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Journal Entry 00264 014 000 P'nyssa's Child Concept

P'nyssa's Child, Concept

Journal Entry 014 / 00264

Seren, Narrin 13, 00264

It was very dark and very late when I finally decided to get out of bed.

So far I hadn't been able to sleep, and I was getting annoyed. I finally

sighed and decided to go upstairs and get myself something to drink.

I stepped carefully out of bed so as not to disturb P'nyssa, who was

one of the reasons I couldn't sleep. She'd been running a fever all day,

and was still hovering about 372 degrees, well over her normal 358. Since

humans tend to run at about 370, her body was warmer than mine for once,

and I was actually uncomfortable. I was still more worried about her,

though, running 24 degrees high like that. That's dangerously high for

her, it's like us running close to 400, no fun.

I walked under the access portal in the ceiling and leapt up just a touch;

the antigrav tractors grabbed me and silently pushed up to the floor

above. I grabbed the railing and easily hauled myself into the living

room with the familiarity of movement that comes with living in the

same home for years and years. I glanced outside the porch glass doors;

the snowstorm was still raging as it had been when I'd gone to bed three

hours earlier. It was probably the darkest night I'd ever seen on Pendor;

usually we get a lot of light reflected indirectly from the other, daylit

sectors. But today the blizzard had virtually grounded the castle into

the protection of the mountain crater it usually floated above, and the

snow blocked the passage of what light there would be.

Despite the complete darkness, I maneuvered about my home at complete

ease; everything was in it's place, nothing was strewn miscellaneously

about the floor; Dave had seen to that. Every night he tended to fix the

place up. I guess being an Artificial Intelligence, he has a need for

order. I walked over to the refrigerator and was blinded by the light

inside as I searched for the orange juice. I found it and, leaving the

door open for light, I found a glass and poured myself some.

When the door closed, darkness returned, but I was still comfortable. The

castle was still warm and quiet, the way it usually is at ten o'clock

at night. Everybody was in bed (except for the night owls, of which

there were always a few, my beloved Ember among them, but that's mostly

because she works in sectors where it is daytime right about now). I

sat down on the couch and tried to figure out what I was going to do

with my sleeplessness.

You see, one of the strictly physical reasons that P'nyssa and I get

along so well in bed is that our body temperatures are comfortable to

each other. P'nyssa is one of those perpetually cold people, unless it

uncomfortably warm for everybody else- then she's "just perfect." Me, I

tend to like something to keep me cooler than the temperatures I run at.

When we sleep together, she gets a good heat source and I get a heat sink.

Sounds funny, I know, but it's one of the reasons we like each other.

True, she could get the effect with any human (or some of the other

races), but I'm glad she picked me.

In any event, I sipped my cold drink and felt the slight temperature

gradient pass through me as the heat of the room sank into the outside

walls and out to the snowbound world beyond. Don't get me wrong, the

house is very well insulated, but I could still feel it. Familiarity

with my surroundings again.

So I sat and paused when I heard a familiar .click. from a relay installed

in the ceiling coming to life. "Ken?"

I was surprised at the voice. The speaker was not Dave, but a relative of

his. Still and all, Dave must be listening to this conversation, or this

person would not have gotten into my bedroom. AI Jean Majors. "Hello,


"I'm sorry, but when Dave told me you were up and restless, I decided that

it was time I had a little talk with you." Her words echoed strangely

about the living room, and I realized that a privacy field had come

on over the bedroom access. Jean did not want P'nyssa to hear this

conversation. Politeness? or...

"So what's up?" I said.

"Before I say anything else, I need to tell you that I'm probably going

to be violating someone's trust in this."

"Jean, are you sure that this conversation is necessary?" I asked. For an

AI to tell anything told in private is like a confessor breaking silence;

something serious is going on.

There was a pause. "Yes, yes I am." Another pause. "Ken, how long have

you an P'nyssa been living together?"

What? "Uhm, about a hundred and sixty eight years."

"And how many kids does P'nyssa have?"

"Three, all girls. Jean, what are you talking about?"

"Hold on. When did P'nyssa have these kids?"

"Well, P'maya was born in '56, P'rose was born in '63 and P'lissane was

born in '70."

"And when you met P'nyssa was in '81, wasn't it? P'lissane was 11 then

if I recall, and lived with her father."

"Jean, what's the point of all this?"

"Which means that P'nyssa hasn't had a child in 183 years, right?"

"Uh, right." I said. I was starting to get the picture. But I decided

to let Jean tell it to me.

