of bubbly and a

tray of cool shrimp and more hot snacks. I dropped my robe and went right down

the steps into the bath and sat in front of the food. Bill joined me and we ate what

we would call our dinner.

The conversation was light, and mostly about being married someday and the

changes that even nights like this would go through. Would we bother with all

this, if we could have regular sex? Would we still get honeymoon suites when we

stayed at hotels as real marrieds? If my eyes were as full of wonder as Bills, I'm

sure the excitement of someday being married was filling him. Being with that

person you plan to spend your life with was very special. I never felt more loved

than I did at this moment.

We finished eating, and the rest of the champagne as we hugged and kissed. I

settled back into one of the seats and adjusted the jets. Bill sat right next to me

and relaxed. We made small talk for a few minutes about the tub and having our

own one-day. Then I noticed he was at full staff. His beautiful cock was standing

right up as he sat talking to me. I looked him in the eye and then the crotch and

motioned him over. He stood up and his penis was right to my mouth level. I

nibbled and then sucked it right in my mouth. It felt a little cold to my tongue, so I

knew my mouth felt warm to him. He groaned approval. I didn't suck on him

long, I was just trying to tease him a little.

"I really want to feel this inside me" I said as I held it up, just before kissing his

ball sack. Then I stood up and turned and knelt on the seat in the tub. My butt was

just out of the water enough to be taken, once I leaned over the apron of the tub.

I barely had time to think what might happen next when Bills tongue snaked into

my butthole. It felt glorious after the applicators had violated me earlier.

He brought up his hand to cup my shaved mound and he nestled his fingers

around it and his middle finger in the groove with its tip just touching my clit. His

tongue was flicking my butthole and then he would drill it every few seconds. I

guess you call it anal-lingus, and Bill Wilson did it like he invented it.

Finally his tongue left my notch and he was biting and licking my butt cheeks. He

removed his hand from my pussy and he was busy reaching for our blue butt toy

and the lube gel. All the play paused as he opened the lube and he applied a

dollop to my little hole, that he gently pushed in with his finger. I sucked in air at

the intrusion and was about to complain of the intrusion, when it felt REAL good.

He kept just the first knuckle in and turned and rolled it around a little. It escaped

and he reapplied lube and brought it back a little deeper. It was making me real

hot, for sure. He picked up the blue anal butt plug toy that he had placed on my

back and I knew he was lubing it up. The tip was very thin and went in real easy.

I waited for its intrusion. I placed my hands over each other on the apron of the

tub and rested my head on them, waiting for Bill.

The little tip found its way into me. It was soft, but insistent as Bill used about 3

inches in and out of me to about a 1-inch diameter of the toy. He fucked me

gently for a minute or two like this until I knew he was coaxing more into me. He

was hitting resistance from my big muscle, as I called it, (must be my sphincter),

but every two or three pushes it would sneak by a little. The last time it snuck by,

Bill continued to push another 2 inches of the little blue devil butt plug into me

and it was past the big muscle and the end had me dilated about an inch and a half

and I could feel the bulb on my asshole. I knew Bill would pause before he

pushed the bulb past my ring, and he did. He was using more gel around the ring

of my butt to get me ready for the big push. So far this had been pleasurable. Bill

turned the devil in little circles seeming to get ready for the big push and I was

about to encourage him when he did it. The bulb shot past my hole and I was

full!! It hurt a tiny bit but the sensation of being full was real, real nice.

"Oh God Bill, Oh Baby. That's so nice. Don't touch it. Let it rest a second," I

pleaded with him.

He kissed both cheeks of my ass and brought his tongue to my crack and then

right up my spine, while encircling his arms around me encouraging me to kneel

up, and I did. While I felt full from the toy, his hard penis was almost between my

legs as he kissed my neck and I turned my face to lock my lips with his. The

fullness in my butt and the anticipation of being fucked there had me hot as hell. I

thought I was going to suck his tongue out of his mouth. Our kiss was long and

deep as the dildo was up my butt. Suddenly, I had an urge.

"Sit down Bill, I want to suck your cock. I want it in my mouth. I want to feel

what's going in my ass in a minute. I want it, I want it," I said like a crazed

woman. I just wanted to feel that in my mouth. So full at both ends, it was the

strangest urge, but I wanted it. Bill stood on the seat I had earlier and turned to sit

on the edge of the tub. He wasn't all the way sitting before I was bent and sucking

on him. I wished again that I could deep throat because I really wanted him deep,

but this was fine. I just held him in my mouth. I didn't want to move too much, I

didn't want him to cum yet. I just had to have the feel. I was naturally nursing that

cock, massaging it with my tongue and I knew I was going to have to give it up. I

could have sucked him dry right there, but we had other plans.

I stood up and took Bills hand and pulled him to his feet and we turned, switching

places while kissing. I broke the kiss, and knelt on the seat. I placed my hands on

the apron as before and rested my head on them. My ass was there for Bill to take.

