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Project: SEAL Trance, Part 1

by Wrestlr and VA23456

[M/M, MC, hypno]

Disclaimer: There's sex, sodomy, and maybe a few other minor perversions

in this. If you don't like that sort of thing, read something else.

Everybody in the story is legal age. Parts of this story may be

autobiographical, or it might be all fiction---who can say?

Copyright - 2000 by Wrestlr and VA234556. Permission granted to archive

if and only if no fee (including any form of "Adult Verification") is

charged to read the file. If anyone pays a cent to anyone to read your

site, you can't use this without the express permission of (and payment to)

the authors. This paragraph must be included as part of any archive.

Comments to and

Wrestlr's fiction is archived at the following URLs:

o (MC and general M/M




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Project: SEAL Trance, Part 1


Even though Doc was a civilian, I stood up and saluted him crisply when

he walked over to the table. It was a combination of my military training

and the respect I had for Doc. It sort of just kicked in automatically.

As soon as he was close enough, I reached out for his hand saying,

"Fuck, man, it's sure good to see you again!"

See, I'd known Doc since I was in college, when I was just another jock

on the football team. Doc had come in and helped us with some

visualization techniques; he helped us get our mental games in gear, and

our win record that year was really impressive as a result. We came out of

nowhere as the team to beat, thanks to Doc. I owed him a lot.

Anyway, I hadn't seen him since I graduated, when I went right into the

Navy. I had started college as a shy guy--almost afraid of my own shadow.

Don't get me wrong, I was good at ball, and I got to be one of the best,

thanks to Doc. I was just your typical Frosh.

Thanks to my prowess in sports and Doc's visualization techniques, I

lost that shyness and gained confidence in my abilities. So much so that I

set some pretty high goals, one of which was to become the best of the

best, a Navy SEAL.

It took some time, but anything worthwhile is worth time and effort.

The training out in Coronado is a bitch, let me tell you. They work you

like a dog and beat you down 'til all that remains is the shell of what you

were. Then they fill you up with the teamwork and self-reliance needed to

make it out in the shit.

The best part was when the training got to be really tough, my

visualization training would kick in and I would become very focused. guys
on the team had noticed it--hell, even the instructor SEALs noticed it.

After I told them about the visualization techniques I was using, they

started calling me the Viz Kid. I think they were jealous in a way. No

matter what they threw at me, I handled it. Hell, I conquered it! I

finished top in my class.

So I got my pick of SEAL teams. I of course picked SEAL TEAM 8, "Eight

Ball." They had a great reputation and Norfolk, Virginia is close to home.

So I was psyched when the detailers told me I got my first choice.

Now here he was, smiling back at me and saying how glad he was to hear

from me when I called. I had heard the Doc was now in the Norfolk area and

just knew he would want to hear from me. Okay, that and I wanted to brag

to him at how well I had done for myself. Doc always wanted us to push

ourselves to be as much as we could be.

I told him to have a seat, and we both sat down. He was saying

something about how military life obvious agreed with me, and I agreed

since I was in the best shape of my life. I was twenty-four, and I did

look damn good, especially in uniform.

I couldn't get over how Doc looked just the same as the last time I'd

seen him. He was taking good care of himself, staying in shape. His

jacket was the same one he liked to wear back then, and I was wondering if

he still kept that oversized watch in that velvet pouch in his pocket. His

hair was the same. Even his eyes, crystal-blue with these little gold

flecks like spokes in them--eyes that if I just looked a little deeper into

them almost seemed like they might start to turn like wheels.

Normally, sitting in a restaurant you can hear the clatter of plates and

people chatting at the table near you. Thing is, the more I noticed Doc's

eyes, the less I picked up on those distractions. It was as if I was back

on the football team and in Doc's visualization sessions. Full

concentration on him.

I could barely make out what he was saying to me. His words just

drifted by my consciousness, just catching a glimpse of it, like a sign

that goes by the window as you ride on a train. Doc was talking about the

good ol' days. At least that was what I could pick out of the words as

they slipped by my dulling mind.

"Remember how good it felt? When I hypnotized you? You were able to

focus and just relax and let go. Remember?"

"... yeah ..." It was a real effort an answer. My voice felt so quiet

and distant.

"You were such a very good subject. That Navy training has made you

even better. I don't even need my watch anymore with you, Chris. You're

already feeling that way again. So pleasant and so relaxed. The same way

you felt in school when you let me hypnotize you. You're letting me

hypnotize you again now, aren't you?"

"... yeah ..."

"Because it feels so good. You like feeling this relaxed, this deeply

relaxed, don't you? Just let your thoughts drift back to the old days,

Chris. Just listening to my voice helps you go back to that pleasantly

relaxed feeling you felt back then, doesn't it, Chris? The feeling you got

when you were hypnotized. The feeling you're getting again now. So

relaxed. Body so heavy. So relaxed. Getting so hard to think clearly.

Like you're drifting off to sleep, drifting back into that pleasant state

of hypnosis."

After that, it all felt so dreamlike. Doc paying the bill, walking me

to my car, and then driving back to my place. I just knew I needed to get

home. I would feel so much more relaxed at home. It was important to be


I seem to remember sitting in my bedroom, so relaxed, and talking about

the guys on the SEAL team with me: Justin, Kyle, Cole, and Josh. The voice

in my head wanted to know all about them. Justin was the tallest, leanest

in group, but lots of muscle. Kyle was short and blond like me, but had a

much larger build; he was all muscle, everyone in the gym stared at him

when he worked out. Cole was the surfer boy in the group; nice bod, lean,

not big, not small, and always tan. Josh, well, Josh was the only one with

black hair. His green eyes set it off well, and he too was the

lean-muscled type. He was the innocent one of the group--reminded me a lot

of myself when I was a freshman in college, actually.

