

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

FLIGHTS stretch that precious membrane that

"Flights of Fancy" {Pendragon} (Mf pett voy 1st)

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This material is Copyright, 2000, Uther Pendragon. All

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All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as

public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination

and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly


This is a piece of fiction, not legal advice.

# # # #


by Uther Pendragon

Part 1

"Can't catch me!" Leslie said. Her being sixteen to his twenty-

eight was bad enough; these occasional regressions into childhood

always brought Rick a frisson of guilt. He chased her across his

snow-covered fields, though, and caught her easily enough.

It was a Saturday of freedom. They got only a scant hour on

weekdays, between his getting home from the machine shop and

Leslie going home for supper. Time too short for more than

kissing and petting. On Saturdays he got out at eleven. They

could play and talk -- and plan. Time to waste, but time that

they could waste together.

Their kisses were interrupted by her laughter and his need to

breathe. She wrestled playfully until he had his arms around her

and her tight butt squashed against his leg.

"Can too catch you," Rick said. "You're mine now."

"Yes, Rick, all yours. Hold me, make me yours, and I'll never

run away from you again."

"No, sweetheart. The chase is half the fun. And, for moving

four months too soon, the state would put me in prison for much

more than four years. If you are to be mine and I am to be yours

on any more than a spiritual plane, we have to wait until you are


"But only that long," she said. "Tell me we'll be together


"We'll be together then, and in between times, as well. Just not

as together as we would like. You can keep fleeing me; I can

keep chasing you. But you can be chased only so long as you

remain chaste."


"I don't hide my faults from you, sweetheart," he said. "I'm an

inveterate punster."

"With a show-off vocabulary." She turned to stick her tongue out

at him. He kissed it, and their kiss was long and deep. "But I

like your talk. Since I can't have anything else for four long

months, tell me a story."

He turned her so that he could kiss the back of her ear before

straightening and slipping his hand under her down jacket to hold

her breast. "A story the lady wants," he said over the top of

her head. "A story the lady shall have."

We might anticipate the time after your seventeenth

birthday. But the time in between won't have been

wasted from my perspective. I'll have talked with

Leslie and held her close.

I'll have kissed her in ways and places that I haven't

done yet. I'll have seen her in this field and in my

yard. I'll have shown her the new foal. Daffodil will

have her foal well before May, perhaps this month.

And as Leslie is a great friend of Daffodil's who has

ridden her many times and petted her previous foals, a

new foal of Daffodil's will have been one more reason

for Leslie to visit. And we will have had many reasons

to spend time in the barn.

Maybe, just perhaps, Leslie and I will have watched

Daffodil's foal from the hayloft. Nobody will have been

able to interrupt us when we are up there without making

a huge clatter first. In the hayloft, she won't have

been able to hide from my kisses and my hugs. Or we

might have decided to watch from an upstairs window.

There, Leslie will have been able to undress without

freezing. And I'll have been privileged to see all of

her beauty at one time. Naked in the cold weather,

Leslie won't have been able to flee from the house.

And I'll have hugged my love, and seen my love. And my

desire for Leslie will have grown. And something else

will have grown, too -- not permanently, but repeatedly.

And I'll have kissed my dearest, kissed her mouth to

mouth, and felt the electric sweetness of her tongue;

I'll have kissed her ears and have felt her wiggle her

hips so cutely against my hardness in her attempts to

escape, that I'll have wanted -- wanted desperately --

to drive my hardness into that wiggle. But I won't have

done so. I'll merely have added that desire to so many

others, waiting the right time.

And that will have taken us only into the last,

lingering death of winter, not the birth of spring.

She squirmed around in his arms to kiss him. They hugged until

he turned his back to adjust his stiffness within his trousers.

He held her with her back to his front again, and blew across her


"Somehow," she said, "I suspect that you have something planned

for the spring."

"In the spring," he said. "The mares will come into heat. Now

Daffodil will have a well-deserved rest next year, but I plan to

breed Delilah... and Dafney."

"Is she old enough?"

"She's a mare, sweetheart. She is old enough, or will be by

then. Horses grow up fast. Remember when she was a baby foal.

You came over to see her, and it was the first time that we

really talked."

"You thought I was a baby, too."

"You were a delightful child, hardly a baby, and a beauty even

then. But you didn't have these." He took a few minutes to

reach back under her jacket to play with her breasts through

shirt and bra. "I am going to show you so much in the next four

months. Anyway, my Leslie wanted a story."

My Leslie is pure quicksilver. I'll chase her again and

again; I'll catch her again and again; I'll hold her

like this again and again. But however tight I'll hold

her, I'll never completely possess her. So I'll need a

new bait to trap her, a new bait every time she flees.

Maybe a new caress when I run her down, maybe a new

place to kiss her, maybe a new sight out in my barnyard.

So I'll show her so many things. I'll show her what the

books say about women like herself and men like me.

I'll show her how the animals handle passions like ours.

For we are animals, too, but animals with a stronger

will. We can anticipate the future; we can hold

ourselves back, hard as I find it, to make the future


But I'll show my love the ways of the animals. I'll

bring in a stallion some Saturday when Delilah is ready.

She'll flee, but want to be caught. We'll see the

stallion pursue her. Then I'll hold my love while we

watch the stallion mount her, and cover her, and thrust

into her. I'll tell my love, while we watch and I

caress her here and here, that this is the way of the


For I am male and my love is female. And the stallion's

thrust will hold the promise of my thrust. And

Delilah's acceptance will be the paradigm I will show my

love. I will say that she should be prepared to accept

my thrust in the same way. And after I have shown her

that, I will pursue her until she must show me something

else. I will, for only the second time, see the

membrane which guards her entry. Which will still be

the membrane which guards our future.