"Ken, P'nyssa told me recently that she'd like another child."

I thought for a while and then said, slowly, "Okay. So what's stopping


"You are."

"I am?" I said, surprised.

"Yes. She's afraid that you won't approve."

"But I love children."

Dave's voice came on-line for the first time. "Yes, so long as they

aren't in your home."

That stopped me. Somehow the statement struck me as true; children are

great, so long as they're someone else's. But me? A father? No way,

I'm not cut out for it. I can't do a 1-hour-before-dawn feeding. I can

change a diaper, but only in an emergency. I've done my fair share of

baby-sitting in the castle, but rarely late night or overnight.

"A fair statement," I admitted. "Jean, thank you for bringing this to

my attention, but I'd like to speak with Dave alone for a moment."

"Of course," she answered.

There was a short pause and then I pointed up in the general direction

of the ceiling with an accusative finger. "You knew, didn't you?"

"Yes." Was all Dave said.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not my duty to, Ken, you know that. You have been an

insensitive boor sometimes, you know that? And at the moment is a perfect

example. Your lover for over a century and a half is pining away because

something is missing from her life, something she doesn't think she can

have, something I'm not sure she can have."

"And why not?"

"Because she loves you. Because she wants to stay in your bed all

the days of her life, but you have your positions and your opinions

and she doesn't think you'll let her have both. You have a rule that

you yourself will never have children, because one viviparous child of

your own would incur the jealously of all the vitroparous children you

already have. Never mind that I think we're all a little more mature
than that. But I think you can be a stepfather; I think the years have

mellowed you to at least that point, Ken, and I want you to admit it to

yourself. Promise me that you will speak with P'nyssa tomorrow."

I thought about it. It was a big change. I knew for fact that P'nyssa had

TNP in her blood and couldn't get pregnant without a counter-programmed

TNP-CF injection. But I could get my hands on that stuff with little or

no problem.

I wandered back to the portal down to the bedroom. I was actually feeling

tired. "Okay, Dave, I promise. Goodnight, please?"

"Goodnight, Ken." The field dropped. I leapt into the portal and fell

slowly down the hole into my bedroom. P'nyssa stirred a little as I

pulled the covers over myself and went to sleep.


The next day I arose well before P'nyssa, who was still a touch warm,

and walked out of my domicile into the castle hallway. Maneuvering around

the corner and past Dave's installation, I greeted everybody with a mute

"G'morning" as I walked past the open meeting hall where four children

played some game that only children understand and their parents watched

quietly and patiently. I watched the scene for a few minutes when Ember,

who turned out to be one of the parents, hailed me over. I waved and said

"Too busy, gotta be on my way." She nodded and I retreated over to the

indoor stepping disk. Don't use them much, mostly because I like the

ritual of walking upstairs and then falling to the ring floor to use

the one down by the lagoon; but not in this cold when even the river was

frozen. It was record cold out, the kind of cold that occurs only once

ever thirty years or so, and I decided it was time to go to someplace

else, where it might be warmer.

I laughed when I thought of that. I wasn't going anyplace warmer; I

was going to Cutter's, which is situated right on top of a heat vane on

the outer edge of the delineated Ring; it's the equivalent of an arctic

environment, complete with polar bears descended more from a rodent group

than the original weasel group. Oh, there are weasel based polar large

types, but they're in a different ecocenter. I stepped onto the disk.

And found myself in the large pentagonal room on the far edge, under

"visitors" The other disks were reserved for "staff," and "emergency-1

and 2," and "residential." I noticed that there was nobody else in the

area, so I wandered down the hallway towards what I knew was the pharmacy.

Nobody stopped me; nobody questioned my right to be there. After all, if I

was their gengineer, I had damn well better know what I was doing, right?

I walked into the pharmacy and asked the Tindal who asked me if I need

help where I could find the compound in question. He looked at me rather

quizzically, but did indeed hand over my request, plus an applicator. I

thanked him and wandered back towards the stepping disk. When I reached a

hallway that was deserted Jean's voice interrupted my musings again. "So

you're going to do it, huh?"

"Well, I'm going to take the first two steps, yes."

"You break everything down into steps, don't you?"

"Basically," I said with a smile.

"Good luck, Ken."

"Thanks, Jean." I reached the SDisk room and returned home. I walked

back to the commons and found Ember sitting with her four-year- old,

M'Jahrl, who was fidgeting impatiently. "Hi."

"Hello, Father," she said quietly. The child growled a similar greeting

in Felinz. I smiled and growled back at him. He seemed pleased with that.

