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Personal Examination


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Archive name: ex5.txt

Authors name: Homer Vargas

Story title : Personal Examination


(c) Copyright Homer Vargas - 1998 - This work is

copyrighted to the author, with all rights reserved.

This story may be archived and displayed on non-

commercial web sites without permission, but please

make no chages to the text and do not remove the

author name or address. Thank you


Although this story is somewhat self contained, it

basically ties up loose ends from earlier stories,

of the "Examination" series. So far as I know my

own mind, it will be the last of the "Examination"

stories (although a wave of adulation could turn

my head). If you have not read the others, you

will probably want to postpone this one until you

have read, preferably in order, "The

Examination," "On Further Examination," "Wonder

Woman's Examination," and "Examination of a NAG".

Personal Examination

by Homer Vargas

Dr. James Bock moped about the clinic, making

everyone feel even worse than they did anyway.

All the women had loved Janet. Long after she

withdrew from the practice to bear and care for

her and James's four children, she remained a

mother hen to the women of clinic staff. No one

could understand why janet allowed herself to

become obese; it seemed beyond even James's

ability to control. Thin before her first

pregnancy, she added more and more weight as James

Jr., Clive, Sophia, and Susana arrived in quick

succession. With increasing weight came less

activity leading to still more weight gain.

A heart attack, unexpected, massive,

definitive had taken her. James's sadness

affected Amaka most of all. As her culture and

human feeling directed, she had stepped in to see

to James's and Janet's children. The house Mamma

kept for her and her brood was small, but Mamma's

heart was large and she smothered the little

orphans with affection. They would be OK. It was

James that worried Amaka.

The relation between a man and woman is

mysterious, Amaka thought. "Good" marriages

sometimes are hell from the inside. men and women

cling to partners that "everyone" knows are wrong

for them, bound by love, desire, custom, who knows

what? Amaka did not pretend to know what had gone

on between James and Janet. I was another

universe from the one she and James inhabited. In

theirs, James was her master, as he was Janet's,

but they were also friends, business partners,

lovers and parents of her children. Amaka felt

herself married to James even though he went home

to janet every night and was married to neither.

James made love to Amaka at the office frequently,

usually more than once daily, more frequently,

Amaka believed, than he made love to Janet,

especially after she grew fat. In a way it was

like the culture of her childhood homeland in

which James had janet as his Senior wife and she

was his Junior. wife. The passion had gone from

his relationship with Janet, only love, duty, or

whatever it was that bound him, lingered.

Amaka was, therefore, surprised that Janet's

death had so devastated James. Only with immense

will did he attend to clients, leaving Amaka to do

virtually all of the seduction and conditioning of

the women who continued to be sent to the clinic

in increasing numbers. Certainly it affected

their love making. The joy, the passion on the

infrequent occasions was gone. Amaka felt James

had transferred to her the obligatory sex he had

with his deceased partner.

James stopped having sex with the other women

of the clinic completely. It hurt them all, but

especially Suzie and Megan, the youngest women who

were highly sexed. Amaka made a few adjustments

in James's conditioning of them so that they could

at least find some release in sex with each other,

but she could not erase their desire for James


This could not go on. It would not be easy.

She might not succeed. But she had to try.

When James halfheartedly suggested sex with

her in the office the next Friday evening, Amaka

for the first time said no. She waited to see if

he would take her. If he wished, he could fill

her with an overpowering desire that would make

refusal unthinkable. He could make her body move

at his pleasure even if her mind remained

unconvinced. His did neither, but only looked at

her, puzzled.

"Pick me up at my house Saturday night at

8:00, darling. I've made plans for dinner. It's

rather formal" Again Amaka waited to see if he

would go along. If he didn't want to, he could

just make her forget all about the arrangements.

She had guessed right.

"OK. Why not?" James grinned almost shyly.

It was the first smile of any kind Amaka had seen

since Janet's death.

Saturday was a busy day. A lot was riding on

this night, the happiness not only of her and

James, but of many others. James could make many

things right, or, if she failed, leave dozens of

people, himself included, in misery. Amaka was

glad she was a woman. She had the insight and,

she hoped, the charms to make it happen.

Amaka had concluded that James felt guilty

about Janet's death, but perhaps even more about

her life. He had used his powers, not

maliciously, but irresponsibly. He had only just

stumbled onto his strange ability when he met

Janet. She was the first woman whose life he had

remade. Although janet must have loved James over

and above his power over her and though she had

lived for the children she had with him, her life

had been wrenched too far from her own goals.

James probably never thought he would fall in love

with the woman whose life he had turned upside

down. James could give her unbelievable pleasure,

but he could not make her totally happy. Now he

never could.

Most of James clients were probably happier

for his interventions in their lives, but there

were a few who had also suffered from James's use

of his powers. Amaka suspected that Janet's death

had reminded James of his culpability in those

cases, too. He needed to face what he had done,

but he had to get beyond it without hating

himself. That was her task.