With any luck whatsoever, Dafney will come late to heat

as she did last year. If not, she will come back in

heat in April. And before Dafney comes into her April

heat, I will show my love that Dafney has a membrane

quite like Leslie's. If Delilah will be an exemplar to

Leslie as to behavior, Dafney will be a representation

as to her state.

When Dafney is in full heat, I will show my love

something different from an experienced mare's

flirtatious running to invite her mate's pursuit. I'll

show her the serious maiden flight of a new mare from

the stallion who holds more fear than hope for her. But

there is only so much room in the corral, after all, and

that stallion will desire the pleasures which he has

previously experienced much more than Dafney will fear

the totally unknown. He'll end her flight. He'll

corner her. He'll nip her flank, and -- never having

tolerated that before -- she'll stand still while he

does. I'll hold my love while Dafney quivers. Then the

stallion will rise up and mount her, while her

quiverings double at the startling weight.

I'll watch that mounting and imagine my own, which will

be much closer in time by then. I'll think of the girl

in my arms, and picture her in my arms again but without

the impediments. I'll see the thrust of the stallion

and let it suggest my own. I'll harden and press that

hardness against my love only a few inches from where

that hardness belongs.

And I'll remind my love that Dafney stands where she

will soon lie and tell her that her flight will avail no

more than Dafney's. And I will hug my love so tight in

my arms while the stallion thrusts home. And I will let

that prefigure my thrust, nearer and nearer in our


And we will watch as the stallion's thrust breaks

through Dafney's membrane. I will hold my love as she

sees a mare being filled by a stallion which is

indifferent to the mare's wishes. We will watch the

mare's fear and uncertainty tremble under his weight,

and certainty, and lust. And I will wonder how much

fear and uncertainty my love has, whatever her

protestations; but I will look forward to the time that

I approach my love with certainty, and an overpowering

lust, and even weight. But I will restrain that lust

while we watch the horses as tightly as I restrain the

body of my beloved. I will hold her tight from the time

of the loosing of the stallion until the mating of the

beasts is quite done.

When the horses are done, fully done, I will show my

love that Dafney is now completely open; but I'll show

her very carefully, since Dafney will not be in a mood

to be touched back there.

And, when Leslie has seen all that, I'll take her back

to the house. There, flee as she might wish too, I'll

catch her and strip her. I'll touch her membrane, the

membrane which protects her inwardness and our liberty.

Then, and only then, I'll stroke her for the first time

where she has admitted that she strokes herself. And I

will pursue her response to those strokes until I'm

quite satisfied that I have caught something which is as

quicksilver and precious as the girl herself. I will

hold her and stroke her, and I won't let her go until

I'm convinced that I have found her deepest secret and

evoked her most fierce response.

He pulled her hood back to kiss the side of her neck, not sucking

hard enough to leave evidence. Licking, however, was safe.

Teased by his tongue, she writhed in his embrace. He abruptly

let her go when he saw a car he didn't recognize pull into the

drive a quarter mile away. "Go to the barn," he said.

Officially, she was visiting the horses, not visiting him.

Before she got there, the car had backed out and gone off the

other way.

He could run her down when he needed to, but age often walks when

youth runs. By the time he reached the barn, she was currying

Daphne. The mare didn't need it, but she always seemed to enjoy

it. "Look how large she's grown," he said. Leslie, though

nearly 16 hands tall herself, had to stretch to reach the back of

the Morgan who was two hands shorter. Of course, Lelie's height

wasn't measured at her shoulder.

"But she's still so young."

"Yep. But old enough by any horse-breeder's standards. She came

into heat last year, as you well know. Do you think the age

rules are too lenient?"

Leslie might enjoy being trapped in his arms. She clearly wasn't

about to walk into *that* trap, though. She wouldn't have been

the quicksilver mind he loved if she had.

"On my seventeenth birthday, though, you'll give me the gift that

I want?"

"Not quite *on* your birthday, dearest," he said, "but for your

birthday. There are a few preparations you will have done before

our celebration. But, as you are in charge of those

preparations, you will control the timeline after your birthday.

Before you come to visit me on that special day, you will have

done a lot by yourself."

In the month before your birthday, you will have

practiced teasing yourself every night, playing with

your lovely nipples and your magic button. You will

have learned to hold yourself at the edge until the

anticipation has grown to pain. You will have selected

a fine-looking brassiere and pair of panties, both

white, and put them in the bottom of your underwear

drawer wrapped around a floral sachet. You will have

made an appointment with a gynecologist, preferably Dr.


You will have seen her as soon after your birthday as

possible. You will have asked to have a quite thorough

examination, including the state of your hymen. You

will have learned from her what methods she would

recommend to stretch that precious membrane so that your

first intercourse would not hurt. And you will have

followed that advice, especially if she will have

offered to cut it for you.

Whether it is cut or stretched, you will have allowed

days for the soreness to dissipate. You will have

warned me on Friday, and prepared yourself that night.

In that preparation, you will have teased yourself

unmercifully in bed that evening, playing with your

nipples pretending that it is my hands on you. You will

have continued that play with both hands above your

waist until your breasts are too sensitive for even your

touch. Then you will have stroked and tickled your

thighs until your newly-opened tunnel is running. You

will have put a finger within that tunnel, pretending

that it is my finger. (Which requires a good

imagination, considering the difference in size, oh


You will have stretched yourself until a second, and

then a third finger fits. You will have pretended that

the three fingers are my organ invading you. You will

have moved them in and out of your tunnel in imitation

and anticipation of my strokes within you. When you

have played these games for no less than ninety minutes,

you will have taken yourself to the only peak of the

evening. You will have tried to make that climax as

intense and long-lasting as you are able to produce for

yourself. Then you will have gone to sleep.

