

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

HEART A movies Shannon was but the

"Heart Ball 1-4" (mf pett rom MF cons m-solo f-solo toys)

IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, or otherwise forbidden by law to

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This material is Copyright, 2001, Uther Pendragon. All

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as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous


All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as

public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination

and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly


# # # #


by Uther Pendragon

Chapter 1

Steve Anderson didn't really think that petting was something

that Shannon owed him. As much as he wanted to bare her lovely

breasts, he didn't want her to permit him *because* he had taken

her to the first dance of their senior year. But still....

Shannon Bryant buttoned her blouse up again, before moving back

into his arms. She really liked Steve, loved him, loved his

kisses. But she felt so exposed in the seat of his mother's


"But this summer, you... we...." Steve said.

All summer they had ridden their bikes out in the mornings while

their friends slept in. They'd both had jobs that interfered

with their afternoons and evenings. He'd made deliveries for old

man Hauksbee's drugstore; Shannon had ushered at the movie

theater four evenings a week and sat for Mrs. Green on the other

three. Mornings were their times together.

They had found a meadow on an abandoned farm where they could

talk in absolute privacy; and, when they would stop talking, the

privacy had been even more important. He had felt her breasts,

and then seen her breasts, and then kissed her breasts.

"It's not the same, Steve," she said, wondering why he couldn't

see that. It was one thing to be alone in the meadow, sharing

all their thoughts, no one to see them but God; and then they

shared some other things, too, things that she couldn't have

mentioned to another soul. "We were clean, then."

"After a five-mile bike ride? I showered before picking you up


"We were sweaty, but what we did was clean," she said. "Now we

are just a couple of kids making out in a car. And anybody could

come by. It's not the same. And I have to be home in fifteen


The last was inarguable. He kissed her with closed lips and with

his hands off her covered breasts. "I love you," he said. "I

don't understand you, but I love you." He started the car.

She loved him, too. She even understood him a little bit,

sometimes. She had enjoyed their summer petting, and it didn't

make sense to feel more exposed in the dark car than she had in

the sunlit field. She just did. And, he *did* back off when she

asked. Finally she said, "I love you, too. Just have a little

patience with me."

He'd thought that the conversation was over. They were nearly to

her house, having driven in silence. "Patience" didn't sound

that bad to him; not good, but better than "never."

They kissed chastely at her door. Her parents might be watching.

As a matter of fact, her mother was. She was favorably impressed

that Steven always walked Shannon to the door as Curt almost

never had; she was happy that they hadn't made a spectacle of

themselves for the neighbors. Still, Allison Bryant didn't think

for one minute that this kiss represented the extent of the last

hour's activities. "Did you have a nice time at the dance?" she

asked. From the state of Shannon's hair and lipstick, she'd

clearly had a nice time afterwards.

"It was great," Shannon said with a lack of enthusiasm even she

could hear. "Actually, it was. It's just that neither Jones at

the theater nor Hauksbee at the drugstore have much respect for

their peons' social needs." Which was a constant annoyance, even

if not one that she had thought about that night.

- = -

Steve stopped his mother's car at a gas station to fill the tank.

His earnings, after current expenses, went into a savings account

intended for college. The money in there was probably enough to

buy a beater; he was tired of having to explain to his parents

before every date just why he needed to use one of their cars.

Kids who worked much less than he, younger kids, kids doing worse

in school, kids who had been in trouble with the law for God's

sake, drove their own cars to school every day.

Later, lying in bed, he thought that his having to ask for the

car was typical of his life. Bill, a year ahead of him in school

and Hauksbee's delivery boy two years ago, had worked in the

store and been trusted with the cash register *his* senior year.

With Bill gone, Hauksbee or Thompson handled the register. Steve

was still just a delivery boy.

Steve got good grades, and had been sent to the principal's

office only twice in the three previous years. Both times were

with Ken, and the principal had little to say to him except "Stay

away from Ken; he'll just lead you into trouble." Now Ken was

president of Student Council, and Steve was nobody. Well, that

was unfair; he'd helped Ken win, and Ken had wanted him to run

for Council. Steve just hadn't wanted to put in the time. And

Ken was brighter than his grades showed; when Mr. Jenkins was

teaching them the evils of sentence fragments, he'd handed one of

Ken's themes back with the comment: "Laughed out loud; grade of

F." Ken had written the whole thing in sentence fragments.

But still, Steve colored within the lines and got diddleysquat.

Even Shannon (especially Shannon because Shannon was what

mattered most) didn't want them to be "a couple of kids making

out in a car." Well, what did she think they were? That was as

good as saying that she would give him less than his classmates

were getting, and some of those guys treated their girlfriends

like shit.

To be fair, though, some of those girlfriends were shit. And

some of the others were nice girls except for a terrible taste in

guys. But not one of them was as nice as Shannon. That was the

problem, really. It wasn't only that he wanted to touch some

breasts; he wanted to touch Shannon's breasts.

To be honest, he wanted a lot more than that. He wanted to fuck

her, but Shannon wasn't the sort of girl who would do that. Not

now, at least, and it was too long to wait for any future in

which she would. He could imagine it, though. And he did.

He would remove Shannon's bra and see those smooth breasts again;

he would kiss them until she was panting, much more excited than

she had ever been in the summer. Then he would strip her

flowered panties down and see the heart-shaped hair again.

Maybe it was the way he'd seen it, on their last free day before

school opened. She had lain back on their two shirts while he

picked her a bouquet of wild flowers. After handing her the

flowers, Steve had knelt at her head and kissed her eyebrows. He

kissed her nose where it was peeling ever so slightly, and then

her chin. They'd tried for a meeting of tongues, but that is

hard when one face is upside down from the other. He'd kissed

her breasts, and she'd kissed his chest. He'd pressed on to lick

her bellybutton. Then he had pushed down on her shorts. She

hadn't objected. He'd had no idea why, but he'd accepted his

luck. It had been that sort of day.

The shorts had moved down revealing a line of pale skin, then the

panties which he'd pushed too, and then the hair. It had been an

arrow pointing at him, not at all like the slight arc on his

body. It had been fine, darker than her head, but he'd been able

to see the pale skin through it.

"Oh Shannon," he'd said. He couldn't express his wonder. She'd

raised her hips to let him push the shorts and panties down to

her thighs. The hair was pointing towards him, and then it

broadened. At the very end, hard to see from his position, it

parted into two lobes. "That's where they get it," he'd said.

The hair was a perfect heart shape.

She had pulled her panties back up. He noticed, when they had

covered that revelation of beauty, that they were pretty, white

with blue flowers and a line of lace at the top. Then she'd

pulled up her shorts, too. The magic moment had ended.

Someday, she wouldn't stop him. He would remove her panties

completely and kneel between her legs. Then her hands would

replace his, guiding his cock into her and he would stroke, and

stroke inside her. At that point, he reached for the Kleenex.

He wrapped it around the head of his cock and imagined his

entrance into Shannon's body one more time. He erupted, and then

stroked until it all came out.

Satisfied, but somehow feeling dissatisfied, he slid into sleep.

- = -

The next week, Hauksbee began showing him how to operate the cash

register. Kevin, a junior whom he knew slightly, started working

one night a week on deliveries. It was how Steve had started.

He got a fifteen-cents-an-hour raise, but still was making less

per week than he had made in the summer.

His parents fought his idea of buying a car when he brought it

up Sunday afternoon. "You need that money for college," his

father said. A representative of a fertilizer company, he was

getting ready to start a three-day road trip visiting dealers.

"You don't need a car."

"What would I have done if I hadn't found a job?" he responded.

"I'm tired of having to get down on my knees every time that I

need a car. I want my own."

"That's quite an exaggeration. It's not your car; you have to

expect to ask."

"That's just the point. The cars aren't my property. So I can't

say that I will drive somewhere with my friends or tell Shannon

that I can take her on a date. I have to tell them all that I

will *try*; I will *ask*.

"I'm not going to break the law, speed, run away from home. I

just want a car which I can decide to drive somewhere; which I

can tell people that I will go there tomorrow or next week." It

didn't work; talking to his parents almost never did.

He was still in a negative mood when Ken turned his way when they

left AP Calculus the next day. "You know, we really need your

input on the Harvest Ball," Ken said. The school had dances to

records more Friday nights than not, but the fancier, rarer

Saturday-night "Balls" were done by committees. Ken was

responsible for getting those committees together and having the

dances a success. It was the real work of the student council

president -- the student council having power only where neither

the administration nor the teachers gave a damn.

The idea of Ken being responsible was funny on the face of it,

but not funny enough to lighten his mood. "Not this time, Ken.

I'll ask Shannon to the dance, but I don't have time to be on a

committee." Ken was walking in the opposite direction from his

next class; not having much time to argue, he switched lanes and

hurried back.

- = -

Wednesday night, Roger Anderson muted the commercial. "Getting

down on his knees," he said to his wife. "You ought to make him

get down on his knees next time he asks."

Rachel had almost forgotten the exaggeration, but had been

thinking about the incident. "I can see what Steve means about

making plans. Still kids have very flexible positions on

property and privacy. What's yours is theirs; what's theirs is

private. He was rooting around in our closet just the other day

for one of your ties."

"Well, he did ask after he found it."

"Still, would you dare go through his closet or drawers if he had

forgotten to return it?" She wondered if she should mention the

incident with their daughter when she was home from college.

"Nope." Roger said, and clicked "Ed" back up.

She was the one who clicked the ending commercials down.

"Mallory is just as bad, maybe worse. Last summer, she was

looking through my lingerie drawer for a half slip...."


"She found the vibrator," Rachel continued.

"And you caught her with it in her hands?"

"No. She *confronted* me with it. She thought it was disgusting

that a woman of my age used one. But she knew what it was, and

never considered that it had another use." The straight-wand

shape wasn't *that* suggestive. "And she had been looking for a


"Huh?" He'd been thinking about the vibrator. They only used it

occasionally, but he had spent the last two nights in motels.

And Steve was out of the house for more than the next hour.

"A half-slip, my dear innocent, is what a girl wears so the boy

can reach her breasts without fully undressing her." As Roger

should have remembered, she thought as she clicked to change


"Do you really want to watch 'West Wing?'" Roger asked. The

picture of some boy molesting Mallory's breasts was disturbing.

The picture of her with the vibrator in her hand was almost as

bad. But the vibrator evoked other pictures as well.

Not when she considered the alternative. "Is there anything

better on?"

"I thought we might check out whether Mallory damaged the

vibrator. Whether it still works, you know."

He was in pajamas when she came back from inserting the

diaphragm. She dug out the magic wand while he took his own

bathroom time. The shower didn't run three minutes.

He shed his pajamas to join her in bed. Skin a little cool for a

hug, he gently scratched her back. All Rachel's emotions melted

into a puddle; this was bliss. Minutes later, she reached her

leg back and parted his with her foot. "Mmmmm," she said.

"Don't really need the vibrator."

But much as the scratching pleased her, it had never seemed to

him that she was actually turned on. Grateful, yes, receptive,

but not eager for him. Besides, vibrator times were special.

"All that tells us is that the fingernails still work."

They took a while, kissing, fondling, rubbing, before he started

the tests. The vibrator still worked on her breasts, and it

still worked on her thighs. As he stroked it around her lower

lips, he kissed from one breast to the other. The taste of the

prominent nipple, combined with his sense of her arousal, was

almost enough to keep him firm. The move dropped his dick onto

her thigh; the quivers ran from the vibrator, down her thigh, and

onto the sensitive head of his dick.

She was enjoying the feeling of his lips on her nipple when he

finally brought the wand to the top of her thighs. Much as she

loved that climbing excitement, she didn't want to climax empty.

She reached over to where his erection was pressed against her

leg. She brushed up the shaft to reach his balls, while he

raised his top leg to accommodate her. She cuddled the sack,

letting the balls move against her fingers, while the shaft

hardened against her wrist. It would be there when she needed

it. Meanwhile, she relaxed her attention to let the wand carry

her higher and higher.

He was kissing her tightening belly when her hand shoved his

away. He turned off and dropped the vibrator while climbing

between her legs. Guided by her hand, he journeyed the route he

knew best in all the world, so familiar but always dramatically

new. The light touch of her fingers in his shaft, the moist

caress of her lips, the mock-resistant hug of her portal, the

slick yielding of her tunnel -- all built the same excitement in

him, each contributing in its own unique way.

She led him just where she needed him most. The warmth, the

breadth, the *humanness* gave her sensations which the wand never

did. Slowly, he entered her; slowly he widened her; slowly he

filled her. And every millimeter scratched an itch more acute

than he ever scratched on her back. Only when he was fully

inside, his groin pressed against hers, pushing her legs outward

and upward, did she reach for the wand. She turned the speed all

the way down before tuning it on.

When he heard the growl of the vibrator on low, Roger pulled out

half way. Rachel raised her knees around his waist. Then she

moved the wand slowly across her hips towards him. She could

feel the shaking deep inside her when the contact was made. With

the vibrator against the bottom of his dick and her warm

slickness trembling around him, Roger stroked in and out as his

excitement soared.

Her mind knew that she needed only the shaking of his organ deep

within her to take her over, but her body still answered his.

She dropped her feet to the bed to drive her groin up around his

organ as it drove down into her; it dropped back as he withdrew.

Meanwhile, her spirit soared.

Surrendering to his needs, and hers, Roger stroked faster and

faster. Much as he luxuriated in the slick friction, the

shaking, the warm grip and her drive against him, he knew that

even more was coming and he wanted that. He desperately needed

that. Then it came for her first.

Rachel spun upwards, tightening as she rose. Then the tightness

caught her and shook her. She dropped the wand, clutched the

bed, spasmed as Roger drove into her and into her. Roger felt

her clutch around him once -- he pulled back, almost coming out

-- twice -- he drove into her, felt his knees slip on the sheets

form his force -- thrice -- then he joined her, his dick pounding

as he thrust again and again.

It was a long time before they parted. He recovered the vibrator,

turned it off, wiped the fluids off its surface. "That was

something, but I need you," he said.

"I need you, too, darling. This is a banquet. Alone it is like

the meals, MREs, you ate in the National Guard. It satisfies all

the physical needs, just not very tasty."

He checked the clock. "Steve's still in the store. He won't get

here on his bike for half an hour."

"You know," Rachel said, "he won't really be able to handle the

deliveries when it's two feet deep in snow. He couldn't last

year." She snuggled back against him.

"So let him get down on his knees."

