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The following are works of total fiction and most contain scenes of graphic sex of various kinds, most of which are nc, kinky, and/or downright weird. The actions depicted are not from or for real life.

Content is my own (Monocle), copyright 2000, (as are the typos, and spelling & grammar errors), and any resemblance to persons or events living or dead or stories already written is purely coincidence. The reader is free and welcome to copy and circulate these stories within free legal forums, as long as this disclaimer is included and no alterations to it or the content are made.

Hope you like them.




| | |

| | | Nightmares and Visions (16-20)

| | | by Monocle

_|__|_|_ (

(O) o Short vignettes and scenes. Most

/ > have the darker elements of nc,

| ~~ bond, etc.



Nightmares and Visions by Monocle

Some time ago, I started receiving strange, short e-mails from anonymous addresses by parties unknown. I really have no idea whether or not some or all are from one person, or who or what the person or people is or are. Most of them listed subjects as "my nightmare" or "A dream I didn't tell to my husband" or "Vision Number 3". They all start with little or no pre-amble, often don't really end, and are almost all in first person. Collecting them together like this reminds me of Suki's or Davis' "Images" - harder than the one, not as hard as the other.


I was up against the wall, wrists in manacles above and to either side of my head, spread apart, but not pulling uncomfortably. The feel of smooth stone against my backside told me I was naked. I could move my neck to look down, but the pitch-blackness of the room revealed nothing. My bare feet held most of my weight on a cool floor. I don't know how long I stood there, calling out questions, trying to see shapes in the dark.

I felt something brush my inner thigh. The sudden contact after so much nothing made me shriek and jump. It was hot, and seemed wet, first touching me between my legs, above my right knee. I instinctively closed my legs tight, twining my feet around each other and clamping my knees together. This had the effect of trapping whatever it was between my thighs, but I didn't want to take any risks. And my hunch was right, since I almost immediately felt an upward pressure as it tried to slide further up my legs. It was mostly smooth against my skin, and though difficult to judge by feel alone, seemed around wrist-thick. It had a rounded end, but I wasn't sure at first. My initial fearful impression, given the situation, was that it was some monster penis. Its texture, however, seemed too smooth, and it seemed stiffer - more rubbery than flesh-like. On the other hand, I could feel it throb and pulse against my skin as it tried to wiggle its way upward. That was distressing, to say the least.

Despite the squeezing of my legs, it began to make some progress, too. It was wet, coated with an oily, slimy substance. I couldn't prevent it from slowly pushing upward between my thighs.

My legs trembled from the effort of pressing together, and perspiration ran on my goose-dimpling skin. It seemed no use. The worming, burrowing progress, though slow, was steady and unstoppable. The hot shaft pushed up between my legs even as I bucked and tried to swing my hips away from it. The rounded possibly tapered tip, helped push my flesh aside. I couldn't see how long the thing was, but it was longer than any cock I knew of. It kept sliding up from between my joined legs where I first closed them on it. I could now feel small ridges and bumps on its mostly smooth surface as they brushed higher against the increasingly sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

Though I'd known it was coming for a long time, I screamed when the tip finally reached my vulva. The first hot touch on my most private place made me frantic to escape, and I nearly dislocated a shoulder trying to pull my arms free from their restraints. The probing tip rubbed against my slit. I whimpered, hoping desperately that it would not be able to reach its obvious target. I wailed helplessly as I felt it divide my labia and begin pushing into me.


My lover's hands left my breasts and caressed their way down my chest and belly to start feeling their way through my bush. I leaned back into him and spread my legs. His long, strong fingers played with me, running over my mound, tickling my thighs, sliding up and down just to the sides of my mound. My breathing quickened, and I started whining and moving my hips to position myself under his fingers. He teased me for only a short while, though, and I arched and moaned as his massaged and then parted my labia. I was so hot and wet. When he dipped that first finger into my slit I positively gushed with pleasure. Other fingers lazily circled my clit. I convulsed every time a finger swiped across the little nub. I brought my own hands under his overreaching arms to my breasts, caressing myself, and let my head fall back on his shoulder.

