

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

with strings attached

This is a lesbian story that includes graphic sex,

humiliation, bondage and of course, mind control. If you're

under eighteen, please take your eyes elsewhere. If you're

likely to be offended, please remember that reading is a

voluntary act. Parents, take responsibility for your


(c)2001 Sara H

All rights reserved. Do not post this elsewhere without

the express permission of the author.

---- ---- ----

With Strings Attached

by Sara H

Categories: FF, MC, F-dom, NC, BDSM Lite, Hum, M-solo

---- ---- ----

Part One

Dr. Armand Meinred walked to the Doctor's lounge with a

frown showing his frustration. As he pushed the door open

he stopped and turned, letting it close behind him as he

walked back to the Nurses Station located in the center of

the ring of rooms.

"Helen," he asked, "have we even found out who the woman

in 220 West is yet?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, Doctor. Her name is Susan

Witte. Her sister called in a little bit ago after calling

hospitals all over the city. We all got lucky on that one."

"Yes. Anything else on her?" He allowed himself a little

smile. At least they had *some* information to go on, now.

"She's allergic to penicillin, bee stings and tree pollen.

No known history of drug abuse or trouble, other than how

and where the police found her."

"That's enough trouble for anyone, I think. Page me

overhead if anything comes up. I'm going down to the


"Of course. Oh, and Dr. Meinred?"


"Good luck with her."

"We're all going to need that, Helen. A lot of it."

Once he got to the library, he sat down and turned to the

Internet. While he waited for his search engine to come up,

he thought back over the cases that were beginning to leave

him shaken at a professional level. He'd never been one for

conspiracy theories and rumors that were half-innuendo, but

over the last year he'd been faced with several cases of

apparent cult-worship that seemed to border on complete

loss of reality.

He typed in some keywords. The only articles he cold find

were the typical "I was a teenage sex slave" stories amid

obvious fantasies presented as "true" stories. It would

have been entertaining reading had he not met these young
women -- women seemingly oblivious to their surroundings

and who would only respond to female voices with the words

"Yes, Mistress, I obey," and "No Mistress, I obey always."

That interspersed with their adventures into self-pleasure

were enough to have them sent in for mental observation.

But they were just the start of a growing list of women --

a list that had become quite long over the last year.

It wasn't a case of individual delusion anymore. So far,

nothing had worked for those brought in, and all of them

now lived in their own little worlds, obedient to some

inner calling. One by one they had been declared incurable,

and all that could be done was to make them comfortable,

hoping for a spontaneous recovery.

Yet with each new arrival Dr. Meinred was sure that he was

closer to one of them pulling out of it -- each new woman

was another chance at breaking the spell and perhaps

helping all those who had come before. It was becoming an

obsession to him. He laughed under his breath. An obsession

over an obsession of possession.

Even so, this was more profound than the clinical

brainwashing he'd read about over the years. This was

wholesale reorientation, complete absorption of the

individual mind into the slave/Owner concept. It was more

than a role. It was who these women *were*.

He barely noticed that someone had come in and sat down;

it was a common place for research, after all.

"Wild stuff, eh, Doc?"

He turned in surprise at the voice of the woman who had

spoken. She was quite stone-faced, with a dark blue suit

and neatly set hair.

"Excuse me?" he answered.

"Wild stuff. Brainwashing. Mind control."

"Young lady, it's rude to read over someone's shoulder,"

he huffed, perturbed at the continuing interruption.

"Yes it is. And I wasn't. I was assuming, Dr. Meinred."

"I'm sorry, miss, but you have me at a disadvantage..."

"Sorry. Habit. Constance Hankins, Special Agent for the

Department of Psychological Research."

"Ah. Well, Ms. Hankins, according to the Internet, your

agency has quite the nasty reputation."

"Call me Connie. Well, I'm sure it's deserved. If we went

around debunking *your* theories, you wouldn't have much

use for us, either."

"Well said. And Dr. Meinred will have to do for now, if

you don't mind. I assume you were looking for me."

"Well, yes, Doctor. We are not just in the business of

being skeptics. We are in the business of investigating

possible instances of real mind control."

"Really." Under other circumstances, Connie's help might

have been a relief, but one thing he didn't need was some

low-level government lackey screwing around with his

patients. He'd run into this before with other well-meaning

but totally ineffectual and damaging prosecutors of the

mentally distressed.