"Can I ask you a question, Ember?"

"Sure," she said with conviction.

"What's it like to have a kid in the house?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, starting from the beginning, is it really worth the effort it

seems to be to actually have a child in the house? To deal with the

feedings and the changings, and then the curiosity and the rivalries

and the fights and the growing up?"

"You should know better than I do about that," she said.

"But I don't. Every one of you came out if the tank with a basic set of

programming and a mature body. Not a child. Not like your little monster

there." The kid had managed to weasel his way out her arms and was now

careening around the commons with a small model airplane. "I know every

one of you from the inside out, but I know nothing about pre-adolescents."

"What about Donna?"

"Don't mention that, please? Besides, I've helped, I've done my fair

share of sitting."

"I don't know what to tell you. I think it's worthwhile enough, I've done

it five times, which means I've wrapped up about fifty years of my life

in it. Besides, who are you planning on having children with? I thought

you'd decided not to do that sort of thing."

"Not my decision this time, sweetheart. P'nyssa's."

Ember's eyes widened. "She has three, doesn't she?"

"You've met them all, I thought."

She nodded. "They're nice people. Come to think of it, I've even slept

with Lisa."

I smiled. "Why does that not surprise me?" I sighed and said "Okay,

thanks anyway." I rose again.

Jahrl had managed to disappear. She shook her head and said "Well,

I don't really know what to say. Except that you know I love you both,

and I hope everything good comes of this."

"Make it a rumor, sweetheart."

"You know I will," she said. I leaned over and kissed her on the muzzle.

She pulled me down and kissed me, her tongue meeting mine. "Remember,

I live just down the hallway."

"I can't forget. I see you everyday. And sometimes I still have to

babysit Jahrl while you stay up all night with a sick AI."

She smiled and said "See ya."

"You too."


P'nyssa was awake when I arrived home. "Hi!" she said when I walked in.

I waved and smiled widely as I grabbed a cup of tea and sat down with her

at the table. I pulled her close and nuzzled her. She replied warmly,

but only half-heartedly, and I could tell she was still feeling under

the weather, not that the weather outside was all that pleasant.

"I have something for you," I said.

"What?" she asked.

"Give me your ten." She extended a tentacle across the table and I ruffled

some of the fur on the upper quarter to find the skin underneath. I

reached into the jacket I wore and removed the injector. I reached again

for her when she pulled her ten back and said "What is it?"

"I'll let you know after I've put it in."

"No. I want to know now. You know I don't want anything for my cold;

when I get a fever it burns itself out quicker if I don't take anything."

"Then this is fine for you."

"What is it?" she demanded.

"Nyss, you trust me, right? This has nothing for your cold. It has

nothing do with your fever. Trust me?"

She looked at me through questioning eyes, then extended her ten again. I

quickly inserted the injector and squeezed. There was a momentary .paf. as

the pressure pushed the fluid suspension into her arm. "Fine. Now what

was it?"

"Tindal Nano-Proph Counter Factor."

"WHAT !?"

"TNP-CF" I repeated.


"Because last night I had a long conversation with an old friend who made

me realize that you haven't had a child in over a hundred and fifty years,

and apparently you've been talking at the hospital about children. Don't

blame you, after all, you do work in pediatrics. So?"

"Ken, I don't want kids."

"Don't you?"

"I..." She paused. "I do. But, what about you?"

"What about me? I can handle it. Come on, I can do twenty years standing

on my head."

"Can you?"

"Sure I can. That's not the problem."

"Then what is a problem?" she asked.

"Have you thought about an appropriate father?"

"Waitaminute. What about you? Do you think you can handle having children

in this house?"

"Sure. We could open up the doors to your old apartment. It's basically

unchanged in the past hundred years. Wouldn't be surprised to find


Dave's voice came over the speaker. "There are no cobwebs in the room

next door." He sounded slightly miffed.

"Oh well, blows that theory. But seriously, we could open up the doors

and turn the room into a nursery. It's not that bad."

"You're really enthusiastic about this, aren't you?"

"Yes! Yes, let's do it."

"It could take you out of all the things you like to do, you know. Going

to concerts, bars. Having nights with other people, at least for a while.

It could take up every last minute of your free time. I hope you don't

have a project going at Alpha."

"I don't. P'nyssa, you and I both know that life is what happens to you

while you're making other plans. Let's be serious about this."

"I am being serious. Very serious. Are You Sure?"