I was in heaven. My widely splayed feet found purchase on the sides of the sofa, so that I could press back against his body or wiggle and thrust my pelvis up into his busy hands. His fingers tickled and spread me, rubbed me outside and dipped inside. He toyed with me, increasing my pleasure slowly, agonizingly, giving me just enough to get that much higher, that much more desperate for more. When I could feel the first tingles of my impending climax in my spine and belly, I jerkily humped up into his fingers, and savagely pulled and tweaked on my own nipples. I turned my head and found his mouth with mine in a burning kiss. The fingers of one hand spread my lower lips open, allowing those of his other hand to slide from the bottom to the top of my vagina to rub my clit in just the right way.

I gasped one last time, taking breath in for what I knew would be an earth-shattering orgasm. And then, just as the automatic clenching, relieving spasms of climax were about to hit me, a cock thrust into me.

The next second passed in slow motion yet took no time at all. My eyes flashed open and I broke my lover's kiss, snapping my head around to see the grinning face of a stranger. I heard my shuddering sigh turn into a surprised grunt, then a confused wail. Even the smell changed as the colognes of my lover and the new interloper clashed. And the feeling... the fat shaft now planted in me throbbed, and my contracting pussy squeezed back with all it had as my orgasm crashed around me.

I came helplessly around the stranger's cock. I couldn't stop it. Spitted by his rod, I stared almost usneeing into his gaze. His eyes smiled unkindly at me. His smile turned lusty and his lids closed partway as my pussy clutched and milked him. I tried to say something, to protest, but the only sounds I could emit were indistinguishable cries of passion and betrayal. All I could to was cum. My lover's fingers were still busy on my clit, his other hand stealing up to my breasts to take over from my own paralyzed fingers. His mouth nibbled my earlobe, cooing to me as if nothing were amiss. Lost in its climax, my body humped and ground itself against the hairy pelvis of the intruder. The orgasm, so long in coming, took forever, searing and ecstatic despite, maybe even because of the spoiling presence of the stranger and his fat hot cock.

Finally I started to subside. Anger and fear took over as my passion faded, and I brought my hands up to push the barrel chest away from me. My protests and objections finally became coherent as I cried for help and screamed at the stranger to get out of me. Instead of coming to my aid, however, my lover wrapped his arms around mine and drew them back, pinning them to my sides. With new confusion and rising panic, I saw and felt the stranger's hands reach down to my waist and take hold of my hips. My increasingly desperate questions and demands ended with a shriek when the stranger drew his cock most of the way out of me and then slammed back in, the head of his member thumping up against my cervix. He began fucking me, slow and hard. I tried to say something, anything, but the words were driven from me each time the cock rammed home. I couldn't catch my breath...


I felt the blunt head of the cock push up against my pussy lips. It was hotter than I'd expected it to be. I could feel it throb with his pulse.

"Move your left leg back."

I slid my leg back along the soft carpeting. I leaned my right hip forward as I moved to prevent the cock from poking into me any more. The movement did succeed as intended, but seemed to open me further.

"Stop. Now, move your right leg back."

Reluctantly, I slid my right leg back too, now I leaned my body forward as my leg moved back. The motion closed my pussy, with just the barest tip of the head pushed into my inner lips. My leaning forward lowered my hips, and I felt the cock lower with me, gaining little, but not losing a fraction. Soon my two legs were even. I couldn't see him, but he must have been kneeling low between my widely parted knees.

"Stop. Now, push your hips back."

I hesitated, and was rewarded by a stinging smack on my left asscheeck.

"I said push your hips back, Grace. You've seen the penalty for disobedience. I will not tell you another time."

I remembered seeing. Trembling, I pushed back with my arms just a little. I felt the head of the cock enter me. I knew that if I were dry inside, this could be very painful. Either I was wet (how could I be excited here and now?) or he had prepared himself. I was glad it didn't hurt, but that's all I was glad about. I sobbed quitely.