I woke up the next morning, remembering a great dinner with Doc and a

promise to see him again soon. That's when the idea popped in my head--I

could make my new SEAL team even better than we were now by sharing Doc's

visualization techniques with them. The guys on the team had heard about

my Viz Kid reputation and wanted to know more. I was sure I could convince

them it was a great idea. We would kick ass! I only hoped Doc was cool

with this. I hadn't even asked him yet, and here I was recruiting my team

without his okay. Something just told me he would do it. After all, he

loved me.

The Team

I couldn't wait to tell the guys about my idea. It was as if I knew

just what to say. "Guy," I told them later when I met up with them, "what

would you say if I told you I had a way to turn us into the best fucking

team of SEALS ever?"

Kyle laughed and said, "Whaddya mean? We're already the best team

around," and the guys all agreed.

"No, I mean make us really the best. We can take it to the next level."

Kyle gave me a look. "Keep talking, Chris."

"When I was in college, I was this shy guy with a football scholarship.

I was good enough to get on the team but I was nothing special, know what I

mean? There was this guy on the faculty and he came in and taught us some

exercises that really helped us get our mental games in order. I know it

helped me come out of my shell and helped me concentrate on football. We

kicked ass every season."

Cole and Josh looked interested. Justin looked uncertain; he asked me,

"You're talking about those visualization exercises of yours?"


Kyle shrugged, "So? Are you wanting to teach them to us? That what

you're saying?"

"Kind of. See, last night I ran into the guy on the faculty who taught

them to me. He's here in town. I'm sure he'd be willing to teach you guys
too. Think about it--it's the perfect solution."

Kyle turned away. He had started having a serious attitude problem

lately, and I knew what was coming. He said dismissively, "No, thanks.

Not interested."

"Huh? Kyle? Weren't you listening? That's just the kind of

concentration problem I'm talking about. These exercises can help. Trust

me--they worked for me back in college and they still do. All we need is

for my friend Doc to teach you guys how to do them too, and then you can do

them on your own."

Kyle gave me a hard look. He sounded a little angry. "There's nothing

wrong with my concentration, Chris." See, Kyle has been thinking he should

be in charge, not me--I could always see it in his eyes. Kyle was

ambitious. I'm a Lieutenant, Junior Grade--LT, they call it--and he

thought he should be at least my rank by now. Lately his attitude had

bordered on insubordination. Still, he was part of my team.

"Kyle, yes, there is. I'm not placing blame--we're a team and it's all

our problem. And anyway, if we're all using these exercises, we'll all be

working our peak out there. We'll be the best fucking team of SEALS this

place has ever seen."

"Chris, we're already the best. Everyone knows it."

"But we could be a lot better. If all it took was calling yourself the

best, every-fucking-body would be the best. This could be our edge. We

gotta be so in synch, it's like we're inside each other's heads. It's

worked for me since college."

"Earth to Chris. Earth to Chris. This is not college football. This

is not a game played by a bunch of college boys. It's a whole different

world out there."

"That's exactly what I mean, Kyle. But you know these exercises have

worked for me out there. Sure, I learned them in college, but they work

everywhere. I'm proof of that. They can help us get past the

concentration problems we've been having."

"Yeah, well, all I can say is, good for you, Viz Kid" Kyle said. He

wouldn't look me in the eye. "But I'm not the one with the concentration

issues, and I'm just not interested. Right, guys?"

Justin agreed. Cole looked unsure of himself but he agreed too. I was

pretty disappointed, and I guess it showed because the guys looked vaguely

embarrassed and kept looking away.

Only Josh was looking at me. Like I said earlier, he reminded me a lot

of myself when I was a shy freshman. He didn't say anything, but I could

tell he was considering my idea. All I could hope was that he was

considering what I'd said. This was somehow really important to me.

Josh came up to me later, when the others were somewhere else. "What

you were talking about earlier ..."

"The visualization?"

"Yeah. Were you serious? Do you really think it can help?"

"Buddy, I know it can. Look what it's done for me."

"Well ..." Like I said, he's really shy. "I--I think I'd like to learn

them too. If you think they would work for me?"

I tried hard not to grin. "Hell, yeah, they'll work for you!" I told

Josh to come over to my apartment that night at 20:00 hours, and he agreed.

Now all I had to do was see if Doc was free tonight and willing. I

found a phone and some privacy. What was his number? Somehow, I knew just

what to dial. I guess he told me last night at dinner?

Anyway, Doc seemed really pleased to hear from me. He kept saying how

glad he was that I called. His voice, so low and smooth, was going off

like a purr in my ear. Yeah, Doc said he was willing to help Josh learn to

relax, just like he'd helped me learn, just like I was relaxing now. Yeah,

he was right--I was starting to feel more relaxed just listening to him,

letting all the stress of the day slip away.

I snapped out of it all of a sudden. Nothing but the dial tone on the

phone, so I hung up. Guess I'd been daydreaming? I remembered Doc saying

he was willing to help and he'd meet us at my apartment.

Team Therapy

And Doc showed up just like he promised. In fact, he was half an hour

early. I had just gotten home and changed into some civvies when he

knocked. I shook his hand with a grin and invited him in.

"Hope you don't mind if I came by a little early," he said as we had a

seat in my living room. "I thought it might be best if we talked a little

about Josh in detail before he gets here." He was looking me right in the

eye, an even stare, and I was looking right back. "Details--anything

specific you can think of about him and what motivates him--will help me

select the best strategy for teaching him these exercises." You know I want

what's best for your team, don't you."

"Yes, and I really apprec--"

"Shhhh. Just relax and think about Josh. It's so easy for you to

relax, just the way I taught you, and so easy for you to tell me all about

Josh as you start relax more and more. That's it." I was feeling that

familiar feeling steal over me, and I didn't fight it. I wanted it--it was

for the best, so Doc could help Josh. "That's it. So deeply relaxed.