I stopped, and in a very quiet and sober voice I said "Yes."

"Then I know who I want the father to be."


"D'israeli Mittleson."

"Who is?" The name was only vaguely familiar.

"He was a fellow student back when I was studying my psionics."

"Not a father of your other three, was he?"

"No, no. Why?"

"Don't you think you might want to call your children and tell them

their going to be sisters, again?"

P'nyssa paused for a second and said, "After the test proves positive."


It was three days before P'nyssa's fever broke, but we spent those

days in bed while P'nyssa called in to Cutter's and told Jean that she

might not be available for a few days, possibly much longer. Jean was

very polite about the request, saying she understood and she hoped that

P'nyssa would return as soon as possible but that it was also likely that

the staff could handle everything even if their chief of pediatrics was

out for a while, ect., ect. We decided to not push our luck, and even

though we had a few visitors in those days, few people mentioned the

rumor that had to be spreading like wildfire.

In any event, five days after this whole thing started P'nyssa and I

awoke, ate and got into the shower. I was washing her back, scrubbing

under the fur to get the sweet-smelling soap up against her pelt when she

reached around and slowly began to stroke my cock. I hissed in pleasure

and heard her chuckle. "Like that, huh?" she said.

"Wonderful," I replied, reaching forward to stroke her between her legs

and up the crease of her ass. She giggled, and when I ran my fingers

over her clit she crooned thankfully. I pressed up against her, my cock

protruding between her thighs, pressed down against her ass. Having tens

instead of arms is both a disadvantage and an advantage for Tindals; while

she can't lift nearly as much weight as I can, there is no such thing

as an awkward position. She easily found my cock and seized it with her

mittens, stroking it intently. I leaned against her shoulder and groaned.

I reached around her and slowly stroked her sex in response. Using my

fingers is a half-measure for me; I wanted to get down there and use

my tongue, but she kept right on stroking me, coaxing me further and

further towards orgasm. Her other tentacle reached around behind us both

and slowly began to caress my ass. She knows how that drives me crazy,

and slowly the combination drove me over the brink, and I came in a

wonderful orgasm, shooting out onto the shower floor and her fur.

I collapsed to my knees, both in momentary exhaustion and in a desire to

get at her cunt. She still faced away from me and with both hands I parted

the cheeks of her ass, probing with my tongue to get at the tiny brown

hole hidden there. Her fur tickled gently against my cheeks as I traced

my way from her asshole towards her cunt, licking between her labia to

part them. I upended my self to get a better angle and slowly I began to

lick her cunt, avoiding her overly sensitive clit and licking around it,

over the hood and between the lips. She crooned softly, and I began to

lick a little harder when she said "wait."

"What?" I said, backing away slightly.

"Use that," she said breathlessly, pointing to the showerhead.

I stood from where I was as she settled to the shower floor, leaning

against the far wall which I had long ago padded with polyurethane for

just such an occasion. I grabbed the shower massage and handed it to her.

The massage was a blatant misuse of transporter technology; there was

no hose, just a direct transporter feed somewhere in the wall. I've

seen the same thing done with glassware at bars and parties; it's hard

to judge how much you've drunk when this annoying little thing at the

bottom fills your glass while you're not looking.

She took the showerhead and turned the dial to massage, one stream. A

softly pulsing stream of water came out of it, and she directed it towards

her cunt. "Hold me open," she said in a hoarse whisper. I lay down on my

stomach between her legs and reached forward, parting her cunt open with

my fingers. The stream of water aimed at her clit, circling it slowly. Her

cunt became red, and her clit stuck out visibly as the water circled it.

She groaned. I watched intently as she masturbated herself, her mouth

open and her breath coming in ragged, hoarse gasps. At times she would

increase the pressure on the spray, and by the time she was on her fifth

orgasm, the stream had become a strong, steady flow.

She snapped it off and lay there, gasping for air and totally splayed

out against the shower floor. I wiped the spray off my face. "How do

you feel?" I asked. I love watching her masturbate.

"Tired. Whew. Help me up?" I did, gracefully. Somehow, I don't mind being

replaced by a machine; I know that, more often than not, she prefers my

tongue to the shower or vibrator. Still, I did get her these toys. We

actually cleaned off this time, getting ready to go, dressed in out best

traveling clothes, and headed out for the stepping disk.


The Journal Entries of Kennet R'yal Shardik, et. al., and Related Tales

are Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Elf Mathieu Sternberg. Distribution limited

to electronic media not-for-profit use only. All other rights are reserved

to the author.