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MINA enormous water plant Water washed back


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By Darkage

(c) July, 2001

Mina stopped to catch her breath. Crouching in the

dark cave, huddled among the rocks and pebbles, she

held herself still and quiet, hoping her pursuers had

lost her trail. Her heart pounded in her chest,

throbbing in her ears. Through the dark tunnels behind

her she heard the sounds of the orc search party

passing through the area. They seemed to pass, and it

grew quiet around the frightened young woman.

Slowly she rose to her feet. The cave was dark and

still, silent but for the occasional hollow dripping

of water. The darkness was thick, and even after weeks

underground, her eyes could make out only the faint

outlines of things. She stepped forward into the

darkness. Small pebbles crunched beneath her tender

feet. Stepping cautiously along the rocky ground, she

made her way deeper into the cave, grabbing hold of

the thin columns of rock that drooped from the cavern

ceiling to the ground. The stone was cold and slimy

and the going was slow and unsteady. Nonetheless, she

pushed on, urged by the fear of being recaptured by

the horrible orcs hunting her.

Her toes slipped on the pebbles, which were growing

colder and wetter. She felt water beneath her feet and

stepped into ankle-deep water. A shallow lake lay

ahead, stretching across the cavern floor. The

stalagmites and columns grew sparse as she pushed her

way through the knee-deep water. The water gradually

got deeper and the bottom of her tattered blouse grew

wet as the surface rose past her knees.

Mina saw a cluster of tall stalagmites ahead began

towards them, hoping to find land, or shallower water.

As she pushed on, the thick water grew warmer upon her

bare legs. The water surrounding the stony cluster

writhed with dark, serpentine forms. Her fear was

quickly overcome by a soft hissing that seemed to move

through the air, calling out to her, urging her

forward. She moved on as if entranced and as she

neared the stalagmites she saw that the slithering

beneath the surface was an immense mass of thick,

vine-like seaweed. The warm water was growing deeper,

its surface rising up her thighs, and her blouse clung

to her skin. The calling whispered in her ears,

spurring her on and pulling her closer to the writhing

mass of plant life beneath the warm surface.

Soft bunches of seaweed brushed by her legs and Mina

looked down to see long, sinewy strands reaching out

towards her. Tender whispers streamed through the air

urging her towards the clusters of stone. She felt

soft strands curl around her waist and sighed, her

lower lip trembling as slimy leafage writhed about her

bare legs in the warm water. A soft red glow emanated

from the cluster of stalagmites. A wide, round rock

sat in its center. Growing upon the rock was the heart

of the enormous water plant. Water washed back and

forth over the face of the rock, bubbling past the

plant's heart. The voice called to her.

The seaweed pulled Mina into the circle and stretched

her body across the rock. She lay prone and trembling

with desire as the plant's long, slimy appendages slid

along her back, steam rising all around her from the

hot water. Her cheek pressed down against the rock,

Mina moaned with desire as soft clumps of leafage

writhed along her back. She sighed deeply as long

tendrils slid up onto the rock from all directions,

slithering along her body and curling around her

limbs. Entwined in slippery coils and spread upon the

rock, she whined with lust as a thick, leafy mass of

plant washed up the backs of her legs and up between

them. Soft, slippery leafage slid along her inner-

thighs and she gasped at the feel of it against her

secret flower. It slid between her buttocks and up her

lower back, snaking its way up her body. She felt a

strong strand curl up around her shoulder and slip

down beneath her front. She writhed in her slithering

bonds and sighed with desire as it slid down between

the front of her body and the rock. It crept under her

breasts and glided down her stomach. She felt it slide

beneath her belly and into the crevice between her

thighs. Another tendril slid along her hip and down

around her thigh, and the two plant appendages coiled

around her upper thighs spreading them wide upon the

rock. Mina moaned as slimy seaweed crept up behind her

and slipped along her sex, pushing gently between her

soft labia. Lubricating juices seeped from her body

and her lustful groans echoed through the rock cluster

as she felt soft plant sliding up into her. The lips

between her thighs hugged the thick, leafy vines as

they pushed into her, slithering inside her body.

She lost track of herself among the writhing mass,

leafy appendages penetrating all her orifices and

massaging her insides. Gradually she climaxed, her

body shuddering with pleasure, coming into the warm

water and letting the plant smooth her out over the

rock. Eventually she staggered to her feet and started

walking awkwardly through the water, away from the

circle of rocks.

