

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

PILGRIM young and curious this not

Disclaimer:(standard) Do not screw up. Do not do anything illegal.

This includes specifically (but not limited to) reading on if you are

under 18- 21 in some localities If you are underage you must leave

now. If you're young and curious, this is not the place to get the

straight story. You act like this and people will look at you strange

and give you a wide berth. Also, don't try this at home. Some of this

stuff is just plain wrong, most of it is unsafe in the present viral

climate and some of it doesn't work in this universe. They are stories.

They deal with ideas, fantasies and thoughts that might not even be

pleasant in real life. Thoughts are like that. Fantasies are there so

we can toy with the sensations without feeling or inflicting the pain,

despair or humiliation. End Sermon.

Pilgrim's Progress, etc. (Pilgrim.txt)- Who says form should follow

content? The plot is pretty much contained in the sub-head of the title.

The meat of the matter is in the uncharacteristic concerns discussed in

the characteristic format. We got your Wild Indians, your scheming

preachers, your salacious neighbors and your corrupt officials and one

poor women that gets it from all sides (and in all ends).

Pilgrim's Progress

Being the true account of the Circumstances surrounding Goody

Deborah during her Tragic life in the Colonies; including the salacious

account of her Horrific abduction by Savages and her Debased involvement

with the Snake-In-The-Grass imposter giving his name as Pastor Dimmwitt.

Chapter, the First

Wherein Deborah comes to Endeavor full of God and is first

confronted by the Evil of the New World and those Yielding to Temptation.

"Oh bright day," reads the entry in Deborah's personal journal under

the date of April 6th, 1634. Full of reverence for this new dawning that

shall bring her first steps on the earth of the New World, she writes so

boldly of her prospects in the new land given to God and his reverent


Busy, busy, busy is her first day. Of course she must first wed

Goodman Tyler before it is proper to set foot in his house. And then there

is unpacking and giving his rude cottage the touch of the woman that is

now mistress of this household.

The first Test of her Faith comes in the eventide, after an

energetic description of Hell by the Pastor Dimmwitt. Goodman Tyler wishes

to call her to conjugal duties. "Would that we could wed the Love of

Christ," writes Deborah as she politely demurs from the ordeal.

No such haven is granted her. Goodman Tyler dashes her dreams when

he lowers his breeches and displays that part of a man that only his wife

should be privy to. "God said to be fruitful," he reminds her, "'Tis your

duty as my wife."

Indeed there is no escape for the virtuous Deborah. Much of her

modesty is rescued by the base nature of her husband, being little

concerned in any of her but the part for which his part is intended.

Little is revealed to the crude tallow candle as he pushed up many skirts and makes her his wife.

"I need no preacher to teach me of Hell," she remarks in her journal

as she recalls the shame and the pain of her brief encounter with this

demon in her husband's body. Her ordeal was short. He forced her to her

conjugal duty with a bitter thrust and in less time than a rock skips

across the water had defiled her and was snoring loudly beside her.

But, oh for the woes of marriage, it was every woman's lot as she

knew. The terrifying tales were too true. It was her part to bear this

to conform to the Will of God.

"He is brief," she notes, "Pity Goody Priscilla who complains her

husband can stay at it through turn after turn of the hourglass." She is

relieved to know she is not the most haunted by these cares.

Her quiet demeanor and her ability to keep her own counsel make her,

if not a welcome addition, certainly an acceptable one to most of the

congregation of women in the community. In their own journals she is most

often referred to as 'silent Ruth' or 'biddy no-nothing'. Only Goody

Patience seems to have evolved an enmity as she notes, "methinks her

bodice is stuffed since the Lord in his Wisdom does not give to women more

above the girdle than below."

There is some hint that Goody Patience's goodman may have begun

this feeling with certain untoward remarks about said bodice and the

imagined contents. However, the only firm reference is from Deborah

herself as she pens, "Cows' udders are the marvel. Can these men not

look there?(Rather than at me)"

Chapter Two

The Horrible account of the Wildness of the indigenous savages and

their God-less practices upon our poor Heroine. Her abduction and her


Deborah entertained the momentary attentions of her husband for less

than a week before the Savages took her from the Lord's congregation of

Souls in Endeavor. "Goody Deborah- abducted from fields. Pray her quick

death." reads the constable's report.

