

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Meyer's College, a Div. of Southeastern University (Part 08)

By: The Cape Cod Beach Bum


WARNING: This story will contain situations and explicit language of an

adult nature and should be read only by those of a legal age to do so. If

you are a minor or object to stories of an adult nature, LEAVE HERE

IMMEDIATELY. Consider yourself forewarned!

The characters portrayed in this story are just that, characters in my

story. Any similarities to real people are purely coincidental and

unintentional. If you think you see yourself or someone you know in these

pages, it means I succeeded in making my characters believable. Thank you

for the compliment.

I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. As

always, feedback is appreciated, since it is my only payment for my work.

This story is copyrighted by the author and as such may not be

published, posted or archived on any newsgroup, website, or server, other

than ASSM and ASSTR, without the EXPRESS PERMISSION of the author. I

intend it for the personal enjoyment of you, the reader, and dedicate it




5:45 AM The alarm finally sounded, putting an end to the longest eight

hours of my young life. I tossed and turned restlessly most of the night

worrying about this morning's class. I didn't settle down until Peter

wrapped me tightly in his arms and spooned closely behind me, crooning

comforting sounds softly in my ear. God, I love that boy! We only met the

day before yesterday, and it already seems so long ago. So much has

happened in such a short time! I slapped at the alarm clock hoping to

silence it before it woke him up. He deserves to rest for being such a


"Morning, Darling."

Shit, too late. "Morning, Peter. Why don't you go back to sleep, you

don't have to get up this early today."

"You sure you don't want me to go with you? I will if you want me to."

"Thanks, but we both know you can't do that. It wouldn't be right, it's

part of my assignment, not yours. But, you're a sweetheart for asking

anyway. Now, go back to sleep."

That's the reason I love him so much already. I kissed him warmly

before padding naked down the hall for my shower. I wanted to take extra

special care with my preparations this morning. I was raised to always

look my best for Sunday Morning services. After all, Daddy is the Pastor

of our local Church, and my appearance is a direct reflection on my


As I brushed my teeth, I began processing the last 48 hours. My God,

has it really only been 48 hours? So much has happened since I arrived; it

seems so much longer than that!

A freshman here at Southeastern University, I am majoring in History,

and plan to continue on with my studies until I earn my Masters in

Education. I discovered my life's dream while teaching Sunday School at

our Church during the past two years. I hope to teach at the High School

level once I graduate.

When I was accepted at Southeastern University, mom and Dad insisted

that I enroll in a new division that was forming here this year, Meyer's

College. But, they wouldn't tell me why. It turns out Southeastern is

striving to remain the number one University in the country, in the field

of Human Sexuality. Meyer's college is the second phase in the endeavor.

I'm still having trouble believing that my parents insisted I join 'The


MY PARENTS?. . .Before last Friday, no one, other than my doctor, had

seen me nude since I was a baby. Everyone was always so careful with their

modesty around my house. We always wore robes going to and from the

bathroom. We never even sat around the house in our pajamas. We were

always fully dressed. But, thanks to them, all that has changed for me


boy has it changed! Just take a gander at this morning's schedule.

7:00 AM Breakfast with Rev. and Martha Whitman

8:00 AM Attend Sunday Church Services

9:00 AM Teach Sunday School Class

What's so unusual about that, you ask?

What's unusual is, I have to do it all starkers! That's right, People,


The first class assignment Dr. Thompson, Amy, issued us on Friday is to

'Remain naked until Monday night's class'. We have to do everything we had

already planned, or are required to do until then, totally nude. No

exceptions. Well, almost no exceptions. They only exception she's

allowing, is if being naked would put our personal safety in jeopardy.

Examples Amy gave us were Chem. Lab and Michael and Billy's football

practices, where appropriate protective gear are to be worn at all times.

Before she made the assignment, Amy had us write our weekend schedules down

in detail, so we couldn't welch. Unfortunately for me, none of my tasks

falls into that category.

Embarrassment doesn't count.

I'm a born procrastinator, but I can't dilly-dally too long this


I don't think I'm vain, but I AM proud of my looks. I wear my platinum

blond hair in a modified boy's cut because it requires so little

maintenance. Other than shampooing, a little brushing and a quick combing

usually suffice. In addition, I've been told it frames my oval shaped face

well. Good genes have also provided me with piercing blue eyes, cherry red
lips, and a lightly tanned, clear complexion. All of which happily also

require little or no make-up. Lucky for me. Since I hate make-up anyway,

I usually go without. God even blessed me with a nice set of even, pearly

white teeth. I'm tall and slender, about 5'8", and around 125 pounds.