Now, tell me all about Josh,"

I felt so incredibly relaxed and focused at the same time. I heard my

voice from somewhere far away, describing Josh, what he was like, his

style, what made him tick, everything Doc asked about.

"That's good," Doc said. "Now, we have a little while left before Josh

gets here. I know you're so tired, so tired and sleepy. Why don't you

close your eyes for a while and sleep?" And I did.

Josh's knock woke me. Well, not woke me exactly. I opened my eyes, and

I looked around, but I still felt really relaxed. I got up. Opened the

door. Welcomed Josh inside. Introduced him to Doc. I had a seat off to

the side while Doc took over.

Doc was sitting on the couch, adjacent to Josh in the chair. Josh

looked a little nervous. Doc made small talk, getting to know him. I

could tell Doc was studying Josh's reactions and body language as he asked

Josh where he was from, why he joined the military, what he liked about

being a SEAL. Josh seemed to loosen up after a little while. See, Doc has

this way of establishing a rapport with you and putting you right at ease.

Doc said, "Josh, do you have a good imagination?"

"I think so, yeah."

"If you're ready, I'd like to try to walk you through a visualization

exercise. Do you think you'd like to try it?"

Josh looked over at me, I must have looked pretty comfortable with the

whole thing. I felt so dreamy, yet my eyes seemed to stare at Josh and let

him know everything was all right, 'cause when he looked at me he seemed to

make up his mind to give the stuff a try.

Josh said, "Sure, I guess so."

"Don't worry. It's a very easy one. Just to show you what it's like.


Seeing me smile again, Josh seemed to relax even more.


Doc said, "For now, put your hands on your thighs, just like this." He

demonstrated, and Josh copied him. "Now, I want you to look out here at my

hand. In a moment, I'm going to ask you to picture a scene in your

imagination. Visualize it and see it in front of your eyes. As you do,

I'm going to bring my hand up in front of your eyes, like this." Doc had

the index and middle fingers of his right hand pointed like a V, and he

held them just above Josh's eyebrows. "As you tell me about the scene,

I'll pass my hand down in front of your eyes. What I want you to do is

keep your eyes fixed on my fingers. I may give you some instructions, but

I don't want you to interrupt your description. It's okay to follow my

instructions, but I don't want you to stop describing the scene you've

pictured. Think you can do all that?"

"Sure. I guess so."

"Ready to give it a try?"


"Josh, just sit and relax. This is an easy way to test your imagination

in a few ways. I'll describe what I want you to visualize and, while

you're looking at my fingers and visualizing it, I'll ask you a few

questions about what you see. Okay?"


"Josh, you can drive a car, can't you?"


Doc held his hand up again, the fingers in that V. "Fix your eyes on my

fingers." Josh did, looking up to see Doc's angled fingertips. "Now

imagine you're in the driver's seat of your car. You're driving somewhere.

You know just what the inside of your car looks like, the dashboard. I

want you to imagine you're looking at the speedometer. When you see it

very clearly, just nod your head."

Josh nodded solemnly.

"Where is the speedometer? In the center of the controls, or to your

right or your left?"

"The middle."

"Is it circular, semi-circular, horizontal, or vertical?"


Doc drew his hand down slowly, a finger moving down in front of each

eye. Josh's eyes followed Doc's fingers. "Now I'm passing my hand down in

front of your eyes, and as I do, let your eyelids close." Josh closed his

eyes. "All right, what color is the needle on the speedometer, the one

that indicates the speed."


"Can you see all of it clearly in your imagination?"


"Now your eyes are down. I want you to relax every tiny muscle and

nerve in and around your eyelids. Can you feel them relaxing?"


"That's very good. Now, open your eyes."

Josh's eyelids opened but they kept slipping, blinking.

"Good. Now, let's test your imagination in another way. We learned a

couple of things about your imagination right then. This time when you

close your eyelids down, imagine you're at the beach." Doc returned his

fingers to their original position at Josh's forehead. He drew them down

again, and Josh's fluttering eyes followed them. "Close your eyes."

Josh's eyelids closed.

"I want you to imagine that you're at the beach. When you see the scene

clearly in your imagination, nod your head."

After a moment, Josh nodded.

"Fine. Now, look around you at this place and tell me what you see. Do

you see the waves?"


"Describe them for me."

"They're ... coming in ... Breaking on the ... shore ..."

"That's very good. Now, open your eyes."

Josh's eyelids opened but not all the way.

"Could you see all in your imagination as clearly as a mental picture?

That shows you have a good imagination, because you had to create the

scenes in the picture. Now, we'll go to the other extreme and find out how

well you can imagine a simple, single object. This time when you close

your eyelids, imagine that you're looking at a full moon."

Doc held his fingers up to Josh's forehead. He drew them down again and

said. "Close your eyes. Now, relax the tiny muscles and nerves around

your eyes again. When you know that you've relaxed them so much that they

wouldn't work even if you wanted them to, test them. You'll see that

you've relaxed them completely. Now, relax them so much that they wouldn't

work even if you wanted them to. Now test them."

Josh's eyes did not reopen.

"All right, that's fine, Josh. Stop trying, and just relax and let

yourself go deeper now. Josh, I want you to imagine that you are looking

out your bedroom window. It's night time, and you're looking up at a full

moon. To help you to see the full moon, I want you to now to roll your

eyeballs back up, with you eyelids remaining closed. Roll your eyeballs

back up in your head as if you could see the full moon right up here." Doc

touched the middle of Josh's forehead lightly. "Roll your eyeballs way

back up in your head and, as you do, your eyelids lock tightly closed, and

the more you try to open them, the tighter they are locking closed, and if

you try now to open your eyelids, you find they're locking tighter and

tighter. Stop trying. Just relax and sleep. Let a good and pleasant

feeling now come over your body. Let every muscle and nerve in your body

goes limp and loose. Breathe easily and deeply and send a wave of deep

relaxation from the top of your head to the top of your toes. That will

double your present level of relaxation. That's good. You've relaxed your

body, and you've relaxed your mind. You've gone into a much deeper state

of hypnosis."