"I think we might be a little more permissive. Staying home on

his work nights isn't that much of an imposition, and we still

have your car when you're here." And Gertrude didn't sneak into

the garage like his bike did. Still, she felt protective of her

little Honda Civic.

Roger felt generous towards all the world, so long as he didn't

have to move. "It's your car." She rolled over to lie on his

shoulder. In that position, his fingers just reached the

sharpest curve of her butt. Later, though, he scratched her back

a few more times. Arching her back in response pushed her

breasts tighter against his side.

While Steve rode up to the house, he toyed with the idea of

joining his parents for the end of "Law and Order." The rest of

his homework could be done afterwards. Once inside, he found

that they had already gone to bed. He renewed his decision that

he wouldn't let himself turn so sedate and inactive when *he* got


He went up and finished his homework. But, conscious of being

the opposite of sedate, he took a centerfold to bed with him

to study before he turned off the light.

- = -

Shannon had once thought that getting paid to watch a movie was

heaven on earth. But she'd seen too many, and the hours sucked.

"I have a date Friday night," she told Mr. Jones.

"Cancel it!" he said. "I have only so many usherettes, and Cathy

can neither work an R-rated show nor handle the booth. Besides,

this one will be full without the high-school crowd. When the

show starts, come out and take the booth from Julie." Julie,

older, was allowed to watch the show. She also was paid

significantly more because she handled the booth. Jones didn't

say anything about paying Shannon a bonus.

"I'm going to quit the theater," Shannon told her mother the next

evening. She'd started dinner as a peace offering.

"What are you going to do for spending money?" Shannon bought

her own clothes, school lunch, and incidentals.

"Babysitting. It is less regular, but it pays more per hour.

What's my balance these days?" Her mother was also her banker;

Shannon shopped on her mother's charge card, and -- until the

double employment of that summer -- she'd run a deficit more

often than not." Besides, I can do homework there, half the time;

and I can set my hours better, instead of always working when

Steve's not."

"I think that you are letting your life revolve around Steven."

Well, she knew that Shannon was; she just wished that she


"I know that you do." Actually, while many of her thoughts

revolved around Steve, almost none of her actions did.

"Well, it's your life." Mrs. Bryant wanted so much for her

daughter, and feared so much for her. And she realized that

neither the hopes nor the fears would make a damn bit of


Oddly enough, Steve's question was the same as her mother's.

"What are you going to do for money? Will your parents put you

back on an allowance?"

"No, silly. But I saved a ton over the summer, and I have nearly

two weeks coming from the theater. More than that, I have old

babysitting customers and can get more. Anyway, lay out your

schedule for me."

He was glad to do so. But he had to check with old man Hauksbee


"You two getting serious, aren't you?" the druggist asked. Once,

Carl Hauksbee had been serious about Carol Thunborg. He had been

a pharmacist at County Hospital, courting a girl who wanted a

solid place in the town in which she had grown up. Winning one

of the lesser prizes in the then-new lottery, he'd used it for

the down payment on the drug store and to establish himself in

the town. He felt a little nostalgic, and more than a little


"Well," he continued, "it depends on Mrs. Thompson's health, and

Kevin of course. But I can use you Saturday mornings and Monday

and Wednesday evenings, regular. Your girl going to forgive you

if there is an emergency?" He was a lot more protective of his

employees than he wanted anybody to know. No kid was going to

work for him two school nights running and ruin his grades.

"I think she would." Steve hoped so. Shannon was really not one

of those demanding girls who got jealous of jobs and parents. On

the other hand, it was going to be hard to persuade his folks

that he should date on Tuesdays when he had work the day before

and the day after. Even so, Fridays were what counted most.

"But not forgive me?" Hauksbee asked. He figured he could live

with that. "Now, you would have to get up early on Saturday."

"Not really early." The place opened at nine-thirty, sweeping

out started at nine; weekdays, he had to be in school at eight-

fifteen. He didn't find that particularly difficult.

- = -

"Can you work those hours and still get your schoolwork done?"

his mother asked.

"Sure I can. I just have to actually study during study hall."

It was a concept which would ruin his reputation if he spread it

around, but he'd done it before.

"Look, you know my schedule. It's still my car, you have to ask,

but you can assume that you can use it when I don't need it."

- = -

Shannon found that getting babysitting business back was harder

than she had expected. She had abandoned everyone else for Mrs.

Green in the spring; other girls were now the regular sitters for

her old customers. "Just keep me in mind," she said. "And, if

your friends ask, please give them my number." Finally, out of

desperation, she considered Mrs. Green. But Mrs. Green's hours

ran from four to midnight.

"Mom, remember when I babysat for Mrs. Green?"

"Indeed I do. And your dad and I were real proud about how you

kept it up despite the boys' behavior."

"Remember how I got up early the next morning?"

"Well, you could nap there." And Shannon had got up early for

Steven. Allison Bryant wasn't sure that any other motivation

would have worked. The negotiations took some time, partly

because Allison checked with Wayne before giving permission.

"I know that you have a regular sitter, but I'm not ushering

anymore. So, when you need me, I might well be available one

night in a week. And could you tell your friends about me?" She

figured that Mrs. Green's friends would respect the skills of

anybody who could handle those brats.

The first job, however, was for Mrs. Lundberg whose older kid had

changed critically in the year since Shannon had seen her last.

Cheryl's added height was nothing, but her added curiosity was a

problem. Shannon told Steve about it when he took her out on a

burger-and-movie date. They'd picked up the food and driven out

to where they could watch the sunset while they ate. She was in

the middle of describing her embarrassment at being the target of

sex-related questions when he looked at his watch.

"Look," he said, "this is entertaining me more than the movie

would, but you already know the punch line. Do you want to get

back in time for the start of the show?"

"I don't care if I never see another movie again. Can I finish?"

"So what did you do?" Steve was nowhere near as bored with

movies as Shannon was, but the change in plans suited him quite

well. Shannon's tales from the front were always entertaining,

and this particular one was somewhat arousing. While neither he

nor Shannon had any ignorance of where babies come from, that

wasn't something that they usually discussed.

"For ten minutes, I wished that I was back sitting for Mrs.

Green. She's a nurse, I know that she would want her kids told.

Anyway, Billy was listening to Cheryl's question, and he started

in...." It was funny, and she took a while to finish the whole

story. They did nothing more physical than hold hands until the

last light from the sun was gone. When they finally kissed,

however, it was intense.

Whatever reservations Shannon had felt over being a couple of

kids making out in a car faded with the glow of the sunset. This

was Steve, and he had dropped his plan for the evening as soon as

she had asked. His mouth was salty on hers, and the kiss was

thrilling. Even through the bra, his hand excited her breast.

So, when he finally unbuttoned her blouse, her only response was

to lean forwards so that he could reach the bra, too.

Again, he felt those smooth breasts. He was so hard that he

ached, but that was only one sensation. Her tongue welcomed his

back into her mouth; her nipple firmed against his palm.

Shannon got back home fifteen minutes before her school-night

curfew of ten. She was neatly dressed and unmussed, albeit with

a grease stain on her blouse. She had enjoyed the date more than

any since school began. It was strange. She and Steve talked

almost every day in school, but sitting in his car talking made

her feel closer to him than a dancing with him for an evening.

And talking had been the key to the evening, if not the whole

thing. She dressed in a nightgown and brought a history book to

bed with her, but more recent events held her interest. She

remembered the exciting feelings when Steve had held her breasts

and brushed her nipples. She tried to evoke those feelings with

her own fingers, but they weren't quite the same. For one thing,

nobody was kissing her. And Steve's kisses had been particularly

exciting that evening.

Soon her right hand wandered to the center of her excitement.

For the first time, she pretended that Steve was the one touching

her. Even in imagination, it was a little embarrassing; she

would hardly want Steve to feel the moisture that she produced.

Soon, however, she swept herself up to the peak. When she

returned, she had a vague memory of calling Steve's name, or

imagining doing so. She desperately hoped that she had imagined


- = -

Steve had come home from the date particularly happy. His very-

real enjoyment of Shannon's imaginary presence in his bed had

been tinged with belief that his goal was nearer if not near. He

greeted the next morning more cheerfully than he had greeted any

in weeks.

The morning didn't reciprocate. It was a dull and dreary day

with light rain. His father gave him a ride to school in the

Jeep. Coming home was another matter. He forgot that he was

without his bike until after the bus left. He had to walk or

hitch; and he didn't connect to those of his friends whom he

could ask. His walk home soaked him to the skin despite his

raincoat. Dried and fed, he rose from the dinner table to go to

his work.

"Do you want to drive Gertrude?" his mother asked. The rain was

coming down nearly as hard as it had been when school let out.

Steve's long raincoat was hanging in the entrance hall still

wringing wet; he'd have to wear a jacket. She didn't want her

son working for three hours after having been soaked below the

waist. She had Wednesdays off from her job. Maybe, on days like

this, when the weather was too rotten for her to go out anyway,

she'd let him drive to school.

"Thanks Mom. You're wonderful." And she usually was, although

he never would understand her. She fussed over his borrowing the

car when it was a social necessity, and then volunteered to lend

it to him when it was a minor convenience.

He used the car for deliveries and left it for his mother with

less in the tank than he would have wanted to. He left a note,

however, warning her of that. He ended: "I'll pay. I just

wasn't carrying the cash last night."

"The car was fine, dear," she said the next night. "Why don't

you just take the mileage off the speedometer. If it's close to

empty, fill it up and leave me the receipt. We'll settle up the

balance." Since Steve's savings weren't going to cover anywhere

near the cost of tuition, the difference between her purse and

his savings was merely a matter of his learning about the real

world. Settling up on his paydays was a fine way to teach him

what he had spent.

Steve figured that if his father hadn't yet taught her the

difference between an odometer and a speedometer, she wasn't

going to learn from her son. Besides, she was being nice. He

bit his tongue.

Kevin missed too many days. Mr. Hauksbee hired another junior

named Martin, but Steve was back on delivery duty much more often

than he worked inside for a while.

"Listen," Hauksbee told him one day. "Not the booze and

cigarettes, which you can't buy or sell legally, not the

prescription drugs of course; but anything else in the store that

you want, but maybe don't want to mention to me, you take it and

ring it up on the register. I'll trust you to do it right."

Steve bought a few magazines that way; but, as time went on, the

boxes of Trojans kept catching his eye.

Not that his need for them seemed immediately pressing. He and

Shannon watched a few more sunsets. The dark, which came earlier

each time, brought more petting and more kisses. One Thursday,

nearly drowning in her welcoming mouth, he petted her breasts and

felt the nipples harden in response. When she broke the kiss to

breathe, he nibbled all over her face and neck. A greater

smoothness was calling him, though. "Please, darling," he said,

"let me." He felt her stiffen before he dropped his head to kiss

the softness of her breast. She gradually relaxed in his arms,

and then stiffened again as he sucked on her nipple.

Shannon had completely misinterpreted his request. She'd fought

her way out of the haze of desire in a desperate effort to

protect her virginity. Before she could say a word, however, she

realized that her breasts were his only goal. How could she deny

these to him when his tongue and lips there brought her such

pleasure? Only when he had walked her to her door and she had

climbed to the safety of her room, did she remember her error.

And she wasn't sure that her reaction had all been negative.

In bed, she remembered Steve's hands and mouth on her breasts.

Then she imagined Steve's hands caressing her more intimately.

She tried imagining Steve entering her, but went back to his

mouth on her breasts and his hand between her legs. With the

stimulus of her real fingers supplemented by Steve's imagined

ones, she climaxed with a moan.

She got a call from an old customer the next night. "This is

William Jensen, Amy's father. I hear that you are babysitting


"Yes." She was puzzled. The Jensens had a new baby and were

staying home. "Mrs. Jensen told me that you weren't going

anywhere these days."

"That's the thing. We aren't, but she needs to. I think that

she would trust you more than someone new. You know about Amy."

Amy, four by now, had a serious asthma problem. "Peggy really is

no bother at her age. A few changes. Theresa is breast-feeding

her, but we'll leave you a bottle."

"When were you planning to go out?"

"Listen, Theresa needs to get out of the house. She trusts you.

It might not look like it, but it is more trust than she gives

anyone else. So what days are you available, and I'll work

around that."

"It's six dollars an hour for two children." Which was her rate,

though not quite fair, being what she charged Mrs. Green. On the

other hand, Amy and a small infant were serious responsibilities,

if not serious pains in the butt. "Anyway, I'm usually free

Monday and Wednesday evenings, if I haven't taken other


"Anything scheduled for this coming Wednesday?"

"Not yet," she said.

"I'll try to get her to agree. I'll call you back either way."

- = -

Mr. Jensen drilled Shannon before he left. "Tell me about the

inhaler," he said. She did. "Tell me about the pills." She

did. "We'll be seeing the early movie; they'll flash us on the

screen if they have to. The number is by the phone. Peggy will

wake in about an hour. The bottle is in the 'fridge, but you'll

have to heat it. Help yourself to the munchies, but don't let

Amy see them. Graham crackers are okay. Dr. Wyatt's number is

by the phone, as well. Same place as always."

Amy didn't really remember Shannon, and made a fuss as her mother

left; but soon afterwards she was cuddling into Shannon's lap for

a book. Shannon lavished her with attention and told her stories

about when she had sat with her before. Peggy was a dear, a

drenched dear, but still sweet. Amy could now brush her own

teeth, if not too effectively. Shannon got to see most of

"Norm." Then she settled down with her homework.

The Jensens came home rather early. With their worry about Amy,

they had never been particularly remunerative customers. On the

other hand, he calculated her hours from the time he picked her

up until the time she got out of his car after he drove her home;

she had never seen either of them drunk; he never made a pass at

her; he waited in his car until she had closed her door.

She finished her homework in her room. She took college catalogs

with her to bed. Having taken the college boards in the spring,

she had some idea where she would have a good chance at

admission. Her mother was an alumna of Albion, and Shannon hoped

that she could follow her there. That, however, would require

financial aid. She needed back-ups.

- = -

Steve bought a *Penthouse* when there were no customers in the

drugstore. When he got it home, he still had physics homework to

finish. He did all the assigned problems, but not so thoroughly

as was his habit. Then he enjoyed his purchase until his climax

led to sleep.

He regretted that neglect on Thursday. Mr. Babaian, his physics

teacher, gave a pop quiz. Steve, who had been hoping for a

strong A for his GPA and maybe a letter of recommendation out of

the class, knew that he did poorly on that quiz. That night, he

buckled down to learning what he should have learned the night


- = -

Chapter 2

Friday, there was a home game. He and Shannon went to the game

together and parked afterwards. They were dressed for the

weather, and his hand was icy; so he took some time to burrow

under Shannon's parka and her sweater. Finally, caressing her

through her warm sweat shirt, he reached the soft mound formed by

her breast. And it was remarkably soft. Before he touched the

peak that the shirt made over her nipple, he knew that she hadn't

worn a bra.