The element of surprise would be important.

Fortunately, James knew Amaka only as a beautiful,

if exotic, woman who had fallen somewhat

accidentally into his power. Typically for a man,

he had not been too curious about the woman who

had shared her body with him for the last four

years. It was time he learned some things.

"I want him to fall in love me, Mamma," Amaka


"He already loves you, child."

"That's what he thinks, too, but not totally.

I want it all. Give me juju, Mamma."

"It's dangerous girl. Juju could make you

evil and manipulative."

"No, Mamma. Just give me the good juju"

"Juju isn't good or bad, Amaka. It draws its

power from what is in your heart. If your motives

are even a little bad, the juju will be evil and

that evil will be multiplied many fold."

"I have to try, Mamma."

"Oh, Amaka! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Mamma."

"Amaka you are my first born daughter. I

can't believe anything bad of you. If you want to

use juju, I will do as you say."

Mamma went to the corner and pulled a key

from her bosom to unlock the ancient chest.

Carefully she withdrew several small carved wooden

objects. Amaka knew what she had to do and had

brought out candles, arranging them in an ellipse

with a mat in the center. Amaka stripped and lay

naked, perfectly still on the mat, waiting. Mamma

went round the ring of candles, lighting each and

repeating a chant. Then she danced around the

circle of burning tapers, rolling her ample hips

and singing softly, before stepping across the

invisible threshold. With great precision, Mamma

passed one and another of the idols over Amaka's

body. The final one she passed three times around

each breast and three times around Amaka's mound,

intoning the age-old ritual. When she finished

Amaka was deeply entranced.

Mamma smiled down at her sleeping daughter,

the mother of her four grandchildren, still her

little girl. "Time to get up, honey. Let's do

something with that hair. You need some practical

juju, too."

It hurt when Mamma knotted her hair into

scores of tight plaits. Into each she wove in a

piece or two of tinsel. It was a five hour job,

but when she finished, both women were pleased

with the results. Amaka went to her bath and

soaked a long while, allowing the oils and

unguents to be absorbed by her soft skin. When

she emerged, she shown.

Naked, Amaka went to her closet and removed a

garment from a back shelf where it had remained

for years, awaiting such an occasion. The noble

fabric responded to the touch of an iron and

became as new. Amaka slipped on a diaphanous blue

brassiere and a pair of navy thong panties and

began to dress. Carefully she wound the Ukmoh

around her shapely hips and drew the top in the

same fabric over her breasts and shoulders. It

took several adjustments to get the scalloped hem

even with her ankle bones as Mamma had taught her.

Mamma helped coil the matching Ubaletu around her

shining black plaits and fluffed it until it added

four or five inches to her height. Amaka examined

herself in the mirror approvingly while Mamma

looked on with pride. The craft of five hundred

generations of African women had perfected this

look. She would be irresistible

Mamma opened the door for James and ushered

him to the living room to wait. Perhaps she was

unaware of the psychology of making a man a little

impatient before Amaka made a dramatic entrance.

James was just slightly startled when Amaka

greeted him from the doorway, "Good evening,


James was stunned. Amaka had been working

for him over four years. He had been fucking her

exactly as long, although they had been making

love for a shorter period. He had seem her daily.

He had seen her in cute mini skirts, in elegant

tailored suits, in the sexy smocks she wore around

the office, in hot pants and bikinis, and of

course in nothing at all. Now as looked at her,

it was if he had never seen her before, never.

Could this be the woman he worked with every

day? Standing before him was a princess or a

queen. An empress or a goddess! James could not

take his eyes off the vision that had addressed

him. Speech was impossible. His eyes caressed

her from head to foot. The garment she wore was a

deep yet somehow brilliant blue, a blue of sky

that can only be seen from high mountains at

twilight. Unsurprisingly, in that crepuscular

background, gold studs and inlays sparkled like

the first stars in the firmament when the sum has

not yet yielded his dominion to night. A

headdress of the same resplendent cloth adorned

her head. The light caught and thrown back by the

inlays made it a diadem.

James scarcely heard as Mamma told the

elegant couple to have fun, that the children

would be fine and ushered them out. As she closed

the door, she said silent prayer to Ussa, et

Fillis, and the Holy Spirit.

Amaka took James's arm and allowed him to

escort her to the car, open the door for her, and

see that she was seated. Hardly daring to look at

his beautiful companion, James was heading in the

direction of the city before he remembered to ask

where they were going. Amaka told him to drive to

the river front. James was puzzled, knowing there

were no restaurants in that area. Nevertheless,

he let Amaka direct him to park and lead him to

the wharf.