The next morning, you will have taken a tub bath, not a

shower. It will have been as hot as you could stand it

in that weather and flavored with bath salts. In the

bath, you will have stretched yourself again, and

brought yourself to the edge of ecstasy. But you'll

have risen from the bath still excited, not sated. You

will have pampered yourself with warm towels and dressed

in the scented underwear. You will have put a good

dress over the underwear. You'll have dressed for the

weather and walked out to the road a little after


Once on the road, however, you'll have run to my house,

fleeing your home and your girlhood as rapidly as you

fled me in the field just now. And much more

decisively. And you'll have arrived at my doorstep

panting and breathless and overheated.

And the warmth and the exertion will have surrounded you

with the aroma clinging to you from the bath salts, and

clinging to your underwear from the sachet. Most of the

aroma surrounding you, however, will have been generated

by your exertion and your excitement. The aroma of an

aroused Leslie.

Dafney whickered and nudged Leslie with her nose. Leslie was

standing there with the currycomb in her hand, but she was

watching Rick and totally ignoring the young Morgan. When Leslie

didn't respond, Dafney let a couple of horseturds drop and drank

from the bucket in front of her stall.

Leslie let herself out of the stall and latched the gate. "You

didn't get to the good part," she said. She opened her jacket to

hug him, and she gave him a wet kiss. When he straightened, he

could feel her hard nipples press into his belly through her bra

and shirt; his erection strained upwards towards the valley

between her breasts. She pressed her soft belly against it.

"I thought the parts so far were good."

"Then the best part," she said. "The part where you get to use

this." She rolled against him from side to side, rubbing across

his arousal.

"Because," she continued, all this preparation has a purpose...."

When I get there, you'll open the door, and invite me

in. You'll take my raincoat and smell all that floral

stuff as I loosen it. Maybe you will be able to smell

my excitement. And it will excite you, imperturbable

Rick will finally want something, too.

But, wanting it and getting it is not the same thing, as

you have taught me so well. While you hang her coat up,

your little Leslie will catch her breath. And brute

speed isn't enough inside a house; agility counts, too.

So, you will want little Leslie in her Sunday dress,

little Leslie looking so innocent. But you'll have to

catch her to have her. Leslie will slip away from you

in her slip while you hang that dress up. And, if you

think that I look desirable in that dress, wait until

you see the slip that comes with it.

Looking chaste while I'm chased... (It's your own

fault.) Looking chaste while she's chased, your Leslie

will slip away in her white slip. It is white and

innocent and girlish, but being girlish it wasn't

designed to hide the hips and breasts that Leslie has

developed since that slip was purchased. So, if you try

hard enough, you will catch me in that slip and buy it

for a kiss. But you will need to provide a kiss that is

worth that garment.

And you will hang up the slip, over a chair if nowhere

else. And your Leslie, not being quite yours yet, will

flee again, and hide again. And, not knowing where, you

will have to search all the rooms upstairs. Will you

find her in a closet? Will you find her hiding behind a

door? Will you find her hiding under a bed?

You won't know until you search. And when you find her,

if you find her, you will get to remove more garments;

not her bra, not her panties, but her shoes and

stockings. For you won't find your little Leslie

wearing socks like the little girl you will still think

she is. And you won't see her playing tag in her

pantyhose, for that is asking for a run. You'll have to

take the pantyhose off.

And, when you do that, you'll see those panties you want

your little Leslie to wear. Not slinky black for a sexy

woman, but virginal white for a little girl. And you

can't really expect a little girl to take them off for

you, can you? So, while you will see them, while you

will be able to smell the sweet flower odor from the

sachet -- maybe. And maybe it will be overpowered by

another odor by that time, an odor that will spoil your

illusion that Leslie is a little girl.

While you will see them, you won't remove them then.

After you straighten out the pantyhose, it will be time

to search for a girl who has fled again. You'll

remember how nice it is that you live in an old

farmhouse with so many bedrooms on the second floor.

And you'll search in the closets, and you'll search

behind the doors, and you'll search under the beds, and

-- remembering that she is now barefoot and might get

chilled by the floors -- you'll search within the beds.

And when you have found your Leslie, you'll see that she

is dressed all in white like an innocent little girl,

or, at least, how you think an innocent little girl

should dress. And you will realize, a little late, that

having your wicked ways with an innocent little girl

would be even more wicked. So you will remove that bra,

and will see that your Leslie isn't so little anymore,

especially in the parts that the bra was hiding. And

you will kiss your grown-up love, kiss her until she is

satisfied with the kiss. Then you will kiss the parts

that you have revealed, the breasts that show her


And when you have kissed everywhere that you have kissed

up until then, your Leslie will flee one last time. You

will find her easily though. Because, dressed as she

will be, undressed as she will be, the only place to

hide will be in a bed; and the only bed for her to hide

will be your great big one. There, in the bed, you will

kiss her mouth and kiss her breasts. While you are

doing that, you'll remove your own clothes. When you

are more naked than she, you will let her see you as you

have seen her.