"Oh, Shannon!" he said. She was so soft, and he knew how those

glories looked. Hell! He knew how they tasted. He kissed her

more deeply while holding her. Probably his hand was still too

cold to go under the shirt. "I love you. I want to be with you


"I want that too," she said. Then she kissed him back. A minute

later, she pushed his face away. "Steve," she said, "I do want

to be with you always. I want to be with you next year."

It took him a minute to hear what she was saying. Somehow, all

of his attention was on his left hand and none on his ears.

"We should go to the same college." She said it aloud, and

wondered how much she was pushing him.

"Well, I've applied to U of I already. I need some backups, and

the counselor told me that I looked good enough in science to add

a better school. You know what they say, one for a dream and one

for a parachute."

"You can do better than Champaign-Urbana." That was her idea of

a parachute. Besides being with her for four more years, he

should realize his potential.

"Don't make it sound like a pile of garbage; people from out-of-

state pay big money to go there. It's not Cal Tech or MIT, but

it is a good school for chemical engineering. It is a lot

cheaper than any comparable school when you're paying in-state


"There's always financial aid. Mrs. Swenson said that you could

do better."

"She told me that I had a decent chance. Anyway, what is your

dream school? U of C?"

"Fat chance! I don't want to live in the big city. I've applied

to Albion College. It's small, it's liberal arts, and my mother

is an alum."

"And *you* were wondering if we would be together."

"You really are more interested in chemistry. I'm sure that you

could get a great education in chemistry at Albion."

"I'll look into it.

"By the time that conversation was done, it was almost time to

drive her home. They kissed deeply, his hand still outside her

shirt, and he started the car.

- = -

He thought that there were better things to do on dates than


However there was never enough time to talk. They shared one

class that year, English, and a lunch period. But Shannon had to

cross the entire building after English class. Shannon belonged,

had belonged since grade school, to a group of girls that got

together for some lunches. While they mostly didn't meet as a

group anymore except to celebrate birthdays, one or another of

them might join Shannon and him at a table. She would sometimes

wave them off, but she got angry if he did. Even if she did, the

table would fill up one way or another.

Their talks on the phone were only private if both sets of

parents were elsewhere.

He lived more than four miles from the high school, an

uncomfortable walk but no great bike ride. He could walk Shannon

home, wheeling his bike. In bad weather, he took the bus which

left right at the end of home room. He didn't even get a chance

to wave at Shannon those days. The bus also followed a cicuitous

route, taking almost as long as walking did.

- = -

Shannon was second back-up on Mrs. Green's call list when the

regular babysitter couldn't make it. She would gladly have been

third. One time in mid-October, Mrs. Green called back after

having received a refusal.

"I told you that I have a date," Shannon said. "My boyfriend

works, and I sit for other people. We don't have that many

evenings when we are both free. Anyway, I promised. I can't

possibly come."

"Look, half the nursing staff is working with the flu. I can't

call in and say that I can't get a sitter." There must have been

a Mr. Green at some time, but not within Shannon's acquaintance

with the family. "Were you going somewhere special with your


"It's special *because* it's with my boyfriend," Shannon said,

biting back the question of what business it was of Mrs. Green's.

"I trust you; you know that. Wouldn't leave you with Ralph and

George otherwise, right?" Shannon wasn't sure that she had all

that much choice; for the night in question, she didn't appear to

have any. "You could have him over while you sit. If he picks

up pizza for the four of you, I'll reimburse him that night."

Steve wasn't happy; hell, Shannon wasn't happy, but she didn't

want to deepen the hospital's staffing crisis. She reluctantly


Picturing all the possibilities of the two of them alone, Steve

rang up a box of condoms and hid it away -- slightly lighter --

at home. The reality was different. His condom stayed in the

secret compartment of his wallet; the belt to Shannon's jeans

stayed buckled. He and she even -- once the little terrorists

were actually asleep -- got some studying done. He had to leave

before Mrs. Green arrived, too; he got get his reimbursement from

Shannon the next day.

A precedent had been set, however. From that time on, Shannon

invited him over whenever she sat for the Green kids. Steve

would come soon after their bedtime, or later if he worked that

night. Once the kids were settled down, they would have time for

some serious petting. Shannon didn't go around without her top,

afraid of the kids' waking up or someone's coming to the door;

but he pushed it up in the soft lamplight. She removed her bra,

and he could feast his eyes (and hands and mouth) on her beauty.

The pleasure that Steve afforded her almost made up for the

struggles that she had with those kids. And, she was vaguely

aware, the tension from those kids made her a little more eager

for Steve's kisses -- and his hands.

- = -

Steve wanted Shannon. He was reconciled to the knowledge that he

couldn't have her completely any time soon, but he was pulling

for the long run. Together in college, with parents far away, he

thought that he would have a chance. For that matter, he wanted

the very long run, as well. If he had to wait until marriage,

there were still the kisses -- and the magazines.

Shannon's college plans, however, seemed to be driving them

apart. He stopped her in the hall one morning. "Can you get a

pass to see the counselor seventh period?" They each had study

hall that period, unfortunately in different rooms.

"I'll try." Lots of kids used that as a way to cut, get the pass

but don't show up. Or show up very late. She hated to lie,

however, and Steve should know that.

"Good, I want both of us to see the same thing at the same time.

I'll see you there."

So, she didn't have to lie.

Mrs. Swenson looked surprised to see the two of them together.

"Actually," she said, "I'm more of a career counselor than...."

"Well," said Steve, "you're the person we are supposed to see

about college applications. And, anyway, it is more that we want

to see your Blue Book."

She gave them the book and took another student into her inner


"Read it and weep," Steve said. "Albion's *weaker* in academics

than the U of I. It will cost ten thou more to go there. And I

can't get a degree in Chem-E. There's no reason for me to go

there, except you; and the only reason for you to go there is

your mother's nostalgia."

"You could get a chemistry degree at Albion. It's a fine

school." It *had* been her mother's dream; it had become hers,


They were still wrangling when Mrs. Swenson called them in. When

the problem was laid out for her, she sighed. She almost wished

that the problem that they brought her had been the one that she

had suspected first.

"Look at this objectively," she said. "You guys like each other.

You want to go to the same school. I can understand that. But

going to different schools is not the end of the world." It

would probably be the end of their romance, but so would going to

the same school in nine cases out of ten. Suggesting that they

might grow out of their relationship was not, as she was well

aware, the way to reach these kids.

"He could get a chemistry degree *with* the liberal-arts

experience," Shannon said. "It's a better school. And they give

financial aid."

"Including both loans and grants," Steve pointed out. "Everybody

does that. My father is still paying off *his* student loan.

And look at the ACT scores. It's not a better school."

"Well," Mrs. Swenson said, "it's a less *selective* school, but

not really significantly so. That doesn't mean that they teach

you less. You're comparing apples and oranges. The university

has, what? twenty times as many students?"

"About that," said Steve.

"And it has graduate programs. That means that there will be

many more faculty there, and some of them will be significant

researchers. You won't meet them in your first two years, maybe

never. You will study under their grad students; and, however

advanced the subject you want to study, there will be someone

there who can teach you.

"On the other hand," she continued, "if you want a piece of paper

without really learning anything, that can happen at a big

university more easily than anywhere else. Nobody watches to see

if you go to class. Nobody watches to see if your interests are

being met. Nobody cares.

"A good, small, liberal-arts college provides anybody who wants

one an introduction to the thinking which has passed the test of

time or has attracted academic approval. Almost always the

original thinking is going on elsewhere. It is a great

experience. I enjoyed it. And the professors are hired to

teach, more likely have an ability to teach. You don't get

graduate students who are finding out whether they can teach or


"But, if you want something particular, want to be a chemist, did

you say?"

"That or a chemical engineer," Steve said. "I never thought that

I was Nobel-prize material. And I don't want, with all due

respect, to teach. I want to put things together."

"Then you should go where they have that as one of their aims.

Now, with a degree in chemistry you can do all sorts of things.

You can become a doctor, or even a lawyer."

"I don't want that."

"But many people do. And many people go to college wanting some

sort of an education and major in chemistry because they are sort

of good at it or because the teacher is great. Those do just

fine in liberal-arts schools. If you want to do technology, it's

probably smarter to attend a school where they train people for

that technology.

"That doesn't mean," she told Shannon, "that you should follow

him there."

But Shannon wanted to be with him.

- = -

"What is my balance with you anyway, Mom?" Shannon asked.

"I don't know precisely. I haven't added up the books lately,

but you have plenty even after you deduct the taxes you'll owe.

Why do you ask?" Her daughter was good about earning money,

Allison Bryant couldn't deny that. She was also a wild

spendthrift. If she told her that the balance was several

thousand dollars, it would be gone next month.

"Steve's birthday is next week. If I have lots in the bank, I

want to buy him something really nice."

"You have lots in the bank, but does he?"

"Well, he's saving up for college, but what does that matter?"

Her mother was always bringing up these irrelevancies.

"Shannon, I'm glad that you're feeling generous. I'm sure that

you would feel really good about getting Steven something

expensive. And, if he gave you something less expensive on your

birthday, you wouldn't let that bother you.

"But would it bother Steven?"

Dammit! It would. She could see that now. "I just want it to

something he really enjoys. And he dresses sort of.... Well,

he's not quite a nerd."

"And now, you have to think of something he would *like*, instead

of something which isn't in his style but is really expensive.

Now you have to find something which you know he will like

because you know him better than anyone else does."

"Gee thanks, Mom." But she was right, after all.

- = -

Mr. Jensen picked Shannon up for a babysitting job on Wednesday

night. When she got to the house, Amy burst into tears. Shannon

wanted to say, "Look, kiss her good-bye and leave. The tears

will last all of five minutes after you're out the door." She

didn't say anything, though. Mrs. Jensen dithered, Amy wept

herself damn close to an attack, and Mr. Jensen finally drove

Shannon home.

"I'm sorry about this," he said.

"She really cried more than she would have if you had just left.

She doesn't *enjoy* having the two of you gone, but the parting

is what's traumatic. It's like her playing with Peggy's bottle.

You don't say, 'Look Amy, here's a bottle you can't have.' You

put it where she can't see it and say, 'All gone.' She looks for

something else to want."

"Theresa needs to get out of that house. The constant worry is

going to drive her around the bend. Look, don't give up on us.

We'd have been gone, what? Maybe five hours. I'll pay you half

what you would have received." He paid her a ten and a five

before she left the car. She put it in her pocketbook. If her

mom said that there was loads of money in the bank, there really

was no reason to build that credit any higher. Checks, now,

would have to go to Mom.

- = -

Shannon asked her other customers for privileges similar to those

Mrs. Green gave her. The responses were mixed. Some families for

whom she sat refused to consider allowing a strange boy into

their house; one never called her again after she asked. Others

checked up on Steve, or asked to meet him. Some, however,

figured that -- simply by asking -- Shannon had demonstrated

enough responsibility to be trusted. Gradually, Shannon moved

the less permissive ones (except the Jensens) to the bottom of

her customer list; she also started a pattern of cleaning up the

mess that the kids left, as well as any that Steve and she

caused, for those parents who trusted her that much.

One Monday, Steve was pushing the deadline on a major paper due

that Wednesday. Shannon told him in the hall that he could visit

her at the Larkins' where she was babysitting that Tuesday night.

He was foolish enough to mention the paper.

"Well, if you come over," she said, "bring the theme. I want to

see that you have finished it." He rushed to get something down

on paper; it showed. She took the last two pages and tore them

in two. "You are going to do that right. I have some studying

that I can do as well."

Mr. Larkin, who brought his wife home early with a migraine that

night, would never understand why the two teenagers whom he

surprised studying across from each other at his dining-room

table seemed so flustered.

By mid-November, they had established a pattern. Shannon would

make sure that Steve met any kids where he was allowed to visit,

not wanting any of her charges to wake up to find an absolute

stranger in the house. Steve had limited chances, however, to

see Shannon on nights when he wasn't working.

More usually, he would stop off at Shannon's job after the drug

store closed. They would work together to clean up the mess and

then spread out their books to look like they were studying; that

ploy had worked with the Larkins, after all. Steve would push up

Shannon's top and unhook her bra; after the near miss at the

Larkins', Shannon only took her bra off at Mrs. Green's. Then

his hands would feel that marvelous smoothness and heft while

they shared a long deep kiss. When his lips replaced his hands,

he caressed the length of her thighs and squeezed her butt.

Compulsively drawn to those curves, he would stroke them as long

as she let him. He usually would arouse himself to the point

where he had to adjourn to the bathroom for a little relief.

Then he would leave, usually before the parents got home.

Shannon, too, was aroused by the kisses and stroking. She never

distinguished the physical sensations from the knowledge that

Steve desired her and thought her a beauty. While Steve's tongue

played with hers and his fingers stroked over her breasts, her

nipples would tingle. Then he would lick them until the feeling

turned into an ache and the tingle moved downwards to her stomach

and then to the junction of her legs.

Shannon always remembered, however that she had responsibilities,

for herself and for the parents who left her in charge of their

houses and their children. She had a good idea what Steve was

doing in the bathroom before he left. She didn't understand how

he could leave the warmth and love of her arms for the cold,

smelly, borrowed room full of enamel and pipes. Shannon put

herself back together and waited patiently to be relieved of her

responsibilities and driven home.

Only in the warmth, comfort, and safety of her own bed in her own

room would she allow herself to really remember Steve's hands and

lips and words. Then she would hug a pillow that she called

Steve and take her own hands where she wouldn't permit Steve's.

She pretended that they were his hands, however, and dreamed of

the day when they would be.

On their wedding night, they would kiss until she was as dizzy as

she was on the best of these dates. And he would kiss her skin

every time he removed a piece of her clothing, then kiss her

mouth again. Then, while she hid in the bed, Steve would strip

as well. Lying beside her, hugging and kissing her, he would

stroke her until she was aroused as she was now. And then, and


And then she climaxed from her own hand. It was exciting, but it

was merely a promise of what was to be. And Steve wasn't there

to hold her as she drifted off to sleep.

- = -

Meanwhile, they reached a compromise on schools; more accurately,

they put their problems off. Steve applied to Albion, and to the

Illinois Institute of Technology as a might-get-in. Shannon

applied to the U of I as well as to Albion. Neither really

applied to a "parachute" school, although Shannon thought of the

U of I that way.

