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Loyal Daughter 1

Loyal daughter (Part 1 of 4)

By cowgirl & Orestes

This work is copyright (c) 2000 by cowgirl. You may

download and keep copies for your personal use as long

as the author's byline and e-mail address and this

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I always suspected something....well...." weird" was

going on between my mother and Tina. I just never

expected anything like - Okay, that's not exactly

true... I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to

seeing some of it coming, but later it just got so -


I shouldn't skip ahead.

My names Amy and I'm fourteen. Ever since the divorce,

I think mom has felt her power over me slipping away,

which is only natural, since I'm practically an adult

and very mature for my age! My mother is the Vice

President of the Board of Education for the whole

district and is a work-aholic, but at home, she's

another story. She's always whining after me to me to

do boring chores around the house, and trying to set

dumb limits on my curfew and stuff, which is the real


The problem is, she wont make me stick to it!

She's such a big shot at work that you'd think she'd be

able to tell me what to do, but she just wont. I mean,

she tries sometimes, blabs on and on endlessly, but

when push comes to shove, I can always count on

Mom to cave, leaving me to pretty much do as I want.

Not that I'm lazy! I have plenty of other stuff to do

what with school, friends, boys, video games and other

junk like that!. I * would * work, It's just...

what's the point? Since mother's obviously happier

sputtering along behind me cleaning up and complaining,

no matter * how * much she may squeak otherwise!

My Mom's in her late thirties and has no social life

(this is why she must try to ruin mine! < grrrr >)

Mommy dresses....well, like a Mom! She never dates or

even thinks of herself that way. I try to encourage

her, because I'd do * anything * to loosen up her tight

ass! She's maybe five pounds heavier around her bottom

than she'd like to be, but she's got a pleasant face

and I've seen guys gawking at her C- sized chest, which

kinda pisses me off, since my boobs are...well...coming


So... Tina...

The first time I heard mom talk about Tina is was

because she was coming to work with mom at the Board of

Education office. She was seventeen, and had to

complete her mandatory work experience to graduate. Her

school couldn't get her a placement anywhere else

because she had a reputation - (whatever that means)!

Mom wouldn't say anymore, lecturing school files are

supposed to be confidential,

but something about Mom's tone made me suspicious...

So the school dumped her at the Board of Education

office. It kind of serves mom right too, getting stuck

with all the bad kids, because it was probably my dumb

Mommy who made up the stupid policy for mandatory work

experience in the first place! So mom had brought the

whole thing on herself, in a way.

And mom started to complained about Tina endlessly too!

Tina this and Tina that! mom worked herself into a fit

bitching about her! Sometimes to tears, and this was

only their first week together too!

Something had to break -

A few days later, mom stopped complaining, and got very

quiet, refusing to talk about Tina at all. She came

home in tears, and then looking blank and exhausted.

Totally weird.

Then one morning mom started talking nicely about Tina,

like how she was a smart girl, and a good role model

and all that -blah,blah,blah! She even started blabbing

about how much of a good influence Tina would be on me,

and how much she would like it if we became friends.

There was no way that I wanted my mom choosing my

friends for me (ick!), but she was just so insistent

about it that she finally wore me down and I agreed to

have Tina over. I had no idea why my mom seemed so

relieved and happy about it.

All I could do is wait and see what a loser mom was

setting me up with.

Boy was I wrong. Tina was one of those people who could

get away with almost anything. She's gorgeous. She has

red frizzy hair and a bod to kill for! She wears all

sorts of cool and sexy clothes that I could never pull

off! Tina became like an older sister and we hung out

together a lot and she let me borrow clothes and stuff,

even though mom grimaced through her smiles, she said

nothing to our faces.

Even though Tinašs only a teenager, she acts much more

mature, and I have to admit that I've kind of in awe of

her. She has the most amazing body, and I felt

embarrassed when Tina would catch me staring at her,

and was more surprised when I'd catch mom doing the

same! I thought mom wanted me and Tina to be friends,

and was pissed at her for edging me out.

I was starting to fear that mom was stealing my friend!

Tina wasn't as friendly with mom as she was with me,

but their connection seemed stronger and deeper, plus I

was sure they talked privately at work behind my back,

which made me feel jealous and left out! Tina seemed to

notice this, and eased the tension by secretly assuring

me she liked me lots better.

But the weird part is, I got the weirdest gut feeling

that the more time mom spent with Tina, and the more

Mom rushed around to please her...

...the more mother secretly resented her presence in

out lives,

and even maybe.....

.....hated her.

But this made no sense. Why would mother go to all this

trouble? Making Tina such a part of the family? It

didn't make sense. Something was * up * all right!