You will let her kiss you as you have kissed her. You

will feel her kisses on every part of your body. Then

you will return those kisses until Leslie is gasping in

anticipation. You will remove the white panties which

are the next-to-last protection of her virginity, and

the last symbol of your weird illusion that she -- who

is really old enough to bear a child -- is a child


Then you will kiss the last unkissed place on her body.

You will use the skill you claim until Leslie is truly

yours, out of her mind with lust.

Then, then finally, you will do your duty. You will

drive that precious organ of yours, which Leslie may not

even see up until that day, into her. You will open the

way in a manner which neither the doctor nor Leslie

herself can open it. And you will fill her until she

holds all of you in herself.

Then you will drive into her and out of her until she

screams from the pleasure. And you will feel a greater

pleasure yourself and fill her with your seed. And you

will rest in her arms and holding a woman in your arms.

The pleasure will make you cry.

When you have rested enough, you will fill her again

with your cock, until you fill her again with your seed.

The joy in your heart and loins will be tinged by only

one regret. You'll realize that you could have been

doing precisely that for the previous six months.

"Do you really think that I'm being selfish?" he asked. "Am I

planning what will be a crucial and unrepeatable event in your

life to please only myself?"

"We can't repeat it?"

"Silly! You know what I mean. It's our first time, but it's

also *your* first time and not mine. Do I really come off as

designing it to please some petty kink of mine?

"Well, you keep treating me as some baby. I keep throwing myself

at you, and you keep ducking. You can't be so worried about a

silly law; you've broken others in your life."

"And so I have," he admitted, "and so I shall. That's part of

the reason. I always tell myself that the reason that I break

laws is to show that the law is wrong. When you take that tack,

obeying the law becomes morally important. And this law is


"It isn't right for me!"

"No. It isn't. But you've seen the sign on the road past the

grade school? It tries to slow traffic to 30 miles per hour."

"Yeah." She sounded wary.

"Well, is that the proper speed to guarantee safety when your

father is driving? He isn't as good as he was when he raced, but

he still has lightning reactions. And is it the proper speed for

his Uncle Shelton? I get scared walking beside the road when

he's driving past."

"Uncle Shelton doesn't speed."

"No. But he's still an accident waiting to happen. But the

speed limit is for both of them. The same thing is true of us.

You're mature for your age, and not only the bulges which make

you so proud...."

"My age!" she said. "Most girls my age have been sexually mature

for years."

"And half of them don't have the intellectual or emotional

maturity to handle it. You do, but the law isn't made for

Leslie; it's made for girls. And the law in New York State says

that a girl's consent isn't valid until she's passed her

seventeenth birthday. I don't think that this law is wrong; I'm

not about to challenge it publicly. So I don't want to sneak

around it. And, quite honestly, I don't want to be caught

sneaking around it.

"Anyway, it's not as if our feelings are going to go away. We

*are* mature, and that means that we can control ourselves for

four months. And that means that we can reconsider our plans

until they satisfy both of us.

"So," he continued, "what is wrong with wearing virginal gear for

the last day of your virginity? What is wrong with my thinking

that the woman I love is a maiden intended for me, rather than a

whore looking for a customer? What is wrong with dressing the

part that, in actual fact, comports with your reality?"

"I just want to feel sexy, so I want to look sexy."

"You do look sexy. Even dressed like this, you look sexy. I'm

not really under any illusions about the size of your breasts,

you know." He turned her in his arms so he could confirm the

size with his hands. She pressed back against his hardness while

his fingers teased her nipples.

"You know," he continued, "when women past a certain age spend an

hour every morning over their makeup, they have a goal in mind.

They want to look like they aren't wearing any cosmetics. But

they want to look like *you* do without any makeup, not like they

do. Seems to me that girls your age are screaming, 'Look-at-me;

I'm wearing makeup.' Not that I would question your decisions

about cosmetics for yourself when you go to school events."

"Yeah. Right."

"But the very desire to look grown-up displays an immaturity.

Although, as I said, it's a good idea to follow the styles of

your peers. This underwear thing, though, is just for the two of

us. And I am *not* obsessing over your youth. I'm not chasing

young girls, I'm chasing Leslie. The last time I felt this

lustful over a sixteen-year-old was when I was fourteen. And, my

dear, evoking lust from a man of twenty-eight is a much greater

accomplishment than evoking it from a boy of fourteen."

"Yeah," she said in her most teasing tone. "I should remember

that you're over the hill. Maybe I shouldn't plan on repeating

sex on our first day. Maybe I should allow you a week to


"Now, sweetheart, I'm old, but I'm not that old yet. Leslie has

a lot of time before her lover can only get it up weakly weekly.

And before that she'll be experienced enough to know that men and

women can satisfy each other even when their needs are on

different schedules. Long before that time..."

Instead of standing around a barn frightened of every

car that drives past, Leslie will have become accustomed

to lying beside Rick in the same bed all night. Her

only fears will have been of odd sounds in the night.

These old frame farmhouses groan and squeak in ways that

the new tract houses don't. She will have found that

she could wake Rick to look for intruders, and she will

have finally learned to ignore those noises.

She will have learned that lying beside Rick has other

comforts as well, while it won't have been half so

*active* a pleasure as lying on top of Rick or even

lying under him.

She'll have been held in his arms while they both go to

sleep. She'll have lain there while they talk quietly,

and while they trade kisses and hugs and gentle petting.

Sometimes they will have gone to sleep after that, and

sometimes his kisses and caresses will have excited her

until she can't stand the tension, and then the tension

will have doubled. He'll have led her over the edge

again and again.