They continued to go on dates. For most of these they wore blue

jeans. For the Thanksgiving Ball, however, Steve wore a coat and

tie and Shannon a fancy zip-up-the-back dress. The heater hadn't

been able to overcome the hours-old chill in the parked car, and

Shannon couldn't bring herself to permit the near-nakedness that

was the only way to give Steve access to her breasts with that

dress. She was wearing a slip, for heaven's sake.

"Please, darling," she said when he started fumbling with the

zipper. "Anybody could drive by and see in. Let's just kiss."

Steve thought ruefully that he would have enjoyed the evening

more if Shannon had taken a babysitting job. But it wasn't

really true. He had held her in his arms for every slow dance;

he'd shown her off in public as his girl. "Anyway," he thought,

"I only have about half an hour. I can spend it fighting her and

ruin the evening, or I can spend it kissing her." The choice

seemed obvious.

"Kissing you is never 'just a kiss.' A kiss from Shannon is an


And, at that, they kissed. He tasted her lipstick, and then her

mouth opened wide -- letting their tongues meet, and he could

taste Shannon. She raised no objection to his hands roving over

her dress; but, while the shape was vaguely like Shannon's, the

softness that he loved was buried too deep. When he stroked her

leg, however, the story was entirely different. Through the

three layers of soft cloth, the curves of her thigh were much

softer than the usual sculpted shapes armored by jeans. The

softening made those curves even more magnetic. It was minutes

before he could tear his left hand away and hold it in front of

the heater vent. He kept his right hand, terribly restricted by

their location, on her left thigh.

Shannon also experienced these strokes differently. First, she

had entered the car still excited by the evening; then, the

embarrassment geared her up to fight Steve off; not needing to

fight led to gratitude mixed with the annoyance of all that

combative adrenaline going to waste. By the time that she melted

through those layers to really experience the kiss, she felt

Steve's caresses on her leg. Without the interference of the

jeans, it was every bit as arousing as the attention to her

breasts would have been. She had even felt her nipples tighten

into the beginning of their ache when Steve had removed the more

arousing hand.

Wanting more but afraid to say so, she pulled his face against

hers to deepen the kiss. For once, her tongue had pressed into

his mouth. He sucked it just when the warm hand touched her

knee. Only her panty hose was between them. She knew that she

should say no; but she'd already said that once this evening, and

the hand was out of sight, and her body was saying yes. She

compromised by closing her legs together. His strokes on the

outside of her leg were exciting in the sense of daring, but less

arousing than the earlier strokes on her thrice-covered inner

thigh. Soon it had been time to quit.

"Break!" she said. "My curfew is coming up."

"Damn!" he said. But he put the car in gear, anyway. At her

house, he opened the car door for her, walked her to the door,

and gave her a quick peck on her mouth. Not that this fooled her

parents when they saw her smeared lipstick.

"You're two minutes late," was all that her father said.

"We could have been on time," she answered. "Steve just doesn't

like to break the speed limit." And it ended there.

Up in her room, Shannon paused before donning her nightgown. She

looked once again at her naked figure in the mirror. She thought

back to the end of the summer. The meadow had been a special

place, and the summer mornings had been special times. The last

morning there had been most special of all.

She had been lying in the meadow holding a bouquet of wild

flowers Steve had picked for her. He had been kneeling at her

head and kissing all over her face. While he'd kissed her

breasts, she had nipped at the bronzed skin arching above her.

Then he'd kissed her bellybutton while she wiggled in response to

the tickle. She hadn't resisted when he pushed down on her


She still didn't know why. Maybe it had been the non-threatening

position, maybe it had been the school year looming over them.

One tiny part of it had been the posies in her hand that she

didn't want to crush. Then he'd pushed her panties down to the

edge of her mound. "Oh Shannon," he'd said.

She'd responded to the wonder in his voice by raising her hips

and pushing the shorts and panties down to her thighs. She

*really* couldn't tell why she'd done that.

"That's where they get it," he'd said.

Suddenly frightened, she had pulled her panties and shorts up.

"Get what?"

"The heart, the Valentine heart. It doesn't look much like the

illustrations of a heart in the health books; but it looks just

like your hair. Look if you don't believe me. No wonder it's

the symbol of love."

"I'll look," she had said. "But when I'm alone, thank you."

"You have to think of it upside down, if you use a mirror."

"I shouldn't have let you do that."

"Yes you should," he had said. "I love you."

"That doesn't follow." And soon they'd had to leave the meadow,

and the summer.

She had looked, though, that night and later. Sometimes she

could almost see what he meant, sometimes she thought that he'd

been making it up.

Tonight it looked like a valentine's heart. Tonight it looked

like a symbol of their love. Tonight, she was sorry that she had

closed her legs in the car. She donned her nightgown and climbed

into bed. She shivered; the gown and the sheets were even colder

than the air.

She'd never caressed as far down her legs as Steve had started,

but she tried it now. The feeling, even from her own fingers,

was erotic. By the time that she reached the junction of her

thighs, she was ready, and she had barely touched her breasts

yet. She did so, and then took herself over.

- = -

"About last night," Shannon said during supper Sunday night.

"Look," her mother responded. "We don't want to make a big thing

of a few minutes, but the curfew is your deadline. You're

supposed to be home *before* eleven. We wouldn't mind having you

invite Steven in for the time remaining until eleven."

"But when I come home late from babysitting, you don't make a big

thing of it."

"That's different, dear," Wayne Bryant answered, atypically. He

left these things to his wife most of the time, feeling that she

could better judge the fine line between the rules that needed to

be enforced and those which would drive Shannon to rebellion.

"It's different," Shannon said, "because those are adults who've

broken their commitment. If Mr. Larkin says that he'll be home

at eleven and staggers in a little after twelve, that's okay.

But if Steve took one drink before he drove me home, you wouldn't

let me ever date him again."

"It's different because you can nap when you're babysitting

late," he said.

"Oh? If I were sleeping beside Steve, it would be okay?"

"Shannon!" her mother said.

"I was only teasing. You know that I wouldn't."

Allison Bryant, who knew no such thing, was much too wise to say

so. "That's all right, Shannon. We know that you are a kid who

teases us. But eleven o'clock is really awfully late for a kid

to be out." Shannon had lost that one, but she planned to bring

it up again. Later that night she went through her wardrobe

choosing which skirts were a little too passe or too worn for

wearing to school.

- = -

Her parents looked at each other when she had gone up to her

room. They knew that she was a basically good kid, Steven too.

They'd been glad when this romance had started, partly because

Shannon felt so awful after Curt, partly because Steven was in

the same year and acted like a gentleman.

They continued the conversation in their room. "I don't know,

Wayne," her mother said as she sat at her dresser to remove her

makeup. "We do let her babysit for Mrs. Green on school nights.

And that doesn't get her home much before 1:00, sometimes later.

What about keeping 10:00 for dates on school nights, but letting

her stay out until midnight on weekends?"

"When you get up late, it's hard to change back. She needs to

get up at 6:30 tomorrow, she dragged herself out of bed when?

8:30 this morning." He sat down on his own bed to remove his


"Well, she got to church, which is what you care about. I don't

know. She never seems to spend time with anybody but Steven. I

wouldn't mind if she still had sleep-overs with her friends...."

"One friend excepted," Wayne Bryant said. Once he had been a

husband to this woman. They had shared the triumphs of his

career, her wars with the neighbors. Hell, they had shared the

joys of their bodies, and they had shared a bed. Now, he was her

co-parent. Almost all they seemed to share these days was a

concern for Shannon.

"Oh, you. You're as bad as she is. Still, I guess it could be


"It could always be worse. We want it to be good. And all her

cave-man ancestry is there in her blood telling her that it is

time to become a mother. It isn't. She's going to college."

"Do you think she is? That they?..." When she saw Shannon's

tousled appearance after a date, she worried about what she had

been doing; Shannon had been going steady for nearly a year, and

they worried that she and Steven were getting too serious too

soon, never dreaming that Shannon saw Steve more often -- and

more privately -- during her babysitting appointments than on


Wayne didn't think so, partly because imagining his chick having

sex filled him with fury. It must be fury. "No. But the

hormones in her blood are urging her on. As, without doubt, is

Steven. So *we* will weigh in on the other side. There is a lot

more time between the end of the dance and midnight than there is

between the end of the dance and eleven."

Allison looked at him. Bending over to put on his pajama pants,

he showed the beginnings of an erection, and it *was* Sunday

night. "Well," she said, "you'll have your way. I'll tell her

that the curfew stands when she brings it up again." Then she

disappeared into the bathroom with her nightgown and robe.

When Wayne came back from his own bathroom break, he saw her in

his bed. He stripped off his pajamas before joining her.

"Hmmm," he said, "what have we here?"

They kissed for a while, and he stroked her breasts through the

nightgown. Abruptly, she sat up in the bed while he helped her

remove the gown.

Now he could kiss her breasts, bury his face between their

luscious abundances, suck the red tips to firmness. While he did

so, he played with her nether lips, seeking her moisture.

While her body reacted to his approaches, her mind wished he'd

let her breasts alone. Once, they had been firm mounds worthy of

his attention. Now they were loose sacks, only looking decent

when she poured them into wired brassieres. But the nipples

still betrayed her, and his hands knew her too well. As her body

responded to them again, one finger touched her clitoris. She

felt that touch from her follicles to her toenails, it suppressed

her mind and its preferences. He teased it, retreating,

advancing, circling. She was reduced to a body, he was reduced

to a finger.

When he reached her moisture, he spread it. He teased it upwards

to where her pleasure waited. His ear, pressed to her chest,

could hear her heart rate speed. Slowly, in response to his

toying, her knees rose and spread. He sucked hard on her breast

one more time, and then left it to climb between her legs.

The finger teased her, controlled her, mastered her. And then he

was more than just a finger. Something thicker, warmer, drew the

fluid up over her clitoris. It rubbed it directly, excited it

more fully, slid downward against it. Then it left her clitoris

to enter her. Driving into her body, it took possession.

Responding to it, her body rose and fell, rose and tightened.

Sliding into that moisture at last, he was home. Stroking in and

out of her, feeling her respond to his strokes, he felt the

decades-old love swell and displace the years-old resentments.

This was his woman; this was his bride; this was his love. And

this was her response, as she kicked her heels against his thighs

and shuddered under him. Then those feelings disappeared. There

was only him, only his phallus, only his sensation of coming and

coming. Then he was lying on her.

For one instant, she was her body, soaring and pulsing;

responding to him, belonging to him. But, when she dropped onto

the bed, he scarcely noticed her. He was still moving

mechanically within her body, pouring himself into her, and then

lying on her. His torso crushed hers while his organ slid out,

trailing slime down her thigh. When he rolled off, she evaded

his grasp to return to the bathroom. Her body, clean and sweet-

smelling when she had lent it to him a few minutes ago was now

slack, mussed, and leaking his waste. Her left nipple was sore,


Being married to Wayne was more pleasant than the marriages that

most of her friends seemed to have. Her body enjoyed its

marriage too. It was just that when her body and Wayne's went

off to have their fun, they always left the cleanup to her.

Wayne lay on the wet spot, too spent to move. He'd certainly

enjoyed himself, and -- more important -- he knew that Allison

had too. He just wished that she would acknowledge it

afterwards. But, as usual, she came back from the bathroom

dressed in nightgown and robe, climbed into her own bed, turned

away from him, and seemed to go to sleep. Did she know that she

slept on her left side only when they had either quarreled or

made love?

- = -

Shannon's next babysitting job was with the Jensens; and they

wouldn't let Steve visit. She could almost understand.

"Amy's been having a real good period," Mr. Jensen told her,

"but this was a bad day. Well, after Theresa, I'd trust her best

with you. Tell me about the inhaler; tell me about the pills."

She covered both. "We'll be having dinner at the Blue Ox. It's

about forty minutes away. The number is by the phone. Peggy

will wake in about two hours. The bottle is in the 'fridge.

Help yourself to the munchies, but don't let Amy see them.

Graham crackers are okay. Dr. Wyatt's number is by the phone, as

well. Same place as always. I know that I say the same things

every time. Enjoy yourself; you know how to get all the


She did, but that wasn't as much of a perk as Mr. Jensen

thought. Shannon's secret about her job was that she enjoyed the

company of most of the children more than the after-the-kids-are-

in-bed entertainment. That didn't count, of course, the

entertainment that Steve provided.

Amy clung to her mother and then cried for five minutes after she

had left; then, however, she sat in Shannon's lap while they read

stories. Shannon wasn't particularly surprised when Amy almost

dropped off before her bed time. They went though the ritual.

When Amy was tucked in, Shannon sat by the bed while Amy eased

into sleep. Peggy was all right, and then there was only

homework or the extra channels.

Shannon was reading her history book -- well, she was thinking

about Steve's hands and lips on a long-ago day at the meadow; but

the book was open in front of her and she had actually read half

the chapter -- when Amy came down the hall to announce that she

felt sick. One look told Shannon that the inhaler wasn't going

to work. This was a time for the pill, and Shannon took out the

last pill from the bottle and fed it to Amy. They cuddled while

the pill began its work. Shannon started for the phone. The

Jensens must have known that it was the last pill, but she'd

mention it when she called. The restaurant, however, couldn't

find the Jensens. That meant that they would be back within --

what had he said? -- forty minutes which would be....

Shannon knew, as well as anyone, the schedule of Hauksbee's drug

store. It would close in ten minutes, and the workers would be

out in fifteen. Hauksbee, who had long before tired of people

pounding on the glass while he tried to close up, had it cleaned

in the mornings. She knew that she would look like a damn fool

in four chances out of five; but Amy was a sweet kid, and would

be in danger in the fifth case. She dialed Hauksbee's. "Steve?

Thank God it's you. Listen one minute then I'll have to talk to

Mr. Hauksbee; I'll tell him that you will deliver some medicine

here after work. Back me, please back me!"

"Of course I'll back you," he said. He didn't like the tone of

her voice. "Are you at home?"

Chapter 3

"No. I'm babysitting." She gave him the address. She took a

deep breath before Mr. Hauksbee came on the phone. She gave him

the prescription number, and read him the other material from the

label on the pill bottle. "I gave her the last pill. She's a

little kid. If they haven't bought some quite recently, then

they are out of the medicine. Look, I know it's a lot to ask,

but Steve will drop it by here. If you could check out if

they've maybe bought a bottle today and it's likely to be in a

coat pocket still, that would be nice. But I'll pay for it if

worst comes to worst, I just don't want her to have an attack

without her medicines being here."