That's about it for what the world sees.

Well . . . used to see, anyway. Not any more! Not after Friday!

Since I'm forced to dispense with clothes entirely this weekend, I took

a few minutes to examine the rest of me. Not bad. Not perfect by any

means, but not bad either. My breasts aren't huge, they're about softball

sized, but are tipped with tiny, erect, shell pink nipples set in

quarter-sized aureoles of a tad deeper shade of pink. From there my body

flows smoothly over a very slightly rounded belly, curving nicely as it

travels over slim, but womanly hips and down what I think is my best asset-

long, shapely legs. My ass is an upside down heart shape, firm and

uplifted. My bush is small, sparse, neatly trimmed, just a little darker

than my tresses. My roomie, Peter, thinks it accents my delicate mons just

perfectly! It should even lighten up to a perfect match with a little more

exposure to the sun. The two bands of white flesh I once had at my breasts
and hips, flesh previously covered by my modest bikini, have already almost

blended into the same light tan that covers the rest of my body. A couple

more days around the pool should take care of that too. All in all,

nothing to be ashamed of.

Peter was snoring softly when I returned to the room. Quietly, so I

wouldn't disturb him, I picked up my outline and the notes for my class;

putting them into my back pack, along with money for the collection plate

and my pocket comb. I kissed Peter gently, grabbed the keys to my bike

lock, and headed downstairs. It's so quiet, no one else appears to be up

and around yet.

Unlocking my bicycle, I took a deep breath. It's a gloriously sunny

day, and the temperature's already started to rise. It looks like it's

going to be another scorcher later. But until then, it's a good morning

for a bike ride. Pedaling through the campus gates, the full reality of my

situation finally hit me. I am now completely naked and out in the 'Real

World'. No longer am I in the protected environs of the campus. I am

scared to death, yet surprisingly I'm also giddy with excitement.

For probably the first time in my life, my senses are fully alive. I

can feel the sun warming my back, smell the aroma of the yellow pines

lining the roadside, and I can hear the birds chirping their early morning


The back and forth motion as I pedal the bicycle, soon settled the

narrow seat between my pussy lips. The vibrations, created by the

unevenness of the roadbed, are now transmitting directly through the seat

to my clit. My arousal builds with each passing block. The final shudder

of the bicycle, as I came to halt in the Rectory driveway, brought me over

the top, to a delicious mini orgasm. I gotta remember this for the future.

It has definite possibilities!

Dismounting, I shakily climbed the wide porch steps and rang The Rectory


'Aunt Martha' greeted me with a warm hug at the door, "Linda! It's good

to see you, Dear. It's been so long! Let me take a look at you. My

you've grown so much! You're so beautiful! I thought Jonathan was pulling

my leg when he told me you were coming to breakfast and Services naked this

morning. You know what a tease he is. But you ARE naked! Come in. Sit

down, Dear. You've got to tell me all about it, while we wait. The old
goat is still upstairs getting dressed. He's just like your Dad, that's

why they get along so well. You'd think they were movie stars or

something, always have to be dressed just so before anyone sees them. Can

never just relax in old clothes. No, not those two. Sit down. Sit down."

All that without coming up for air even once! I forgot how 'Aunt

Martha' prattled on.

Before I could answer, 'Uncle Jonathan' joined us in the den, "Good

Morning, Sunshine!" and then he added in his best Freddy Prinze imitation,

"Looookin' Gooood!"

I don't know what anyone ever saw in that show. Personally, I think

it's insulting. Maybe it's a generational thing.

"Good Morning, 'Uncle Jon. . .Rev. Whit. . .Oh, hell. What DO I call

you now that I'm an employee?"

"Well, 'Uncle Jonathan' was alright before, Honey. Why don't we leave

it at that? And I kinda like it too!" He added with a grin, "Besides,

you're not really an employee, because I'm not paying you anyway. Now come

over here and give your 'Uncle' a big hug. I've missed you, Sunshine."

His gentle bear hugs feel as good now as they ever did! Safe, just like

my Daddy's.

"Employee. . .volunteer, that doesn't really matter. But, are you sure

about this, 'Uncle Jonathan'? I'm scared. If you don't want me to do

this. . ."

"Of course I'm sure. You've been teaching Sunday School for your Dad

for almost two years now, why shouldn't I be sure? Don't worry, Linda,

everything is going to be okay. You'll see. Just be yourself and you'll

do just fine today!"

"You KNOW I'm not worried about the teaching part. It's just that I've

gotta do it NAKED! I'm scared! I don't know if I can do it!"