Sometimes, after that, he will have entered her, and

possessed her, and taken her up the mountain again, and

followed her explosion with his own. Sometimes, though,

a restful cuddle and a quiet sleep will have followed

her culmination. So, long before Leslie will have any

reason to worry about Rick's lust fading to a once-a-

week affair, she'll have learned that Rick desires her

pleasure as much as he desires his own. She'll have

understood that Rick's desire can incite hers, but

needn't circumscribe it.

And she'll have had the opportunity, but never the

requirement, to find whether she enjoys Rick's desire

when it exceeds her own. Sometimes, at least, she'll

have been tempted to play with Rick's erection, taking

it into her hand when she didn't want it in her vagina.

Curiosity, if nothing else, will have led her to watch

while she brings him to tension, and culmination. And

then she'll have learned how messy Rick can be when she

takes him in hand.

"And what if I want it in my mouth, instead?" she asked. He felt

his loins lurch at that question. He suspected that she had

intended that reaction.

"That can also be arranged. What you want in the way of

eroticism for the two of us will always be able to be arranged.

Because we'll be free, and the law won't be able to intrude."

"The law won't, but my parents will."

"All too true," he admitted. "Which is why we'll have to keep a

low profile for a while longer. But what threatens us after you

turn seventeen is a scandal. I *don't* want your senior year

marred by that; I *do* want your parents' presence, if not their

full enthusiasm, at our wedding."

"And who said that I would marry you?"

"You did, actually. But go ahead and play hard-to-get. I

pursued you in the field this noon, and I'll pursue you again and


For Rick will continue to pursue his love and chase his

love and court his love, however often she flees. And

he'll find that time is on his side.

First, she'll blow out seventeen candles; and his

pursuit will become legal. Then he'll be able to entice

her as well as simply chasing her. He'll find ways to

make Leslie enjoy being caught, ways that are even more

fun than being petted or kissed.

Then she'll graduate a year later, and his pursuit will

become overt. He'll still entice her with pleasures

that nobody else should know that they share, but he'll

also be able to attract her with lures which the

community can see. Baubles like an engagement ring,

posies not from his field but from a flower shop, many

are the apples that Rick will drop before his Atalanta.

But, then, it won't be a single race.

He'll expect his ring on her finger to slow Leslie's

flights, weighing her down with the burden of her

acceptance. And he'll scheme to add a second ring to

that. Then we'll see where Leslie can flee to, once she

is wed. In the depth of winter, he'll be able to catch

her by merely rolling over in bed.

Then, their bodies almost the only sources of heat in

the bedroom two flights above the laboring furnace,

he'll search for her under the down comforter. Blind in

the night, he'll grope until his hands find a warmth.

Then he'll breathe on that warmth as one does a spark.

When it catches fire, he'll delve within the center of

the warmth until he finds the heat which is its source.

He'll add his friction until that heat strikes fire, and

until that fire is matched by his own. Then, as the

fires fade to embers, he'll hold his love tight to keep

them warm.

But, even then, he'll understand that possession is

transient. Even then, he'll know that the thaw is


First when the weather begins to warm, when the mares

are mated again, Rick and Leslie will go together like

responsible stock owners, and watch their mares being

bred. And from the hayloft, those responsible owners

will watch the stallion drive into the mare. No one in

the whole world will guess that those watchers are

imitating the horses. No one will have the slightest

suspicion that when Leslie leans out the window of the

hayloft dressed in a decent shirt, Rick will be behind

her. He will nuzzle her and stroke her when the

stallion pursues the mare; when the stallion nips the

mare, Rick will nip Leslie. But, perhaps, he will only

use his lips since he'll be in a much more delicate

place. He will press against her when the stallion

rises above the mare, and he will thrust into Leslie at

the very moment that the stallion drives into the mare.

Unlike the stallion, however, Rick will have the use of

hands. He will clasp every bit of his love, under the

shirt and along her neck, on her hips and between her

legs. Unlike the stallion, Rick will not be content

with his Leslie's acquiescence. With both hands, he

will seek her excitement, and then her passion. He will

drive into her while she is warm and open to him, but he

won't stroke within her until she is quivering in

anticipation and matching his strokes. He will stroke

her inside and out until he has caught her passion and

then her culmination.

Only then, while she is clutching him within herself,

will he drive mindlessly in and out of her clasping

tunnel until his passion captures him, and then pours

out into her.

When spring turns so hot that even the mornings are

warm, in those warm mornings, before he needs to be at

work or she needs to be at her college classes, she'll

be free to flee him again. If she runs across their

fields, he'll have no choice but pursuit. Then he'll

have to catch her and tickle her until she falls down.

Holding her on the ground, he'll need to stop her mouth

with his until she hasn't the breath to escape. He'll

have to capture every bit of her, holding every inch of

her surface with his hands -- and then with his mouth.

He'll need to spread her legs so wide she couldn't run,

and interpose his own to keep them apart. He'll find a

rivet to bind her to the ground, and then he'll just

drive that rivet into her and drive it into her while

she writhes there on the ground. Then he'll fill her

with another weight beyond the rings, emptying the fluid

which will weigh him down more and more fully as he

glimpses her bewitching butt flick before him in her run

across the dark fields. Finally, pinned in her center,

filled with his ballast, and held by his weight, she'll

lie quiet while he rests on top of her until the rising

sun threatens to reveal them to their neighbors.

And when the summer really arrives, when the sun owns

the sky and the nights are the shortest, he will entice

her out to the fields at the time of the late sunset.