"I'll check the prescription. Give me the phone number, and I'll

get back to you if there is a problem."

"Is this your girl?" he asked Steve when he had looked up the


"Yes. Shannon is rock solid. If you don't get paid any other

way, you can take the cost out of my pay."

"I'll get paid. They haven't bought any really recently, but

they should have more than half of the last bottle left. Give me

the address." Steve did, and it checked. "Tell them that they

are using it too fast. Tell them to check with Dr. Wyatt in the


The last thing Carl Hauksbee was worried about was getting paid

for the medicine. There had already been a drugstore in the mall

outside of town when he'd bought this place; back then Olsen had

admitted his fears that he would have to close the business at a

loss. Hauksbee's was still in business partly because Hauksbee

took care of his customers. And Dr. Wyatt had backed him when

the store was picketed over the magazines he had on his rack.

Hauksbee wasn't about to put one of Dr. Wyatt's patients at risk.

He sent Steve off with the pills a few minutes early.

Bill Jensen was in a fine mood on his way back from the

restaurant. It was as far as they had got from town since

Peggy's birth, and he had watched the worry lines ease from

Theresa's face. The mood shifted when he saw a strange car in

his driveway. Seeing Steve on the porch didn't help. "Shannon,

didn't I ask you not to entertain anyone while you sat for us.

Who is this?"

"I work for Hauksbee's drugs," said Steve. "Shannon thought that

there might be an emergency."

"Is Amy all right?" asked Mrs. Jensen.

"She's fine now," answered Shannon. "She had another attack,

though." Mrs. Jensen rushed in to see her daughter. "I gave

her a pill," Shannon continued. "It was the last one. You may

have some more somewhere else, but I couldn't reach you. Steve

wasn't in the house; he was doing me a favor."

"The last pill?" said Mr. Jensen. "Come with me."

They went through the house to the kitchen. He found the pill

bottle still in its bag on top of the refrigerator.

"I really should have told you," said Mr. Jensen. "What would

have happened if she had another attack?"

"That's why Shannon called me," Steve said. "I brought over

another bottle. But Mr. Hauksbee told me to insist that you call

the doctor in the morning." He would have liked to say something

cutting; but he felt that he represented Hauksbee's just then,

and snapping at a customer wasn't his privilege. The old man,

now, snapped when he chose.

"Just a minute," said Mr. Jensen. "Let me take this where it

belongs." By the time that Steve drove Shannon home, he had an

apology and a firm invitation to visit Shannon anytime that she

babysat there.

"I still feel that he was snooty when he first came in," Steve


"He's just nervous whenever they're away," Shannon answered.

"She's called me in twice and then refused to go out. He says

that she needs it. Once they went, once he paid me a bit and

sent me home. They're just worried. Wait till you meet Amy and

Peggy, they're such sweet kids. And thanks for helping me out."

"Anytime," he answered. "You're my girl. I want to be there for


"Leave me off in the street in front of the house. I don't want

to explain why it was you and not Mr. Jensen." She did give him

a light kiss, though.

- = -

Their very next kiss was at the Pollocks'. This time Shannon had

worn a skirt, and knee-high socks. They settled into an easy

chair in the corner which was farthest from Kyle Pollock's

bedroom (not that Kyle had ever awakened while she sat for him).

She perched sideways on Steve's knees while he unhooked her bra

with his by-now-practiced left hand.

Steve held Shannon's weight in his lap. It was a little more

than his legs really wanted to support in that position, but it

was truly intimate contact. Her sweet thighs pressed into his

legs, and her unmentionable -- but so often imagined -- mystery

touched his left thigh. He was lost in the play of tongues for

one minute, then freed her breasts from sweatshirt and bra.

Given full rein, his hand explored that smoothness, and then the

roughness of the areolae, and finally the responsive firmness of

the nipples. When he broke the kiss, his lips took her right

breast while his hand still played with the left one.

Shannon found that her enjoyment of the kiss, however deep and

lovely, and Steve's caresses on her breasts, however thrilling,

had been compromised by her nervous anticipation of what might

come next. Sure enough, Steve began stroking her legs as soon as

he kissed her breast. She relaxed into the arousal from his

suction on her nipples and his smoothing of her skirt down her

left leg.

The skirt, with its promise of access to her smooth legs, had

beckoned Steve from the beginning. He stroked down the rough

fabric compulsively. He kept reminding himself that they had

lots of time, but he couldn't forget that this was the only layer

of cloth between him and Shannon. His third pass reached her

sock. He stroked upward to her bare knee and rested for a


Shannon had stopped paying attention to particulars well

before his hand reached her bare right thigh. That caught her

attention! For one thing, his hand was cold; but that was the

less important cause of her shivers. She had imagined that his

hand petted her there, pretended that his hand stroked there,

brought herself to climax starting with an imitation of his hand

stroking there. But her imaginings had never been accompanied by

suction on her breasts, and she had never felt quite the tingle

in her thighs that Steven evoked there. Her legs clasped

together for one moment, and then they fell apart. So did she.

Steve was expecting some objection, but none came. Even when he

reached the smooth, bare thigh, her only response was to trap his

hand by pressing her legs together. He stopped then, but moved

upward again when she released the pressure.

Steve knew that one reason that Shannon allowed him the liberties

she did was that he always stopped when she told him to; but he

was far from sure that he could stop this time when the

inevitable command came. She didn't say a word, just breathed

more deeply two inches above his ear. Then he reached the

sweetness that he had only glimpsed once, months before, but had

imagined every night since. Shannon felt his hand touch her

panties. Then he was clasping all of her there, her mound and

her lips, through the thin cloth.

"Oh Shannon," he said. The way he spoke her name made her feel

that he was sharing her feeling of exaltation. She clasped her

legs together again. Then, she pulled his face to hers for a

sweet kiss. She kissed him, hungrily, desperately, she pulled

his head into the kiss as hard as she wished he would clasp her.

The kiss excited Steve, but not nearly as much as the acceptance

it signaled did. His palm kept up a light pressure while his fingers

began to move back and forth. Her hips moved in response to his


They were more responsive, she thought, to his hand than they

ever were to her own. She needed something more, but mostly she

needed to breathe. When she freed herself from his mouth to gulp

in air, he moved to her left breast. That suction spiraled her

to a tension which she knew couldn't be relieved while she wore

those panties. And then it was relieved. She writhed under his

real touch more than she had ever writhed under the imagined one.

Experienced in the need to keep silent, she clamped her jaws

tight to contain her moans. Then she sagged in his arms. It

should have been much less comfortable than her bed, but it was

comfort and support and love and safety -- until he moved her off

his lap.

When he had touched her panties, Steve's hand had been at the

center of his every dream. He'd had his mouth on the sweetest

morsel that he had ever tasted. It was unthinkable that he would

be distracted. But distracted he was. Her hip, pressed against

his erection, began to move. With her moans in his ear and her

warmth under his hand, he felt mostly his own culmination in

glory. And then in stickiness. He was too sated to move, then

he was too pleased by his location to move, and then he was too

embarrassed to move.

Finally, however, he had to move. He put Shannon down on the

couch beside him and shuffled out of the living room to the

bathroom. Some of it had seeped through to his trousers, more of

it was on his shirt and undershirt. He cleaned all of that off.

His underpants were beyond recall, he would have dumped them if

he weren't afraid that someone would find them. He finally

scraped them (somewhat) clean, rinsed them, wrapped them in a

good portion of the toilet paper then on the roll, and stuffed

them in his pocket. It felt odd walking down the hall bare

against his trousers. He stuffed the incriminating roll into his

back pack. When he turned to face Shannon, he blushed beet-red.

She smiled at him impishly. He blushed more deeply at that, but

soon they were both laughing uproariously. "Come kiss me," she


The kiss was tentative at first, and they each broke it with

grins. By the time they had finished, however, it was a sign of

passion and a seal of love.

She looked at her watch. "Shouldn't you get home sometime soon?"

He had stayed later previous times, but knew that she was right.

This night was over.

They kissed again, more lightly. "I love you," he said.

"I love you, too," she replied. She said it lightly, some words

to end an evening; but she meant it more deeply than she ever had


She thought about the evening while she cleaned up herself, and

then the living room. She hadn't meant for them to go that far,

was her first thought; she would have to find a way to control

their petting. Then her fundamental honesty took over. She

hadn't meant it to go that far, *yet*. She loved Steve, she

wanted Steve, she had dreamed of Steve's hand just where it had

been (except for the panties in the way). They were just moving

awfully fast.

What she would have to work on was not a way of turning back the

clock, but a way of slowing down their momentum. She might need

a way to keep Steve from doing anything so embarrassing again, as

well. But those were details; she dreamily recalled her feelings

until the Pollocks came home. Later, snuggled safe in her bed,

she did her best to reproduce them.

- = -

"Your friend with the asthmatic baby paid for the prescription

the next evening," Hauksbee told Steve. "Thinks our service is

great. Of course, it is. But thanks for holding up the


And it didn't end even there. The next time he deposited his

check in the bank, the teller looked at him strangely. "You're

Shannon's young man, aren't you. I'm Bill Jensen, Amy's father.

Thank's again for what you did."

Steve still thought that Mr. Jensen had been a prick, but he was

being nice enough now. "You're welcome," he said. He picked up

his bankbook and two week's cash and walked out.

- = -

Steve had retaken part 1 of the college boards when he took part

2. The results were somewhat disappointing. His Math score was

only 20 points higher, 650 rather than 630. His Verbal score had

actually dropped from 580 to 570. The chemistry was a strong

710; the math achievement was good at 670. English composition,

at 510, was his weak spot; but he had expected that. Indeed, if

he felt one of the tests overrated him, it was that one.

Even so, he felt he still had some chance at IIT. And Mrs.

Swenson, who had experience with the U of I, thought that they

were 95% sure to accept him.

- = -

Steve's notes on the English assignment were a little hard to

read. It looked like page 340, but that made the reading

assignment shorter than Mrs. Foster usually gave. Besides, that

was the class he shared with Shannon. He had a perfect excuse to

call her.

"Hello." It was Shannon's mother.

"Mrs. Bryant? This is Steve. Could I talk to Shannon, please.

I'm not clear about the English homework."

"I'm sorry, Steven. Shannon's babysitting tonight."

"Not for Mrs. Green, I hope."

She laughed briefly. "No. For the Larkins. But I don't think

that you should call her there. Why don't you ask another person

in your class?" She knew why not, but she was willing to keep up

the social fiction. Indeed, aside from what the family was

paying for the second line, she didn't mind the kid's long phone

chats. Even then, the second line was useful for (and charged

off on their taxes as necessary for) her real-estate business.

"Well, thank you very much. And I'm sorry to have bothered you."

"No bother."

While Shannon's mother might not have been bothered, Steve

definitely was. Why hadn't she told him she was going to be

babysitting for the Larkins? And on a Tuesday, too!

Shannon got a note when she returned home:

"Steven called. He said it was about English.


She knew that the last line stood for "Shannon's social

secretary." Considering the number of messages that she took for

her mother, the joke had lost what little humor it originally


As they were leaving English class, Steve said to her. "I drove

today. You can have a ride home, if you still want to talk to

me." Then he ducked off. Chasing him would make a spectacle of

herself; he was spectacle enough with his long stride. Besides,

she had a class on the other side of the building and needed to

go in the opposite direction.

"'Still want to talk to you'?" she asked at lunch. They both got

there early, and had two minutes before their table got crowded.

By now, she had a suspicion of what was bothering Steve. But she

didn't want to discuss her period with him, let alone with him in

front of a third of the school. She opened the box of chocolate


"You didn't tell me that you were going to be babysitting for the


"I didn't want you over that night. I had a visit from my friend

on Monday." She took a deep sip of the milk, which served to

cover her blush.

"Well," Steve said, "if you would rather talk to your friend

than to me...."

She gasped, and the milk went down the wrong pipe. Then she

coughed it up, half running out her nose.

"Shannon!" Steve said. He pounded her back, and she got her

breath back. By this time they were the center of a crowd.

"Thanks." She managed to say. "I do want a ride home. I'll

meet you at your car. Now, I've got to get myself cleaned up.

Guard my tray, will you?"

Steve, totally confused and rather angry, considered tossing out

her food himself. But he'd been loyal to Shannon for a long time,

and it didn't really sound like she was dumping him. Beside the

waste of her money would probably bother him more than it would

bother her. Shannon didn't think money was real unless she was

spending it. He guarded her tray until she returned. At that

point he had to leave for class.

Shannon was late to math, but she had a good excuse. She raced

to Steve's car at the end of the day. He'd looked mad enough to

leave without her.

"Get us out of here," she said when he arrived, "and I'll explain

everything." When they were alone in the car, however, it was

harder than she had thought. "Look straight ahead, please."

Steve looked straight ahead. Was she going to break up with him?

Was that why she needed the privacy of the car? Was it because

he had expressed such reservations about going to college with

her? But his reasons for choice of college were sounder than

hers, and he hadn't actually said no.

"I don't," Shannon began, "like talking about my menstrual

periods... especially to you. They make me feel icky. I want to

feel something else, pretty perhaps, or romantic, when I'm around

you. But I'd rather feel embarrassed around you than break up

with you."

He looked over at her sharply. She did want to continue, but

what about this friend?

"Don't look at me!" she said. She could feel her face burning.

"Anyway, my period started Monday. I was feeling icky and my

breasts were sore. I didn't want to feel icky around you. I

didn't want you touching me. I sure didn't want to tell you why

I didn't want you touching me. I don't like doing it now. And

ten people asked why I had choked on the milk. I couldn't tell

them. Can't you trust me a little bit?" And, if he couldn't,

did he have to be so damned dense? It had been funny, though.

"Sure." Which was a lie, but he could act as if he weren't

jealous. Maybe he could. "But then this friend...."

"Was my period, silly. It's what we say."

Now his face was red as a beet. He was still staring straight

ahead, but she hadn't promised not to look.

"Um, Shannon," he said as they got near her house. The drive was

never long enough. "I can understand it if you don't want even

that, but I'm open to study dates if that is all you want. After

all, it was at the Larkins."

She laughed. "I'll think about it. Now get home; you'll barely

have time to eat before you leave for the drugstore."

"Yes, Mama."

- = -

Fueled by her mother's enthusiasm, Shannon had been looking

forward to attending Albion for two years. The acceptance letter

should have made her happier than it did. She could see Steve's

point, though. She decided to say nothing to him until the U of

Illinois responded.