"Sure you can. Now come on. 'Aunt Martha' made some of her world

famous Cinnamon Raison French Toast and fresh squeezed orange juice for

breakfast. I seem to recall those are some of your favorites. Let's go


They ARE some of my favorites, and everything IS as good as I remembered

from previous visits.

As we finished clearing the dishes 'Aunt Martha' asked me with a knowing

wink, "Do you want to freshen up a bit after your bike ride, before we walk

over for services?"

I don't know how she did, but somehow she just knew! Some day I'm going

to get up enough courage to ask her.

A short shower, a few quick passes of the comb through my hair and I was

ready to go. Well . . . as ready as I was going to be today anyway.

I thought I would just slip quietly into a seat in the back pew, but

'Aunt Martha' would have none of that. Holding me by the hand as if I were

a small child once again, her head held high, she proudly escorted me up

the center aisle, taking her usual place in the front row.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me! I began to shake. I wanted to run


As we knelt, she squeezed my hand and whispered softly, "Relax. Close

your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask for God's help. Everything will

work out just fine, Dear."

My shaking stopped, but I knew everyone was still staring at me! How

could mom and Dad do this to me? Why didn't I just opt out of 'The

Program', when I had the chance on Friday morning? Since I'm not a

quitter, now I'll have to see it through to the finish. I can't worry

about the future right now.

"Lord, please give me the strength get through this weekend."

Amazingly I immediately began to relax, comforted by the words of

familiar hymns and prayers.

As he concluded his Homily, 'Uncle Jonathan' said, "We're now at the

point in the service where I usually turn the mike over to the

congregation, for any announcements or special requests. Before I do that

today, I have some of my own to make."

"First, I would like to welcome the newest member of our congregation,

Linda Simpson. Linda is the daughter of two very dear friends of Martha's

and mine, the Reverend Raymond and Hilary Simpson. She is sitting in the

front pew with my wife, Martha. . . Linda, will you please stand?"

"For the benefit of those of you way in the back, or who may be legally

blind, yes, Linda is naked. Linda is REQUIRED to be here today naked.

Required? What do you mean REQUIRED to be naked?"

"A little background. Linda is a student in the newest division of

Southeastern University, Meyer's College. Meyer's is Phase Two in

Southeastern's endeavor to remain the number one college in the country in

the field of Human Sexuality."

"The first assignment given to her class on Friday evening, is to remain

totally nude until tomorrow night. I know, you're asking yourselves, 'I've

never heard of such a thing.' That may be so. But amazingly, it's true.

The Dean of Meyer's College, Dr. Carl Walker, thoughtfully phoned me on

Thursday morning, to inform me of Linda's upcoming assignment, and clear

any objections. Yes, that is correct, Folks. I learned of her assignment

24 hours before she did. The reason he called leads directly to my second

announcement today . . ."

"At this time I would like to offer a warm welcome to the newest member

of our Sunday School faculty, Linda Simpson. Linda will be in charge of

our 12 to 14 year old Junior High School class, and YES, she will be

teaching her class this morning nude. After talking to Dr. Walker on

Thursday, I phoned the members of the Church Board, and the parents of the

involved students, and obtained their prior consents."

"I am telling you this now because I feel it's best to get this out in

the open, right from the start. I don't want to hear there are rumors

floating around town, about what may, or may not be going on here. Linda

is extremely qualified and has over two years experience teaching Sunday

School classes. She is working towards her Masters in Education, and plans

on teaching at the High School level upon graduation. She has my full

confidence, and the full confidence of the Church Board and the parents
involved. We're all thrilled she's joined our faculty."

"Now a special request. . . Will everyone please kneel, and join with

me in prayer."

"God, we ask for Your blessing, Your help, and Your guidance, on behalf

of Your humble daughter, Linda. Please grant her the knowledge, strength

and courage to complete the tasks placed in her path, for all the days of

her life. Amen."

"Please be seated. Are there any other announcements or requests at

this time?"

The rest of the service remains one big blur. I know what would have

been said and when, but I can't remember any of it. The next thing I can

recall is standing in the receiving line between 'Uncle Jonathon' and 'Aunt

Martha', at the rear of the Church after services; and receiving

congratulations and warm welcomes from the congregation.

Maybe our prayers were heard. I don't know. The only thing I do know

is that I no longer feel scared and self-conscious about my nudity.