There, they will watch while the sun sinks slowly. And,

Rick will try to kiss Leslie to a glow matching the glow

of the sky. Then his desire will rise as the sunset

glow sinks, and he will catch her up, and strive with

her, and lay her down, and dig within her, until he has

captured her spirit and filled her with his own.

And then winter will come back around, and Rick will

trap Leslie once again between her hot spouse and their

cold room.

"So, you see, dearest," Rick continued in a calmer voice, "I

don't fear having to pursue you and woo you. I look forward to


"A very riveting description," she said. He groaned. "It's

really your fault, you know. I thought that they were called


"The difference between a lit'ry metaphor and a trite vulgarity,"

he said. "Besides, the motion is more in-and-out than around in


"I'm not sure that I understand. Perhaps you could demonstrate."

"All in good time, dearest. All in good time."

"You keep saying that." She was pouting, but the grin came

through. They had a kiss before he turned her so that her hips

were pressed against his thigh, her head rested under his chin,

and her breast was in his hand.

"But time is what we have, dearest. Time is what you bring to

this partnership. Time and freshness and beauty. But the

freshness and beauty are mostly for my enjoyment; time is your

dowry for *us*. Your youth limits us, and threatens us if we

reveal our love. But your youth allows us such a long future."

"For children, you mean?"

"For children... for everything."

"I'm not sure that I want to wait for everything," she said, "or

even for children. Babies are so cuddly. But, I'll admit, I'm

not ready to be at the beck and call of anyone right now --

however cuddly."

"That's the gift that your youth brings," he said. "We want so

much, lots of it incompatible. We can have so much of it, just

not at the same time. We'll have cuddly babies, and squalling

brats, and teenagers for us to worry about, just as your parents

worry about you. For that matter, we'll worry about a boy as my

parents worried about me. But we won't have them all at the same

time. And, with the time that your youth gives us, we'll have

other things first."

"And, that way, I get to hold these lovely, firm, breasts; and

you get the larger breasts you keep wishing you had. For that

will come with children. But, first, we'll have a time for

ourselves. After the world lets us be two together, we'll have

some time to enjoy our twoness before we add a third. By


Rick and Leslie will have learned to be a family. You

can learn from others how to build a house out of

bricks, because those others are using bricks identical

to yours. You can't learn from them how to build a home

out of two people, because the people who have done that

have used materials different from yours.

And that applies, to a lesser extent, to the making of a

sexual couple. Oh, Rick has some experience with women,

and he has some books that tell him the general rules.

But he will have spent a lot of time and attention

learning just what makes *Leslie* tick. And, more to

the point, what makes Leslie gasp, or moan, or scream.

He'll have explored her body very carefully, seeing

which parts react to his fingers, which to his lips, and

which to his tongue. And he'll have tried a few other

caresses as well, and combinations of caresses. He'll

have enjoyed himself physically, never doubt that; but

he'll have enjoyed the finer, longer-lasting pleasure

which comes from experiencing the passion of one's


And Leslie will have experienced the intensity of

physical joy that can only come when one's attention

to the sensations is not distracted by having to provide

the frictions oneself. And she'll have experienced the

subtler pleasures of knowing that one's pleasure is also

pleasure for one's lover, the doubling of joy that comes

from knowing that this joy, in and of itself, causes joy

in another.

Orgasm is a wonderful country to visit, but she will

have found that returning from there is far better when

it is truly coming home. She will have come home into

the arms of one who loves her, and will have enjoyed

that far more than she enjoyed coming back to a lonely


Leslie will have done some exploring of her own. She'll

find out what Rick especially likes to have her touch,

she'll have found that Rick's cock can stand quite a bit

more pressure than one would think at first, and his

balls quite a bit less. She'll have found which hugs

Rick finds comforting after a long day designing parts

by CAD, and which hugs arouse him to immediate desire

for intercourse.

But that exploration will have been only the beginning.

They will have sought the times and moods that each of

them bring to love play. They will have each learned

the effect of the clock and the calendar on the other

and on them both.

Rick will have learned to use hands and tongue and

phallus to bring Leslie to an immediate explosion.

Leslie will have learned that bringing Rick to an

explosion is no terribly great accomplishment.

They will have experimented with long sessions, teasing,

tasting. Rick will have held Leslie in his arms while

kissing her face, neck, shoulders, back. He will have

spent an hour bringing her to warmth and desire before

his kisses will have strayed to her mouth, let alone to

her breasts. He will have feasted on those breasts

until his Leslie tells him that the stimulation has

passed from pleasure into pain. He will have played

with her inner folds until she tenses with her desire,

and will have petted her down to a warm glow again. He

will have repeated that until she burns from the fire of

her lust.

Then, only then, will he have brought her over. And his

tongue will have continued the stimulation until she

lies quite replete.

They will have tested Leslie that way time and again,

until Leslie will have decided, and told Rick, whether

she prefers such love to be followed by sleep in his

arms or quiet, slow, sweet intercourse. For, by that

time, she will have experienced many examples of each.

Or, just perhaps, she will have decided that she prefers

Rick to follow such a slow seduction with an instant

virtual rape. More than once, Rick will have spread her

legs as soon as she falls back in her repletion and

pressed her into the mattress with his weight. Having

thrust his cock deep within her, he'll have grasped her

hips and pulled her against him as he drives in and out

until he, too will have exploded. He'll have poured his

lust and his love and his seed into her and rested on

her until they both will have had time to recover.

Perhaps Leslie will have chosen one of those as her

preferred ending; perhaps she will have decided that

each option fits a particular mood.

Leslie will have held Rick in her arms. She'll have

held him more intimately, as well. She'll have lain

down, and stood up too, while he thrusts into her.