By now, I was getting used to the weird vibe between

Mom and Tina. Like the first few times Tina was over,

Mom was so eager for us to get along, and for

everything to be perfect. It was almost like Tina's

approval was growing more important to mother than I

was. I guess she didn't get enough of Tina at


" If you girls need anything, just let me know, " she

said, as she brought us a couple of cokes. " I'll just

be in the next room, honey."

For the rest of the night, she just fluttered about,

making us snacks, and checking if everything was okay.

It was a bit embarrassing, actually. It just got

stranger from there.

The next time Tina was over, mom cooked dinner for us.

Not just one of those easy microwave dinners, either,

but a full roast chicken dinner, with all sorts of side

dishes. She was so anxious to make it perfect, that

must have worked 8 hours on it! Then just as we all sat

down to eat ?

Tina said it looked boring and asked if I wanted to

grab some burgers instead ?

My eyes darted to Mom, and though here eyes were wet,

she forced a phoney smile. I noticed she wasn't invited

either. Tina got me laughing at Mom's expression in the

car, and then we ate like burgers in the parking lot.

When we returned, I saw mom hadn't eaten and was still

standing where we'd left her! This made me feel

somewhat guilty, But Tina and her had a private talk,

so I guess it was okay. mom even insisted on doing all

of the dishes too, which was cool for me, because

normally that's something she' d have nagged me to do.

Over the next week, I could see what a pushover mom was

becoming. I was kind of used to it, but it felt funny

too, because I didn't like to see what a doormat she

was becoming. I mean, she * is * my mom after all. She

kept on inviting Tina over, and then sort of lingering

around while she was there. For some reason, she seemed

almost jealous when we were together just giggling, and

hanging out or watching a movie on TV.

It gave me the creeps, Mom's jealousy act.

By the second week, I could see that Tina was really

taking advantage of the situation. Like, my mom would

never have allowed anyone to smoke in the house, but

when Tina lit up one day, mom just raced around the

house to find her an ashtray. I know she didn't like it

at all, and it got stupid when because me and mom kept

coughing all evening, but mom didn't say anything. I

couldn't believe Tina didn't catch my pouts to mom to

say something, but mom just kept rushing over to flick

the ashes off Tina's cigarette when Tina would grunt.

What a wimp. And what a load of crap about Tina being a

good influence. It got to the point where when Tina

came over, we would order pizza on Mom's credit card,

and stay up all night watching movies that I * know *

Mom didn't approve of. Tina even convinced mom to let

us drink some beer while we hung out. mom looked

horrified and I was sure she would explode at both of

us for a Moment, and part of me longed for that,

But mom Just got this plastic smile on and finished

painting Tina's toenails. I felt a bit guilty about it,

but I was also enjoying my new freedom and punishing

mother for her Insipid passivity!

By now we all definitely knew that something was odd

going on, but nobody spoke of it! Sometimes, when mom

might even seem like she was going to stand up for

herself, Tina would give her a certain look, and mom

would shrink back down. It was a creepy feeling, to see

Mom just giving us girls whatever we wanted, but a rush

like I've never known, and was now only dying of

curiosity to find out what leverage Tina held over


Anyhow, one day I came home early because there was a

false bomb threat at school, and I saw that Mom's car

was in the driveway, which is unusual, because she

doesn't come home from work until much later.

After the divorce, mom hadn't allowed herself too many

luxuries. But the one thing she did was buy herself a

nice red sports car, and she loved it to death.

There was no way that she would ever have let * anyone

* else drive it. But now she was letting Tina borrow

it sometimes, which really sucked, because I knew that

Mom wouldn't ever have lent it to me. So now, I didn't

know if mom was really home, or if Tina had just

borrowed the car and was over for a visit.

When I came in, I looked around for mom or Tina.

Actually, they were both home, but I thought it was

really strange that their voices were coming from MY

ROOM of all places.

"But Tina, she's supposed to empty and fill the

dishwasher after school, make her bed in the morning,

and help me clean her room on Saturday mornings before

going out with friends. Is that too much to ask?" my

mother whined.

"How do you expect Amy to do her chores when you have

to be nagged and scolded to do the chores that I set

out for you, Debbie?" Tina said firmly.

I was surprised as I'd never heard anyone call my

mother 'Debbie'. Only Deborah, or Ms. Steven's

I leaned in for more clues. I peeked around the corner

and my jaw dropped. I saw my mother on her knees

surrounded by my junk on the floor. I felt guilty and

knew she was right. My room looked like crap. But that

wasn't what made my jaw drop. mom was only dressed in

her underwear, bra, and high heels. Tina stood before

her fully dressed, her arms folded across her chest.

What kind of twisted game were they playing ?

