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Harriet Hotter SB7

Harriet Hotter and the Sorcerer's Bone Ch.7

by Couture


(Ff, humil, etc.)

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or

offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.

(c) 2002 Couture


The only problem was . . . Harriet didn't like it at

Frogwart's. During her magic classes, she couldn't so

much as summon the easiest magic. The teachers almost

seemed frantic for her to perform some feat.

"Come on Harriet, you can do it. You summoned an

earthquake, surely you can summon a bit of fire,"

urged Morganna.

Harriet stared at the match stick with her brow

furrowed in concentration. She pointed her wand and

recited the incantation, while imagining the stick

bursting in flames. Nothing happened. Nothing ever

happened. The only thing that happened was that she

grew embarrassed. Not so much from the fact that the

match didn't light. That she could handle. After

all, she was quite certain she wasn't a witch.

The problem was - well, Harriet wasn't really sure

exactly what the problem was, but she suspected it was

the wand they had given her. Oh, sure they said it

had chosen her, but she didn't believe it for a

minute. It was just some cruel joke they were playing

with her.

Every witch's wand was different, but they were mostly

similar. They were usually made of wood or ivory,

around one and half foot in length, and a little

bigger around than a pencil. However, Harriet's wand

was an exception. It wasn't elegant at all. It was

fat with a rounded end. It reminded her of -- she

blushed to think about it - her Aunt's dildo. The

dildo Chloe had used on her, before she was kidnapped

and taken to this horrid school.

The other girls always made fun of her every time she

pointed that stupid wand and tried to weave a spell.

Worse, whenever she did, she could feel herself flush

with arousal.

Harriet groaned with her frustration. "I can't do it,

damn it. I'm not a witch and I never will be. I just

want to go back home." It was frustrating. She

wondered why they wouldn't listen and why they

wouldn't let her go back home to Chloe.

"Well, you can try again tomorrow, Harriet" said

Madame Bartinova. "Okay, Heather, why don't you come

up and levitate this desk."

Harriet sat at her desk and daydreamed about living

back at home with Chloe, while Heather attempted to

levitate the desk.

Heather made the necessary words and motions and the

desk began to rise with her wand. When the desk got

about 2 feet off the ground it hesitated and vibrated.

The vibrations the vibrations grew in strength until

the desk upended itself and crashed to the floor.

Madame Bartinova winced at Heather's performance.

"For homework, everyone needs to practice their spells

so you can do a better job than you did today." She

pointed her wand, spun the desk around and placed it

firmly on its legs again.

'Damn it!' thought Heather. 'I should have been able

to do that. It's that damn Mud Witch's fault. Ever

since they put her in my room, I haven't been able to

sleep or concentrate. Every night it's the same old

thing. She goes to bed and then starts to cry. The

next thing you know, she's breathing heavy and the bed

starts squeaking. Oh Chloe! Oh Chloe! It's

disgusting. How can I be expected to function with

such perversions going on? Then, when I asked to be

moved away from the little dyke, Madame Morganna

denied my request. Well, there's more than one way to

get a dorm by myself.' Heather grinned an evil grin

and hurried off to start trouble for Harriet.

'Hee-hee, this is going to be perfect - just perfect

to fix that little mud bitch,' thought Heather, as she

murmured some incantations while she attempted to cast

a spell much out of her range on an object on the

table. She felt her nipples harden in anticipation of

her new roommate's embarrassment.

"And just what do you think you are doing girl?" asked

Madame Hilda.

Heather quickly turned around hiding something behind

her back. "Nothing," she replied, while her eyes

darted frantically.

"Really?" Madame Hilda tilted Heathers head up with

her wand and then traced along her breast to her arm.

"What's behind your back girl?"

Heather blushed and brought her closed fist in front

of her. "It's only my . . . panties," she said,

opening her hand.

Madame Hilda gave her a stern look. "Put them on."


"You heard me girl. Put them on. *Now*."

Heather couldn't believe this was happening and it was

all that damn Harriet's fault- the Mud witch. 'Damn

it, there's nothing to do but do what she wants.'

Heather blushed furiously and reached up under her

robe and pulled her panties off. To her horror, she

discovered they were slightly damp. She was aroused

thinking of her wicked plan. 'This is not how this is

supposed to go at all,' she thought.