"I'm not some flunky with a badge, Doctor," she said,

answering the question that rested just behind his lips.

"I'm an MD with a specialization in the physiological

manifestations and alterations of psychological

conditioning. Having looked over your cases, your patients

fit the profile. I'm not interested in arresting your

patients. I'm interested in making sure you don't have


"You looked through my files?" he whispered, his voice

harsh enough that he would have been screaming outside the

confines of the Medical Library.

"Would you have just shown them to me?" she asked. There

was no emotion in her voice, except perhaps understanding

laced with a pinch of implied apology. "If you thought you

could help someone as strongly as I do, you would probably

do the same."

"Perhaps, but you could have asked first. There's always a


"...that you would have hidden everything away. Really,

would you have let me see everything? Anything?"

"No," he said, deciding he had nothing to lose by telling

the truth.

"I've been dealing with this cult for nearly two years,

Doctor. I know the damage they can do. They operate in

cells. We get rid of one group and a new one pops up,

complete with Mistress. These Dominas have quite a network

built up. No one seems to ever get free, even with

assistance. In truth, one of your patients is an agent we

sent in to infiltrate this group. She's as lost as the rest

of them. I have a vested interest in getting her back to

normal... both for information and because she's my friend.

"I'm not interested in prosecuting anyone in your care.

I'm interested in saving these women, and in ending the

scourge that has made them victims. Can you help me? Can I

help you?

"I'd rather you volunteer," Connie added. Her expression

hadn't change, but her veiled threat didn't go unnoticed.

"I see. I suppose I have no choice," he grumbled.

"You do, Doctor. Just not the ones you'd like," she said.

Dr. Meinred sat back in his chair and considered. He

seemed to be painted into a corner.

"I'll need your credentials and verification, and I will

have to be the lead on this, and I'll be the one to make

any changes in patient care. Everything concerning the

welfare of my patients will go through me," he said.

"Anything less and you'll just have to take them away."

"Agreed. I'm glad. We'd hate to lose your experience and

expertise," said Connie, smiling for the first time.

Something about her smile made Dr. Meinred a bit more

uneasy about it. Behind the facade of cordiality, he felt

like he was looking into the face of someone standing at

the lever of a guillotine.

---- ---- ----

"Look here, here, and here. Almost no activity. That's the

problem. All reasoning has been either blocked out or

assigned to other areas of the brain. Wow! Look at the

increase of electro-magnetic activity in the pleasure

centers, Armand."

Despite his initial reservations, Connie had turned out to

be not only professional, but brilliant. As she showed him

her latest findings, he had to admit to himself that he

might never have taken this direction with his research.

"Who are we looking at?" he asked.

"Jennifer Taylor. college student. Very bright, when her

brain isn't half shut down."

"Uh huh," he said. He was wondering what other bright

futures had been cut short by whoever it was that was doing


"And here's your latest, Susan Witte. I think we may have

gotten lucky. Notice that the activity is diminished, but

not completely absent. There is a possibility we could

resurrect her normal thought processes without too much

relative difficulty."

"Maybe," he agreed. "But what about the other women?"

"I'm an optimist. I'm hoping that if we can 'cure' Susan,

we can perhaps learn enough about the process to find

effective treatment for the others."

It *was* optimistic, Armand knew. But it was good to have

an upbeat way of thinking around. In addition, their

combined progress was staggering, at least when compared to

his progress up to a few weeks ago, when Connie had entered

the picture. It was hard not to be optimistic. She really

*was* an expert on these phenomena.

"Give me a few days and I'll have some equipment brought

in, with your approval, of course. I'd like to begin the

process of cerebral stimulation as soon as possible."

"Hmm. Let's go to my office and look over what you plan to

do. It would be good to make some progress, though, so I

don't have any initial objection."

"Great. I'm ready to get away from charts and photos

anyway," said Connie. "I'll be along as soon as I get a cup

of coffee."

"Okay. If it's not to burned, you might bring me a cup,

too," he said.

"Fine. Oh, and one last thing. What sayeth the Good Doctor?"

Armand straightened and turned to face Connie. "The Good

Doctor is an obedient Doctor," he answered, his voice now

void of emotion.