Alas, no such release into the Kingdom of God was given to Deborah.

The copper-skinned beast that threw her across his back and trotted off

had the powers of Hell itself whispering in his ear.

Forgive me, dear reader, for what I must relate. The coarseness of

the Savage having no restraint, I must speak of unspeakable matters to

correctly set down the History of this Poor child. Read carefully with

one eye the following horrors lest God command you pluck out all eyes that

had seen these words and you be otherwise struck blind.

God created us perfect, but we became imperfection in the first days.

So too were we naked and our nakedness was revealed in our sin. Thus the

beast must be caged for our soul's sake and those matters of carnality

covered to prevent our nature from being taunted.

Deborah was created perfect and her captor, with heathen immediacy

sought to sully that perfection by exposing it to the rude gaze of the

sun. She must have then pleaded with God to end her life as her garments

were pulled away and she was left in sight of this Savage unadorned.

With unrepentant sinfulness, he hefted imaginary fruits before his

chest in gestures that were clearly made to shame the goodwife. No part

of her went without his child-like glee at her formation. Shame should

have killed her, but there was no mercy in Heaven for her.

No garments were given her to cover her shame and she entered her

term of degradation. Led like a naked animal, she entered the lair of

the Savages. No rope to hang herself, no hope of flight, the poor goodwife

was surrounded by gibbering heathens all staring at her secrets.

Her captor thumped meaningfully on his chest as the others gathered.

Gibberish was exchanged and Deborah was dragged into a low, dark hut.

What terror must have filled the poor captive in the dark with a Savage.

Tales of flesh-eating must have sprung into her mind as this

heathen approached her with open mouth. When he descended on her chests,

how she must have feared for the pain of being devoured. How disgusting

his licking, sucking and nibbling must have been.

How sure must she have been that indeed he meant to devour her

when she was thrown down and he approached the center of her femaleness?

How disturbing the ultimate abomination that he performed on that part

we will not speak of?

Could the final destruction of her purity been worse after such

unthinkable defamation? Certainly her, dare I write the word, rape was

beyond conscience, but then what of the atrocity that preceded?

Nor was her ordeal at a close when her captor rose, sated with her

defiled body. Another, then another took his place in the part of a

husband with his wife. Until all that wished to had been with her in the

way of intimacy, she was pinned beneath their God-forsaken bodies and

subjected to the fires of their Hell-directed desires.

Madness came over her. Can anyone doubt it was caused by such pagan

debauch as she was subjected to? For the next fifteen months the record

is sparse. One wishes not to imagine such things as she may have

undergone, but recollections recorded during her recounting of the period

after her reunion with the community allow us to piece together a very

gruesome picture of the period.

Her captor became as her husband among the savages for the period

of her detainment. That did not prevent the heathen devils from accepting

her carnal knowledge as a gift. She was subjected to such unspeakable

evenings like her first on occasions where many of the heathens did

those acts of nature that it makes us blush to describe.

And most markedly, and most unthinkably, the deepest scar left on

the once pure goodwife was the most unnatural of all. In her examination

Deborah could not be restrained from revealing the depth of the darkness

into which she had descended. Through all attempts to silence her, she

persisted in describing the savage's despicable practice of contacting

her most unclean area with his mouth. And the more infamous return of

such contact by herself.

Chapter Three

Wherein Deborah is re-united with the communion of God and is healed

of her Madness. Her contact with the one calling himself Dimmwitt.

Clearly she was in madness. Accounts of her discovery in the

summer of the following year show that clearly. She was found dressed in

nothing but the cloak God gave her, among a group of women gathering

berries. She tried to avoid notice and even struggled while the men of

the village attempted to liberate her from her servitude.

Perhaps the learned ones are right in saying this was caused by her

shame at the trials she had endured. For that same reason then, she was

loathe to conceal her sinfulness and rejected attempts to cover her shame

with cloaks and shawls.