Her mother, however, was unambiguously thrilled. She called her

husband at work with the news. Wayne Bryant, who ran the finance

side of County Hospital, was as excited as she was. At dinner he

noticed that the family member least excited by the news was


"What's wrong, Chick?" he asked.

"The thing is, Dad, that I'm not sure that I want to go to

Albion. Steve and I want to go to the same school, and he

applied there. But he doesn't think that it would prepare him

for chemical engineering."

"A liberal arts education is a good preparation for any career,"

Allison said. "He'll be a lot better prepared for chemistry than

you would be prepared to teach history at the University. It's

not just the courses; it's the life. You learn to relate to

people, and you are introduced to the thinking of the ages."

Wayne had heard it all before. His wife's picture of what went

on at a big university didn't represent his memories of Michigan

State very accurately, but that didn't matter. She had been

happy at Albion; Shannon would be happy at Albion. If he'd had a

son, he might have put up more fight, but he *did* think that a

small denominational college would be slightly more protective of

his daughter.

Shannon was bright, but she'd never seemed to want to learn

anything in particular, never seemed to want a particular career.

She was good with children, and would make a fine teacher. But

he couldn't believe that she would be happy as an old maid. He

could admit to himself that he was jealous of Steven, who seemed

to be stealing his Chick away when she was too young to leave the

nest. Still, that was what she wanted.

"But Mom," Shannon said, "Albion's average SAT's are *lower* than

those of the U of I. How can you say that the educational

experience is superior?"

"Admission tests hardly measure the educational experience, dear.

It's interacting with all those other young people who are there

to learn. A big university doesn't have that; you are a faceless


"I can't see that being there to learn is totally independent of

scores. Why didn't they learn in high school?"

Wayne couldn't see that, either. But he kept his mouth shut as

he watched the two people whom he loved most lock into a

situation where one of them was going to be quite unhappy.

After Shannon left for her babysitting job, Wayne helped load

the dishwasher. There was very little that he could hide from

Allison in any case, but this was nearly a signal.

"Are you going to turn against me, too?" she asked. She was sure

that Shannon had.

"I wouldn't call it that."

"What would you call it?"

"I'd call it accepting that our little Chick is about to fly out

of the nest," he said. "We knew that this was coming. Let's not

have her leave hating us."

"You've changed your mind since we talked about the curfew. And

*I* am the person who enforces your rule."

That was a little unfair. Allison had thought that they might

ease that rule; he'd been against it. But she'd agreed. The

fight went round and round. Finally he said, "We will support

Shannon if she wants to go to the U of I; we said essentially

that years ago. You can still tell her how despicable an

education people like her father got at big state universities.

But if you don't tell her that her decision is final, I will."

The hospital was open all night. He was seriously tempted to

return to his office. He stayed home, watching tv until Allison

had gone to bed. She was facing away from his empty bed,

however, when he went up. This time he faced away from her, too.

The next evening was a little friendlier, but nobody mentioned

college. Tension eased over the next few days, without resolving

anything substantive.

- = -

Babysitting for Mrs. Green had several advantages (none of which

compensated the kids being monsters). She was not going to come

home early, she was not going to come home drunk, she paid by

check at the beginning of the evening, and she had no interest in

finding fault with how Shannon had behaved. The last point was

becoming more important to Shannon.

By the time that Steve showed up at the Green house, he had done

some planning. He was glad to see Shannon in a skirt again. He

kissed her slowly and sweetly while they were still standing.

After loosening her bra, he led her to the couch and eased her


Shannon's first thought was that Steve was going to try to do it.

When he knelt beside the couch, however, she relaxed and let him

renew the kiss. She noticed that he kept his hands outside her

clothes much longer than had become their habit. When he did

push up her sweatshirt, he took his time on her breasts before he

reached their peaks. "Help me," he said, and pushed up the cloth

to give his mouth full access. She raised herself enough to

allow the sweatshirt to bunch under her arms. She felt his

kisses everywhere, beginning on her stomach, before finally

reaching her nipple. He stroked her leg, and then her mound,

from outside her skirt. He put his other hand on her head and

raised himself up so that they were looking each other in the


"I love you, Shannon," he said.

Then, still gazing into her eyes, he stroked down her leg and

under the skirt, luckily a wide one. He gave her one short kiss

on the mouth and then bent to her nipple. It was her left breast

this time, and his chest was pressed onto her right one.

Shannon felt every shift in Steve's position as an arousing

movement against her stiff nipple, and his tongue and lips on her

other nipple were even more arousing. The overwhelming source of

her arousal, though, was the back-and forth motion of his hand on

her thigh. His palm was firm on the top, but his fingers trailed

lightly across the inside. One finger occasionally brushed the

inside of her left thigh as well, sending tremors upward into her

belly. Steve's hand was moving back and forth, but it moved

upward more on every cycle. Finally, one finger touched her

through her panties. She wanted more, she wanted his whole hand

on her as it had been last time.

Steve felt her panties with one finger, but it was a finger in a

critical position. Even without pressing against her, he could

feel those mysterious folds through the cloth. He wanted to

clasp her there, he wanted to explore those folds, he wanted to

see that heart shape which he had only seen once, he wanted to

plunge into her depths. He knew that she wouldn't allow any part

of what he wanted. He abandoned her breast to tell her one

percent of his feeling. "Oh Shannon," he said.

Without any conscious decision on the part of her mind, her

knees raised and spread. She thought that he looked almost

shocked, but he kissed her before she could really read his

expression. It was a warm, gentle, kiss; Steve licked her lips

rather than invading her mouth. When she finally sought his

tongue with hers, she felt his hand slowly move to cup her mound.

Steve had been shocked speechless when he felt her legs open for

his hand; but not, luckily, shocked kissless. Once touching her

center, he could neither leave it nor keep still. Instead he

compulsively petted her pantied crotch. He wanted to seize it

and clasp it tight, but he was frightened of the violence

involved in his desire.

The way he petted the cloth between her legs reminded Shannon of

petting a cat. It was exciting, then it was excruciating; she

pulled his arm to get more pressure.

Steve had tried to be very gentle until Shannon grasped his arm.

"She's going to shove me away," he thought. "She's going to push

me away and send me out of this house, and I'll never touch her

this way again."

Then she pulled him tighter. He knew that this was her

acceptance of his desire for her and her expression of her desire

for him. Everything was all right. "Shannon," he said. "Love."

She heard his words and felt him bend to her breast again,

sucking on it and pressing it with his tongue. Steve sucked her

sweet breast and stroked her sweet center. His own arousal was a

tightness and a torment, but he had no hand to relieve that

torment. It was too much for Shannon, then it was not enough.

And then it was just right, and she flew away. When his beloved

responded to him in a way that, even to his gross ignorance, was

clearly a climax, Steve was in heaven, sharing her joy and

experiencing his own pride.

When Shannon came back to the couch, it was suddenly all wrong.

She shoved his hand away and curled up to cry.

"Shannon," he said. It had been marvelous, feeling her and

seeing her react to him. And then she had rejected him. And

*then* she had cried. Had he hurt her? Had he offended her?

"Did I hurt you? What did I do wrong? What do you need? I'm

sorry if I was too rough. Shannon, are you all right?"

"I'm fine," she finally managed to say. "You didn't do anything

wrong, just hold me." So he held her, hugging her head with one

hand and her knees with another. She felt his chest crosswise on

her back. Steve cuddled her from a very contorted position, but

happy that she accepted him again, he was glad for the

connection. Finally, she straightened and relaxed. Then she

said, "Let me get up." He moved back, accepting that she always

pushed him away to put herself together. She sat up and

refastened her bra. She would have liked to straighten her

panties, too, but didn't want to do it in front of him.

Logically, the brief glimpse of breasts that he had kissed and

caressed minutes before shouldn't have stimulated Steve; but

logic had little to do with his feelings. Needing a little

relief, he headed up the stairs to the bathroom.

Shannon watched Steve leave her, and then she remembered having

seen Mrs. Green's diaphragm on the top shelf of the medicine

cabinet on a previous evening. If Mrs. Green didn't hide it when

she knew Steve was going to visit, Shannon probably had no

obligation to do so. Still, she felt that it was a real invasion

of her hostess's privacy. "Steve," she called, "can't you use

the bathroom down here?"

Steve's reason for going upstairs was to place as much distance

between himself and Shannon. Explaining that was worse than

using the bathroom a few feet from her. He went down the few

stairs that he had climbed and shut the door. After his

experiences that evening, Steve found that freeing his cock from

his Jockey briefs was harder work than bringing it to climax.

He sniffed his right hand, which still retained Shannon's odor,

for a few seconds before beginning a vigorous stroking over the

toilet bowl. He cleaned up the spatters, used the facilities to

piss as well, and washed his hands. The latter was a matter of

real regret, but he could hardly keep his hand dirty just to have

something to sniff at odd moments. Besides, he was afraid that

others would be able to smell it, too.

Each of them was dressed neatly, if in a rather high color, when

he came back into the living room. They actually got a little

studying done before he began to yawn. Their kiss good night

left them a little more mussed, but it didn't necessitate any

rearrangement of underwear.

Steve dreamed of Shannon that night; Shannon was considering,

rather than dreaming.

- = -

Shannon remembered something about positive reinforcement from a

Social Sciences course in tenth grade. She hoped that attending

church with Dad would reinforce whatever effort he was exerting

behind the scenes about Albion.

Anyway, she generally tried to fulfill parental expectations the

mornings after she saw Steve. "Well," she could say, "you never

asked if Steve were there, and -- after all -- the study evening

didn't interfere with my getting up and going to church."

Besides, Miss Olson, a member of the church, had been Dr. Wyatt's

office nurse since Shannon was his patient. "Miss Olson," she

started out, "could I speak to you privately?"

"All right, Shannon," she said, "what did you want to discuss?"

She kept her voice neutral. This could be anything from business

for the UMW, of which Miss Olson was currently treasurer, to a

request for a secret appointment with Doctor. Shannon had been a

patient when she came to work for the Doctor.

"It's little Amy Jensen. What's going to happen to her?"

"And what makes you think that I know?" Information about

patients was confidential. Shannon really shouldn't ask.

"She's a patient of Dr. Wyatt. She has asthma bad. Every time I

go to babysit, I see Dr. Wyatt's phone number on the pad. She's

such a sweet kid, and so young! Couldn't you ask Dr. Wyatt?"

Shannon felt like crying.

Miss Olson patted Shannon's shoulder. Curiosity was one thing,

sympathy was another. "She is a lovely child, isn't she? But

you know the parents. They know the prognosis; ask them. I'm

sure that they'll be glad to tell you." Which, without quite

breaking confidentiality, should let Shannon know that the long-

term prognosis was good. "But Doctor doesn't like me talking

about his patients, don't you see? I think that your father is

looking for you."

In fact, Wayne had seen Shannon and was waiting for her to join

him. Happy to have his daughter to sit with him, he wished he

had his whole family. Raised a Presbyterian, he was now a

Methodist because Allison had insisted. She, more committed to

denomination than to faith, missed more services than she

attended. He and Shannon found seats just as the prelude was


- = -

The theme of the ball before Christmas break was going to be

Santa's reindeer. Ken approached Steve about working on the

committee. "I don't think so, Ken. I'm putting in all those

hours at the store and trying to keep my grades up."

"Come on, Steve. Every senior should be on one dance committee,

at least. It gets you a free ticket, too."

"Maybe later."

"I'm thinking of something like 'Be a Dancer or a Prancer at the

Donner Party.' How does that sound?"

"Fine Ken, but not good enough to get me on the committee. I'll

come to the dance, though."

- = -

The weather, which had been unseasonably mild up to then, turned

vicious. Steve reluctantly stored his bike in the garage and

took the bus every day. The bus wasn't all that reliable either,

but you never got into trouble when the school bus made you late

to class.

That meant that Steve couldn't walk Shannon home, couldn't even

stay after school to chat with her. On many Wednesdays, he could

borrow the car. Those days, he could drive her home; but

Wednesday afternoons he had to rush home, eat in indecent hurry,

and get to Hauksbee's.

- = -

"Shannon," Mr. Jensen asked over the phone, "are you free next

week? I know it's getting close to Christmas..."

"What day next week?"

"That's it. She won't trust any other babysitter but you. You

reacted so fast to the pill matter. We figured that we would ask

you first."

"One thing, you said that you didn't mind Steve visiting."

"Of course."

"I'd like him to meet Amy. I don't want her coming down and

seeing a man that she has never met. How about Tuesday, he's off

that night."

"Of course. And we'll make it early." They didn't need to do

that for Shannon, but she knew that this was a lost cause. Mrs.

Jensen was still breast feeding Peggy, and expressing one bottle

was her limit.

Chapter 4

Steve showed up, by design, well before Shannon. Peggy looked a

lot like a warm lump to him, and one who didn't smell that nice.

Amy, on the other hand, was as bright as Shannon had suggested.

Besides, Peggy wasn't going to report any wrongdoing; they

didn't need her good will.

Amy was used to playing second fiddle to her new sister. When

Steve's attention concentrated on her, she responded tenfold. He

used a histrionic voice for reading her books, and Amy was

charmed. She was getting in serious lap time when Shannon showed

up. Shannon's arrival, which always heralded her mother's

departure, was bad news. Ten minutes after her parents were out

the door, however, Steve was reading *Horton Hatches an Egg* for

the third time.

Shannon didn't know whether to be jealous of Amy for capturing

her boyfriend's attention, or of Steve for having a lap that Amy

clearly preferred to her own. Then Peggy needed attention, and

each of them had a kid to deal with. "Okay," Shannon said when

Amy's bed time rolled around. "Do you want to walk to your room,

or do you want me to carry you?"

"Teef!" Amy said, and triumphantly rode down the hall in Steve's

arms. Shannon did most of the work, but Steve did the lifting

and tucking in necessary to put Amy to bed. They both kissed her

good night.

"And what," Steve asked when they were again in the living room,

"do mommy and Daddy do when their kids are tucked in?"

"They check their watches because the four-year-old is going to

want a glass of water in five minutes." That wasn't really true

of Amy, though, and Shannon didn't mind spending the time

kissing, so long as that was all they did. They broke to put

Amy's books back on her shelf, but ten minutes later Shannon was

lying down with Steve kissing her. When he reached for the

bottom of her skirt, she grabbed his arm.

"Do you know when to stop?" she asked.

"When you tell me to."

"What if I set a limit now?"