He moved the devil around a few times and pulled at the flat piece that kept it

from going all the way into me. He pulled the bulb out and I tensed at the shock,

and he pushed it right back into me. I had picked my head off my hands and drew

a breath but was lowering my head again when he repeated it. In-out-in-out until

finally the bulb was gliding to and from my well-stretched hole. I was loving this,

but wanted him in there. Although my eyes were closed I sensed him reaching to

the side of me for the lube to do his penis. He playing with the little blue devil

plug had ceased.

"I'm going to be inside you baby," he said as I felt myself smile and flush.

"Are you ready for me to be inside you?" he said.

"I am soooo ready, Bill. Fuck me good. Make love to me. Fill me with cum. I

want your cock," I said wantonly as I heard the sloppy slick stroking he was doing

to spread the gel on himself.

He took a napkin to wipe his hands and I knew we were close. I felt him pull at

the dildo and it slid past the bulb and as it left me it felt a foot long, though it was

only half that. He rolled it in a towel he had prepared and I felt his penis at the

crevice of my butt. I was ready, as was he. He simple laid it on the opening of my

butt and pushed slowly right up into me, without hesitation, all the way to his


"Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ahhhhhh," I cooed as I felt the welcome intrusion. I was totally

open and there was no pain at all. My legs were between his, causing my cheeks

to snuggle him a bit, and as he told me later, gave him a great picture. I would

normally have asked him to hold there while I grew accustomed to his size, but

today I needn't. He could have me as he wished. My Bill, my lover was inside me

in my most private intimate place. We were one. We were making love.

He began to move ever so slightly in me and I felt my first orgasm building. I

knew I would have to manage them well or I would be passed out from his

fucking. His little short strokes were building to long plunges already as he began

to get excited.

"Easy Bill" I said. "This isn't a race. I know you're excited but . . . don't make

me lose myself."

Bill slowed down, but kept a steady long stroke in me. My orgasm was building

from deep within me. I just reached back with one hand and touched my clit and I

went off. I bucked, and grunted and groaned, but Bill never stopped pace. Long,

slow, and steady strokes. I was beginning to feel my G-spot tingle. I couldn't let

this one consume me. Easy to say. I was tensing up as this one built. Before I

knew it my palms were face down on the apron of the tub and my elbows were in

the air like I was doing a push up. I was bracing for a big one and it mowed me


"Urghhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhhh" I grunted like an animal and my pussy gushed

fluid. "Urghhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhhh" I repeated as I actually tried to free

myself from him. Two more big gushes left my vagina and I was at the edge of

going out. I forced myself to fill my lungs with air. I was not going to pass out!!

Bill sensed I was fighting myself and he stopped on the backstroke leaving just

the fat plum of his penis in me. I drew three huge deep guttural breaths into my

lungs that burned and hurt, but revived me. When I let my arms down and rested

on my hands again Bill threaded his cock back up into my bowels and began to

fuck me again. My pussy began to click off orgasms one after another. Just short

quick jolts that made me jump and vibrate. This was incredible. Then Bill began

to pick the pace up and I knew he could hold back no longer. I pushed back to

him to break my own orgasm string. The quick jolts died off, but a new deep one

was brewing.

Bill could hold off no more as he shouted my name.

"CARREE, I'm cumming inside you, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh,

Ohh, Ohh," he shouted as he slammed into me filling my ass with cum.

I felt one of the spurts but the rest was a blur. I had my own orgasm to deal with

as I clenched fists and crossed my arms underneath me. It was exquisite to have

Bill pulsing inside me as this deep vaginal/anal orgasm hit me, and suddenly it

was over. Bill laid on my back, wasted, his semi hard penis still within my

channel. He was whispering his love and dedication to me, over an over,

blathering on and on. He was clearly in a state, as was I.

I don't know how long we stayed there, but suddenly my knees ached from the

kneeling and Bills weight on me.

"Bill?" I questioned.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm" was all he could muster.

"As much as I would love to have you inside me all night, my knees are killing

me" I implored.

Bill took his weight off me and as he stood up, he was light headed and he

staggered, pulling from my bowels. It sounded like a wet kiss. The sudden

emptiness stunned me. I saw a towel set aside and I grabbed it as I knew there was

semen ready to run out of my dilated rectum. I stuffed it between my legs and

staggered up the step to my feet. I bent at the waist holding the towel between my

legs, waiting for the blood to redistribute. Satisfied I could walk, I went to the

bidet and let things run out of me. As I let the bidet rinse me I saw one of the

Fleet bottles on the counter and waddled over to get it. I filled it with warm water

and gave myself a quick inner rinse. I expelled it over the bidet, and used the baby

wipes to freshen myself. The chlorine in the tap water I squeezed into me helped

to tighten me up again so I could walk with confidence and get back into the

Jacuzzi. When I got back there Bill was sitting on the opposite side of where I had

been, on the seat. His eyes were open and his hand was on his penis, rubbing it.