All that may have noticed her before her abduction surely were

turned from the sight of her naked shame. Goodmen all, they certainly

would have been unable to cast an eye on those female globes that had

rested pure behind layers of cloth before. And the snake of sin itself

would bite any who would behold those parts properly kept private from

even a husband, though he have access as part of his duty.

Goodman Tyler, having no prospect over the age of eleven, welcomed

his wedded wife back from her ordeal with a blessing of forgiveness,

though it was noted that Deborah scoffed at his mercy. Again the touch

of madness that haunted Deborah into the winter.

No cover would long stay on her through her first weeks back.

Goodman Tyler was forced to contain her in his cabin to keep her

nakedness from offending the village's eyes. A strangeness is noted in

the goodman at this time, though he is not recorded making any

explanation of his existence with Deborah chained in his house.

In fall, she accepted a cloak as a wrap and then was again seen out

of the doors of her Goodman's house. By winter she was again covered

suiting the demands of modesty.

Again accepting the modesty of coverings, Deborah was considered

much healed from her delusions. The long counsel of Pastor Dimmwitt is

also noted in his extending the assurance that God could forgive even

sins as scarlet as hers, in His mercy, as long as she had been forced

into them against her will.

How then happened the events soon discovered can only be deduced

by the Scandal and the answers given at the infamous trial which would

be the Centerpiece of the goodwife's life.

Many bellies swelled in the long nights of winter, but only one

was denounced by her Goodman. Upon the Holy Writ Goodman Tyler swore

that he had no carnal connection with his wife since her abduction by

the savages.

Who then had carnal relations in the error of adultery?

Many sins were freed from the sinner's breast as this inquiry went

forward. No less than twelve of the good husbands of the Congregation

sought the Grace of God to escape the Hellfire of their sins with

their confession of immorally loitering at the door of Goodman Tyler's

house to sully their eyes with the immodesty of Deborah.

None would admit to contact, even on the threat of torture and

the question remained. By happenstance, it became known that a certain

old crone had turned her needle to the question and 'straight as an

arrow' the bewitched steel had pointed out the Pastor.

Chapter Four

Being the matter of the Burning of the Witch, Defrocking the

Minister and Trying the Harlot. Those negotiations prized by the

Congregation in regards to this trial; the return to the writings

of Goodwife Deborah.

"They never stop." Reads an entry in the resumed journal of Deborah.

Constant questioning about the father of the child in her belly drew

only the pious answer: "Are all children not God's?"

Seeking the answer before the planting season, the leaders of the

Congregation gathered in a meeting. Goody Sarah, the old crone, was

dragged before them and summarily sentenced for her witchery.

The bright flames of the witch's pyre still lit the windows as

Pastor Dimmwitt was condemned on the scrying of the witch. His many

visits to the addled wife were questioned minute by minute.

Under the pressure of their interrogation and in the light of the

still-burning witch, the Pastor broke into a tearful confession. It

was so heartfelt and of such detail as to be impossible to dream.

"Damn sherp-sherp" says Deborah in a profane outburst proving her

inevitable love for the father of her child.

Were it not the central matter in the fall of a man of God such

could not be included. It may be said that only such wickedness could

tempt the Lord's Shepherd and you must steel yourself for an evil that

will chill the heart in his confession.

"It was the devil's arrow through my righteous heart," decried

Dimmwitt in describing the occasion of his fall. It was while she was

wild in her error, he said. A temptation from Satan himself sent through

the poor sinner.

"In my sinfulness I was prey to a moment I could not comprehend,

no, I cannot say I did not sense the danger, but rather that I failed

to act when my heart advised me to." is Dimmwitt's reportable answer

to the leaders of the Congregation.

Let us only say that it was the unthinkable act which Deborah was

compelled to confess at her reunion with the Congregation that Dimmwitt

confessed. She was on him in a moment and the abomination she committed

was crafted by Satan so no man might resist. He persisted in his sin to

allow her hell-sent seduction to lead him into deadly sin.

His forthright admissions saved him from the stake. Quick submission

to their questions swayed enough of the elders to vote for mercy,

convinced of his remorse for the sins he had committed against God. For

his sins against the Congregation, the elders conferred and decreed that

they were less perfect in their forgiveness than the Lord and would have

their vengeance.

