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INTERVIEW hidden the numbers these

Here's a cool story of me be a fellow named Philip of

me interviewing for a job!

Stern and Associates - The Interview

By Philip

(The premise of this story is fairly straight forward:

a job interview. The speaker is the Human Resources

Officer, Alexis Hardy, a regal blonde woman about 35,

who is responsible for all hires with the company, a

prestigious Banking firm)

"I'm so glad to see you Ms. Corbitt. Please have a

seat. I've just been looking over your application.

Hmmm... I see you are applying for the position we

currently have open for a Junior

Executive. There are quite a number of very qualified

candidates interviewing for that position I have to

tell you.

We, at Stern and Associates, like to think of

ourselves as one big happy family. I'm sure you will

fit in quite nicely.

Although there are some things we will have to run

through before I can tell for sure if you are truly

Stern material. All formalities I assure you. Nothing

to sweat over. You seem nervous. Yes, it has been

quite a warm day. And that sweater doesn't really fit

our climate. Oh, you recently moved here from up north

and haven't have time to adjust your wardrobe. That's


That must be very disorienting, I understand. Moving

from so far away. New city. No family or friends. I

understand. Well, you'll make lots of friends here.

We're just one big I said before.

Anyway, first things first. I have to give you a short

test, to make certain you didn't, shall we say,

"elaborate", on your credentials.

Now, now. Please don't look so shocked. You'd be

amazed at how many applicants we receive every day who

claim to be experts in almost every aspect of business

and finance and we've been fooled before. They usually

crack up in their first real assignment. Makes us look

pretty foolish. And I don't like looking foolish. So,

I've made it my goal to personally determine if our

prospective employees are who they say they are.

Nothing personal, I assure you. I'm sure you won't

have any problems with this simple test?

Good. I'm glad you've calmed down and see things my

way. Ability to take criticism and carry out orders is

very important here. You'll have to be able to do that

if you want to make this your home.

Here is what our test consists of.

This is a dummy portfolio of one of our most demanding

clients. I have made some specific changes and errors

hidden in the numbers of these books. You have 20

minutes to set their accounts straight. Spelling and

accuracy are the most important things to them.

They are somewhat anal about that but the customer is

always right and we intend to bend over backwards to

please our customers.

What? You just lost a contact lens? Well, let me see

if I can help you find it.

Oh my God. I'm terribly sorry about that. I think I

accidentally stepped on it. What's that? You have to

have those to see clearly? Well, I'm afraid we don't

have time for you to get a new pair. I have three more

applicants waiting and I have to finalize the choice

this afternoon at 2. That doesn't give you enough time

to go get a replacement pair.

You have glasses for emergencies? Yes? Ahhh...good.

Well, you'll just have to wear them for the rest of

the day until you can go home. But you hate wearing

them? I can see why.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I

suppose they are fine. I just thought they made you

look older than you really are and don't flatter your

face much.

Please you're getting angry again. That won't help you

do well on the test at all. You'll need to have your

full concentration to do well. Without a good score

I'm afraid you won't

even be in the running for the position. And I know

you must need that job.

So just sit down here like a good girl and forget what

I said about looking like a fat old woman?

What do you mean I didn't say *fat* before?

Oops. That must have slipped out. Sorry, didn't mean

to put ot that way. But it is....well......

My, your such a over sencitive thing, aren't you? I

hope your not going to take all this personally and

start crying. I didn't meant to be cruel, but you

*have* to understand all the Executives here have an

obsession with physical beauty. It's one of our

company mottos:

"A slim body makes for a keen mind." Catchy don't you

think? And, well, to be honest, you just don't have a

slim body, my dear. In fact, you actually must not

exercise at all. Is that true? You really should

you know. You send out the wrong impression when you

let yourself go and wind up turning into a real little


Sorry, that's just what my little girl keeps calls you

'hefty' people. Isn't that precious? She's so cute,

really she is! She's always going: 'Mommy, she's such

a *moo cow*, isn't she mommy?' (laughter)

Oh MY...It's quite embarrassing even if it's true, huh?