"More. Keep going. Take my cock into your cunt."

This was not how I had wanted it to be. I moved as slowly as I could - as I dared. It felt so hot and fat, pushing me open like that. It took some getting used to. I felt sweat trickle down my face and arched back. Resigned, I pushed myself onto the thick meat. Then I felt it press up against something inside me. I froze, then jumped with the smack on my other buttock.

"No, you are not going to stop. You are to keep going. I want your virginity. I am going to have it. You are going to give it to me. Push back NOW. Open yourself on me."

I couldn't move. He growled behind me. He spoke, his voice an unnervingly quiet, cold and sharp as a blade.

"This is your last warning. You know the consequences. Move."

I whimpered, shaking almost uncontrollably. I barely mustered the coordination to even try to obey. I gritted my teeth, held my breath, and pushed back. The pressure inside me, against me, built and became painful. I cried out and pushed harder, my voice rising to a scream as I felt something inside me tear and give way. The pain was sharp and intense, unlike any other I'd ever felt. With the resistance gone, I sank back further onto the cock. I had to stop to breathe, shuddering, just for a moment, to adjust. But not for too long. My insides stung and burned, I felt internal muscles I'd never known I had squeeze the hard, hot shaft poling into me.

Knowing I had to, I took a breath and pushed further back, whining the hard skin of the cock scraped by my torn virginity, pushing deeper and deeper into me. I let out my breath, panted, took another, and pushed. It took forever. Though it must have been only a few inches, I thought it would go on until it came out my mouth. Finally I felt my ass push back against a hairy stomach, and a scrotum press up under my newly opened and filled vagina. I stopped, panting.

"Very good. Your cunt feels nice and tight. I can feel it embrace me. It already knows how to pleasure a cock. Your cherry was very sweet, Grace. I thank you for giving it to me." His gratitude dripped with insincerity.

"Now, continue."

Continue? I didn't know what he meant.

"Don't be naive, girl. You're going to finish what you've started. Move forward, then push back. It's called fucking. You're going to fuck me until I cum. Then you're going to keep fucking me until you cum. And you will cum on my cock, with only a little help from me."

"Mh, AH!" Two fleeting touches startled me, a light pinch each on my left nipple and clit. Each sent shocks of sensation up my spine.

"You're going to give me every little bit of yourself before we are through. Now, continue. Fuck me."

I sobbed, loudly this time. The silence following his words was heavy. I felt imminent threat get closer with each passing second. I had to move, and I did.


I was strapped to a padded board at the chest and waist by snug bands that pressed into by breasts and belly. My hands were locked together above my head, and my thighs and legs were bound to and held open by extended stirrups that braced my knees and ankles. Looking beyond my exposed privates, down the center of the padded bench, I saw a track. On that track rested a large, anatomically correct dildo, pointed right on target. I tried to move, but was too securely bound to do more than wiggle the tiniest amount.

The board tilted backward. My head lowered and my legs raised. I cried out as I saw the cock roll down the track toward me. I screamed when it made contact with my pussy. But that's all it did. It was dry, and so was I, so all it could do was bump into my mound, head right up against my slit, and come to rest. The bench continued dipping back to around a 60-degree angle. I felt the pressure between my legs - the fake cock was heavy - but it still wasn't going to get anywhere. I let myself hope a little.

