

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

COMEDYOE young and curious this not

Disclaimer:(standard) Do not screw up. Do not do anything illegal.

This includes specifically (but not limited to) reading on if you are

under 18- 21 in some localities If you are underage you must leave

now. If you're young and curious, this is not the place to get the

straight story. You act like this and people will look at you strange

and give you a wide berth. Also, don't try this at home. Some of this

stuff is just plain wrong, most of it is unsafe in the present viral

climate and some of it doesn't work in this universe. They are stories.

They deal with ideas, fantasies and thoughts that might not even be

pleasant in real life. Thoughts are like that. Fantasies are there so we

can toy with the sensations without feeling or inflicting the pain,

despair or humiliation. End Sermon.

A Comedy of Errors

(Fuck Shakespeare)

Dramatis Personae: A bunch of guys and some broads.

(It's the first play in the Folio-start there and read to Two Noble

Kinsmen. The guy doesn't suck.)

War spy, shmar spy, it was obvious at the start that the tale
which uncoiled thereafter was the either in 'either these things happen or

you die' No reason to worry about Dad.

Antipholus (Folly to his friends) has a twin to find. He also has

a twisted plot to traverse and gets it right under way by sending Dromio

(love that name, we're keeping it) off stage so the other Dromio (Holy

crap! another twin) can help get the thing rolling.

You see, Folly2 has a wife and a sister-in-law and tons of

money- and the other half of the Dromio pair. After their Dromio comes

back with a wild tale about Folly2 acting strange, Adriana (Andy) and

Luciana (Lucy) go and fetch Folly1 and his Dromio for dinner. And

they're really friendly, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?

Maybe Andy's thinking that Folly is stressed out or something.

She delays dinner a while to take him upstairs (A scene Shakespeare

left out) Folly1 only came back to this nice house because the women

were so friendly so he isn't surprized much when Andy starts shedding

the linen.

"Oh my Lord, doest this please you?" she asks as she primps

for him in a mostly transparent covering.

Well, not much. Andy has spread a little with the ease of

marriage, and her former attraction has faded to remnants. Still, she is

as attractive as any hefty barroom wench and a good site better smelling.

"Certainly, milady," he says as he elevates her to a gentle status

that he does not believe she posesses.

"Then loosen your codpiece and play the bull with me,

husband," she replies and sprawls across the bed.

Folly's mind is not much on the role she wishes to pretend. Her

banter has been crazed for the most part, but her actions have made her

intent clear to him from the first. He ditches the codpiece and otherwise

fully clothed begins to make love to her.

"Oh Folly, you act so strangely," Andy reacts to the new

directness of the man she thinks is her husband, "I am blessed with a

husband that brings newness to his marriage bed!"

After his manner with such women, Folly has pulled her chemise

up until it billows around her neck. He feasts on her fat bubbies and

then rolls her over with a smart crack on her flank before pulling her

to her knees and mounting her like the bull she mentioned.

This is not a manner that Andy is accustomed to, but she

ignores the low character of the position since it seems to have given

her husband a fever for her that has been lacking in recent times. Folly

finds it suitable for slaking his physical needs and even thanks her

graciously for entertaining him.

When they return to supper, Folly finds another kind of desire

for Lucy. She has the elegance, the body, the manners, the form, the

tongue, the shape, of a woman high-born and he is attracted to her both

by his heart and his loins. Dicreetly, he waits to be alone with her to

press his intentions.

Meanwhile Dromio has been relegated to watching the door

and he succeeds in repelling the house's real Lord Folly and his twin.

He has no luck repelling Nell, the kitchenmaid, who is convinced he is

to marry her.

It is not the weight of her suit, but the weight of Nell that finally

traps Dromio behind the kitchen table. Uttering the deathlesss words

that a stiff prick hath no conscience- nor taste, neither, Dromio is

subjected to the fat kitchenmaid riding the St. George on his prone

figure. Well, prone figure and alert cock.

While Dromio's ashes are being hauled, Folly is in hot pursuit

of Lucy. She, of course, thinks he is her brother-in-law and is resistant.

"Oh but see how the full moons of your breasts do make this

tide spring to their attraction," he is wooing as he shows her his erection

and tears at her bodice to expose the moons of which he speaks.

"Nor were cherries e're so sweet as the buds that crown them,"

he croons as he tries to fix his mouth on her nipples.

"Fie! Fie! With your wife so near. Go- give her your attention,"

says the faithful Lucy.

"She has had her due," Folly snaps, "Now I would please

myself with beauty more to my liking."

"Shame! For it is you who has made her thus," Lucy rebukes.

"Not I!" he proclaims, "For if she was of my making her name

would be Lucy and she would have the spirit of the godess I hold in my


Now we know something is going on because Folly1 is not this

well-spoken nor poetic by nature. He is making love to her from his

heart. Still, Lucy thinks he is her sister's husband and is struggling with

the temptation that the ardor of his words has blossomed in her.

She has never felt this way with Folly until now. Her heart feels

his sincereity, but her spirit still sees her brother-on-law. She cannot

give in to him, but her struggles are not too strong. By luck or some

native cunning her hand stumbles on the erection he has bared in

anticipation of ravishing her and there is a convergence of his struggles

to overcome her objections and some- we must admit it- some motion

of her hand.

"Oh rapture! The mossy hill to which Venus gives her name!"

Folly expounds as he finds her mons beneath her skirts and runs his

fingers through its hair. "Feel the gates open for you love- they move

up - oh shit!"

The ecstacy of feeling her under his hand and the stroking make

Folly spend his seed against her thigh in a metaphor of their spiritual

coming together. And Lucy escapes with her conscience bruised but

still un-breached.

Across town, Folly2 is demonstrating that: 'they all do it.' And

that they've done it pretty much the same ways for 50,000 years. In

the brothel he is abed with a plump little thing that has just lifted her

head from his crotch.

"Speech hath no worth when a mouth that has it not well can so

well make not having it a virtue," Folly2 is enthusing after her sucking.

"What?" asks the confused courtesan.

"'Tis of no matter, for yet it matters not that we have not

proceeded to the matter," he rattles on.

"So should we proceed that it might matter where men were

meant to matter?" she asks using her familiar (that I just made up)

jargon for his ejaculation.

Folly rolls her on her back and slips it in to complete his 17th

century half and half, moaning about the gift of a gold chain he intends

to give her for her skill and compassion for his need.

Of course, that chain is being delivered to Folly1 almost to the

moment that he is mattering where men are meant to matter. Not that

it matters to the courtesan, who can only think of the promised gold.

Having met with an urgent debt, the gold merchant, Antonio,

can only think of getting Folly to pay for the chain he has received. It

is, of course, the wrong Folly to which Antonio applies, which is folly


Hence Folly 2 is on his way to jail. Folly 1 is waiting for Dromio,

my Dromio- wherefore art thou Dromio? And the whore- er-

courtesan is waiting for her wage. Of course, Folly2 is the one who

meets Dromio1 and sends him to fetch his bail. And he brings the

money back to Folly 1.

Poor Folly2 would rot in jail if it were his last hope, but the

courtesan decides to explain her plight to Folly's wife. Andy simply

thinks Folly is possessed of a demon. Lucy has a lower opinion, feeling

the fool for listening- and being fooled- by a simple philanderer.

They go to the jail to find out what for and to give Folly some

as well. He is sent off for some comic relief with Pinch, a professional

hired by Andy, so one more set of hijinx can ensue.

For Antonio cannot resist any Folly. Folly1 is trying to get out

of Dodge before sundown when Antonio duns him for payment for the

chain. Now, Dear Abby has told us we don't have to pay for anything

that is sent to us without us ordering and Folly1 has a similiar perception

when Antonio demands money for the gift.

They end up in the abbey for sanctuary, joined by the women.

We come to a rollicking conclusion as the duke comes by on his way

to have the old man killed. Folly2 rushes up to complain about how

badly he has been treated all day. The abbess brings both Follys

together and in folly they resolve the issues.

Then Shakespeare goes off on some convenient tangent about

the old man and abbess being husband and wife to end the play.

The real action happens in Act VI- behind the final curtain.

"Yon harlot speaks of gifts you promised that to your wife are

more proper due," Andy starts in on her husband.

But she has made her own slip or two as she denied refusing

her husband earlier. Folly understands how she was fooled- if she was

indeed fooled- but it makes her position one of less moral certainty. He

makes a counter proposal.

"Then let you claim the trollop's due, what I gave to her I'll now

give to you," he says.

Andy cannot maintain her pretended ire as her husband throws

her on the bed and makes violent love to her like a tart. This is the

second time today she has been rolled like a woman of the street and

she is quite overcome by the passion with which her husband attacks.

"If this be trollop's wages, then speak me true, no longer wife,

but wench I'll be for you," she encourges Folly.

Folly1 and Lucy have been married by the duke and Lucy is

relieved to think that his suit may have been honest. Indeed this is

quite like her fondest wish come true.

"Speak me again of the tides," she begs her Folly, "Can once

again these moons make you rise?"

"Aye lady, and like the sea, rise me morning and evening with

those thoughts of thee," Folly courts her in their marriage bed. "But hark,

twice be not enough for my fair wife, unnatural tides your beauty do

bring to life. For the globes that suckle are yet part of the fair frame that

wins my heart. Twice more, once for each eye you ignite passion's

swelling and bye and bye.."

Folly is kissing as he inventories her charms and has now taken

the husband's position between her thighs as he stares into her eyes.

They are about to become one in the consummation of their union and

Folly reaches back to get a firm grip to take her virginity.

"And these fair hills where sits the queen a treasured valley

hides between, And all in all my ebb and flow shall know no bonds of

moon's pale glow, For day or night I shall attend my fair Lucy till time

does end," he quotes prettily and then draws the scream as he rips

through her hymen with his entrance.

"Begone time, ended be- now my true love lies with me," Lucy

responds to her now truely husband, "The veil just ripp'd be the gauze

that to heaven above has given pause. And now let us enter in to God's

clear grace for cherubim, For sterile in the world so cold, I become one

that now heaven beholds."

Ah-husband! Ah-wife! They exchange these words of fulfillment

and the play ends as they heave and moan on the bed in an impressive

display of mutual love and great satisfaction.

Exeunt all.