A long ramp led to a brightly lighted deck of

a dinner cruse ship. Amaka had timed their

arrival well and only minutes later the vessel

weighed anchor and eased into the deeper waters of

mid river, quickly leaving behind the built-up

parts of the city. Cocktails and canap‚s soon

gave way to a full dinner with dozens of other


James and Amaka didn't talk much over dinner;

James because he couldn't; Amaka because it wasn't

necessary. As he gazed at her, not able to get

his fill of looking, the words and images of the

classic music video came back to him. Like

Whitney Houston, Amaka could say, "I'm every

woman; it's all in me." It was an epiphany; it

was time to dance.

The band struck up a Latin beat and James and

Amaka took center stage on the floor. As the

combo pumped out the Salsas and Meringues of

Carlos Vives and Niche, James marveled at his

partner. Of course her dancing was superb. But

Amaka put a wiggle in her hips and a subtle

contortion into the movements of her belly that

reminded everyone of the Afro-Caribbean origins of

this music.

The panting couples were taking a break from

hard driving techno-rock when the ship reached its

southernmost point and swung round, allowing those

on both sides to view the long incline up on the

Virginia side towards Mt. Vernon, brilliantly

illuminated for the benefit of the dinner dancers.

On the way back, the orchestra wisely

switched to ballads of the `60s and `70s that put

everyone in a mellower mood. As the liner pulled

to within sight of the Washington Monument, the

music had drifted farther back to Hoagie

Carmichael and Cole Porter. James was holding

Amaka very close and they swayed, almost asleep in

each other's arms, to the magical old lyrics.

It was well past midnight when the last of

the happy couples descended the gangplank, most

looking more at each other than at where they were

going. James thought Amaka had never felt softer,

had never fit more perfectly into his arms, as if

she had always been there. If, that is, the world

had even *existed* before. Was this not the first

night of a newly created Earth, a terrestrial

paradise that might be lost, but never again

equaled? James dreaded for this night to end.

Reluctantly he pointed the car toward Amaka's

house in upper Northeast.

"Not that way, darling," she smiled.

James looked at the lovely woman at his side,

not knowing how to believe his good fortune. He

started to ask her something, but Amaka stopped

his lips with a kiss.

"Home, James," she ordered.

Amaka seemed to have no shyness, walking into

the stately home James had shared with Janet.

Without having to ask, she led James to the

bedroom. She allowed him to watch as she removed

the Ubaletu and shook her plaits free. He stared

in fascination as she untied the Ukmoh and let it

drop to the floor. He didn't have to wait long

before she shed the bra and panties and began

undressing him.

They made love. James had believed he had

made love to Amaka many times. He now realized

that he was wrong. They had only had loving,

tender sex. It had been wonderful sex, but

nothing like this. "James, James, oh my love, Oh

James, James" Amaka sobbed between orgasms.

James could only repeat her name like a

mantra, "Amaka, Amaka, Amaka, Amaka" his voice,

too, broken with feeling as he thrust himself deep

into the woman clinging to him. "One flesh" The

old Biblical phrase flashed into James's mind. It

had always struck him as material and crude. Now

he knew it was but a literal description of what

his and Amaka's bodies sought -- coupling,

joining, fusion, a melting together, a perfect


A terrible tenderness came over James as he

felt Amaka drift off to sleep. She lay cradled in

his arms, so perfectly trusting, snuggling closer

as her breathing grew soft. Did any man deserve

this trust; did he; could he earn it? He never

wanted her to leave his side. As James drowsily

held the now sleeping woman, he realized that not

only had he and Amaka never made love before, they

had never slept together. "Sleep together." It

was much so much more than a euphemism for having

sex. It was a totally different way of making

love, one in which the elbows and the backs of the

legs, the knees and the shoulder blades, could

participate for hour after hour, long after the

genitals no longer touched.

The last thing James remembered before going

to sleep was Amaka's hair tickling his nose. He

could have flicked it aside, but decided he would

rather just fold her into the crook of his body.

The first thing he saw in the next morning was

Amaka's smiling face. Compared to this moment, he

had never been happy before. Tears filled his

eyes. "I love you so much, Amaka."

"And I love you," she replied. "You are a

good man, James, worthy of a woman's love. You

must believe that and not keep torturing yourself

over Janet."

"But I ..." Amaka stifled his protest with a


"Whatever you did, Love, is done. janet left

you four children whom she loved above anything.

The best thing you can do is give them their daddy

back. Look,"

Amaka clapped her hands and two by two the

children filed in. Amaka's children, being used

to constant coming and goings since they were

babies, were more outgoing than Janet's. Ifi led

James Jr. by the hand even though he was several

months her

senior. Efe tugged at the shy Clive. Little

Jerome and Sophia were already best friends and

playmates and followed their brothers and sisters

in without coaxing. Mamma entered last holding

the babies, Leroy and Susana.

As James looked from one to the other, he was

consumed by love for them all. He knew that he

had to remake a life for them as well as for the

wonderful creature lying at his side.

"They're all *here*" James stated, somewhat

foolishly, but Amaka understood what he meant.