A big screen flickered on above me. The rotation of the board had brought it into view a couple feet in front of my face. Images of people appeared. men and women, fucking. The scenes were raw pornography. Hardcore. Huge cocks slamming into wet cunts. Women grunting, groaning, screaming. men cumming in and on them. Full body shots, action close-ups, head shots of women's ecstatic faces. I'd seen a few erotic films before, some good, most bad, and this was not the standard crap that horny men used to whack off to. It was concentrated, focused on the reactions of the women, who were not as bad actresses as most I'd seen. Perhaps they weren't even acting at all. The loud stereo sound was impossible to shut out. Even when I closed my eyes, I couldn't escape the moans and cries and wet slapping sounds. TheQ%:tzhDrx\8GWҭ5{vCGQeXuKkQla/vLxR[}cLbifmO +zS+` \%ոQ|GS~u"]u~G\i+t>ْ=YgT_ly!dW].^6:=0)UDdӴ1١֣ WpJM4rAed33(ږ*:3ݷ-N*S7N^J [G1s֥n{?<UH*c .zvR%i\ލQwTZMycңv-OszZuQfǁSȴo-ڈl\dF4<qnHd+h-Ϋ8B1bV:#ۣz_K|qT-n.nssKP|zuv2^E D߷\U<w1j>UlDne>CC 入 alǩ8U}HщV'+HdDrGWH'd[]97w~<-)]W:mR̟a;im]eV{[ mb>~~gΡ4.uK0` UtoRԢmrU>aSm= -o)ݠ-Ru:Kp7yܓ( f-Iæhu`~?]Nki5i4 MPDZb$UEeaJ3@ŻKCv@֬T-,A|iEc?맋W-%2Gu($ص~Eԝ/.Oo_v b"ZsXJHl0d?~BjM oArGZ|˻z%Kփ2 j-IPV),0X˥$4Α{q2^ܽ 'U--(#V

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I watched, trying not to watch for what must have been close to an hour. Then I felt something move between my legs. It was the tip of the heavy dildo slowly spreading and delving between my labia. I cried and struggled, thinking the rules of this twisted game must have changed and something was now pushing it. But when I looked and saw the tiny trickle from my slit disappearing into my pubic hair I knew the more frightening truth. I was becoming wet. The pornographic onslaught wrought a physical reaction from me, and my pussy was lubricating itself and, therefore, also the cock. It nestled into my moistening opening, and I clenched my internal muscles to stop it, succeeding for the moment. But how long could I keep that up?

20. (or 19b.)

The emergency between my legs had distracted me from the sounds and sights, but they soon impinged themselves on my hearing once again. Gradually, the scenes on constant display blurred with the feeling at my sex. The cock trying to enter me was the same one plunging into that girl on the screen, making her moan and shake. It belonged to that muscular man plowing his woman, or that one letting the girl ride him to climax. Or that one trying to stuff his tool into an accommodating opening. God, why was he fucking me so slow? And then suddenly I was back within myself, trying to push the intruding dildo out of me again.

Finally, after several such episodes, I realized that no matter how I squeezed and pushed, I couldn't get it further out. It was too heavy and had descended too deep inside me. I sobbed in defeat and frustration as I felt it slowly sink further and further into me, watching the redhead get taken doggie style and the brunette bounce up and down on her lover's long cock. I found my own hips trying to move, not to escape their restraints, but to hump up into the heavy, impaling phallus. It bored into me just like that monster poled the squealing little blonde with the widespread legs.

I felt the fake balls contact and press into my perineum and ass, and two new touches. I looked up and realized that the dildo, otherwise sculpted with accuracy, had a knobbed scorpion-tail flange that arced over it to push into my erect clit. It must have had a mirror extension on the other side, because I felt a similar pressure on my anus.

The first rubbing on my clit resulted in my inner muscles involuntarily (had to be) squeezing the invading phallus. Immediately a shock of vibration shot through the fake organ and along it's teasing appendages. I screeched in surprise and sudden pleasure. My muscles contracted again, reflexively, and the buzz repeated. It took all the willpower I had left to stop myself from doing it again. drawing a ragged breath from the effort, I heard the scream of a climaxing woman I automatically turned to the screen to see a beautiful chocolate-skinned woman arch and shudder as a chiseled pelvis ground into her. My body reacted automatically in sympathetic contraction causing another almost electric jolt of the artificial penis. I tried to stop it, but even trembling with the effort of self-restraint, I felt myself squeeze inside. The buzzing inside me and on my clit and ass made me jerk and scream in time with the women on the video. And now I couldn't stop...


Nightmares and Visions (16-20)

by Monocle