"Good boy. Begin your obedience exercises. Recite your


Armand slowly unbuckled and dropped his pants. His cock

sprang forward, obedient to the words of his Controller. He

grabbed it in his fist and began to stroke it, his left

hand pulling down hard on his balls as his mouth began to


"I had no idea how empty my life was. Then came Constance

Hankins. She has shown me purpose and enlightenment. I owe

her everything."

"Yes, you do, Armand. Continue."

"My own research ideas are pitiful and lazy. I pretend to

defend them, but I always give into her Superior Female

intellect. When I do, I get a jolt of pleasure so strong

that it only makes me less and less able to disobey. The

less I disobey the more pleasure I feel. The more I obey

the happier I am. The happier I am, the less I am able to

disobey. I follow this spiral without thinking. It is my


"Oh, you have learned so *well,* you old fart. And what


"Once my work for her is done I am resigning. I am

satisfied. I have no more work to do. Constance will fade

from memory within a week of my resignation. I will never

think of her again. But while I am able to remember, I am

her toy, puppet, slave, amusement. It is the most

fulfilling career I could have ever dreamed."

"Yes, and what are you, really?"

"I am a cock that thinks. I am a penis. I am constantly

erect for Constance because she wishes it. I have no life

of my own. My cock-life is as the cock of Constance."

"And when you are awake?"

"All of this applies, though my conscious mind cannot

possibly remember any of it. It believes it is in control."

"Good little cock-boy. Cum, cock. Seal and close."

With those words, Armand let out a large howl and let go

of his aching balls, catching his cum in his hand as his

right hand pistoned with impossible speed.. With a look of

complete bliss he brought it to his mouth and cleaned his

hand off with his tongue, savoring every drop of his cum.

He pulled his pants back on, sipped and buttoned them,

buckled his belt, and said, "Yes? What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You said you had one last thing," he said, sounding a bit


"Oh, nothing," she said.

In truth, he had already answered.

---- ---- ----

Connie looked at the angelic face of Susan Witte. It was

more than just a description of her innate beauty -- the

Cerebral Stimulator had induced a yellow-white glow around

the young woman's head. So far, there had been no change,

but it was still early in the procedure.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I obey." answered Susan, as she always


"Good," The irony that there was no other possible answer

was not lost on her. It didn't matter. She had a duty to

perform. She had a sister Agent to save.

She turned up the intensity by another 20%.

"Still with me?"

Susan's eyelids fluttered. "Yes... Mistress. I - I obey..."

Connie perked up as she noticed a change. "No, Susan, I'm

Constance. *Constance*. Do you hear me at all?"

Susan began to sweat, the beads visible on her forehead as

the machine stimulated her brain, forcing atrophied

connections closed. Her lips twitched, and then her entire

body seemed to relax. She almost looked as if she was

smiling. "Yes, Mistress Constance. I obey."

Connie laughed. It wasn't much, but it was a start. She

began to turn up the intensity again when a rather nasty

thought occurred to her.

"Who do you obey?" she asked.

"Mistress Constance," said Susan.

"Who would you do anything for?"

"Mistress Constance."

"And who exactly *is* Mistress Constance?"

Susan's eyes closed and then opened, looking directly into

Connie's own. "You, Mistress," she said. It was a voice

without question.

It made Connie wet -- wetter than she had been in some

time. And despite her desire to move forward, a little

entertainment didn't seem to be such a bad idea, all of a

sudden. In fact, it seemed to be a very *good* idea. Her

libido shifted into high gear.

Susan was sitting in a reclining chair designed to place

her in any position needed. Connie grabbed the controls,

hands trembling. She lay the nymphet back and lowered the

chair. She turned off the stimulator and walked behind the

chair and above Susan's head and lifted her leg over as she

pulled up her dress, the illicit thrill making her almost

cum on the spot. She was glad she'd decided not to wear

panties today.

"Pleasure your Mistress," she said, her voice earthy and


She squealed as Susan's tongue dove deep into her,

pressing relentlessly and dancing her lips into further

wetness. She began to grind her hips into the woman's

mouth, turned on even more by the power she now held.

"Thaaaat's it," she rasped out in a whisper. "Harder.