"Of course, darling. Mamma brought them last

night. This is their home. It's our home. They

have a wonderful Mamma, but they need mother and


It took a few days to work out the sleeping

arrangements and a routine to get everyone bathed

and fed in the mornings and still permit James and

Amaka to get to the clinic by 10:00 AM or so. The

nature of the practice changed. James and Amaka

became even more equal partners. Now they never

took a client just because his or her partner

wanted a subservient sex maniac. They interviewed

the couple carefully and made the adjustments

necessary, usually to both.

Amaka did not need to tell James what to do

about the ex-clients. Over many weeks and months

he made calls, tracking down people and getting

them into the clinic for business, but within a

year things were falling into place.


It had not been easy to locate Kathy Black.

James was appalled at finding her in a housing

project struggling to support six children by four

different men. When they heard her story,

however, Kate and Bill Jenkins of NAP (National

Association of People) had no trouble deciding

they wanted Kathy to head up their legal staff.

Kathy was surprised how old Bill Atturbury had

changed and after making him court her assiduously

for several months agreed to marry him.

Bill Atturbury could have been their

grandfather, but Pauline, Carlitos, Chun and Chan

, and Malcolm Jr. couldn't have been more

delighted. He read them stories, and played

horsy, and could make an elephant sound that never

failed to set them giggling hilariously. This was

so much more fun than running a conglomerate, Bill

turned his remaining interests over to Trent. He

took Pauline and Carlitos to pre-school and even

found changing the diapers of Susana and Martin

Luther hugely satisfying.

As much as he adored these children, however,

Bill begged Kathy to let him get her pregnant just

one more time so they could have one baby of their

own. Kathy told him he must be out of his mind.

It could have been cause for a row, but they loved

each other too much to argue over numbers.

Eventually Kathy compromised on three.


When James called, Angelica supposed that he

had decided it was time to give her another child.

She was puzzled when, instead, he asked her to

send Robert to the clinic for another visit.

Wonderful "after sales service," she laughed to

herself in the days and nights that followed .

Angelica loved the improvements in Robert. He was

as sweet as ever, but seemed somehow more

imaginative in his lovemaking. He no longer just

waited around to please his ever-horny wife, but

took more initiative, fucking her at times and in

places that Angelica wouldn't have thought of.

Angelica would have to thank James personally when

she saw him next.

Another motive for seeing James intervened.

"What's going on, James? I've missed my period."

Angelica demanded, more than a little annoyed.

"Do you need to ask what that means?" James

replied, amused.

"It's not funny, James" Angelica snapped.

"Why treat me like that? I never deny you. I

enjoy letting you get me pregnant. There was no

reason to get me down to the clinic, impregnate me

and then make me forget the whole thing!"

"You haven't been to the clinic, Angelica and

I didn't get you pregnant.

"Then who did?"

"How should I know?" James teased. "Have you

been sleeping around?"

"No, you bastard, only with ..." She stopped

and rapidly counted the days. She had been

ovulating soon after Robert's visit to James's

clinic. A look of consternation spread over her

face. "But that's impossible."

"I reversed Robert's vasectomy, Angelica, and

told him about our now defunct arrangement. I'm

sure Robert will be very happy to find he's going

to be a father for the first time."

"My god! I'm as horny as ever. So from now

on I'll have to take precautions?"

"That's up to you, but don't expect too much

help from Robert. Under the circumstances I can

bet he will be wanting to make up for lost time."


Malcolm Foster was mad as hell. He had been

waiting in this damned doctor's office for forty

five minutes. He could be out on the street

dealing. This delay was costing him money over

$1500, but it couldn't be helped. He wasn't here

of his own free will.

Everything had started going wrong for

Malcolm several months ago when his favorite

woman, that horny white bitch named Kathy had been

snatched out of his life. He had had made with

her. She craved sex and by giving or withholding

his woman pleaser, he had made her a virtual sex

slave. The oversexed slut had learned to cook for

him better than any of his black girlfriends and

she had let him make her pregnant twice. Malcolm

had been thinking it was time she started working

on another little bastard when everything changed.

He didn't underhand how she suddenly was able to

laugh off his bullying and then get some rich

white man screwing her. Even before the old

bastard married her, he installed Kathy in a fancy

apartment with security that didn't let Malcolm


Malcolm though his luck had turned when horse

Jones and the other four Wizards starters showed

up at his house one day. He quickly learned his

mistake. It was funny, they seemed to know all

about him. "Kathy tells me you like white girls,"

Horse said a little menacingly.

"Sure, Bro'," Malcolm replied nervously.

"Them white bitches really likes a nice big piece

of black meat."

"And I believe you've said that you like to

`get a horny a white woman so addicted to my cock

she'll let me make her pregnant,' or word to that

effect?" asked "Jumper" Bradford

"Uh ... sure," Malcolm answered truthfully,

but growing apprehensive about this line of


"Well, that real convenient," remarked Rufus


"Because we've got just the girl for you."

continued "Apple" Appleby

"Drop those pants, my friend. Let's see if

you've got what it takes to keep a hungry woman

satisfied," Jumper ordered. Malcolm was a big

man, but no more than any one of these five LARGE

black men. He decided to comply. The team made a

quick assessment of Malcolm's crotch assets and

went into a huddle.