Madame Hilda pointed her wand at her. Heather closed

her eyes expecting the worse. She felt chill bumps

from fear, but didn't receive the expected lashing.

When she opened her eyes, she squealed. She was


"You'll get them back when we are finished here. Now

put them on." Madame Hilda handed Heather the

panties, Heather had attempted to enchant earlier.

Heather gulped and slowly stepped into the panties.

She took particular care to pull them up slowly - very

slowly so as not to disturb them. However, when the

silken garment made contact with her downy fur, they

twitched. Then they struggled against her as if they

were afraid to make contact with her virginal bush. A

mouth formed in the fabric and bit the poor girl on

her clit.

"Ouch!" Heather screamed, letting go of the panties,

which quickly scurried down her legs and huddled in

the corner.

Madame Hilda pointed her wand at them and vaporized

them in a puff of smoke. "Really dear, maybe you

should go get a potion from Madam Warren for your

feminine odor."

Heather blushed in response and began to cry.

"Now tell me exactly what you were doing and why."

Heather told Madame Hilda all about what was happening

with the new girl and her midnight antics were

affecting her school work. She continued on in more

detail as the older woman nodded her head in sympathy.

"Oh you poor dear," Madame Hilda said when Heather was

finished. She reached in her bag and pulled out two

knitting needles. "First of all, you shouldn't try to

magic objects. You're to wear the white and whites

leave the magicking of objects to reds."

"B-but," stuttered Heather. "I don't know what robe

I'm to wear."

"Girl, you have no artistic ability whatsoever, so you

are definitely not to wear the red and you avoid

conflict too much to wear the black."

"But Madame, you wear the white."

Hilda's blue eyes flashed in warning, though her face

remained a stoic mask. "Just because I avoid conflict

doesn't mean I can't hold my own against the red or

the black. Here, get up on the stool girl," she said

as a stool slid magically toward Heather from across

the room.

Heather stared at it in fear. She wondered what Hilda

had in store for her.

"Up girl. I won't ask again."

Heather stood up on the stool. It was bad enough to

be standing in front of a teacher naked, much less to

do so and be visible aroused. She tried to cover her

nakedness, only to have Hilda spank her hands with the


"Much better," Hilda told the blushing girl. "Now

tell me, are you a virgin?"

"Ah-ah-ah-y-yes," stuttered Heather.

"Never mind, I'll check it myself." Hilda ran a

finger through the dark brown hair of Heather's sex,

before experimentally poking a finger at her tight

opening. She frowned and stuck the finger all to her

joint without meeting resistance. "I see you are a

true blonde, about as much as you are a true virgin."

Tears welled in the young girl's eyes. "I-I-I only

did it with ah-myself," she cried.

"Well, I guess that'll do for this purpose. Tell me

Heather, would you like me to help you devise a prank

for the Wilding? The best prank ever?"

Heather's answer was quick. "Yes." She wanted the

new girl to suffer at least as much as she had at the

hands of Madame Hilda.

"That's my girl," said Madame Hilda. She dug in her

satchel and pulled out a large bowl that was larger

than the bag itself and two knitting needles.

Madame Hilda handed Heather the bowl. "Here, hold

this and place your and over it like so." Then, while

Heather held her hand palm up over the bowl, Hilda

quickly slashed her smooth skin with the sharp needle.

"Oh-god-oh-god," Heather repeated. Her stomach grew

queasy at the sight of her own blood.

Hilda placed Heather's wand in her mouth. "Close your

mouth girl, before a harpy flies in."

Heather held onto her wand with her lips and teeth.

It felt reassuring to have her wand back, even though

she was sure she was no match for Madame Hilda.

"Now, concentrate on healing your hand, while I make

some magick for your little roommate."

Heather's eyes narrowed in concentration, as she

attempted to heal the wound on her hand. She was at a

disadvantage because the wand was in her mouth and she

couldn't utter the proper incantations, but she could

see that the bleeding was starting to slow.

Meanwhile, Madame Hilda dipped the tips of her needles

in the blood-filled bowl. Then she set to work

knitting an invisible garment over the girl's crotch.

At first, Heather was only aware of the pain in her

bleeding hand, but she began to feel a warming-an

aching in her sex. Soon the warming grew into a

feeling of pure pleasure and her hips began to hump of

their own volition. It felt as if she were being

licked by hundreds of tongues in her most intimate of

places. "Ehhhmmmm . . ." she gasped.

