

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

STORYLIST stories are copyright and

Too-Kay's Web

story List

I started writing fantasies in 1996, purely for my own enjoyment/release

of pent-up emotions.

As I wrote more, I realised that I enjoyed writing them and began to

look on the Internet for sites that hosted stories rather than pictures.

Over the years I have found a few that I keep going back to, but that in

turn sparked the notion of having my own site for my own stories - or those

I want to share!

So here you are, about to read some of my stories on my own site.

They are pure imagination on my part, I make no claims as to the

'authenticity' of experience of any characters, or any apologies for any


NOTE: All stories are copyright to me and though you are free to save

them on your own computer for your enjoyment, they must not be distributed

without my express permission.

Last update : May 2002

There is an update list [file name "update_list.txt"] which gives a list

of all updates and what was done in each update.

Le Restaurant - Linked stories [all file names begin with "lr-"]

A Sexual Exploration - a period novel charting the sexual awakening of a

Victorian girl [all file names begin with "se-"].

Miscellaneous stories
Silent Running : M/F, bond, cons [silentrunning.txt]

Ribbons Galore! : M/F, bond, cons [ribbonsgalore.txt]

Dreaming : M/F, dream [dreaming.txt]

Kidnapped! : abduction, M/F [kidnapped.txt]

Thrusting : M/F, cons [thrusting.txt]

Summer Games : Group sex, MMMFFF [summergames.txt]

The Slow Quickstep : M/F [slowquickstep.txt]

After the Ball : M/F [aftertheball.txt]

Double the Fun : (F/MM, bond) [doublethefun.txt]

Copyright Too-Kay, 2000 All rights reserved. Do not reprint or post

without permission. -- Pursuant to the Berne

Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author

unless explicitly indicated.

+----------------------------------------------------- E-mail me at