"It's worth asking her, I guess," said Rufus.

"Come in here, Ethel, baby," Apple called.

"What do you think?"

A thin redhead in hot pants appeared in the

door. Ethel Patterson appraised Malcolm

carefully, paying especially close attention to

the zone between his legs, then grinned. "I'll

take him."

"Looks like you've got yourself a new

girlfriend," smiled Horse.

"What are you talking about, man?" Malcolm

objected, looking over the woman who was looking

him over. "That ain't no woman. that's a

scarecrow! Look at her! Hell, I've seen bigger

tits on a gnat. And her rear end! There ain't

enough meat on her scrawny ass for a man to sink

his teeth into." Malcolm protested.

"Sorry you feel that way," Rufus frowned.

"We were hoping to find someone to take a very

enthusiastic lady off our hands. Coach says she's

wearing us out." The others nodded in agreement.

"What's going on?" Ethel objected. "You told

me you knew someone who could keep me happy."

"He will, baby. He will," Apple reassured

her. "Just be patient.

"You obviously don't know a good thing when

it looks you in the eye, my friend," horse

lectured with the full support of his team mates.

"I guess you'd better go talk to a friend or ours.

Here's the telephone number. Ask for an

appointment with Dr. Bock and tell them horse sent

you." Malcolm had understood that he was not free

to ignore the suggestion. That's why he was

sitting here, in this funny looking room, waiting

to see some dumb *women's* doctor.

"You can come in now, Mr. Foster." said a

tall beautiful back woman. Malcolm again thought

his luck was about to change. This time, he was


Several weeks later Malcolm was lying

somewhat dazed and exhausted, looking up into the

shining eyes of the lithe redhead who straddled

him. It always amazed him that a woman who

weighed no more than Ethel could *drain* him the

way she did. No matter how many times he made her

cum, she kept demanding more and more until he was

a noodle. "Oh, is that all?" Ethel asked, never

able to hide completely her disappointment when

Malcolm petered out. "Is my `tweet chocolate

popcicle all tired-y poo?" she continued, slipping

into baby talk. Malcolm was drifting off.

"Tweetie," she asked pensively. "How would `ou

wike doing me doggie?"

It was like mentioning food to someone after

a big meal. Malcolm groaned. The woman was

insatiable! "Oh, baby, I'd love to, but not right


"Oh, I know `at. Wight now my widdle boy is

going to take a wong nappy so tomowow he will be

big and twong again," Ethel reassured, obviously

referring more to Malcolm's limp cock than to him.

"Mamma Ethel means would `ou wike to do her the

doggie way all the time for the last month or


Malcolm had been having trouble paying

attention. Even when she didn't have him fucked

him out, Ethel's baby talk made him sleepy, but

the implication of her question suddenly brought

him fully awake. He looked up at her, his eyes

wide with surprise. If she weren't a proper wife

and mother, the expression on Mrs. Ethel Foster's

face would have to be called a shit eating grin.

"`At's wight, `ou naughty boy. `Ou put that

bid old bwack baby-maker in a bewey of `ou's bwand

new widdle white bwide once too often duwing our

honeymoon. Now `ou'll just have to suffer the

consequences!" she teased.

Malcolm was too happy to say anything as

Ethel looked down at him, as if awaiting his

reply. "Ouuuh!" she brightened. "I'll take that

as `yes,'" she said and began to hump up and down

again on Malcolm's reviving cock.


"Hell, no I'm not paying more than 6 cents a

MCF for Bangladeshi gas. If they don't want to

sell at that price, tell them *they* can build the

damned pipeline!" Trent Atturbury snapped,

punching off his cellular so hard it might be

damaged. Life was funny , he thought. The last

thing he ever expected in life was being saddled

with his father's business. Unless it was

enjoying the hell out of it! Trent had wanted to

be a writer, moving words around on paper. Moving

men and money around the world turned out to be

much more fun!

The turn of events in Trent's life was almost

unbelievable. First his father had gone off the

deep end over Kathy, an old girlfriend of his, a

welfare mother with a houseful of children. Then

Daddy decided to chuck the business and turn

everything over to him so he could play daddy to

Kathy's kids and a growing number of his own rug

rats. The horny old goat had just gotten Kathy

pregnant again.

As a condition of giving Trent control of a

multi-billion dollar empire, however, Daddy had

insisted Trent see some kind of psychologist, a

Ms. Amaka Ebe, to "put some spine" in his formerly

wishy-washy personality. Well, wishy-washy he was

no longer, at least not in the office. Better

still, however, through Amaka, Trent had met an

incredible woman!

