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Dublin Delights epilogue gay lit

Dublin Delights Epilogue

Sean and Aaron arrived home safe and stayed that way, their relationship

flourishing behind the backs of the thespians. Before anyone else they

came out to their families. Aaron's was very supportive. They really all

got along. Sean on the other hand had a different story. Sean's mother
became indifferent to the subject and his father tried with all his power

to turn him away from the 'dark side.' All efforts were unsuccessful. They

still plan on going to Ireland again, alone.

Doug was branded an outcast as were Mark, who did it to himself, and

Derek. All three became friends. One of the strangest friendships ever.

John and Tim both fell for girls, however, they did have sex one more

time. But coming to the conclusion that gay sex wasn't for them. John

ended up dating Nicole and Tim luckily ended up dating April.

Megan is just as strange as ever. She abandoned her philosophy of 'you

don't want to see it, don't look.' Much to the disappointment of many guys.

The trip to Ireland was a great success and funding has begun to plan

another trip out of country. Plans are still in the preliminary stage so

don't count on anything soon.

§§§§§§ From the Author

It has been nearly a year since I started this story and now,

reluctantly, it is done. I would like to thank everyone who has written

in. I try and respond to everyone, but I may miss a few. There have been a

few lulls in the submission of chapters, Over the past year, things in my

life have significantly changed.

The story itself is based loosely on true facts. Each of these people

did exist, names have been changed. If you go to Ireland you will see a

Gresham Hotel on O'Connell St. And directly to the right there will be a

small café. Although it's really not called that. When I went on the trip

I stupidly didn't keep a journal so writing this has helped me remember all

of it. Although all the love and sex was made up. (bummer)

Well, thanks for reading and listening to an authors ramblings. I would

Specifically like to thank a few people in particular. The few nifty

authors who helped me in the development of my first story. Philip

Mossburg who has edited many of the chapters. I would like to thank the

support that I have had from my family and my friends. They mean the world

to me. Specifically Beth, Karla, and Amy. Finally I would like to thank

the job I have. Sounds silly, but when I started, something in me snapped

and I became a whole new person, of which one result is this story and


Speaking of others, please read "In the Blink of An Eye" also found in

the high school section.

I would like to end with the traditional Irish blessing

"May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back,

and May the sun shine warm upon your face."