"That was so awesome Care. We are some lovers, huh?" he said in a stare.

I smiled at him and tousled his hair. "You are some lover, Bill. You are a fine

man and my husband in every way. I love you forever." I said as I knelt in the

bottom of the tub and reached for his soft penis. I tugged at it a few times, and

Bill knew what I wanted. He stood up, slowly, and I put that shrunken perfect

cock in my mouth to taste and titillate. I licked and sucked it and took it out.

'That's it. That's what I wanted. Just to let you and him know how much I loved

you both. OK?" I asked.

"There's still some life left in him, if you want to play," Bill said. "Anytime he

goes into your mouth he's going to go to work."

Sure enough it was rising up. The man was insatiable. I've heard that men

couldn't perform like this when they get older. I better take advantage of it.

"Jerk him off for me Bill, I help you make him cum one more time" I said with a

renewed lust. God, our sex was great.

Bill stroked his dick and it was as big as ever before I knew it. He stroked it and I

took the head in my mouth and tickled the underside with my tongue. While I

thought it would take him forever to cum, he was a superman. He was telling me

in a couple minutes he was close. I sat back on my haunches in the water and

watched him jerk off.

"Tell me when he's ready Bill, I want it," I said.

He continued stroking and I heard him groan and his breathing quicken. I didn't

wait for his word, I put my mouth over the head and waited. My mouth was

apparently all it took, and he came for me. It was a thick snotty like semen that I

really hate to swallow, but I was doing this for him, not me. I pushed it as deep as

I could and let it run down my throat. I stopped to gag once, not from cum, but we

hit my reflex. I put it back into my mouth and kept it there until he began to soften

for good. I was so happy and satisfied, as was Bill. He finally pulled from my


He smiled down at me.

"Lets rinse off and go to bed," he said a he led me to the shower. Our rinse was

quick and just that, a rinse, except when he lathered his hand and put it on my

shaven vagina.

"Get this spanking clean, I'm eating it before I go to sleep" he said surprising me.

His words gave me a tingle, but nowhere near the tingle he gave me when he did

eat me, quite thoroughly, just a few minutes later. We both fell asleep exhausted

and satisfied.

Early the next morning we sixty-nined again and napped until around 10 o'clock.

We quickly showered and hit the road far earlier than we had expected. We were

AFO, all fucked out.. We were home by noon, Bill delivering me to my parents as

promised. My mom said school must agree with me, I was glowing.

Should I tell her that it might not be the school? Nahh!

Our first break from school was not supposed to be 2 months in, and by then we

really missed each other, a lot!! Fortunately we were able to get together more

often during the rest of that school year. While getting honeymoon suites made

some of our escapades real special, and made us realize how special our

relationship was, they were expensive and on our budgets, at the time, more than

we could really afford.

This time was one where Bill really wanted to show how much he missed me and

wanted everything perfect. Gladly, it was!! As much as we liked anal sex, it was

something we saved for special occasions. We didn't want the special-ness of it to

wear off. The one time that we tried it on consecutive days, I had a problem later

that wasn't directly related, but contributed. So we kept it as a special, rare part of

our lovemaking. It definitely kept our vow of avoiding regular intercourse a lot

easier to keep.

We had a great time that Columbus Day Weekend, seeing lots of other friend's,

also home for the long weekend. Our towns Columbus Day Parade is one of the

biggest anywhere, always a big deal, locally. We saw Jerry Bennett's band on

Saturday night and got to talk with he and Julie about their problem. Her

pregnancy was really going to mess up their plans, but they had to deal with it and

had made plans to make everything work out. Later, in her sixth month, Julie

went into labor and lost the baby. She was an undiagnosed diabetic, and that

caused the early labor. She and Jerry did marry 2 years later, while still in school,

and became pregnant right away, this time on purpose. They had a healthy baby

and are doing great.

Bill and I said goodbye to everyone on Monday morning and were off to Syracuse

and spent the day shopping and being alone together in our room. God only

knows how many times we made love to each other, and how many times we just

lay together holding each other. After dinner we finally retired to our room and

spent the night saying goodbye to each other. We got out of town early on

Tuesday and I made my first class without a hitch, as did Bill.

Henny and Maria both had the same glow that I did, so I know their weekends

went as well as mine.

My first year in college was definitely the best of all. My memories of that year

will live forever, especially the time I spent with Bill when we would run off to

meet in some hideaway, or he would visit when my roommates would be gone for

a weekend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's been over a year since I lost William, and many days it seems like it happened

yesterday. Many days it is still hard to believe, I think I am going to wake to find

him there with me.

Cherish those close to you because they can be gone in a whisper, and you may

never get the chance to say goodbye.

Thank you all for your kind e-mails and well wishes. Working has made coping

much easier, but I dread going home, as I soon will. When I do, I'll write more. It

really helps to relive and share our stories, remembering how special our life and

love was.