Ayo was a member of Amaka's family. Trent

didn't understand exactly what the relationship

was. Months ago he had accepted Ayo's advice

that their liaison remain a secret among his

business colleagues. "I'm not a woman you take

out," she had told him with a grin. "I'm a woman

to come home to." He knew what she meant. Not

that she was black and he was white; he would have

killed anyone who made *that* an issue, but the

difference in their ages and her girth would have

raised some eyebrows. Ayo had the body of a woman

who had lived and loved quite a few years longer

than Trent. She was built on the "Aunt Jemima"

model -- the original, not the Naomi Campbell


No one knew it, but Ayo was his other half.

Outgoing where Trent was withdrawn, passionate

when he was too analytic, patient when he would

jump to conclusions, keeping in mind the big

picture where he could be lost in detail. Ayo

knew nothing about the oil and gas business, but

she had saved his company from several big

mistakes with her insights.

Most important, Ayo loved Trent. She loved

him enough to make him tell her everything. When

she asked, "How was work?" she expected, and got,

a full, blow by blow recounting. She beamed with

pride at Trent's triumphs, grew angry or

dismissive of his conflicts, comforted him in

occasional failures. Whatever happened, she was

on his side, encouraging him, having more faith in

him than he sometimes had in himself. Whether in

happiness or despair, Ayo always told him he was

wonderful and made him believe it by making love

to him. hot, heavy, passionate love.

Nothing ever seemed to dampen Ayo's spirits,

so when Trent found her crying one evening, he was

more than surprised, he was alarmed. He had never

needed to comfort her before. It was not easy to

take the large woman into his arms, but her

consternation made her slip into his embrace. She

lay her head on his chest and sobbed. "Oh, Trent,

darling, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I

didn't intend for it to happen; you've got to

believe me. I'm afraid of what you'll say and

I'll do it if you tell me to, but it's wrong and I

don't want to."

"Ayo, Ayo. What's wrong? What could you

possible have done to need my forgiveness? Did

you damage something? That Bukara in the living

room? Don't be silly. This is now your house as

much as mine."

"No Trent, it's not the carpet; it's ... it's

everything. I've messed up. I just didn't think

it could still happen; I thought I was too old."

"Ayo, honey, you're not making sense. What

do you mean you thought you were too old, that

you've messed up everything?"

"Our life, Trent. I messed it up by getting

pregnant and its yours and I don't want to get an

abortion. Please let me keep it. I'll move out

and never bother you about it, but please let me

keep your baby." Her words poured out in a single


"Oh, Ayo, honey! Trent almost shouted.

"This is the most wonderful news you could have

given me. I was worried something was wrong with

me. You don't know how jealous I've been of James

and your niece or whatever she is. They've got

four already and she expecting again. Now we are

going to have a baby, too."

Ayo looked up at Trent, relief and adoration

in her still tear-filled eyes. "You mean it? You

want to have a baby? With a big old woman like

me? You want to make me fatter?

"You are not `fat,' Ayo. You're round, and

every pound you've put on since you were Amaka's

age had gone to places men like to see them. If

the baby takes after you, we're going to have the

handsomest boy or the most gorgeous little girl

imaginable. Who have you told?"

"Nobody, I was afraid you'd make me ..."

"You don't know me as well as you think, if

you believed I would let you, much less make you

abort a baby, even if the baby were not mine.

Case closed. Get up and call Amaka to tell her

she's going to have a new little cousin."

"What do you mean, `cousin?'" Don't you

know, Trent? Amaka's not my niece, she's my

daughter. She's going to have a new little

brother or sister."

"Ayo, this is so wonderful! Yesterday I was

an unattached though spoken for male; now I'm

going to be a father. And I guess I'm Amaka's

father in law and I've got grandchildren! There's

just one more thing I need."

"What are you talking about?" Ayo asked,

amused by Trent's strange, expansive ideas of


"I need a wife."


Bloody inconvenient, Col. Steve Trevor

thought. Not that he was unhappy that his wife

had let him make her pregnant again. He loved

seeing Diana, who was so active and trim,

gradually slow down and plump up when she was

having a baby. He even loved making love to her

when she was pregnant, at least he supposed he

did. All he could actually remember from their

nights together was lying at her side, stroking

her swollen belly, gently sucking and kissing her

laden tits and sometimes tonguing her to one

orgasm after another. But they must make love.

Steve Jr., two, Drucilla, one, and Diana's

expanding belly was proof of that.

Still it was bloody inconvenient. Why did it

have to happen that every time he got Wonder Woman

pregnant, Diana turned up pregnant, too?


Paul Graves was surprised to get a call from

a Dr. James Bock. It took him a minute to recall

the strange doctor who a few years ago had fixed

that junior partner in his firm so she would fuck

him. Kathy, he seemed to remember her name. She

had really been hot, couldn't get enough of him.

He had enjoyed her until he got her pregnant and

he had moved on. That was about the time that

Betty had found out about his affairs. She had

walked into Paul's office one afternoon to find

his secretary carefully positioned over an arm

chair with Paul fucking her like blazes.