She'll have fitted herself around him as she squatted

above his supine form, impaling herself on the one

verticality standing out from all that horizontality.

There, she will have controlled the action. It won't

have been merely that Rick will have wanted to please

her and will have conformed his actions to her

responses. In these times, Leslie will have been in

direct control. She will have rubbed her soft mortar

around Rick's stiff pestle until he, she, or both are

ground to a powder of passion.

She'll have experienced their love as a partnership in

the long run. But each of them will have reigned at one

time or another.

She will have searched for an intimacy much gentler, but

even more erotic. Rick will have held her in his arms,

much like this but without the clothes. But she will

have held him much more intimately yet. And he will

have moved his hardness through her softness only enough

to keep that hardness. And they will have talked and

petted that way for hours. From that Leslie will have

learned, learned in a way that words cannot teach, that

she is Rick's and that Rick is hers.

And the same faint motions, the same long hugs, while

she lies on Rick and holds him inside her, will have

taught her that the union of their organs is the center

and symbol of the union of their lives. They won't have

merely come together to ease their desires, although

they'll have done that many times. They will have come

together to express that they are indeed one,


And Leslie will have sat on his lap and taken him inside

her. She will have held him in her arms and been held

in his both at the same time. There, neither will have

controlled their motions. Joined and jointly, they will

have mutually sought their mutual pleasure.

Nor is Leslie the only one who will have learned from

that. Rick's mind and body will finally have learned

what his heart told him soon after they met. He'll

finally accept that Leslie is the other part of him,

that part that can't be severed from him by anything but


"Which," she said, "will probably come from starvation before any

of this takes place." He looked at his watch; it was nearly two.

Leslie might eat like a bird, but she preferred to do so


"I had spaghetti last night," he said. "Want me to heat it up

for us?"

"How you can eat the same stuff for dinner and the next day's


He decided not to mention his breakfast. She also had a

prejudice against cold spaghetti. He went to start the warming

while she said goodbye to the mares. All his stock were female

except for Daphne's colt and Delilah's yearling.

"Well, dearest," he said when she came in, "you can cook for the

family when we are a family. You can choose the menus and see

that we never eat the same meal twice in a month. Though how you

will deal with vegetables, let alone leftovers, I can't imagine."

He sliced some lettuce from the head for each of them. "There

are left-over limas as well." Damn! He should have warmed them,


"I should have paid more attention in Home Ec. I can tell you're

not a strong believer in balanced meals. Anyway, I'll pass on

the lima beans."

They had a nice kiss before sitting down to the meal. Not that

he hadn't enjoyed kissing her in her coat, but she was definitely

sexier when he could feel her shape.

While they ate, she told about the homework that she had done the

previous night and that morning. This had become something of a

ritual for them. In the three years between the death of his

parents and the beginning of her sharing his Saturday lunches, he

had grown unused to talking during meals, and it gave her one

more motivation for doing a big chunk of her homework before

coming over to visit. He didn't want these Saturdays to drag her

grades down, partly because her learning was important to him,

mostly because her parents were quite likely to tell her that she

couldn't go see Rick's horses until her grades improved.

Besides that, the schoolwork which she found "boooooring" was the

only part of her non-erotic life which he found of any interest

at all. The spats and reconciliations that decorated her

friendships were too petty to interest even so dedicated a

partisan as himself. He tried to pay attention to the

distinctions she made in styles, but it was an area in which he

was too ignorant to learn. He divided the clothes worn by girls

into concealing and revealing, a classification he wasn't stupid

enough to share with her, especially since he preferred her in

the concealing and her classmates in the revealing mode.

The spaghetti was much depleted when he put it away. After

dessert, they settled down in the back parlor for a nice snuggle.

Half an hour into kissing her, he broke to lick her ear. She

wiggled away.

She went off for a pit stop. "Now, be nice," she said. "No

tickling or I won't sit on your lap."

He shifted chairs and crossed his heart. When he did cuddle her,

he found that she wasn't wearing a bra. Holding a sweet, firm

breast in his hand, he felt himself hardening against her. The

nipple was poking out, too. This was fun, but he didn't want to

go much further today. They had four months to go.

As they kissed, he felt his resolve weaken. Time for a

distraction. "You know, I can't handle many more mares than the

ones I have now if I'm going to keep putting in forty-nine hours

a week doing CAD."

"I'll help."

"Well, you help already. Any more time with Daffodil before you

live here is going to cut into your time with Rick. You might

not mind...."

"Oh yes I would."

"But I certainly would. On the other hand the future is open, so

long as we don't cut it off ourselves."

"Somehow," she said, "when *I* think of our future together, the

first thing that *I* think about isn't how we can increase your


"Well, that isn't the first thing which pops into my mind,

either. Except for acquiring a particular filly."

"Can't see why," she said. "You don't want to ride her."

"Leg gone to sleep?"

"No. Why?"

"Because if your thigh weren't asleep, you'd know that I *want*

to ride that filly. It's just that riding her too soon causes

problems which might prevent my riding her for a long time. You

know enough about the ways of horses to see that. Look at what

they do to thoroughbreds."

"I wouldn't have that problem," she said.

"You'd have others. We'd have others. You don't risk the long

term for the short term -- not when you can see the long term

clearly. Leslie and Rick have such a marvelous future, if they

can reach it...."

From the beginning, Leslie will run the household,

except for repairs. She'll learn on the job, but she'll

already know more than Rick, to damn with faint praise.