Tongue Mistressss hard -- harde -- harder." The pleasure

was shooting through her now, causing little lights to

blast away at the edges of her vision. She'd always been a

little kinky, but this was so much more powerful than she'd

ever imagined... having a controlled woman that she hadn't

programmed herself. It gave the sparks of pleasure a

spontaneity that she couldn't resist.

YES!" she shouted, not caring if anyone heard. Her legs

buckled and the full weight of her came down on Susan's

head, and *still* the nubile tongue kept on, the upper lip

rubbing her clit as it rubbed away the last vestiges of her


She fell forward, her face landing on Susan's belly and

she began to lick like a true bitch in heat. Susan would

not and could not stop without a command, and Connie, was

beyond the ability to speak as her body convulsed over and

over, climax after climax building and spreading through


Both women finally collapsed, and Connie managed to

whisper, "Stop..." before falling asleep.

When she awoke, she discovered that she'd only been out

for a few minutes. She straightened her clothes and hair

and turned off the machinery before leaving the clinical

room. There would be time for more treatments tomorrow. For

now, Susan was too worn out for more.

So was Connie.

As she walked by the Nurses Station, she asked Helen to

bring Susan back to her room. She wondered if the amused

smile on Helen's face was from something she imagined, or

something she saw. It didn't matter, either way. But she

would have to make sure she had assured Helen's cooperation

along with Armand's before too long.

Anything less was much too risky.


Part Two

Connie sat down in her study and turned on the desk lamp.

She turned on her PC and brought up the files on the known

victims of the Drainiacs, as the cult was called back at

the Agency. There was no real name that anyone knew about,

and anything was better than Case A298622-C.

She began correlating information, letting her eyes and

mind sift through the more substantial reports as well as

the scraps and rumors, looking for something to give a clue

to the origin of this particular group.

She was having a hard time concentrating. Since Tamara

Morgan took over the Agency nearly a year ago, things had

become very different. Women were on the fast track, and

allowed to be successful. But Connie missed the moments of

self-indulgence the old regime had allowed.

Today, she'd been reminded of how good it felt to be in

control -- *really* in control. Not like Dr. Meinred...

that was a case of necessary administrative efficiency

mixed with a need for maintaining secrecy. She felt no

sexual desire for the man, but his libido was the best way

to keep him in check. Her moment with Susan had been for

the pure, unadulterated pleasure of it.

And it *had* been a pleasure.

Her mind went back to the moment that Susan had looked at

her, eyes locked in assured adoration. It was the moment

that Connie had known that she could do anything she wanted

with the woman, and it had proved impossible to resist.

For the first time since her orientation in the Agency's

reorganization, she was envious of Tamara and her power.

She even resented it a little. But it was of no

consequence. She had work to do. Her partner to save. *(Her

partner to control completely, just like Susan...)*

She winced. It was all well and good to feel the seductive

power of controlling minds, but LuAnn Brooks was more than

a partner and lover. She was Connie's best, closest friend.

She still hadn't been able to bring herself to visit, even

though she was on the same ward with Susan. It had been

three weeks already, but Connie wanted to be able to offer

something to LuAnn other than a horrified look.

She thought of LuAnn, and then of Susan, the images

coalescing in her mind as her fingers began to play at her

crotch. She wondered if she'd have the self-discipline to

keep herself from playing Mistress to LuAnn.

Her fingers moved more rapidly and guilty pleasure swept

through her, bringing her close to climax within mere

seconds. As the waves broke across her and her bestial

grunts filled the air, she wasn't sure she'd be able to

stop herself at all.

*Rogue Agent Harkins.* The phrase sounded so *good*. She

wondered if she had the psychological makeup of a true mind


Another wave of masturbatory bliss hit, and she didn't

wonder again.

---- ---- ----

Helen Chambers looked in on Susan before heading back to

the Nurses Station. She was in charge of the care of five

victims, but she always left Susan for last. Something

about the way she looked so child-eyed and innocent helped

Helen cope with the others, even as it broke her heart.

Even after what Dr. Hankins had done with her, Susan

retained a kind of cleanliness and purity that was so rare

in the world today. She wondered if it was a natural thing,

or if it had been brainwashed into her. *My name is Susan

Witte and i am a doe-eyed sex-slave.*

Helen frowned as she thought of Dr. Hankins. She had

seemed so sincere, but when Helen had walked by the

treatment room and seen the doctor with her crotch planted

on Susan's face, everything changed. It was an outrage, but

Helen, like a deer with it's eyes caught in the headlights,

wasn't sure how to proceed.