Funny, after Betty had divorced him and he

was free to screw any woman he wanted to, it

turned into a bore. Finding them, telling them

the same damned funny stories, taking them to the

same restaurants and back to his apartment,

fucking them for a few weeks and then getting rid

of them -- always the most difficult part. Where

was the fun in that?. Sometime he even missed

Betty. She was certainly a lot more interesting

to talk to that the bimbos he picked up.

This was pretty strange. The doctor

suggested they meet at a downtown club. Paul was

inclined to say no, but James suggested he had a

new woman he wanted to introduce to Paul. What

the hell? Paul agreed. He had never been very

good at guy-to-guy talk, but he found that after a

few beers, it was really easy to open up to Dr.

Bock. Paul was telling the doctor things he never

had really thought of before -- how tired he was

of the meaningless conquests of airheads, how he

missed his children, how he even missed having a

woman who was his equal, who looked out for his

interests, who would tell him he was full of shit

when he was, who didn't think his beer belly "was


"I've got just the woman for you" James said.

Perhaps there was some surreptitious signal

or perhaps it was Kismet. Just them Paul Graves

glanced over towards the entrance of the club and

saw her standing there. At first he didn't

recognize her. His eyes met hers and his mouth

dropped. Slowly she walked toward him. It was

Betty, but ... but .... Paul had never seen her

like this, at least not for years. She had on a

tight-fitting off-white dress cut five or six

inches above her knee. The matching heels gave a

roll to her hips that drove him crazy. As she

drew closer he noticed the kind of large, flashy

earrings he had wanted her to wear for years.

Since the last time he had seen her, she had lost

inches around the waist without reducing her ample

hips and eye-popping boobs. If "babe" could be

applied to a woman almost fifty, Betty was a babe.

Paul was so struck by seeing Betty again he

hadn't noticed she wasn't alone. "Good evening,

Paul, James. May I introduce my friend, Arnold."

A tall muscular blonde stuck out his had to

shake. "Hi." he smiled.

Paul was struck silent again. As he shook

hands with the young man he tried to place the

face. He had seen it before. My god! This was

the himbo that had appeared on tv with Sen.

Finger. Instantly everything was clear. Betty

had gotten herself sexy as hell again and now had

this hunk fucking her lights out.

"Hello, Arnold. What is your line of

endeavor?" Paul said, trying to be civil.

The smile faded from the young man's face and

he looked at Betty for help. "Arnold is a handy

man," Betty explained. "At least *I* find him

very handy. Hope you're keeping well, Paul. Now

if you'll excuse us ...." Betty took Arnold's

hand and led him away to a corner booth.

"Amaka is bringing your date. I can't

imagine what is keeping them," James remarked.

Paul wasn't listening. He was staring through the

dim light to see what his wife, well, his ex-wife

was doing with the young man. They had been

kissing for about two minutes non stop and Betty

was starting to squirm. Paul thought he could see

Betty's short skirt rucked up closer to her crotch

as she spread her legs. From her movements it was

pretty evident where Arnold's hand had gone and

what *it's* line of endeavor was. Presently,

several other patrons glanced over at the moans

and grunts coming from the couple in the corner

booth where a woman in a short white dress

appeared to be having an orgasm.

"Ah, here they are," James boomed, not

seeming to pay attention to the spectacle over in

the corner. Reluctantly Paul turned his attention

to James and the two women who had just walked in.

One was tall, black, and .very beautiful. The

other was a shorter cute blonde about 25.

"Sorry we're late, darling," said the taller

woman as she kissed James.

"Paul, this is my wife, Amaka and Megan.

Megan works in our office.

"I answer the `phones for Dr. Bock." Megan

put in.

Drinks arrived and James inched close to

Amaka. The lovers began whispering softly to each

other. Paul was left to pretend to listen to

Megan's chatter as he tried to see the action in

the corner booth. James, Amaka, and Megan were

the only people in the club who seemed oblivious

to what was going on. Betty had thrown her head

back on the seat. Her eyes were closed and sheer

ecstasy rippled across her face. Her blouse was

open and Arnold's face was buried in her well

endowed bosom. If Betty had come with a bra, it

was no longer extant. From the way her tits had

jiggled as she walked in, Paul was convinced she

hadn't worn one. Arnold appeared to be sucking

one tit and them the other without removing his

hand from between Betty's legs. She was whinnying

in rut.

"You wanna dance?" Megan asked her distracted

partner. He didn't, of course, but anything was

better than the torture of watching his wife,

well, his ex wife, getting fondled and finger

fucked. The music was some strange mixture of

keyboard with lots of electronic rhythm, far too

fast. Paul didn't really know what to do out on

the floor. The other dancers were just gyrating.

Paul tried to gyrate, too, but didn't do it as

well as Megan.