In the permissible context of punishment, Dimmwitt was reduced to

God's garments, as they had found Deborah, and run through the settlement.

His affront to the decency of the community was part of the shame he

would bear for his sins. The tar and the liberal application of feathers

were part of the pain of separation as he was driven from their midsts

to dwell in the forest and get by as he could in the wilderness.

Two cases thus disposed and it growing dark, the tribunal was

adjourned that night, being Saturday, until after the Sabbath. Deborah

was confined in a shed with a latch opening from the outside to await

their judgment.

In a hand overly broad due to the darkness of the shed Deborah

writes: "If they had doubt of my willingness, why then am I tried? old
lechers they be and their shame, not mine will visit on us."

In a virtual spewing of the names of the elders, Deborah contends

in her journal that nine of the eleven approached her.

"Goodman Smith being of ancient age and Goodman Watt having the

curse of a harpy for wife being those alone that do not ask a purchase of

me," she writes. "I am inclined, from spite, to let them have their

hypocrisy and stare with knowing eyes as they judge my fate."

Understandably, no more authoritative source contains reference to

these allegations by the prisoner. To believe her words, all nine

sought carnal connection and eight requested the heresy of the dispatched

Dimmwitt. Since she admits, and in some personalized detail describes

these connections, there is a strong argument that at least some of

these acts took place in her days of confinement.

Her trial remains on the record and is recorded as the unanimous

decree that her devil-infested mind was wronged by the man sent to

heal it and her condition was no fault of her own due to the enchantment

of the recently dispatched witch in their midsts.

Chapter, the Epilogue

Wherein Deborah is called back into madness and the town is smitten by the Angry God.

When spring had come, but not yet Deborah's time to be delivered,

she was accosted again by the madness and slipped away in the night. By

some it was believed that there was a pact with her adulterous lover to

meet in the wilds.

That was struck down when the scattered bones of a man identified

to be Dimmwitt by certain defects in his smile were found by a hunting

party near the edges of the camp. Deborah was then feared to have been

consumed by fierce animals that inhabited the forest.

Goodman Tyler had now but one year to wait for his intended to

come of age and was reported to be gladder of the wait than the trial of

the winter with his wife who had become as a stranger to him and certainly

to his bed. But there was no time to be wed as sickness took the

village in the fall of that year, snuffing out one by one as a hard winter

blew out the candles of their lives.

"The God, our God, is an Angry God and does not long suffer

wickedness." would read the plaque if their memory had not been wiped from

the minds of men as completely as the village itself. (Save my source

works, it should be noted.)

But there exists a legend of a woman, 'bright in the sun as she were

a star' that lived with the Savages in that day. Known by some as

'She who can breathe deep and cross the big water' in some confusing

reference to lung capacity, this woman could possibly be the same

Deborah of which we speak.

Enshrined as 'wife of all brave men', this legend was said to have

gone to the dark lands and returned to her husband, the mighty warrior of

his tribe. In his gratitude he granted her request that she make all

braves as mighty as her mate and there are tales too extravagant to

consider of her exploits in gracing the tribes with her magic embraces.

Alternately known as 'she who kneels to greet men', this legend

exhibits proudly things that can be seen in Deborah's madness during

her abduction. Adding the detail that this legend was storied to go

uncovered except in the depth of winter, it is intriguing to speculate

that Deborah was so bright in her madness that she became this notorious

legend among the heathen tribes.

Chapter Afterword.

Wherein author thanks those who have read this far.

Thank you.


RAVE REVIEWS for Pilgrim's Progress!

-"I give it a 10!....Now what's the title again? And can you get

me another drink? Bourbon- a double," Al Reviewer

-"It's a story." Al. You know, the deli guy.

-"A document that recounts events 360 years in the past and deserves to be as obscure as they are 360 years into the future," A professor that

only charges $50 a review.

-"No Slurpee. Broken." Akhmed at 7-11.

-"A tale so taut that you will be wet with exertion and exhausted

after the climatic finale of this ecstatic burst of joy in the human

condition," A. nonymous porn writer.