Hilda hurried at her task, her hands blurring as they

knitted. "Concentrate on the pain girl, don't you

dare lose control," she warned.

Heather tried to think about the cut -- about the

pain, but soon the pleasure in her sex overwhelmed

everything else. It felt like her cunt was boiling

with pleasure and the pressure was too much for her to

contain. It was more pleasure than she had ever felt

before, even more potent than her first orgasm.

When it burst forth, Heather was only vaguely aware of

what was going on. In fact, she could see her body

below her as if she hovered above herself. Her body

looked almost possessed as it bucked and squirmed on

top of the stool. Her thighs shown from her sexual

secretions leaking from her sex.

"Ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh," her body grunted, as her hips

bucked lewdly.

Madame Hilda quickly tied off the ends of the spell

she was weaving, and Heather felt herself snatched

back into her body. Instantly, her need overtook her.

"Please," she groaned in a long wail. There was no

orgasm. It had just dissipated into nothingness.

The bowl dropped from her hand, but Hilda's quick

hands were there to catch it. She carefully placed it

upright into her satchel. Then she licked the

remainder of the blood from the needles, before

placing them inside as well.

"All done girl. You can get down now." Madame Hilda,

helped support the poor girl as she collapsed from the

stool. She quickly healed the cut on Heather's hand.

No trace of the wound remained.

"Please," Heather begged. She was no longer turned

on, but she felt the absence of the wonderful orgasm

that disappeared sorely. She touched her nipple and

then her sex, but there was nothing. She was numb -

bereft of pleasure.

"That will do you no good. It's gone." Madame Hilda

held something between her fingers. It was invisible,

yet occasionally when she moved, the air was disturbed

as it is when heat moves off a hot object.

Heather caught sight of it. "What is it?"

"It's a spell stupid. I've caught your orgasm and

imprisoned it in this spell. When you put this on

Harriet, she will experience the sexual pleasure you

felt, but she will be unable to climax."

A shudder ran through the young student. The little

mud bitch was going to pay for the problems she had

caused, but she had one very strong reservation.

"But will-I-will-I be able to . . .ah-you know?"

Madame Hilda smiled knowingly at the girl's

embarrassment. "Of course you will be able to orgasm,

but it will probably be tomorrow before you are strong

enough to."

Heather rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

"God, this is going to be so great. What do I do?"

"Well, you just hold on to the spell real tight."

Madame Hilda handed the invisible panties to Heather.

Heather couldn't see them, but when her fingers

closed, she felt a tingling in her fingertips.

"Then, you lay it on top of Harriet's panties and

press it in real good. When she puts them on, the

spell will be transferred to her." Madame Hilda

cocked her head to the side and stared into space for

a few seconds and then a smile broke across her

impassive face. "Yes, that will do very well."

She took her wand and made a few more incantations

over the invisible panties. "Now I've enchanted them

so that whenever she hears a filthy word or her own

name, she will get more and more turned on."

Heather giggled, while Hilda cackled at this new

twist. They young student walked toward the door, she

was eager to pull her prank.

"Forgetting something, girl?"

Heather looked down and blushed. She was still naked.

"Hold your hands up."

Heather obeyed, and Hilda pointed her wand at

Heather's clothes. Her undergarments and robe

magically floated over and soon the student was

dressed. Finally, Hilda pointed the wand at Heather's


"Close your eyes Heather. When you open them back up

again, you will not tell anyone a word of this . . .

In fact, this was all your idea. I was never here."

Heather opened her eyes and blinked a few times to

clear her vision. Hilda was nowhere to be found and

all that Heather remembered was coming up with the

most wonderful spell to use for her practical joke.

She finally felt like a witch -- a powerful witch,

after creating such a complicated spell. She tried to

remember how she created it, but her mind grew foggy

when she tried to remember the incantation. "Oh

bugger it, it doesn't matter how I did it, only that I

did do it."

She hurried to her dorm room and found Harriet's

clothes lying on the dresser. 'This is going to be so

easy,' she thought. 'The mud bitch neat freak always

leaves out the clothes she is going to wear to bed.'

Sure enough, Harriet had left her pajamas and panties

on the dresser. Heather placed the magical spell on

top of the panties and pressed them in. "You're mine

now, bitch," she giggled as she went over to her bed

waited for Harriet to arrive.

To be continued . . .

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