Objectively speaking, Megan was a sexy little

thing. She had big boobs that bounced in

syncopation to the music. Paul didn't understand

how she could dance like that in what must have

been five inch heels, but supposed she had had

lots of practice. The provocative way her hips

wiggled ought to have had him plotting how to get

her out of that red miniskirt and his prick into

her no doubt juicy little cunt. She was pretty,

sexy, and not too bright -- just his type. But

for some reason Paul felt no attraction to her at

all. He would have been worried about his age and

hormone levels had he not realized he still had an

erection from watching Arnold orgasm his wife,

well, his ex-wife.

Because he wasn't good at this ridiculous

excuse for dancing, Paul was tiring rapidly just

as Megan seemed to be getting warmed up. She was

flinging one arm and then the other into the air

and letting out intermittent jungle-like cries.

Soon every man in the club except James was

staring. Even Arnold took a break from working on

Betty's twat to look. Betty, too, sat up to see

what had caused the interruption in Arnold's

wonderful service and grinned at the sight.

Recovering rapidly from twenty or more

minutes of uninterrupted foreplay, Betty nudged

Arnold to lead her to the floor. Arnold was happy

to comply as this brought him closer to the wild

little blonde. If having trouble keeping up with

the contortions of his partner was humbling for

Paul, seeing his wife, well, his ex-wife, start

performing an only slightly less frenetic version

of whatever Megan was doing, was acutely

embarrassing. Where the hell had the woman

learned to dance like that? When Betty ground her

hips and jiggled her tits, she had a lot more to

grind and jiggle than the girl.

Perhaps sensing that a riot might break out

if the hot little blonde's and her older

companion's display of blatant sexuality wasn't

curbed, the band switched to a `70s ballad. Megan

deflated like an untied balloon, disoriented by

the slower 4/6 beat. Paul tried to lead, but

Megan was hopeless. Glancing over, Paul saw that

Betty was in the same predicament.

"Do you mind?" Paul asked smoothly, dropping

Megan's hand and tapping the young man on the

shoulder. Neither Arnold or Megan had ever heard

of "cutting in" but the maneuver went off without

a hitch. Arnold and Megan were left staring at

each other, not knowing what to do, as Paul swept

off with his wife, well, his ex-wife.

"My god what a spectacle you were making of

yourself!" Paul whispered between clenched teeth,

hiding his ire from the other dancers behind a

broad smile.

"What about yourself, *darling*?" Betty

hissed. "You were perfectly ridiculous clomping

around to a techno-beat."

"I mean over at the booth! At least she

wasn't giving me a blow job in public."

"Don't complain to me. *You* were the one

who had the way with the ladies all these years."

"If you'd dressed and looked as hot as you do

tonight, I wouldn't have been chasing skirts."

"When did you ever invite me to a place like

this, where a woman who looks like a woman is

appreciated? The only place you ever took me was

to those damned cocktail parties with your

corporate clients," Betty shot back. "Well, looks

like you have a woman with the proportions you


"What do you mean? You've got the

proportions I like, babe."

"I mean the little blonde. Looks like her

bust size exceeds her age which exceeds her IQ."

The other dancers marveled as the suave

gentleman and his elegantly sexy dance partner

glided around the floor, unaware of the exchange

of vituperation passing between the smiling


"But I'll take that as a compliment, anyway.

Thank you." Betty continued, slightly mollified.

"I mean it, babe. I've never seen you

looking so good."

"Not having to put up with *you* had given me

more time to spend on myself," Betty explained,


"Well, what can I say? Did you had to leave

me to become the woman I've always wanted?"

"Why didn't you tell me what you wanted?

"Well, I did, didn't I? I'm sure I told you

I liked a woman in heels and earrings and you

don't need to be told men like to see a woman's


"You told me how you liked `a woman' to

dress. You never told me that you'd love to see

`me' dressed that way. I wanted to be your wife,

Paul, not your whore. Why didn't you ever send me

any of those flowers I kept finding receipts for?"

Betty was sobbing softly now and had snuggled into

Paul's arms.

"Oh baby! I was so stupid running after sex

from all those chicks, but I never loved anyone

but you."

"Paul, darling, I want to believe that so


"Elizabeth, my love. Please come back to me.

Give me a change to prove I love you every day for

the rest of my life."

James and Amaka like everyone else in the

club were riveted on the couple standing in the

middle of the dance floor, no longer moving,

crying into each other's arms. Amaka leaned over

and kissed James approvingly. Then she noticed

Arnold and Megan over in the corner booth. Arnold

appeared to be sucking one tit and them the other

without removing his hand from between Megan's

legs. She was whinnying in rut. Amaka leaned

over and kissed James again.

The End

Comments, please, to:

Homer Vargas

I wish to acknowledge inspiration from

"Downing Street" and someone else who does not

wish to be acknowledged without blaming them for

the execution.


It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex

with strangers. But it isn't okay to *HAVE*

unprotected sex with strangers!! You only have

one body per lifetime, so take good care of it.