In the beginning, Rick'll run everything else. He's

done all of that already, the finances, the horses, the

time schedule. They'll care for the horses in the

morning. He'll go off to sit at a computer all day;

she'll go off to college classes. When they get home,

though, it will be time to take care of themselves.

As Leslie learns more at SUNY, as running the household

changes from an adventure to a rut, she'll take over

more control of other areas. Maybe the business side of

the horses second, maybe the family finances.

The first area in which she'll exercise more power,

however, will be the bedroom. Because they will start

off with Rick knowing a hell of a lot more about sex

than Leslie will, but they will work hard to increase

her experience.

When day is done, with their chores finished, they will

lie in bed together, and Rick will pet his love until

her desire warms her completely. Then he will move

above her and inside her and she will welcome him with

hugging arms and open legs. He will stroke within her

until they both catch fire; and then he will pour out

enough liquid to put that fire out. Afterwards they

will cuddle together in their joint warmth, going to

sleep in the glow of their love.

When evening mucking-out is done, they will feel the

need for a shower before bed. And when, in the

interests of efficiency, they take that shower together,

they will find all sorts of ways to help each other.

Leslie will scrub Rick's back, and he will scrub hers

but will be more interested in scrubbing her front. And

when both of them are clean all over, when each has

dried the other, they will tumble into bed without

patience for the long preparation. Their hands will be

everywhere on the other until Leslie spreads her legs

wide to accommodate Rick and he pounds her into the

mattress until they both explode.

Not that they need get the bedclothes wet. When they

are playing together in the shower, Leslie will

sometimes want Rick then and there. She will merely

turn her back and pull his cock into her cunt. Then

Rick will bend his knees to enter her, and drive in her

until he erupts. The water, if it isn't freezing by

then, will make cleaning up much easier.

But nobody but the horses will be holding them to a

schedule. When they both get home after their hectic

days, they won't need to wait for bedtime. Besides, the

house won't really be their home as a couple until they

have initiated each room.

The kitchen counter is a nice height; Leslie will be

able to sit on it and lean back while Rick drives into

her again and again, tells her of his love, and

ejaculates proof of that love. That, too, will be

easier to clean up than the sheets. And whenever Leslie

cooks there afterwards, she will remember how she felt

with Rick inside her. She will remember, too, what Rick

said and did, if not quite how he felt. His groans as

he comes into her will be enough to hint how desirable

and sexy he finds her.

Of course, there is no law restricting them to one time

or one way in a single room. The sofa will suggest a

bed so strongly that they will be tempted to use it as

such, but this chair will suggest another posture. The

front parlor will be a challenge. They will strive for

the first pleasure that has been enjoyed in that room

since Great Grandfather Wilcox was laid out there and

his enemies came to the wake.

Rick will, however, rise to that challenge. Leslie will

engulf his erection while he sits in this very chair.

That done, Rick will be able to stand and carry her

impaled into the stuffiness next door. Leaning back

from him against the wall, she can thrust herself

forward to meet his thrusts until they spend and


And there will be all those rooms upstairs with beds.

They will find some of those beds high enough that

Leslie will kneel on them while Rick will stand on the

floor and pierce her from behind.

You don't roll around on a feather bed, so Leslie will

sink into one while Rick will sink into her. Slowly,

lingeringly, he will move in her while petting her

everywhere. They will have time to climb that mountain

together. When they fall off, they will land on

feathers and rest there for a night.

All of this, all the sneaking into fields in the dark

and, will be fun in and of itself. The *purpose*,

however, is informative. At first, Rick will say,

"let's try this."

Soon, Leslie will say, "I really feel like doing that."

When they know each other better, she often won't say

one word. Instead she will think of some posture, some

place, some tempo, that they have done before. She will

think to herself that this is what she wants on that

particular day. And she will entice Rick into that

place or that pace. Rick will be very easy to entice.

Perhaps Leslie will even think up positions before Rick


And so, when Leslie has her degree and they can see

their way free to support a child, when they know each

other and their patterns, they will choose a solemn time

to discard their precautions. They will kiss longer and

play less than they did in the past. Leslie will lie on

her back, whatever their preferences on other days.

Rick will ensure that Leslie is at the height of her

desire before he enters her, and she will stimulate him

as well. Then, stroking boldly in his love until he

explodes, Rick will plant a seed that will bloom in

Leslie. And they will lie quietly after the planting is

done to allow the seed all the time it needs to take

root. And they will repeat that until Leslie conceives.

When she is well and truly with child, Leslie will have

different hormones raging inside her than the ones which

do now. But she will know a hundred shades of intimacy

with Rick already. She will have discussed them and

chosen among them. So, as her desires change, she will

have a palette from which she can select what she wants

most on any particular day.

And, as their children grow, and their marriage grows,

they will always have the palette. What they want, not

only what Leslie wants but what Rick wants, will change

over time. They will, however, have a variety from

which to select.

And select they will, so long as they both shall live.

"You make it sound nice," Leslie said. "I'll consider marrying

you after all."

"That's good news, dearest." He fondled her breast with his

right hand and hugged her more tightly with his left. She

cuddled under his chin. He lowered his voice to accommodate that

closeness. "Do you want to help a little more with the horses?

You'll have to leave in an hour."

"Hold me for a few minutes more. I don't think that I can wait

four months."

"We'll make it," he assured her. "We'll help each other."


Flights of Fancy

Uther Pendragon




For another story involving a woman's first time, this one really

happening, see:


This story is indexed in the subdirectory:

Mf.Older Men, Younger Women

The directory to all my stories can be found at:
