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KNOWLEDGE mom and dad and Earth

"Knowledge as Wise as the Heart"

by Souvie

femNOSPACEecrivain at netdot dot com

or use the handy form on my website:

-----2130 Daystrom Laboratories New Antares, Luna -----

Cordelia Aabderstaagdt was pacing. Norma knew from

experience that it was not a good sign. She wondered what

had caused the present stumbling block, then mentally

kicked herself. It had to be MEL. Cordelia had been working

on the project non-stop for the last 22 months, with

pitifully little to show for it.

"I just," Cordelia stopped and switched directions. "I

just need to figure out why MEL is hung up on form-class

words. I haven't had any programming problems with any of

the other linguistic areas." She shook her head and tossed

the braid of mousy-brown hair over her shoulder. "More

coffee, I need more coffee." Coffee had been placed on the

"Outlawed Beverages" list of 2099, but that only seemed to

make it more popular, not less available. Making sure it

would lock behind her, she headed out the lab door.

Finally, some peace and quiet, Norma thought. Maybe now I

can pull up the latest progress report, and see just what

is keeping Cordelia up nights. The heavens knew it sure

wasn't a man!

Norma tapped in Cordelia's ridiculously complicated

password and started scanning the data displayed on the

screen. Hmmm ...

"No, no, bad kitty!"

Oh oh, Cordelia was back sooner than expected.

Norma gave an exaggerated snort, and hopped down from the

computer table. She settled in a chair that wasn't piled

high with printouts and books, and commenced cleaning her

silky white fur.

"I swear, Norma, if I wasn't so attached to you, I

wouldn't have fought crotchety old Dr. Anderson tooth and

nail so that you could stay with me when I'm here in the

lab. The one thing guaranteed to get your butt packed back

to mom and dad, and Earth, is your cat hair to end up in

some of this equipment." She went on and on, rambling about

how much the equipment was worth, how hard it was to get

the grant from Daystrom University in the first place, etc.

After the stuff about the grant, Norma quit listening.

She'd heard it all before, plenty of times.

Cordelia sat down in front of the computer, being careful

to sit her coffee far away from her. "And quit getting on

the keypad, Norma. Your claws are going to scratch it all

up and you know Dr. Anderson won't spare the money to

replace it." She shook her head and started running the

trials for what seemed the billionth time.

An hour later, Norma decided enough was enough. She

wanted to spend some time out of the lab, maybe see the sun

again, and not through an extra-reinforced glass window.

She stretched lazily, and as if she hadn't a care in the

world, jumped up in Cordelia's lap. Just as she'd hoped,

her mistress was absorbed in the words and numbers on the

screen and pretty much ignored her.

Norma bided her time, watched the screen carefully, and

then seized the moment.

"Norma!" Cordelia screamed as the lanky Persian jumped on

the computer keypad. "Off, off, off!"

Usually Norma was real good about minding, but this time

Cordelia had to physically pick her up and move her. "What

has gotten into you lately? Are you in season? Is that your


At least one of us still has a sex drive, Norma wanted to

say, but of course she couldn't. Instead, she turned her

nose up in the air and quickly moved to a far corner of the


Cordelia sat back down at the computer station and

prepared to undo any damage inflicted by the erstwhile cat.

She stared in consternation at the screen, not sure she was

seeing what she was seeing. "Oh my God," she whispered.

"I think that's it."

--------------3 months later --------------

Cordelia was bustling around the lab unable to keep still.

Lance, her boyfriend and sometime-colleague, was ten

minutes late, as usual, and she wanted to get things on the


"Anyone home?" Lance stuck his head inside the lab door

and grinned.

"It's about time."

"What? No, 'Oh God, Lance I've missed you so much these

last five months!'?" He stepped into the room and scooped

Norma up in his arms. "Hey, gorgeous, keeping Cordelia in

line for me?" He scratched her behind the ears for a few

seconds and then sat her back down.

Norma sighed silently. Norma decided that if Lance was

her boyfriend, she wouldn't spend months cooped in some

stuffy lab, like Cordelia was always doing.

Lance had the blonde good looks that had been associated

with California surfer boys in the past. And in the past

was probably where he'd rather be. Lance was a retrophiliac

-- if it had to do with the past, he loved it, collected

it, lived it. You'd might not ever guess that he had a

doctorate in artificial intelligence from MIT -- he liked

old 72-mm movies, owned a 1999 RCA television set (that

still worked), and dabbled in archaeology and paleontology

in his spare time.

"I'm sorry, Cory, I just got caught up in a spirited

debate with old Ironsides out in the hall," he apologized.

His hundred-watt smile appeared. "Forgive me?"

Cordelia sighed. She could never stay mad at him for

long. "You're forgiven. Now can I start?"

He leaned back against a table and crossed his legs at the

ankles. "Shoot."

Cordelia took a deep breath. "As you know, I've been

working on something for the private sector -- a sort of

artificial intelligence. But, I'm afraid I haven't told

you all of it." She could feel her face starting to turn

red already. "With Daystrom's full knowledge of course,

I've been working on something for 'Feel Good Vibrations'."

That got both Norma and Lance's attention. "The big dating

service conglomerate?" he asked.

Cordelia nodded. "Yes. I, well, just come look." She led

the way down a short hallway to another door, explaining as

they went, "I was stumped on the linguistic simulation for

the longest time. I couldn't get the form-class words

information to take hold." She punched in a code on the

keypad by the door and it slid silently open.

Walking in, Lance could see the room was bare, save for

four pencil-thin cameras situated in the four corners of

the room. The door closed behind them.

"MEL, are you online?" Cordelia asked, speaking into thin


"Yes, I am, Cordelia. Would you like me to activate my

optical emitters?"

"Yes, please."

Lance jumped, because without warning, a woman appeared in

the room. Gorgeous. Perfect. Shimmering blonde hair and

lips darker than the darkest rose. Peach-colored skin to

make a Georgia girl green with envy. A figure that any

woman would kill for. Lance couldn't have formed a coherent

word even if he'd wanted to.

Cordelia cleared her throat. "Lance, I'd like you to meet


"As in Mel-short-for-Melanie? Or Melissa?" he managed to

get out.

"As in short for Morpheme Evaluation Lexicon. But you can

call me Melanie, if you'd like," the honey-voiced knockout


"I'll just stick with Mel."

She shrugged.

"Mel is what Feel Good Vibrations and I like to call an

ESP --Enhanced Singles Partner. However you want her to

act, she'll do it. However you want her to look, she can do

that, too. She is the ultimate dream date." Cordelia's

eyes lit up, the pride in her work evident. Norma wondered

if Lance noticed it.

"What makes her different from any other virtual date?"

Lance questioned.

"Mel can learn. *Learn*, Lance. She's capable of

becoming as close to an artificial sentient being as has

ever been created. Think of the possibilities, outside of

the dating industry."

"So that's why Daystrom Laboratories loaned you out, huh?

They get dibs on the scientific uses of this technology."

Lance was beginning to understand.

"Right. I mean, just think of it -- they could take over

the terra-forming on Jupiter, lead strike teams in the next

global war, you name it. If we can combine her brain, her

intelligence, with robotics . . ."

"What about field trials?" Lance was walking around Mel,

taking in every detail with his hawk-sharp eyes.

"Um," Cordelia hedged. "I was hoping you could help me

with that."

Lance stopped and raised his eyebrows. "Me? Date another

woman? And with your blessing no less?"

Cordelia looked slightly uncomfortable. "Well, um, sure.

How would you like her to look, dress, act? Tell her what

you desire in a partner and she'll be it."

Lance shook his head. "I want her to be you."

"Excuse me?"

Norma thought Cordelia might have an IQ of 184, but she

could still be a dumbass at times.

Lance stepped closer to Cordelia and wrapped his arms

around her. "I said, I want you. I don't care if she can

be anyone, or anything I want. I'm sure some guys, and

women, would find that allure too much to resist, but I'm

not one of them."