And she had been aroused. It was like a strange fantasy

come to life that she could never admit to anyone. When Dr.

Hankins came walking by an hour later, both women had been

smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary. And now this

morning, it all seemed so surreal that Helen was having a

hard time processing it all.

For a moment, the room spun and she thought she was going

to be sick. There was so much at stake.

The gravity of the situation demanded a response, but if

she handled it wrong, it could be the end of her career,

and the women on the ward would be left unprotected. After

all, Dr. Meinred seemed so taken with his new partner, and

seemed to grant her license reserved for an associate of

many years. And even Helen had to admit that up to that

awful moment, Connie had seemed more than professional.

She decided that the best course of action would be to

confront Dr. Hankins head on. At least if she lost, she

would have done the right thing, and she wouldn't have to

deal with Dr. Meinred until she was on better footing in

the whole matter.

She was staring into space when Dr. Hankins' voice

intruded, making her jerk in surprise. "Good morning, Nurse


She didn't turn around at first. She steeled herself,

knowing it was now or never. Her courage gathered, she

finally turned around and, trying her best to hide her

emotion, said, "Good morning, Dr. Hankins. Nothing unusual

to report this morning, yet. But I do think we need to

talk. Alone, if we could."

"Of course," said Dr. Hankins. She didn't seem to suspect

anything at all. So far, so good.

They walked the short distance to Connie's makeshift

office and entered without speaking. Connie moved behind

her desk and placed a CD in her PC. "I hope you don't mind.

I like to have music on. It helps me concentrate. That is,

if it works. Dr. Meinred didn't give me the best PC in the


Helen knew her eyes were wider than normal. How could this

woman, this *doctor*, be so nonchalant about what had

happened? How could she sit there and pretend nothing had


"Dr. Hankins, I... I saw you with Susan yesterday,"

blurted Helen. It just sprang forth, like a bubble

bursting. "I saw what you did to that poor woman. I think

you should resign. If you do, I won't mention anything; I

just want to..."

"Oh. I see. What is it that you thought you saw?"

There was no turning back. "I don't *think* I saw, doctor.

I *know* I did. Susan was leaned back in the treatment

chair and you were... were... letting her..."

"Lick my cunt?" finished Connie.

The bluntness of the woman was incredible. Was she

completely bereft of shame?

"I wouldn't have said it that way."

"How would you have said it then, Helen? Tongue-mining for

woman-dew? Tasting the female fruit? Savoring the Sapphic


Helen's head was spinning. It didn't help that the CD

player wasn't working. Instead of music, there was a high-

pitched whine like a tv on the blink coming from the

speakers. It grated on her ears and was keeping her from

thinking straight.

"N-no..." Helen felt her resolve slipping, drenched in

fear. Constance... Dr. Hankins... seemed larger-than-life.

Intimidating. *Powerful.*

"What if I were to tell you I was doing Susan a favor?"

Something about the words didn't make sense, but Helen had

been hoping for a rational explanation, hadn't she?

"A... favor?" Why was it so hard to think all of a sudden?

"Some women have needs, Helen. To be dominated sexually

and otherwise. Sometimes it's quite natural. Completely

normal, really. With Susan, it's been implanted into her.

It's artificial, but just as strong. You, on the other

hand..." Connie stepped from behind her desk and walked

behind Helen, who was now shivering and confused.

"You, Helen, are a natural if I ever saw one."

Helen jerked. This was completely wrong. It was obscene.

It was... it was... so sensible. The two thoughts warred in

her tiring mind.

"Tell me the truth. Always the truth. What are you

feeling, Nurse?"

"Torn." It was the only word she could come up with.

"Indecisive? Confused? Embattled with conflict?"

"Yes, doctor," said Helen. She was so glad Constance

understood. Maybe this whole mess *could* be resolved.

"This level of self-doubt and conflicting thoughts could

cloud your judgment, couldn't it. It could screw with your

reasoning, and make you less professional. It could lead

you into making false accusations, or worse, bad decisions

regarding patient care."

"Yes... but... what I saw..." Helen grasped at her outrage

and felt it slipping away like oiled gelatin.

"Was perfectly natural clinical treatment. Wasn't it? Or

am I wrong? Tell me what you saw."

The image was as clear as ever, but it... it was somehow

less shocking. All kinds of medical procedures looked

invasive from the outside, after all. Who was she to

question, when it was obviously... "Perfectly natural

clinical treatment."

"That's right. That's why you want me to do the thinking

for you -- you're not able yet to think for yourself. You

may never be able. You can't tell if what you see is right

or wrong, good or bad, virtuous or evil. You know that,

now. You aren't competent to make any judgments at all.

That's why you never question what I do. And from your

naturally submissive state of mind, you also find it

arousing, don't you?"

The blush in Helen's cheeks wasn't from embarrassment, but

from the release the truth brought. "Yes, I do."

"See how petty you are. When you saw me with Susan, you

were even jealous. Envious. Wishing it was you and not

Susan calling me Mistress Constance. Don't lie to me, girl."

The sound from the CD was nowhere and everywhere, like a

drug that coursed through her veins. She barely noticed it.

Her pussy felt hot and humid... she could feel moisture

making her thighs slick with desire. "Yes, I wished I was

just like her. I wished I *was* her."

"Yes. And you see why you need to listen and obey, and

never question, don't you. You're more like Susan than

Susan is. You are a completely natural slave without the

capacity to make judgments about what I do or don't do.

That's why you obey without question. That's why obeying me

feels better than sex. That's why you can't even *think* of

calling me anything but Mistress Constance when we're

alone. And since so few understand, just like you didn't

understand, you call me Dr. Connie in front of others.

Isn't that right?"

"Yes, Mistress Constance." The words swelled in Helen's

mouth, filling her mind and body with unabashed lust and

adoration of her womanly Salvation. Her heart filled with

pride at her place in Mistress' world. *I understand. I

know the Truth.*

Connie regarded her new slave with a thoughtful gaze as

the moved around to lean back on the front edge of her

desk. "I'm not sure I believe you, yet, slave. I wonder if

you can prove your loyalty and adoration?"

"Just tell me how, Mistress!" Helen's voice was filled

with panic and dread. She was so close to paradise... and

now, she was faced with it being ripped out of her like her


"Lick my pussy, Helen. Tease my clit. Tongue-fuck my

asshole. Beg me to pee on you. Make me cum like no one ever

has. Seal your heart and soul to me. Obey and go deeper

into your new life. *Now*."

Helen leapt from her chair and onto her knees before her

Mistress, pulling down her skirt and diving into the moist

folds of heaven. her tongue worked as if it had a will of

its own. her lips pulled on Mistress' clit as she flicked

with her tongue. It was the only world that mattered now.

As Mistress hiked back, Helen's tongue was everywhere,

dancing deep in Mistress' asshole and savoring every taste

of her precious Owner. The pleasure screaming through her

obscured the words pouring from her slave lips. It didn't

matter. She didn't judge. Mistress did the judging.

Mistress did the thinking. Helen was here to obey.

Connie felt the strength of her orgasm growing, like an

earthquake waiting to be born. Helen's complete

transformation was transforming her, too, bringing her to

new depths of bliss and abandon. Like the rising tide of

lust and explosions in her sex, she was swept to places

she'd only dreamed. She knew there was no stopping, now or

ever. This was her *destiny.*

As she released her yellow stream and screamed out her

insane orgasmic pleasure, her words were nearly lost in the

noise and gurgling debasement of both women.

*Rogue... rogue... rogue... *

---- ---- ----

Part Three

Connie hung up with the Vermont Field Office of the

Department of Psychological Research after giving her

weekly status report. She was a little uneasy... her life

was changing and her desires were maturing at an

exponential rate. She had already converted the nursing

staff with which she worked into loyal, obedient, adoring


It wasn't that she felt guilty about it. She knew this was

her destiny. And she knew she wasn't limitless. She didn't

really need more slaves. She wasn't some megalomaniac

priestess with a desire for world domination. She was just

a Dominatrix that loved controlling her loving and loyal



Thinking back, it had always been a part of her, waiting

for a moment of independence to give it the opportunity to

spring forth. She was in a state of near constant arousal

now. It was the best her life had ever been. It was more

than she'd ever dreamed.

What bothered her was that she wanted to shout it out to

her Supervisor. "This is what I've always wanted!" the

imagined conversation would go. "I don't need the Agency to

be fulfilled! I just need my slaves!"

She stayed silent. She knew the punishment for going

rogue. Even Tamara couldn't risk all her agents following

their own agendas. She'd be wiped into non-existence and

placed in a clerical job, happily convinced that it was

what she was born to do.

The irony was not lost on her. She would go from what she

was born to be into what she was born to do.

Rogue Agent Hankins would become Compliant Aide Ditz.

She was starting to resent Tamara more openly-- perhaps

even despise her.

She wished she had LuAnn around. She'd always put things

in perspective. She could see the clear light at the end of

any tunnel. Connie felt tears rising as she thought of her

lover, babbling complete loyalty to a total stranger.

To her shame, the image also made her hot. Again. But she

was less and less able to deny herself the pleasure of her

fingers, or her growing number of toys. Her after work

forays to the local sex toy boutiques were starting to

become as much of a habit as some people's stop at the

local bar.

And it was just as addictive.

She started with the usual collections of vibrators and

dildos, but had soon moved to the hardcore outlets. Her

wardrobe, both at home and at work, included more and more

latex... the smell of her sex and rubber sent her sopping

cunt screaming for attention. Nipple clamps, crops, knotted

floggers, butt plugs, anal beads, restraints of every shape

and kind were in her house and in her dreams.

She wondered for only a moment if she was out of control.

She sighed with contentment. She'd never felt more in

control in her life.

She thumbed her clit through her latex panties and pressed

the newly installed button on the console on her desk. Out

loud, she said, "Grace, Judith and Helen, report to

Mistress, stat!"

There was no usual echo of the intercom in the halls. With

Dr. Meinred's usual and obedient approval, she had

installed a wireless system that transmitted to receivers

on the belts of the ward's nursing staff, and spoke only

into their headphones. It was very kind of the good doctor

to obey so swiftly, she decided. It was almost a shame that

he would never be allowed to know the pleasure of serving

her fully.

In less than a minute, the three nurses had come to

Connie's office, the office that had until recently been

Dr. Meinred's. Closing and locking the door, they stepped

out of their clothes and proceeded to undress their

Mistress. Their tongues began covering her body with

worshipping licks, and she fell into them, wondering when

she would ever get around to finding a cure for the women

on the ward.

Seeing how wonderful it could be, she wondered if it was

really all that important. Who was she to deny them such


Without further distraction, she turned her attention to

the slaves that were being so kind as to obey without

question. She let the pleasure sweep into her. Again. Soon,

she'd have the other two come and join the fun.

After all, she had to be fair.

---- ---- ----

The time had come. Connie waited in the treatment room for

her next patient. She tried to calm her nerves with

familiar routine, but it was no use. She looked at the name

on the chart.

LuAnn Marie Brooks.

Tears filled her eyes as much as dread filled her heart.

No one else at the hospital knew of their relationship.

While she'd mentioned the fact that an Agency operative was

among the patients they were treating, she'd never said who

it was. Whether from her own fear or a futile attempt to

clothe her lover in dignity, she'd kept it secret.

And then she was in the room. It was less traumatic than

Connie had imagined. LuAnn looked more beautiful than the

last time she'd seen her, if it were possible. Placid and

serene, her face had none of the stress and worry that had

lined it before. Connie had never seen it, but now that it

was gone, it's absence was like the difference between

night and day.

The nurses strapped her into the Treatment Armature, and

began fastening devices and contacts, their skills having

been honed from practicing on the twelve women who had come

before. It was only a few minutes until LuAnn was ready.

Now, amid the wires and relays, the horror of it all came

home to roost in Connie. She walked over, pulled up an

examination stool and sat close to the woman with whom she

had shared her heart, her career and her life.

"LuAnn, can you hear me?" she said in a whisper.

"Yes, Mistress. I obey."

Connie's pussy nearly exploded with juice at the words.

*Damn my cunt!* she screamed inside. It didn't help. She

was aroused and horrified at the same time, and each state

put an edge on the other, twining together like strands of

sexual DNA.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked, knowing exactly what

the answer would be.

"No, Mistress. I obey always."