"Are you telling me to stop, now?" And, he wondered, what is

stopping? Does she want my hand outside her skirt? If so, why a


Instead of answering, she hiked up her skirt. It was tight. She

didn't have many full ones that weren't also too dressy for


"Are you telling me to stop?" Steve asked.

"Not yet. Just establishing that you will."

"You are weird, Shannon. Beautiful but weird." He was quite

happy to go back to kissing her, though. And his lips and hand

brought her to her crisis once again. This time, when she pulled

his hand from between her legs, she brought it to her mouth and

kissed it. That made him feel much better. He knew about

wanting the stimulation to stop, and didn't mind that she felt

that way; he just didn't want her rejecting him. He cradled her

as much as the awkward position allowed.

They stayed like that until Peggy's cries interrupted them. This

time she was wet and messy. Shannon changed her and gave her a

pacifier, but Steve was holding her when the Jensens came home.

Mrs. Jensen shed her coat and recaptured her baby in one

continuous motion. She gave Steve an odd look before hurrying

down the hall.

Mr. Jensen drove them home. "Was Amy all right?" he asked.

"She was perfectly sweet," Steve said. "Shannon was right about


"Humph," said Shannon. "She tried to steal my boyfriend. There

wasn't a sign of the asthma, though. That's what he was asking,


- = -

Steve normally got paid on the third and the eighteenth of every

month. Conscious of his employees' needs, Hauksbee got the payroll

done by Saturday the sixteenth. Steve got to the bank in the

last half hour it was open.

"I'm sorry," the cashier said. "This account needs two

signatures for withdrawal." Steve knew that, but it wasn't a


"I'm making a deposit. This is a check. I've done this twice a

month for more than a year now."

"I *know* that it is a check, sir; but, technically, you are

depositing the check and withdrawing the cash. We don't enforce

that rule when the cash is a trivial amount, but you are asking

for more than half the check in cash."

"I need that money for my Christmas shopping."

"Well, I can't give you more than seventy-five dollars."

He took it.

- = -

The ball that night was called "Reindeer Ramble." They both

enjoyed themselves greatly at the dance, Steve enjoyed himself a

little less afterwards. The parking time was spent more in talking

than in petting.

"I'm not saying no to you, Steve," Shannon said. "I'm saying no

to the time and the place. You do see that?" She'd have to

remember this, though, when she bought a dress for the

Valentine's Day Ball.

"I see it, Shannon. I love you. Look, I want things that I

can't have. I'm willing to wait for things I can't have

*tonight*. Besides, although I shouldn't admit it to you,

dancing with you in my arms is a sexual experience."

"You're right," she said. "You shouldn't have admitted it.

I just thought that you had brought a sausage in your pocket."

"Shannon!" Steve was a little bit shocked. He was also amused

and aroused. "Can we -- at least -- kiss?"

They did, until it was time to take her home. After they parted

at her doorstep at precisely eleven, they made their separate

preparations in their separate houses to ready themselves for

their separate beds. There, finally, they met again -- but only

in their separate imaginations.

- = -

Steve knocked at the Bryants' door the afternoon of the next day.

"Hello, Steven," Mrs. Bryant said. "Shannon's not here. The

church youth group is rehearsing carols. I'm surprised that you

didn't know." Shannon seemed to know, Allison thought,

*Steven's* every move.

"That's why I'm here. Could you sneak that under the tree before

your family opens presents." He handed her a bag containing a


"Come in a moment, won't you." She searched up the present

Shannon had bought Steven.

Looking at the gorgeous wrappings, Steve felt guilty. "I had the

store wrap hers," he said.

"Probably just as well." Kids, she thought as she watched him

walk to his car, had such tender egos.

"I gave Steven your present," she told Shannon when she got home.

"He came by."

"What did he want?"

"I'm sworn to secrecy." But Allison was not willing to live with

her daughter's worrying for a week about whether Steve would get

her a present. She would be bad enough wondering what it was.

- = -

Steve's father advanced him the cash for the rest of his

Christmas shopping. Steve would sign over his check next payday,

and get his dad's check for the difference.

Over the Christmas break, Steve and Shannon got to see each other

occasionally and to talk on the phone a lot. Most of their

meetings were, however, in public and in the light of day.

Mallory was back from college, and Steve's parents insisted that

the family do things together. Besides, she hogged the phone and

accused Steve of doing that himself.

- = -

Saturday, Shannon had another baby-sitting job from Mrs. Green.

Steve had previously promised to work that night, relieving Mrs.

Thompson, but he could stop by afterwards.

That was the only thought that kept her sane while the little

monsters were awake. When she finally got them to bed, however,

they slept the deep, dreamless sleep of the conscienceless.

Mrs. Green had, indeed, moved her diaphragm from the medicine

cabinet, making Shannon's earlier worries unnecessary.

That checked, she put her frazzled spirit back together, finished

the dinner she'd abandoned when the boys had finished theirs, and

cleaned up the worst of the mess. She checked on the boys one

last time and settled down with one of Mrs. Green's bodice-

rippers to prepare herself for Steve's visit.

Their first kiss was brief. "Brrr," she said.

"Well, let me get this coat off," he replied. That accomplished,

he kissed her again.

"Your hands are still cold as ice."

"Cold hands, warm heart," he claimed.

"And what do cold lips demonstrate?"

"That I'm a healthy dog?"

"That's a cold nose, silly."

"I have that too," he said. "I remember now. Cold lips are an

infallible sign that the sufferer hasn't been kissed enough by


"Does that mean that I should stop kissing you when your lips get


"Warm lips are a sign that the sufferer hasn't kissed Shannon


She wouldn't let him put his hands on her, though, even over her

clothes. He broke the foolishness to use the bathroom. He

washed his hands afterwards, rinsing them for minutes under the

hottest water that he could stand.

"Much better," she said when he came out and cupped her face for

another kiss. Soon, she was lying on the couch with him kneeling

on the floor beside it. Their tongues played together while he

slipped his hands under her blouse and up to her breasts.

She relaxed into the familiar pleasures, only shaken when he

first kissed her breasts. His face was still a bit chilly. His

hand was not, however. It slid up her leg and then stroked down.

Steve found her breasts marvelously warm as well as soft. Her

nipple puckered firmly for his mouth even more rapidly than

usual. Convinced that he would be allowed access to her pantied

mound at the culmination of the evening, he tantalized himself,

and (he hoped) Shannon, by approaching this treat very slowly.

He got into a rhythm of moving his hand upwards well above her

leg and then resting it on the skin to stroke down her thigh.

The smoothness of the soft curves under his hand was hypnotic,

and he had to remind himself to switch breasts.

Shannon wallowed in the sensations coming from the licking and

suction on her breast and the gentle caresses on her thigh.

Steve's slow and gentle approach reminded her that she could

trust him and relax. Moreover, since he was doing it, she didn't

need to think of what to do next. After a bit, however, she was

ready for a next stage which seemed slow in coming. When he

leaned across her to reach her other breast, she expected the

clasp of his hand. It didn't come. She raised her knees and

spread them as much as the couch allowed.

Despite the discomfort in his groin, Steve felt that he could go

on stroking Shannon's soft curves forever. Then she adjusted her

position in clear invitation. For one moment, he was tempted to

climb between those welcoming thighs. Then his common sense

kicked back in; Shannon might be in the perfect position for his

joining her, but that was clearly not her intention. With that

picture still dominating his thoughts, he tickled her other leg

on the way to her panties. Once there, he stroked his fingers

over the smooth, damp cloth. He tried to read the configuration

of her mystery through the constraining panties. Needing to

straighten up on his knees to adjust his erection, he took that

opportunity to kiss Shannon's mouth once more and to switch

breasts after that. While he moved, he rested his hand on

Shannon's mound and clasped her groin with his fingers.

Shannon felt that clasp with a rush of excitement. Steve's

strokes in the new position were firmer and more exciting. "Yes,

Steve," she said as he pressed more firmly against her labia.

"Oh, yes," she said as he rubbed her more rapidly. She pulled

his hand tighter against her and moaned "Yesss!" as the climax

finally took her. This time he kept stroking until she was done.

When she pushed his hand away, he kissed her immediately.

"I love you Shannon," he said. "You are wonderful." Then he

kissed her again.

Steve really meant that Shannon was wonderful, and he thought that

she had been especially wonderful for the previous few minutes.

She had always seemed sexy and desirable to him. It had also

been clear for many months that she thought him a nice boy. But

only recently had he seen her respond as a desirous woman, behave

as though she thought that *he* was sexy. This increased his

arousal a thousandfold. He felt he should hug and kiss her

forever in gratitude for this gift; on the other hand, he really

felt the need to escape her presence so that he could do

something about that arousal. He kissed her forehead and

whispered, "I'll be back."

Shannon listened to his footsteps head toward the downstairs

bathroom. She sat up, refastened her bra and buttoned her

blouse. Steve had only undone the bottom buttons; the top two

were still in place. She stood to tuck everything back in place.

She needed the mirror in the bathroom to check herself out,

though. She smiled at the idea of breaking in on Steve.

Then she thought, 'Why not? He's seen me. What he's doing is no

secret.' She took a deep breath to gather up her courage and

walked to the door. No inside door in the Green home had a lock

that the kids could use. She turned the handle quietly.

Steve had his cock out and cooling a bit while he sniffed the

Shannon-odor once more. He wondered what Shannon would think if

he used a handkerchief to rub her down there. He could keep it

in a test tube with a stopper and only open it at night in his

bed. On the other hand, there were already too many layers of

cloth between his hand and her mystery this way.

Shannon saw Steve standing in front of the toilet with his penis

pointing up; he had his hand against his mouth as if he were

stifling a yawn. A little after she entered, he glanced towards

her in shock, and turned towards her. "Shannon," he squeaked.

"You would have preferred Mrs. Green?"

Conscious of his erection in plain sight, Steve turned his back.

Shannon could see Steve's blush creep across his neck. Maybe it

was anger instead of embarrassment, but she wasn't going to stop

now. She glided behind him so close that he could feel her firm

breasts press into his back. Her hands slid around his waist and

toward his groin. Somewhere in his forebrain he was scandalized

and horribly embarrassed. None of this was communicated below

his waist. There, her hands were touching him, holding him.

When she touched it, it jerked in her fingers. The skin moved

with her fingers, although she tried to stroke it gently.

Beneath that loose surface, however, she felt something much

firmer and hotter. "Tell me what I should do," she said. He

didn't answer, but that soon was irrelevant as it jumped in her

hands and shot out pulse after pulse. The first ones hit the

raised toilet seat; only the last pulses went inside the bowl.

His hips moved back and forth within the circle of her arms, and

he was sort of grunting. Then her right hand had some of the goo

on it.

All Steve could think was that doing it himself had never felt

like this.

She washed while he stood there. All in all, she thought, it had

been interesting -- even a little arousing, but not in the least


Steve used the facilities when she had left. Then he cleaned up

his mess and washed himself. He blushed scarlet when he had to

leave the bathroom at last.

Shannon had decided to put that experience on the back burner

until she could think about it in private. She was deep into

her math book by the time he came out. She wanted to get all the

studying out of the way before the New Year's rush.

Steve had taken advanced algebra and trig the previous year.

Still, he stammered when she asked him a question about it.

"I'm serious," she said. "What's this business with amplitude?"

"Simple enough. You're just asking the wrong question first.

Where is the middle line of that function?"

"Here?" She sort of sketched a line across the book with her


"Good enough. Y equals negative three. Now how high can the

function get?"

"Positive one."

"And its minimum?"

"Negative seven."

"Okay," he said. "The difference between positive one and

negative three is four. The difference between negative three

and negative seven is four. The amplitude is?"

"Four... Or eight?"

"Shoulda stopped while you were ahead. The standard sine wave

looks like this." He sketched it out. "Max value, positive one;

minimum value, minus one; amplitude one."

"I know that." Steve was good at math, but that was no reason

for him to patronize her.

"Right. This is math; we start with what you know. Wait till

the teacher gets to the part that you don't know and you'll get

lost every time." He'd been saying that since the beginning of

the school year. It seemed to him that she ignored him every

time, and that she got lost nearly every time.

"Anyway," he continued, "the distance from the center line to the

maximum is the amplitude of this function. So that is the

amplitude of any function. Or the distance from the center line

to the minimum, they had better be the same."

She went back to her book, and he opened his English book. He

kept hoping that reading Shakespeare one more time would make

"Romeo and Juliet" clear. Half an hour later, they kissed good

night. It was a warm kiss, with lots of tongue; but neither of

them brought the passion to it that they had experienced earlier.

- = -

Shannon took a job babysitting on New Year's Eve, while Steve and

Mallory were designated drivers at their parents' party that

night. Steve drove the guests home in their cars, and Mallory

followed after in the Civic. Steve would climb into what he

considered Shannon's seat and ride back. They participated in

the party until they were needed, but not in the main activity.

"You each can drink as much as you want Monday, though," their

father promised. At one point, Steve doubted that the guests

would leave anything undrunk in the county, let alone their

house. As he couldn't go into Hauksbee's with liquor on his

breath, he'd have to do his drinking on Monday night.

Steve did grab an unopened bag of caramels from the candy stash.

He hid it in his coat pocket and ate them in his old style. The

light-colored ones, which he liked well enough, he ate first.

"Give me a couple," Mallory said.

"Get your own. We'll be back at the house in a few minutes."

But he dug into the bag to find a few. He passed her the two

light-colored ones, dropped two of the three dark ones back into

the bag, and started to peel the third for himself.

"Come on. Give me one of the dark ones. You have lots."

"Get your own. I have lots of dark ones because I eat the light

ones first."

"You're a puritan. My little brother is a puritan even about

eating candy."

Entering the house through the kitchen, as the family always did,

they surprised a couple petting more heavily in a half-lit corner

than Shannon would in a dark closed car. The man and his wife --

not the woman in the kitchen -- were his next passengers.

"Seeing the big world, little brother," Mallory said as he got

back in their car. She liked to pretend to be a woman of the

world dealing with an innocent hayseed.

"I'm not surprised it happens," he said. "I just expect that,

when *I* am married, I'll stick to my own woman, and my own house

for that matter."

"And meanwhile, you stick to your own hand. Don't try to

bullshit your big sister. You'd take it if it were offered.

It's just that nobody would want you."

On a later return, he really was shocked. His father was pressed

against a woman bending over one of the kitchen counters. "Dad!"

he gasped. Then they moved apart, and he saw that the woman was

his mother. All Dad had been doing was scratching her back. He

did that lots, although they probably wouldn't have dodged out of

their own party for it if either one had been sober.