"Look, Lance, you know how I feel about you -- "

"I do?" His surprise was genuine. "How can I when you've

never told me. You know I love you, Cory. I've told you

numerous times that I loved you, but you treated me like I

was spouting platitudes instead of words from the heart."

"I thought you were." She was playing with the middle

button on his shirt. "You're such a free-spirit at times,

I have a hard time knowing when you're joking and when

you're serious."

"When it comes to loving you, I couldn't be more serious.

Why do you think I haven't pressured you for us to become

more intimate? Because I don't want it?" His laugh was

short and harsh. "I've wanted you ever since our second


"Oh." Cordelia seemed at a loss for words, something

Norma had *never* seen before. This was getting

interesting, the feline thought.

Lance turned to Mel. "How about the room -- care to give

us something romantic and intimate?"

The blonde smiled. "For my dear Cordelia, anything." She

snapped her fingers, purely for effect, and the room was

instantly transformed. Where a barren, boring room had

been earlier, now stood a room to make the most

discriminating sheik proud.

Luxurious pillows of all shapes and sizes were piled on

the floor atop plush furs. Incense burned in domed pillars

and a platter of sumptuous food sat on a low table next to

an array of scented oils. Even Norma was impressed.

"Wow," was all Cordelia could say.

"Norma, you're my second-best-gal, but I'm afraid this is

a party for two." Lance picked up the cat and kissed the

top of her head. He keyed the door open and deposited her

on the other side. He could have sworn if he didn't know

better that the cat was actually pouting.

Norma looked back at the closed door, and pressed her ear

close, trying in vain to hear anything. She should have

known that Cordelia would have made it soundproof. With a

sniff of disdain, and a flick of her tail, she sauntered

back into the main lab.


A few hours later, inside a cloaked starship that was

presently orbiting Earth's moon, Norma waited impatiently

for an audience with the Mission Leader.

"You may go in now," a disembodied voice stated.

Norma walked into the room, padding sliently across the

cool floor. The Mission Leader was behind a screen, his

silhouette visible in the stark starship light. Only those

of noble or command-level rank were allowed to look upon

the Leader directly. Norma was just a lowly Watcher.

"You called for me?" she spoke up.

One wall of the room shimmered and an image appeared on

it. It was the virtual room where Norma had last seen

Cordelia and Lance.

Norma watched the two on the screen; both were tangled up

in satin sheets, Lance playfully feeding Cordelia from the

platter of fruit. "Is this real time?" Norma asked.

The figure behind the screen sighed. "As usual, you fail

to see the gravity of the situation, watcher Alpha Seven.

You interfered with the human's project. You know as well

as I do that *you* were the one who solved her linguistics

problem, not some strange twist of fate when you jumped on

the keyboard."

"I was bored, and she'd been working so hard on it for so

long. I figured a little push in the right direction

couldn't hurt."

"It's not your job to think." The censure in his voice was

quite clear. "You're a Watcher; your job is to observe,

not help along. It should have been at least another twenty

years before their technology advanced that far."

"So you're going to undo it?" Norma was disappointed. She

knew how long and hard Cordelia had been working on the ESP

project, and how much damage it would do to her career were

the data to be "corrupted."

"Luckily for you, no. The Council and I have discussed

it, and things will stand as they are."

"You are most kind, oh wise one," Norma said, bowing as

much as she could in her feline form. She could have

chosen to morph back into her natural state, but she'd

gotten used to her long fur and mind-of-its-own tail.

"Cut the crap, Alpha Seven, I've heard it all before."

Norma shifted her gaze to the couple on the monitor. The

entwined lovers were so involved in each other, the world

could have stopped spinning and Norma didn't think they'd


"You could learn a lot from them, if you'd just pay a bit

more attention to your job, instead of having so much fun,"

the Mission Leader said. "When knowledge becomes as wise

as the heart, then these humans will be ready to meet us,

and the others beyond the stars."

"And until such time?" Norma questioned.

"Until then, we keep doing what we have been for centuries

-- watching. Watching and waiting."