Doc slid a little closer to Josh. "Josh, can you recall a time when you

were totally motivated?"

"... yes ..."

"Can you recall a specific time?"

"... yes ..."

"As you go back to that time now, tell me, what was the very first thing

that caused you to be totally motivated?"

"... team ..."

"What was the very first thing that caused you to be totally motivated?"

"... pride ..."

"After you felt that, what was the very next thing that happened as you

were totally motivated? Did you picture something in your mind, or say

something to yourself?"

"... yes ..."

"What happens when you're totally motivated? Are you the best?"

"... yes ..."

"Good, Josh. Just relax now. I'm going to help you go back to that

totally motivated place when you need to. I'm going to help you be the


Doc looked around at me. He said, "Chris, this may take some time, and

you seem to be very tired. Why don't you let yourself relax and go back

into that deep, peaceful hypnotic sleep you were enjoying so much earlier?

Yes, you can already feel yourself relaxing back into a deep, hypnotic


I felt it coming over me, like a slow, dark tide. As my eyes began to

close, a short flash of concern for Josh hit me, but it was quickly washed

away by my growing need to rest, and I slept.


To say I was a little nervous was an understatement. I mean, here I was

the youngest member of the team going over to my LT j.g.'s apartment for a

visualization session. Hell, I wasn't even sure what visualization was.

What I did know was that one of my buds that went through Coronado with my

LT said he was amazing. They never broke him. Viz Kid, as he was called,

became a legend in the time that he spent there. If this visualization was

the reason, I wanted in.

See, I'm a good SEAL, part of the team, but the other guy--Justin, Kyle,

and Cole--were so much more outgoing and self-assured. The LT was even

more so; when we hit the field, he was like a machine, Even the guys were

jealous. Yah, I guess I look up to the LT--but then, who wouldn't?

I must have stood at that door for a good ten minutes. I was so

anxious, I got there a little early. I could hear them talking in there,

but the pounding of my heart was too loud to hear over. Okay, I'm a SEAL

but, hell, this was different than anything they taught back in SanDOG.

"Okay, Josh, just bang on the door and get this thing going," I ordered

myself. The LT answered the door. He had that funny look on his face,

like he gets when we're out in the field. He must have been working on

something pretty intense.

LT made the introductions, "Hey, Josh--come on in. Doc beat you over

here. Doc, this is one of the guys on my team, Josh Schwartz. Josh, this

is Doc."

I shook his hand. Strong handshake--good sign of a strong personality.

The Doc had that air of self-confidence about him. Most SEALs you meet

have it, but Doc had a way of making you feel relaxed with it, where as

most of us SEALs use it to intimidate you.

LT just sat in the chair with a small smile on his face, like he was

daydreaming. At the time, he just looked like he was very comfortable with

the Doc. Still, it was the only time I had ever seen him not take the role

as a leader. I guess the Doc could tell I was a bit nervous. He never

mentioned the visualization stuff, at first. We just shot the shit about

this and that. Some of the usual: why did you want to be a SEAL, and was

the training hard? The usual stuff. Some of it got a bit more personal

about my goals and personal history, but LT seemed to trust him and the

more we talked the more comfortable I felt around him.

After a while, Doc brought up the visualization thing. It was so

non-threatening at this point, I nearly missed the question.

Doc said, "Josh, do you have a good imagination?"

Sorta caught me off-guard. I came up with some lame response like, "I

think so, yeah."

"If you're ready, I'd like to try to walk you through a visualization

exercise. Do you think you'd like to try it?"

Again, another lame, "I guess so," and he started to show me where to

put my hands and stuff. After a while, I started to really relax. You

know that sinking feeling in your chest and body when you're drifting off

to sleep in front of the TV? That is exactly what I felt like--part of me

wanting to wake up for some silly reason, and the other part falling away

fast. After that, I started to dream.

I dreamt of the time I was trying out for my school's gymnastics team. I

remember failing as a freshman to get on the team. That summer was the

most intense summer of my life. All I did was eat, sleep, and dream

motivation for getting on that team! I was so focused at my trials the

next year, all I can really remember is the rings. Not the crowd, the

coach, or my folks--nothing. All I remember are those rings and my body

flying around like I was permanently connected to them.

I love dreams like this. It was like I am there all over again! That's

when I heard this voice inside telling me that this feeling of motivation

and concentration will stay with me even after the dream fades. That it

will be replaced with a new image.

When I opened my eyes--why I'm not sure--they just did--I could see the

LT sitting there. Asleep from what I could tell. "That's it, Josh ..."

Doc's voice? "See Chris over there. Sleeping so restfully. He is the

symbol of all that motivates you. He is such a perfect example of what a

SEAL should be, isn't he?"

It all came together in that instant. The LT was the way I could become

a kick-ass SEAL. I was good enough to pass the initial tests, but the LT

was the reason I was going to kick it into high speed. He was the reason

my concentration was so strong. The voice in my head kept telling me how

concentrated I became when I saw the LT. Sometimes the voice sounded like

the Doc, but mostly, it was my voice. Well, I think it was.

LT started to wake up, but he still looked out of it. His body had that

relaxed look to it. His eyes seemed distant, yet to me that seemed to be

the concentration that I wanted. Doc was talking to the LT. Seems the LT

had not had sex in some time. He was horny. Doc had an amazing ability to

pick up on the very thing that was going through your mind. Sure enough,

the LT did have that look of lust I've seen on many a sailor when they get

into their first liberty port. Hell, he must have had a big cock 'cause

you could see it growing in the shorts he had on. At first I looked away

from it, but then that voice came back, telling me to keep looking, telling

me it was okay to look. The LT was my motivation, and I should follow his

lead here just like in the field. His concentration was my concentration.

"Team ... (relax) ... motivation ... (relax) ... LT ...

(relax)"--these words kept flashing in front of my eyes even though I was

staring at the LT. Doc was telling him it was okay to reach in and get his

cock out. At first, that made me feel uneasy, but those words flashed

again, and the Doc's voice was telling us to relax and enjoy the feeling,

and that soon resolved my concerns. I felt safe. I found myself mirroring

the LT. I wanted to be just like him, another Viz Kid. My hand reaching

into my pants and pulling my cock out just like my LT was doing. Soon I

had his rhythm down. We were so into each other, I forgot that anyone was

with us until the Doc mentioned how hot the LT's body was. How anyone

looking at it couldn't help but be impressed.

Doc was talking about how hot it was where we were. He was right--I was

boiling in this place. Clothes seemed so stifling. 'Course, the LT always

knew how to handle things. He started to strip off his clothes: first his

shirt, then his shorts, and socks. It was amazing how he affected me. I

found myself naked along with the LT. My hands had mirrored Chris'. So

there we stood, facing each other. I felt like I was looking at a mirror,

seeing the reflection of the man that I wanted to be. Both our hands

jerking our engorged cocks. It felt so good. So relaxing to just drift in

this state and jerk my cock. I was so horny; I hadn't gotten laid in a

long time.

Doc's voice returned to me. That smooth quiet purr in my ear. I

couldn't make out the words exactly--I was too concentrated on that body I

wanted. Following its every move. The more I watched, the more Doc

whispered in my ear. I found myself looking at the LT's cock. Doc was

talking about how a man's power is centered in his cock. That throughout

the centuries, man's power came from his cock and what it produced.

That small voice returned to the one that sounded like mine, telling me,

"Man's cock is the source of his power, his energy, what makes him

motivated. The source of his motivation." At first, it didn't make sense

to me. I had noticed cocks before, but I always tried not to, other than

real quickly to see who I was bigger than. I never wanted to deal with why

I kept wanting to look. But the more I heard the voice, the more I

realized the truth in the words. Cocks were the source of power. The LT's

motivation came from his cock. That must be where the Viz Kid got it.

Somehow, the voice walked me over to the LT. It was like floating on

air. Suddenly, I was in front of the LT. He was telling me how badly his

cock needed help. Doc was talking about how it was okay to help out a

friend. He was right. Even more so, that cock had the answer I was

looking for. It was the source of the LT's power of concentration. I just

knew it. Something inside me told me so.

I was so motivated to be like the LT, I sank to my knees and took his

hard meat into my mouth. I was new at sucking cock, but the small voice

guided me along, telling me what to do and how to do it, until I could hear

the LT moan in pleasure. I was in heaven. I was pleasing my LT, helping

out a member of the team, and going to get that power of concentration I so

desperately needed to be a great SEAL. Just like my LT.

Pretty soon, my hand pumping on my own cock and my mouth engulfing the

LT's, we both started to moan and feel that electric buzz you get when

you're close to cumming. Somehow we had both come to the climax at the

same time. As if on cue. We both blew our loads at the same time. The LT

screamed out, his cum splattering in my mouth and my own load blowing over

the LT's leg. We were so connected, if I didn't know better I would have

thought I blew a load in my own mouth.

I have to admit, after I cum I'm like any other guy. I get sleepy and

just want to crash. As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear Doc telling us

how it was okay to sleep. It was important to get lots of sleep if we were

to be great SEALS.

My eyes flew open at the sound of the buzzer on my nightstand.

Whoa!--how the heck did I get here? I scratched my head as I walked to the

bathroom. I was at home but couldn't remember how I had gotten there. I

could remember going over the LT's house meeting the Doc, talking about the

visualization techniques, and that's it. All that other stuff--that had to

be a dream.

As I showered, images would flash in my head whenever I closed my eyes

and let the hot water relax me. Nothing ever formed though. Every time I

tried to concentrate on the images, the words "team--motivation--LT" would

pop into my head, and I would lose what I was trying to recall.

By the time I was in my uniform and out the door, I couldn't even recall

what I dreamed about. What I did notice is how the colors of the day

seemed ... sharper, somehow. Like I was really seeing things the way I

should for the first time.


You should have seen them out there. We hit the field, and I was

thinking, Damn!

Okay, Chris was good, really good--always has been. The real change was

Josh. Before, he'd always been good enough out there. He pulled his own

weight but he was nothing special. Over the last week, though, something

was happening. We hit the field, and he was right up with Chris. Always

right on the mark. Chris would make a move, and Josh would be right there,

always backing him up. It was like watching two parts of the same soldier.

Like they knew exactly where the other was, what he was doing, and what he

was going to do next. They even had that same incredibly focused look on

their faces, the one Chris always gets, the one that says they're aware of

everything around them and nothing can distract them from doing what needs

to be done. They swept through like a machine. They were fucking on

it--on, on, on! It was textbook. Even Kyle was impressed--not that he

would admit it.

So afterward, I cornered Josh and asked him what was going on out there.

He seemed to be thinking of something else and didn't seem to hear me for a

second, then he kind of shook his head like he was snapping out of a

daydream. I thought to myself, Hmm, just like Chris, sometimes.

That probably should have bee my first clue. I mean, Josh is a nice

guy, but there's always been something about him that made me wonder, you

know? And he was always puppy-dogging the LT. But something going on

between Josh and the LT? Nah--Chris was too straight-arrow for that.

Anyway, so I asked Josh what was going on out there. Josh asked me if I

remembered last week when Chris was talking about his visualization stuff.

I said yeah, because I remembered how Kyle pretty much blew Chris off, and

I remembered thinking, oh shit, because you just don't do that to your LT.

I remembered I felt kind of embarrassed by the whole thing, and that's why

I was glad they let it drop pretty quickly.

Josh told me he had gone to Chris and said he wanted to learn, and Chris

and this Doc friend of his had been teaching Josh those visualization

techniques over the last week. He said it was about the team, about

motivation, and about the LT, which I didn't really understand. He said it

really helped his focus and motivation out there. If that was the cause, I

couldn't argue with the results. I was thinking, Hmm ... wonder if it

would work for me too.

So I went looking for Chris and told him I wanted in on this.


When Cole said he wanted to learn the techniques, I could tell right

away how happy Chris was. See, he really wanted to do what was best for

the team, and it was kind of eating at him that no one else wanted to try

the exercises--especially the way Kyle just sort of dismissed the whole

thing like it was bullshit. Obviously it wasn't bullshit--it worked for

Viz Kid and now it was working for me. Yeah, just call me Viz Kid Mark II.

So I went over to Chris' place, same as I had every night for the last

week. "Oh, hey," he said when he answered the door, "I was just changing

clothes." Which explained why he was in his uniform pants with no shirt on.

I was still in my uniform because I'd come directly over and hadn't taken

time out to go back to my place to change.

I followed him back to his bedroom and we made small talk while he

finished changing. He turned his back modestly to me and dropped his pants

and underwear. I couldn't help but look. His naked ass fascinated me.

The LT was a good-looking man, and he had a great body, a great ass. I

caught myself wondering what his ass would feel like if I just reached out

and squeezed it. Hard like a cantaloupe, or soft like a woman's butt? I'd

shut thoughts like that out of my head for so long, and I noticed I was

beginning to feel more comfortable with them. I mean, who wouldn't want to

touch an ass like that?

The LT pulled on a pair of gray gym shorts and a tee-shirt. I didn't

see anything much--meaning I didn't see his cock--but my own cock was

stirring, and I kept hearing this little voice in the back of my head

telling me that was all right. Sounded like my voice.

"Hey, I've got some shorts and a tee-shirt, if you want to get out of

that uniform," the LT said, and I said okay. We were about the same size,

so they'd fit. I said sure and he handed me a pair of gym shorts nearly

like his and a tee-shirt. I turned my back and stripped down. Normally, I

guess I would have kept my underwear on, but the LT had stripped all the

way, and I wanted to do it just like he did. I knew he was looking at

me--I practically felt his eyes on me, evaluating me, and I hoped he liked

what he saw. Being naked and knowing I was being watched made my cock

start to rise, so I got those shorts on pronto. The tee-shirt too. Yeah,

they fit just fine. I felt good getting out of my uniform but ...

somehow, I felt especially good in the LT's clothes. It was like I was

connected to him, carrying some part of him and his motivation close to me.

I liked that feeling.

The LT offered me a beer, and we sat around shooting the shit. We heard

these footsteps outside and I knew it was Doc--I recognized the purposeful

way he walked. I felt myself starting to relax and let go of the stress of

the day just knowing Doc was nearly here.

We both stood up and the LT opened the door, and Doc came on in. I

liked the way his eyes bored into mine when he grinned and said hello and

shook my hand. The more I looked into his eyes, the more some part of me

started slipping, and I was willing to let it go.

Doc told us to sit down, and we did. I liked listening to Doc's

voice--it helped me relax. The LT and I talked about our day, how well

things had gone out on the field. Doc said to me, "Josh, tell me your

motivation key words. Say them out loud."

I said, "Team, motivation, LT," and I felt a little light-headed, like I

was easing back into that highly focused state Doc always helped me reach.

Doc said, "That's fine. Take a deep breath. Now I'm going to help you

relax. Say them again."

"Team, motivation, LT."

When I said, "LT," Doc reached out and touched the middle of my forehead

and said, "Relax now," and everything fell away as I dropped back into that

state where my body was limp and relaxed but my mind was incredibly

concentrated on Doc.

Doc helped the LT relax too, just like me, and then he spent some time

helping us reinforce out techniques. He asked the LT to tell him all about

Cole, and the LT started talking. He sounded kind of distracted and quiet,

but he told Doc everything about him. Doc nodded and said, "Thanks, Chris.

I'll use that information to help make Cole a better SEAL. You know I want

what's best for your team."

That's when Cole knocked on the door. Doc said to us, "Just act

normally--the same way you would if you were wide awake. So easy to act

and speak normally. Chris, why don't you let him in?"

Cole must have gone by his place to change out of his uniform 'cause he

was in khaki shorts and a white wife-beater tee-shirt. We introduced him

to the Doc. It felt like I was moving underwater or in slow motion, and

Cole looked at the LT and me funny a time or two, but he didn't say


Doc told Cole to have a seat on the couch and Doc took the chair next to

him. The LT and me, we sat down opposite Cole, but Cole wasn't paying much

attention to us except occasionally. See, Doc had this strong, commanding

presence that made you want to pay attention to him--it was just natural.


So I'm sitting there and the guy named Doc is asking me a lot of

questions. Yeah, I did well in school, and math was my best subject, but I

always liked surfing a lot more. Yeah, my cousin taught me how to surf

when I was 12, and I love it. Yeah, I've always liked the ocean, and I

always knew I'd be doing something related to it. Yeah, since I love the

ocean, going into the Navy seemed like a natural choice--plus I thought it

would give me a chance to see the world. Yeah, I love being a SEAL, more

than anything I've ever done in my life, except surfing.

Doc said a lot of competitive surfers used visualization techniques and

he was sure I'd find ways to apply them to all sorts of different areas in

my life, not just SEAL stuff. When he mentioned the surfing angle, I got

to admit I was hooked.

Doc said I was pretty analytical and always thinking in the field. I

guess that's a pretty accurate assessment. Sometimes, though, I can get to

thinking too much and I can't always filter out what's vital from what's

secondary. Concentration--I guess that was my issue. He also said he

thought I liked things to be ordered and everything in its place, and he

was right there too. Maybe that's why I have some trouble filtering shit

out in the chaos when we're in the field.

He asked if I was ready to start, and I said sure. I mean, I was

getting a little antsy just sitting and talking to him. It was like he was

interviewing me or something, and Chris and Josh weren't saying much of


Doc demonstrated how he wanted me to sit--up straight with my hands

resting on my thighs. He told me to close my eyes too. Okay--that was

easy. Doc said he wanted me to think about some particular moments in my

past--things like how if felt the first time I got out on a surf board by

myself, how I felt when I passed my SEAL training in SanDOG, how I felt

after a really good exercise in the field, things that gave me a real sense

of accomplishment--and he said he wanted me to "anchor" those feelings so I

could go back to them when he asked me to in a few minutes.

Doc said he wanted to try a relaxation exercise, and I said sure. He

had me start with tensing my toes, holding it, then relaxing them. Then my

calves, thighs, and so on until we'd done my whole body. I guess I did

feel more relaxed after it, but Doc didn't stop.

"All right," he said. "That's fine, Cole. I want you to close your

eyes. Just relax. I'm going to raise your hand by grasping your right

thumb in my fingers, like this." I had my eyes closed, like he said, but I

felt him take hold of my thumb. "As I lift your hand, just let it hang

limply in my fingers." He lifted my hand by my thumb and gave it a little

shake, like a rag. "That's it--let it hang limply. That's good. When I

drop it," he said, "let it drop like a rag, a limp, wet rag. When you hand

touches your body, I want you to send a wave of relaxation from the top of

your head all the way down to the tips of your toes. That will double your

present level of relaxation." That seemed kind of weird to me, but okay--I

was willing to go along. Then he did the same thing with my other hand.

Doc told me, "Now that your body is relaxed, Cole, I'm going to show you

how to relax your mind. Listen very carefully. When I touch your

forehead, I want you to begin counting backward from 100 down to 1, like

this: 100, 99, 98, and so on. I think you'll find that after counting just

a few numbers, you'll find those numbers disappearing. You'll find your

mind has become so relaxed that you'll just let the numbers slip out of

your mind. Don't worry if that happens. Just try to keep counting as long

as you can. Think you can do that?"

I nodded. This seemed pretty easy.

Doc said, "All right, Cole, get ready now. Three, two, one."

Doc tapped me on my forehead, and I began counting. "100, 99, 98 ..."

Doc said, "Good. Slow them down."

"97 ... 96 ..."

After each number, Doc would say, "That's good," or "Fine." When I went

past "90," Doc said, "That's it. Start relaxing them out of your mind."

I kept counting, but I was starting to have trouble remembering which

number came next. Doc kept saying, "Let them relax out of your mind now,"

or "Let them fade away completely." I think I skipped some numbers or

repeated some, but I tried to keep counting as long as I could.

Finally, I couldn't seem to think of what number came next. Doc said,

"You did fine, Cole. You've relaxed your body, you've relaxed your mind,

and you've gone into a deep state of hypnosis. Just let yourself sleep

now." And after that, everything just faded out for a while.


Doc said something to me, and I opened my eyes. At some point, I had

closed them. Now Doc was calling to me. I opened my eyes, but my head

felt all sluggish. I knew I was still in that highly focused visualization


I looked over at Cole. He was slouched on the couch, his head back. He

seemed to be asleep. He must have been having a sexy dream, 'cause he had

a lump in the front of his shorts.

That voice was speaking in the back of my head, the one that started off

sounding like Doc but turned into my voice. I looked at that lump, and I

understood. Cole was a pretty motivated guy--almost as motivated as the

LT. I could take some motivation from Cole too and be twice as motivated.

I climbed out of my chair and knelt between Cole's spread legs. He

wouldn't mind. He'd want what was best for the team--he'd want me to be

motivated. I opened the fly of his khaki shorts. He would want this. He

would want to share his motivation with me.

I pushed aside the flaps of his shorts and his underwear. His cock was

hard--long, sleek, tapering to an uncut tip. The source of his power. The

source of his motivation. He was ready to share it with me. I bent over

his cock. His shorts kept me from getting more that the first three or

four inches in my mouth but that was enough. Cole groaned and stirred a

little in his sleep. He would want this. He did want it. He was about to

share his motivation with me.

That's when his rod exploded in my mouth, and I took it all into me. I

felt connected to him too, and I felt his motivation feeding into me.

When I had taken all he had to share, I looked up at Doc. Doc said

something--I don't rememberwhat, because he didn't say it to me.

I felt the LT's hand on my ass, and I understood. He was going to feed

me more motivation now but in a new way, a more effective way. I had

anchors my hands on the couch, one on each side of Cole's hips. The LT

pulled my shorts--his shorts--down off my hips and I stepped out of them. I

spread my legs to give him access. His tongue slid into my ass crack,

licking at my hole, probing it, helping it relax. Yes, all I had to do was


This was going to hurt at first. That was okay. I'd be even more

motivated after this. That little voice in my head was helping me relax,

telling me the LT was doing this because it was for the good of the team. I

was a SEAL; I could take it.

It did hurt too. When the LT started pushing his dick into my ass, it

hurt like hell. That voice in my head kept talking me through it, helping

me relax, relax more, helping me take it. His cock was the source of his

power, and I wanted to take it. Pretty soon, something happened, and the

pain became something else. I began to feel these little jolts of pleasure

up inside. I knew that was the LT motivating me, giving me more of his

motivation than before. Pretty soon, the pain is something different, some

buzz of pleasure running throughout my body. My cock was hard, and I

started jacking it too, and that helped me feel even better.

The LT started groaning. My ass was siphoning the motivation right out

of him. My voice in my head said it was okay to cum, and my balls started

boiling. The LT slammed his cock into me one last time, setting on a final

burst of ecstasy inside me as he fed me his load, his motivation. I'm

going over the brink too, and shooting my spunk onto Cole's leg and shorts.

Yeah. I could feel it inside me. The LT pulled his softening cock out

of me, and I was already missing the feel of it in me. Doc said something

about how tired we must be after all that effort, how good it would feel to

sleep after such a great orgasm, and my eyes began to close.


Yes, I've got an attitude. You can't be a good SEAL without one, if you

ask me, and I'm one of the best. In my own humble opinion, that is. I

know the other guys think it's a problem, but it's not. They're just

jealous. They think I'm immature, but I'm not. One of these days, I'm

going to fucking show them--you just watch.

Yes, I've heard all about Chris and how his damn visualization shit got

him through training. Top-ranked too. Yeah, yeah, I think everybody in

the whole fucking world has heard about Chris and his visualization shit.

Sure, he's good, but I'm just so damn sick of hearing how hot shit he is.

See, I'm good too. It's just no one has noticed yet. I should be at

least his rank and pay grade by now, but the bureaucrats in the

administration have been keeping me down. Maybe it's because Chris was

some kind of football star in college, but he's gotten a lot of breaks I

haven't. If I had gotten those breaks, I'd be right up there where he is

too--or even higher by now. I'm not in this for a damn job the way some

guys are--I'm career, and I'm going straight to the fucking top.

When Chris offered to teach his exercises to us, I was like, Fuck that!

Yeah, I could have said okay and tried them out. Maybe they would have

helped me a little. But see, I was already damn good, and I didn't think a

bunch of "picture yourself as a winner" shit would do me a bit of good. I

knew Chris was kinda pissed when I blew him off, but hey, sometimes the

truth hurts, you know?

I knew Josh started trying those visualization exercises. I mean, Josh

is always puppy-dogging the LT like he's in love with him or something, and

who could miss how his expression spaced-out sometimes in the field, just

like Chris' did. Okay, I admit--it did seem to help him. Josh was an okay

SEAL before but nothing special. He was kind of our weak link sometimes.

After he started using that visualization shit, Josh got to be pretty good.

Okay, I admit I was pretty impressed sometimes.

Then a week or so later, Cole starts turning all spacey-looking too.

Chris, Josh, and Cole were zooming through the field exercises like they

couldn't make a mistake. Justin and me, we just looked at each other and

thought, Daaaaamn!

So I thought to myself, I want what they got. See, I wasn't about to

admit it, but I was jealous. If they got that good that fast, I was gonna

be left behind. Plus, maybe this once it wouldn't hurt to brown-nose with

the LT. I thought, who knows--it might pay off later.

So I told Chris I wanted to try his exercises, and he sets up this

meeting at his apartment with this guy called Doc, the one who taught the

exercises to him.

It's just Chris, Doc, and me, but Chris is pretty much out of the

picture. He's stilling off over there and not saying much. He looks like

he's daydreaming or something, and I'm starting to think this is such a

fucking waste of time.

Doc was saying all this stuff about me. He called it "feedback" but it

was really a bunch of stuff he thought he knew about me from how I answered

his questions. He was telling me he sensed some resistance, and he was

saying if I have any reservations I should tell him about them. I kind of

blew him off by saying I was just a little nervous. That's not true,

though. I'm a SEAL--some guy named "Doc" just can't make me nervous. What

I was, was angry--I mean, I go through all this trouble to brown-nose with

the LT, and he was sitting over there not even paying any fucking

attention! Shit, I was thinking this was a huge waste of time.

Doc had been kind of subtly copying my mannerisms and the way I talk. I

knew what he was doing. He was trying to set up a rapport. Trying to make

me subconsciously trust him and pay attention to him. Well, the change

from how he was when I first met him to how he was acting then was too

fucking big--I catch on quick to shit like that, and I sure as hell caught

on to him. Trust him? Like him? Nope--it was just not gonna happen.

So he was trying to walk me through this relaxation exercise, and I was

trying to be cooperative--I really was. He started telling me how relaxed

I was feeling and how he knew how much I like being in control. He was

saying sometimes it feels good to give up control and turn it over to

someone else, just like doing what my superiors tell me to.

He was telling me I'm relaxing, letting go, giving up control, and

something in the back of my head said, hang on--this just ain't right. It

was hard for me to think--I guess what he was doing was working, kind

of--but I sat up.

"Shhhh," he said, all soothing. "Just sit back and relax."

I made my mouth work but it was so hard to talk. "You're trying ... to

hypnotize ... me ..."

"That's right, Kyle. You're already in a very light state of hypnosis,

and I'd like to help you go deeper. Don't fight it, Kyle. You were doing

so well. Doesn't it feel good to let go and relax?"

I shook my head t clear it, which seemed to help some. "No," I managed

to say. "This is total bullshit."

Yeah, I was snapping out of it all right but I still felt kind of

light-headed. I stood up. Doc stood up too, trying to make me sit back


"It's okay, Kyle. It's for the good of the team. You want what's best

for the team, don't you? I know you do."

I said something like, "Stop, dammit. Leave me alone." See, I was

pretty much awake by then and mad as hell, and he couldn't hold me. The

LT? He wasn't saying or doing a thing, and I pretty much knew why.

I reached for the door. He tried to stop me from opening it, but I

pushed him away. "Keep your head tricks to yourself, you bastard, and

leave me alone."

I slammed the door behind me, and I never looked back.