"I hope," he told Mallory in the car later, "that Dad forgets

that incident. It must have been clear what I thought he was


"He had his groin pressed up against Mom's butt. What could you

possibly have thought he was doing?"

"Well, I didn't know it was mom at first. And what he was really

doing was scratching her back."

"Someday, little brother, you should take lessons from Dad in

backscratching. mom started offering to do my back, instead of

him, soon after they decided that I couldn't sit on his lap. And

she definitely doesn't know how."

- = -

Steve took Shannon out for a drive on the second. They necked as

well as talked, but they had become nervous about the lack of

privacy in the car, especially with the better places full of

snow. Besides, it was cold in the car, and he had a hangover.

Steve hadn't heard from IIT yet, but he had received acceptances

from both Albion and U of I the week after Christmas.

"This news is supposed to make me jump for joy," he said.

"Yeah. Me too." They'd gotten the letters within days of each


"The admissions offices aren't going to make our decision for us.

Financial aid just might," she said after a minute of two.

"I don't know. They all say that they give aid to all students

who really need it. And I don't think that either of us is going

to get a great scholarship based on our academic record."

"I'm scared of telling my mother that I'm choosing a school to be

with you."

"I'm more scared," he said. "It's unlikely to cost your parents

any more, probably less."

But Shannon was thinking it less and less likely that the college

for both of them would be Albion. The question was whether there

would be a college for both of them. And Steve might still be

accepted into IIT. She couldn't go there, but she could find

another college in Chicago. She didn't want to, though;

Champaign-Urbana was quite large enough a town, thank you. If

Steve wouldn't give up her plans for her, why should she give up

her plans for him? The thing was that Steve hadn't asked her to.

And he hadn't really said that he wouldn't give up his plans,

either. She wanted to be with him. And his plans, after all,

were lifetime plans.

Could they keep a long-distance romance going for four years?

That was four times as long as they had been dating.

- = -

Her parents scheduled an attic cleanup for Saturday morning. As

Steve was working then, she made no objection. But they didn't

start until after ten, took a long lunch which was devoted to

"remember when," and finished grungy at nearly five.

Steve called, but he wasn't really free then either; and Mallory

wanted the phone after only fifteen minutes. "E-mail," he said.

She did, but she never felt the same about these. She logged on

later to read two, one written while Mallory hogged the phone and

he couldn't send it, one in answer to hers. They were nice, but

she missed Steve's voice.

- = -

The Bryants all got to church the first Sunday of the new year.

The financial secretary had the records of giving piled on a

table when they got out of service. Shannon opened hers in the

back seat of the car. She was three weeks behind at the end of

the year. "Mom," she asked "is there enough to pay the back

offering next week? It's fifteen bucks."

"Sure," her mother said. "But give me your babysitting money

when we get home. I'll finish last year and start this. Nobody

wants to show houses with the Christmas lights still on them and

the ice dripping down."

"Shannon!" she called half an hour after they got back. "Where's

the money from the Savages?"

"They paid in cash," Shannon called from her room. "I spent it

at the after-Christmas sales. I only used your card for the big


"Then tell me the amount. I need to know cash amounts for

keeping these books, and I'm starting the books for the new


"Why," Shannon asked in a perfectly reasonable voice, "does the

new year change the rules? I kept the cash just as I did last


"Shannon!!" her mother screamed.

"Let's," her father shouted from downstairs, "get all this in one

room and keep it to a dull roar."

But he sided with her mother when the matter was laid out. "I

work for the hospital; it's the county's money. But every penny

which comes in, and every penny which goes out, has to be

reported to my office. It may be your money, but it is your

mother's *books*. And you should be damn grateful that she keeps

them for you. Maybe she shouldn't."

Luckily, Shannon kept records of appointments, expected starting

and ending times, and -- since she wanted the warning before she

went there again -- any late return or underpayment. She went

over them with her mother in excruciating detail. For some

reason, this required another column in the accounting record.

"And he paid me fifteen dollars, and that was the first time,"

she finally said. They had been working backwards.

"Did you finish up this year's books?" Shannon asked at supper.

She'd cooked it to pay back her mother for the extra effort on

the books.

"No thanks to you. Honestly Shannon!"

"So how much was my balance brought forward to the new year?"

"Well, you bought things at the sales. And you'll really owe

taxes this year. The theater withheld, but nobody else did.

Mrs. Green could get in trouble for that."

Shannon hoped that she wasn't as transparent when *she* was

evading the subject as her mother was. "How much was my balance

brought forward?" Her parents exchanged looks.

"Two thousand four hundred thirty-eight dollars and fifty-four


"Two thousand dollars!!" she screamed.

"Remember the four hundred thirty-eight dollars and fifty-four


"Two thousand dollars! And you didn't want to tell me! What I

could have done with that."

"You could have wasted it," her father said. "What did you want

that you didn't buy?"

"I could have got Steve something really nice for Christmas and

his birthday."

"We went over that," her mother said. "The limit was what Steven

would feel obliged to spend on you. He was embarrassed that your

wrapping of his Christmas gift was better than the job that the

store did on yours."

"There is another point that you need to consider," Dad said.

Shannon felt that they were double-teaming her; but there was

none of that nonsense about good cop - bad cop. "We'll pay your

way to college. We've said so. We'll pay tuition, books, room

and board. It's only fair that you pay for your clothes and

entertainment. Certainly, if we have to pay for them, you will

be on a much tighter allowance than you spent this year."

"You've been talking about this. It's my money, but you've been

talking about it behind my back!"

"We didn't talk about it." Dad was using his explain-the-obvious-

to-the-retards voice. "Didn't need to. Back in the summer, you

were getting $162 a week from Mrs. Green. How much from the


"Almost ninety."

"Not take home," her mom said.

"Nobody," Dad said, "not even Imelda Marcos, could spend two

hundred and fifty dollars a week on clothes. Not in this town."

"And," mom added, "you were with Steven almost every moment that

the stores were open." Which was a gross exaggeration; so was


"So," Dad finished up, "I knew that you were accumulating money

without watching the amounts. Your mother knew that you would

accumulate more through the summer before it even happened. Why

did either of us have a duty to point that out to you? It wasn't

as if you missed one, single, opportunity to spend money. I

didn't actually talk to your mother. But I sympathize with her."

"You know, Shannon," mom said, "you haven't the faintest idea

what the style details will be at college. Every time you buy

something now which may be appropriate for the next few months,

you decide that you won't buy something next year -- maybe

something which you will actually need."

- = -

Having two personal problem to stew over and more than the usual

amount of homework Wednesday night, Shannon found when she reached

the Pollocks that Kyle -- normally a low-maintenance fifth grader

-- hadn't been turning in his homework. Instead of burying

himself in his room, he had to sit across the kitchen table from

her and show her his homework as he completed each assignment.

Kyle's reaction could have been have predicted; he found ten

times as many things to distract him, and her, than any adult

could possibly have found. Half his homework was still undone

when his bedtime arrived.

She was rather frazzled when Steve appeared. More than that,

this Kyle was a different boy; she no longer trusted him to sleep

through the night. The house was a "ranch," and the door to

Kyle's room was not six feet from the living room. When their

books were spread out, she led Steve into the kitchen before

giving him a welcoming kiss.

"What is this?" he asked.

"As much privacy as we are going to get. I'm nervous."

"Where is a glass?"

"Here." She got him one. He ran the water, filled the glass,

poured half out.

"Now," he said, "we have a reason to be in here." He had a wad

of tissues in his coat pocket just in case she would repeat her

delightful strokes. That possibility was looking dimmer.

"You have a devious mind. I like that in a guy."

When they kissed again, she began to relax in his arms. He felt

her breasts press into his chest. He left her mouth to sprinkle

kisses over her face, but the differences in height made that

uncomfortable. He stopped on her forehead while pulling her

sweatshirt out of her skirt. He raised it enough to reach her

bra clasp.

He liked the next kiss better, with her breasts a little softer

and an inch lower on his chest. Even through her sweatshirt and

his clothes, he could feel the hardness of her nipples.

Shannon never mentioned the annoyance of a bunched-up bra. The

alternative was obvious, and she didn't want to remove her bra

here. The kiss was great, though, and there was always something

sexy about having her breasts swinging free.

Steve hunched down, hugged Shannon to him, straightened up, and

set her on the edge of the countertop. After a little

adjustment, he was standing between her legs, and her face was

above his. They kissed again, his tongue playing in her mouth.

He ran his hands under her shirt, up her back, and then around to

cup her breasts. All that smoothness was against his palms; his

thumbs played with her nipples.

Somehow, the different angle made the kiss different for Shannon.

She had her arms about Steve and her face above his; his hands

were busy at her breasts but not holding her to him. She was

kissing him rather than his kissing her. At that thought, she

broke the main kiss to kiss his nose and forehead as he sometimes

did for her. When she returned to his mouth, she invaded it with

her tongue. She felt daring, as well as turned on.

Steve's mind was concentrating on keeping his hands gentle on

Shannon's breasts. It couldn't handle her tongue in his mouth.

His body, with no such limits, arched forward rubbing his

hardness along her belly. Luckily, their clothing interfered.

Shannon had felt his erection pressing against her many times at

dances, but usually closer to her rib cage than to her groin.

Indeed, those experiences usually marked the less erotic parts of

their evenings; and she'd always thought of the male reaction as

slightly humorous.

This time there was nothing funny about it. This time Steve was

pressed against her mound, an inch from their having real sex;

and it turned her almost all the way on. When she curled her

legs around him and hugged him to her body with all four limbs,

the action was only partly motivated by her realization that they

couldn't go further while pressed together. Mostly it was

instinctive acceptance of her mate.

Somehow Steve realized through his fog of lust that Shannon's

lovely breasts were being crushed by this position. He dropped

his hands from them and hugged her. His left hand pulled her

hips towards him while his right petted compulsively up and down

her back.

They had to breathe, and eased back. When Steve put his hand on

Shannon's knee, she loosened her legs. His stroke up the inside

of her thigh tightened them again. "I'm not trying to stop you,"

she said.

"That's okay." He reached between them to caress her mound.

They kissed again, but his fingers couldn't quite reach where he

wanted them. Which was where she wanted them, too.

"Did you mean what you said about knowing that there were things

that you can't have?" she asked.

"I guess so. What did I say?"

"I'm going to wear white on my wedding day. Do you know what

that means?"

"You mean that you are going to be a virgin then."

"Will you respect that limit?"

"Of course, Shannon. What do you think that I am?"

She thought that he was a male, a teenage male at that. But she

didn't have quite the words to express that. "Bring that chair

over here so that it faces that way. Then sit on it."

He wondered what he had done, but he obeyed her direction. She

hopped down and walked over to him. She sat on his lap

straddling him, careful that she wasn't sitting on any part of

her skirt. "Are you comfortable this way?"

He shifted until her weight was balanced. "I'm okay." More than

okay, the discomfort of her weight hardly compared to his delight

in her accessibility.

"Don't lift my top. I don't want Kyle coming out and seeing me."

That sounded more limiting than she had intended. She took his

hand and put it under the sweatshirt.

Steve couldn't kiss her breasts like this, but it was Shannon's

call. Besides, she knew the kids; he had to trust her judgment

on that. Her breasts were delightful, but he began stroking her

thigh after a minute. She made no move to stop him.

Shannon was actually enjoying this less than she had the kiss on

the countertop. She'd jumped down, after all, so that he could

touch her between her legs. Finally he did, stroking so softly

that it tickled. Even the tickle was arousing, and his tongue

was delightful in her mouth.

Steve was trying to figure out Shannon's shape through the

layers of cloth. He'd seen diagrams in sex-ed books and pictures

in the raunchier magazines; but all he'd seen of Shannon was the

mound, and that only once. His curiosity didn't mean that he

wasn't enjoying the feel, of course. He was also enjoying her

response. She was breathing into his mouth, and he could gauge

every increase in her excitement by the raggedness of her breath.

Her hand was on the back of his neck, controlling the firmness of

the kiss. As she would press her mouth more firmly into his, he

would press more firmly with his fingers.

Shannon didn't want to break this off, but her breast was

starting to feel sore. She grabbed Steve's arm through her

shirt and switched it to her left breast. "More gently," she


He felt guilty. He *knew* that he should move from one of her

breasts to the other. He touched her much more gently, above and

below. Shannon broke the kiss and touched the arm that he had

thrust between her legs. "Less gently," she said. Then she had

to wait for Steve to stop laughing.

Soon, however, he was again brushing her nipple very gently.

Soon he was stroking her lips quite firmly through her panties.

Soon she, kissing him, feeling all of these sensations, started

on her journey.

Steve could feel more dampness through the cloth. That must have

made his detection of her shape easier, because her lips felt as

if they had become larger. The confinement of his jeans was

becoming a torture, but he could bear that torture for the

rewards his hands and mouth were receiving. Shannon pressed

harder against his mouth and breathed more rapidly.

She was soaring. He was taking her as high as she had ever taken

herself. Then she shattered with a gasp. Unable to support her

own weight, she slumped in his arms.

Steve felt her gasp into him. Then he had to abandon his

stroking to keep her from falling. She gasped an inch from his

ear for what seemed like a really long time. Maybe it was merely

that his foot had fallen asleep. Anyway, he figured that an

armful of Shannon was worth a little discomfort.

Finally, she gathered herself together and stood up. She was not

quite steady on her feet, but better than Steve. He didn't even

attempt to rise for another few minutes. He was on his feet, and

considering whether to mention the Kleenex he had brought for his

own relief, when the garage door opened. It made an unholy

racket, startling them into action. Shannon fixed her bra

immediately; Steve headed for the other room. His coat would

hide his erection.

Mr. Pollock didn't seem to be in a very good mood when he came

in, especially considering how much liquor he had obviously

consumed. He paid Shannon, though, and accepted Steve's offer to

drive her home. Steve would have worried with Mr. Pollock at the

wheel. Steve thought about the Kleenex again on the short drive,

but there wasn't really anywhere to park. Shannon stopped him a

block from her house to give him a big kiss. He dropped her off

at her door, drove home, marked the mileage and gas level, and

went upstairs.

In his room, he savored his memory and the odor still on his

fingers. He felt too sleepy, though, to linger on his road to

completion. He still had the sticky Kleenex in bed with him when

he awoke the next morning.

Continued in Chap. 5

Heart Ball

Uther Pendragon


This is one of a series of pages holding the novel

*Heart Ball*. The novel isn't completed as yet.

The next page in the series is:


Chapters 5-8

The directory to all my stories can be found at:


While you're waiting for the next chapter to be completed on this

story. you might read another story about another couple:

