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RECESS girls had started back again

(mf, spanking, humil)

Recess By Phoenix Arrow

When I was in third grade, I had gotten into trouble at school. My

teacher Mr. Tailer was into new age techniques for dealing with

disciplinary problems. Instead of punishing me, he believed that since I

was a product of my parents, he should talk with them directly. Since I

only lived with my mom, he told me to tell her to come into school during

recess to discuss the problem.

So the next day, when we all went to the yard for recess, my mother
arrived at the school and entered Mr. Tailer's classroom. I felt bad that

she had to come in because I was bad, but at least I didn't have to sit in

some corner for half the day.

After a few minutes they both emerged from the room and began moving

towards the playground. Mr. Tailer was caring a long object in his right

hand and my mom walked slightly behind him with her head down.

Soon they were in the middle of the yard standing next to the pull-up

bars. All the kids had quieted down as they looked at Mr. Tailer and my

mother. I could have sworn her face was turning red.

Mr. Tailer suddenly cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Kids, as some of you may know Bobby got in trouble yesterday for doing

something wrong. However, I believe that it is his mother's job to teach

her son how to behave, and since she has failed to do so she is the one who

will be punished."

We all looked at each other in confusion and excitement.

"I will now begin the punishment, Mrs. Jenkins if you please."

Slowly my mother walked in front of the pull-up bars, turned around and

put both her hands on the bars. Mr. Tailer then grabbed the hem of her

skirt, and to the shock of every kid there, slid the skirt down to her


She normally wears underwear but this time she must have forgotten

because my mother's naked ass was bare for all of us to see. All the girls
were loudly giggling at my mom while the boys just stared. I should have

been horribly embarrassed but all I could do was stare myself.

Mr. Tailer told my mother to stick out her butt as he raised the object

in his hand. To me it looked like a long stick. Suddenly he brought it

down hard on my mother's ass and she let out a scream. Everyone became

very quiet. We all moved in closer to get a better look as a red line

began to form across her checks.

He raised the stick and brought it down hard again and she continued to

scream. Soon he was hitting away at my mother's ass while she was wailing

like a two year old. The girls had started back up again and were openly

laughing at her and calling her names. They were merciless, saying "Look

at the baby getting spanked!" , "Look, the bad mommy has a red butt!" ,

"She should go back to pre-school if she's still getting spanked."

Mr. Tailer must have hit her 20 times before he was done. When he was

finished he walked up to me and said "Bobby, I hope this teaches you and

your mother a lesson, lets hope we don't have this problem in the future."

As he went back inside the class room I turned to see my mom had

collapsed onto the dirt floor crying, with her very red ass still sticking

in the air. Some of the girls had begun to slap her butt as they chanted

"Bad mommy, bad mommy!" and she cried more.

Soon the bell ending recess rang and all the kids back into the

classroom. As I and most of the other kids looked out the window, I saw my

mother still laying on the ground rubbing her naked abused tush for a full

ten minutes before getting up and leaving.

I was actually surprised that none of the other kids bothered me about

it being my mom. I guess they were all just in too much shock and


At the end of the day, Mr. Tailer ask me to his desk before I left.

"Bobby, before you leave, these are your mother's. I insisted she take

them off before we went outside." He then handed me my mother's panties.

When I got home, my mother simply gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave

me dinner. She never once mentioned the incident and never told me I had

to behave better. So I did what any good son would do, I got into trouble

a few more times that year.

The End!

All Comments are greatly appreciated, please send them to: Your encouragements keep me going :)


This work is copyright (c) 2002 by Phoenix Arrow. You may download and

keep copies for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail

address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this

story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights

reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.