I know you'd just love her if you meet her. Takes

after her father I'm afraid. Poor thing just talks,

talks, talks and bluirts whatever's on her little

mind. Kids are like that. Empty-heads but there sure

is a heck of alot of truth comes pouring out of them


We have a full gym and sauna facility right here in

the building and all employees are required to

participate in a full exercise program each and every


Yes, *exercise* dear.

Most of the Executives love to come in an hour or so

early so they can show off their hard bodies and get a

good work-out. The showers are even glassed in so

everyone can see how good everyone else os looking,

isn't that nice?

Geee, I'm afraid you will stick out like a sore thumb,

for a while anyway. Are you modest about being nude in

front of all your co-workers? Well, you'd best get

over that quickly, understand?

But I'm sure you'll drop some of those unsightly

pounds before too long. Eventually.

All employees must wear a regulation spandex exercise

ensemble that will be deducted from your month's pay.

Unfortunately after taxes and all the other deductions

that really won't leave too much for you this first

month, especially after all the costs I know are

involved in relocating to a new town. There is a soup

kitchen down by the homeless shelter if you get really

hungry. I'm sure they'll take you in.

Here is an example of the leotard. Yes, it *is* quite

revealing. I have to say it doesn't leave much to the

imagination, does it? But then we're all just one big

happy family, remember?

Now jennifer, you'll need to wear your *little

exercise outfit* every day and participate in the

group exercises. Unfortunately we tend to run them in

the small size so this one will be pretty snug on you.

But I suppose most clothes are snug on you aren't they


By their looks, some people actually believe we hire

our Executives straight from the Playboy mansion. Ha.

If only it was that easy. Our women (and it might

suprise you to know that Stern and Associates'

Executive tier is almost primarily female) comprise

some of the brightest and most beautiful women from

almost every field.

I believe it's because our President, Beverly Stern,

prefers to work

primarily with women. She's quite the feminist leader

in this community. A true ground-breaker. And from

what her competitors say, a real "ball-breaker" as

well. Compassionate but firm. That's what she is.

Will you listen to me prattle on? If you're to finish

this test I have to be quiet. You only have 10 minutes

left to finish. Please begin."

(Ten minutes later after you hastily try your best to

make sense out of the poorly written accounts....)

"My, my...tsk tsk tsk...I'm afraid this doesn't really

measure up to our

expectations. Perhaps this really isn't the position

for you. Now don't panic dear....I supose there *are*

lots of smaller less prestigious companies that might

need your services though. Don't start crying again.

That only really makes your pudgy little face look

even fatter when you're all flushed and red like that.

You really do look just like a little piggie sow like

this, don't you? No, I'm not kidding. Have you

ever noticed? Here, take a peek in that mirror there

behind my desk. In that thick sweater you look just

like a piggie-girl.

Here at Stern and Associates we all have "pet" names

for each other. Can you guess what yours might be?

Don't get huffy, It's just a harmless way for everyone

to rememebr your face and relax and feel at ease

around you. What? You *don't* like it?

Well.....I have to disagree. And afterall, It's comen

knowledge others offten know what "pet" names are best

for us better than ourselves! Only others are able to

see clearly our true natures and see what we really

are like, deep down.

And I think you're just a rolly poly piggie girl!


Here -- TAKE THIS! (writing something down) Okay! It's

settled. So, from now on you'll wear this colorful

name tag with "Piggie" on it and your real name in

smaller letters right there underneath, so everyone

will be able to recognize you by your 'real' name when

they meet you. Now, Isn't that a helpful way of

introducing you to all the people you'll be working

with for years to come?

And each new person that comes on board will have the

same opportunity to get to know you as the cute little

"Piggie"you are. How long? Why, for It should continue

for as long as you work here silly, unless you want to

wear it around your house, that's up to you of course!