Relaxed and spiritually refreshed after the morning service, I looked

over my new Sunday School class. You could hear a pin drop! I wish I had

a camera. The expressions on their young faces are priceless. Obviously,

their parents have not prepared them ahead of time about what to expect

this morning. Interesting. I can feel a dozen pairs of eyes boring onto

every surface of my body, quietly absorbing all its naked details. Evenly

split, six boys and six girls, the class is loosely scattered all around

the large classroom. Seated in desks neatly lined up in military

precision, six rows of six. I wonder if there's a smaller, less formal

room we can use. I'll have to remember to ask 'Uncle Jonathan' before next

week. In the meantime, this one will suffice. At least there's some space

up front, and a nice soft carpet on the floor.

Grinning, I greeted them cheerfully, "Morning, everybody."

Even as stunned as they were, they replied in the singsong voice

familiar to teachers everywhere, "Good Morning, Miss. Simpson."

"Come on guys, give me a break. I'm not much older than you are. I

only turned eighteen a couple of months ago. How about you just call me

Linda? Please?"

Giggling merrily, they replied brightly, "Morning, Linda!" One of the

boys quickly adding, "Why are you naked?"

So much for subtlety!

"I'll get to that in a minute. But first, come up here, let's all sit

on the floor. And, Guys, ditch the jackets and ties. Okay? Let's get


With that said, I plopped down onto the floor, and crossed my legs

Indian style. Although I can feel the rough texture of the carpet on my

bare ass, and twelve sets of eyes fastened intently to my nude body, I

don't feel 'turned on'. The feelings are sensual, not sexual in nature.

The confusion must show on my face.

Before I could continue our conversation any further, the first boy
piped up again, "So why are you naked, Linda?"

Unsure of their reactions, I gave the class a brief synopsis of Meyer's

College that I thought they were capable of understanding, and explained

the rules of our first class assignment.

"Kewl," he replied simply, the rest nodding their heads in agreement.

"But isn't it wrong to walk around naked?" asked one of the girls.

"I'll answer all your questions the best I can, but you guys are going

to have to help me get to learn your names. So please introduce yourself

before you ask your question. Okay?"

"Sure, Linda. I'm Brenda. Isn't it wrong to walk around naked?"

"If you asked me that only one week ago, I'm not sure how I would have

answered your question," I answered, "But, why?"

"I don't understand. Why what?"

"Why is it wrong to walk around naked, Brenda?"

"Everyone knows you're not supposed to."

"Oh. You still haven't answered my question, Brenda. Why is it wrong?"

" 'cause everyone says so, that's why!" she replied, exasperated by my


"If everyone jumped off the roof, would you?" I can't believe I said

that. I hated it when my mother used that argument with me!

"No, 'course not!" she replied.

"Does everyone here agree that it's wrong to be naked in public?" I


"Hell no! Oops, sorry, Linda. I'm Jason. And no I don't think there's

anything wrong with being naked. 'Nude is not lewd'."

"I'm sorry? Come again, Jason?"

He repeated, "Nude is not lewd. It's a Naturist saying. The human body

is always beautiful. But just because it's naked, it doesn't necessarily

mean that it's lewd or pornographic. It can be . . . But it doesn't have

to be"

"Oh! . . . I've just never heard it put that way before."

Brenda asked him, "So, Jason, you don't think there's anything wrong

with walking around naked in public?"

"No, not at all. We do it all the time at our house and at the camp.

We're Naturists, nudists, if you prefer. I can speak only for myself, but

I'm more comfortable without clothes than I am with 'em on. What about

you, Sis?"

"Sure am, Jas. You know I hate it when Summer's over and we have to get

dressed for school again. Oh, sorry, Linda, I'm Karen."

"I don't believe you. You two saying you'd strip right here, and it

wouldn't bother you at all?" Brenda asked.

"No big deal," he answered with a shrug.

"I don't believe you!"

Without a word, Jason pushed off his loafers and socks, stood,

unbuttoned his shirt, unzipped his pants, removed them, and tossed them

onto the desk behind him. I glanced over at Karen who had already removed

her sundress and panties, and had done the same. They resumed their

previous seats cross-legged on the carpet. Both of them had beautiful,

deep, dark tans without the least trace of a tan line, and appeared to be

nonchalant and very comfortable in their nudity.

"It seems we have an obvious difference of opinion here." The class

chuckled. Brenda just sat there with her mouth open, not believing what

had just occurred.

Genesis will have to wait for another time. This class is going in

another direction today. I sure hope Uncle Jonathon doesn't get mad at me,

or worse yet, get into trouble for it. Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Okay, Brenda, it seems everyone, even here, doesn't believe it's

necessarily wrong to be naked in public. Do you have any other reasons?"

"Well, isn't it?"

"I don't know. What do YOU think? Is it? Anyone else?"

So began the most interesting and animated discussion I can ever

remember occurring in a Sunday School class. Before we knew it, the hour

was up, and I dismissed the class until the following week.