"We've been over this before little missy. The only

reason you're one step ahead of your daughter, is that

I'm always here cracking your whip, right?" Tina said.

There was silence and only my mother's breath, which

was now loud enough for me to hear from the side

hallway. I stared in awe at this bizarre site, which

made me feel like I had butterflies tickling the bottom

of my tummy.

" Okay but..." mom argued, " leaving aside her bedroom

for a moment, Amy already agreed to not leave her

things all over the house like her clothes, half empty

Coke cans, books, papers. I don't see why she can't

carry these things to the laundry, the kitchen, or

wherever they belong. "

"That's an excellent idea Debbie. But while your mouth

is complaining about all this, let's see that cute

little butt of yours scamper around and put away all

this stuff in it's proper place, is that clear?" My

mother started picking up my smelly clothes and junk

food and CD's off the floor at Tina's command and

breathing harder and harder.

" Oh yes, and do keep bitching about your daughter,

that seems to get you friskier, doesn't it? Besides, it

amuses me." Tina was mocking my mother. Tina kept

swatting Mom's ass with a rolled up magazine as my

mother desperately tried to clean my room.

The swats to mother's behind seemed to make her jerk a

little, but otherwise she just kept working away. I

felt sad and angry that she'd agree to this, and knew

it was all my fault for keeping my junk around. But I

was also feeling warm and strange in a way that boys

usually only made me feel.

" She's supposed to sort her own laundry for the wash

and fold and put away her clothes when they're dry. "

My mother's voice was weepy and pathetic.

"Occasionally I also ask for her help on a project

above and beyond her assigned duties, but that seems to

be completely unbearable to her. "

Mom was on her knees, picking up clothing from the

floor. Tina looked so amused by Mom's complaints. From

behind, Tina raised her foot to in between Mom's legs,

and into her crotch. She laughed as my mother got

distracted, and dropped an armful of laundry. First,

Mom began to move her hips slowly, and then bizarrely

the began riding Tina's foot like a damned horsey! I

was besides myself watching this horrid and disgusting

display, yet unable to turn away. I couldn't decide if

Mom was suffering or in ecstasy.

" C'mon little Debbie, what ELSE does your ungrateful

daughter do?"

" Well..... she certainly expects me bail her out.

She's always bossing me do to this or that for her. Is

a fourteen year old daughter's respect for her mother

too much to ask?"

" Yes it is, but go on anyway..." Tina smirked and my

jaw hit the floor as my mother started humped her

Tina's leg. I blinked several times, not believing it!

" Amy also acts terribly persecuted when I give

consequences for her not doing things And then expects

me to fork over money for stuff she wants, or do her

favors like driving her to her girlfriends' houses or

dropping her at the mall or... "

" Poor, poor Debbie, " Tina finally cut her off.

" I guess you'd better just get down and kiss your

daughters stuck up little ass, as if you aren't

already!" Tina was now rubbing herself between her legs

while saying this. They were both getting excited from

this nasty game.

Mom crawled around behind Tina, while Tina pulled up

her skirt and bent forwards. My mom was actually going

to do it ! She was going to kiss Tina's ass while the

teenager just kept on mocking her.

" Poor Witto Debbie... always complaining about her

stuck-up daughter, but this is where she always ends up

in the end, kissing her ass, huh ?

" I think Debbie Webbie * likes * it that way, doesn't

she ? " Tina smirked.

I could see that mom was kissing and licking Tina's ass

through her panties. How degrading ! Then Tina reached

back, and pulled down her panties so that mom could

really lick her private parts for reak. All the while

she just kept on talking. " This is who you really are,

isn't it ? You were born to be brown nosing younger

girls. "

My ears were burning, and the butterflies in my stomach

were out of control. I felt queasy and didn't wanna

hear anymore. mom was now licking and sucking at Tina's

ass like she was really into it. Every word from Tina

made her breathe even harder.

" This is where you belong Debbie, although your too

gutless to admit it. Whenever Amy walks all over you,

you secretly wanted this... to be on your knees,

licking and sucking your daughter's prissy little ass.

That's what you wanted, ISNT IT ?"

Tina pulled her butt away from Mom's face to get an

answer. I wanted to throw up I was so rattled, mom was

shaking real bad, but for a different reason.

Mom was about to speak, but I bolted out of the house

before I could hear her answer.


Look for part 2 of this story coming within a week

For fans of F/f, NC, MC, blackmail, emotional

humiliation, mother/daughter co-dependency issues,

and other silly warped stuff, (but, please, no snuff,

pedo, violence, or heavy BDSM! If your underage, I'll

just block your address. No kids, period.), please

write to jennifer (AKA: cowgirl) at:

Co-authored by Orestes

Check out this and other twisted tales at my ASSTR ftp

site at:

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