Don't get that look on your face! Now Listen to me

Piggie-girl. I'm telling you this for your own good.

You'll be lucky to get on here in any position, since

your definitely are NOT Junior Executive material!

But, perhaps we can use an additional chubby in the

Secretarial Pool. That's not so bad is it?

True. The pay is nowhere close to the position you

were looking at, but then, let's be honest. You were

fooling yourself you had a shot at that anyway,

weren't you? Where were you actually trained? Maybe a

few years working in the lower ranks will inspire you

to dream of someday make the jump to the penthouse,

but for now I think you should just feel lucky to be

taking dictation and making coffee.

I hear they should have the air conditioning working

again down there in the "Dog Kennel" as we like to

call the Secretarial Pool <snicker> by September or

October at the latest so that's just a

few months to go. That's not too long is it my little


Oh, I almost forgot since I've discovered just where

your true talents lie there are a couple more duties

I'm sure you won't mind handling for me. I've been

trying to find someone to do them and

just haven't found the right person. They are very

important though so don't mess them up.

First off the Executives like their donuts and coffee

right after their exercises so you have to finish up

your exercising and scurry down to the bakery across

the street. No, don't stop to shower because you'll

never make it back in time. Just hot foot it down and

select the sweets for the morning. When you're done

get right down to the Secretarial Pool. You can slip

your street clothes on over your leotard.

You'll need to try at least one of each type of pastry

though to make certain they are really fresh. The

ladies hate it if they bite into a stale eclair so

you'll just have to test them first. You shouldn't

have to eat more than six or seven each morning.

Hmmm... yes, that might work against you losing any

weight, but it can't be helped. You'll either have to

exercise even harder or resign yourself to gaining

several more pounds each month.

Oh and the donuts you eat will come out of your pay as

well. You can't expect Stern to pay for your sweet

tooth can you?

When you get those back here and prepare the coffee

here is the key to the Executive Washroom.

What? (sheaking head in amusment) No, silly. I'm not

promoting you already. boy you are a dim one, huh? I

simply need someone to make sure the toilets are good

and clean for the ladies afterwards because they like

to go there right after and ...well, you

know..."freshen up."

So you need to make sure those heads are clean enough

to eat off of. Really scrub them good. Make sure there

aren't even any specks of...uh...'feces' left in, on,

under or around those bowls.

Normally we'd hire a janitorial staff but our

Executives feel having someone from our "family" will

a better job. And besides you'll get to come in direct

contact with some hot up and coming Executives by

wiping down the bowls in those restrooms. Some of

those ladies

might almost be half your age (and making several

times your salary).

Of course you'll be on your knees looking up at them

as they are relieving their bowels but beggars can't

be choosers, can they?

What else will you need to do? You can type can't you?

Not very well? Ooooops...that doesn't sound promising

Pigglet. You'll just have to work on that. Perhaps

there are other ways you can use your hands?

There is one suggestion though that just came to mind

that could help you ingratiate yourself into upper

ranks here. You should work to befriend a mentor.

Often if you do some special favor

for an Executive that can help you later in your move

up the ladder. Do you know what I mean? Most of our

Executives prefer their secretaries on the slimmer

side and much younger and prettier than you, but there

*is* one woman here that I think is just your speed.

Her name's Greta Brannson. Some of the girls call her

"Branding" Brannson. You'll have to ask them why. I

really don't know <embarrassed blush>.

But she likes her staff on the...fuller...side anyway

so she'll probably take to you.

I hear she likes to have a massage every afternoon so

perhaps you can learn to rub her 'the right way' and,

who knows? Try massaging her feet. Maybe even...sucking

on her toes? After a long day of walking from

department to department in those thick leather shoes

of hers I bet the smell would knock you on your ass,

but I've heard that will really get her juices


But that's just what I've heard, you understand.

<another embarrassed blush, even redder this time>

Well...welcome aboard Piggie. Don't forget to be here

bright and early Monday morning.

There's a floor of toilets with your name on them.



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