She walked back to the console and looked down at the

controls. Without warning, anger surged in her veins like

white-hot ambrosia. "Fuck you for having caved to them,


"Yes, Mistress. I obey."

The words sapped the strength from Connie's body, and the

anger abated as quickly as it had begun. Her Agency

training took over. There was work to be done.

"Starting at 60%," she said, to no one in particular. She

typed several commands into the keyboard embedded in the

console and pressed the actuating button.

The machines came to life, and LuAnn's body flexed as it

tensed from the cerebral stimulation. Over the last week,

it had been discovered that anything less had little or no

effect. The glow effect began to show around LuAnn, making

her look, just like all the rest, like an angel born to


"Increasing to 75%," she said. She repeated the steps. She

could repeat them in her sleep, if need be. She looked at

LuAnn, searching for any sign of life behind her eyes,

which were beginning to glow with the energy being forced

through her synapses.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked again.

LuAnn's eyelids flickered. "No Mistress. I -- obey always."

Connie felt her impatience mounting. She couldn't believe

LuAnn had been so conditioned, so *changed* that she wasn't

being phased.

"Increasing to 90%," she whispered as she made the

adjustments. She was getting very close to burning out the

very synapses she was trying to re-open. But it was LuAnn.

She had to try.

The effect was almost immediate. LuAnn's body arched

impossibly, bending her back so strongly that Connie was

afraid she might hurt herself. Her eyes glowed pure white,

like something out of a mind control wet dream. Connie

grunted as her pussy sent an intense twinge through her,

making her whole body feel like it was being clitorally


She was looking at the evidence of a monstrous act. She

was trembling with desire that was becoming harder and

harder to control. It was as if her mind was arching like

LuAnn, in a great spasm of pain and pleasure, mixed until

there was no difference.

LuAnn fell back into the chair, and stared straight forward.

"Can you hear me?" asked Connie.

"Y-yesss..." rasped LuAnn. "Yes." Stronger this time.

Connie's heart skipped a beat as the voice of her love

came to her.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Con - Connie?" said LuAnn, struggling to say it. "So

hard. Hard to speak. Think. Connie. Love."

Tears streamed down Connie's face as the words hit home.

LuAnn! Lover! She was going to be cured! All of them would

be cured! The adventures of the last weeks began to fade in

importance with the resurrection of her partner and lover.

She had no words. Now that the moment had come, the words

for what she felt had escaped entirely.

But she spoke anyway.

"No! Bad slave! I am Mistress! You have not obeyed!"

Connie sat horrified as the words pressed out of her,

unstoppable. She watched the confusion in LuAnn's face that

mirrored her own. What was she doing?

"Connie... what..." stammered LuAnn, confusion and fear

wending their way across her as her unused brain began to

spark back to life.

"Increasing to 100%," said Connie, icy resolution filling

her voice. She was screaming inside as she watched her

hands enter the code words and press the activator.

"You are slave. Slave to all Mistresses. I am Mistress of

Cell 87. You are slave of Cell 62. You obey. You do not

question. You are slave."

Connie tried to grasp what was happening, what was

creating this insanity coming from her lips and hands. She

watched on the monitor as the synapses that controlled

LuAnn's ability to reason began to overload, creeping ever

closer to total burnout.

"You are property. You are pleasure for Mistress. You are

a unit. You obey. You take on any persona given. You do not

choose. You do not judge. You obey. You only obey. You obey

completely. You obey because that is what you do. It is all

that you do. You obey. Obedience is pleasure. Disobedience

is death."

Connie tried to stand, to spring for the power coupling,

to do anything to save her beloved, but there was new

knowledge pouring into her now, too, and arousal beyond

even what she had known these last weeks. By the time she

realized that her body was refusing to obey her commands,

she didn't even have the energy to question.

She knew that if LuAnn disobeyed, she would simply cease

to function. Her body would just stop. Dead. Disobedience

was death.

"You do not choose life. You do not choose death. You only


"i do not choose life. i do not choose death. i only obey."

Connie felt her lust and pleasure ride straight into the

heat of the sun, blistering away the last of her morality.

"You worship, adore and believe all Truth that Mistress

gives you. You obey."

LuAnn's lips moved but nothing emerged but spittle. Connie

forced her eyes down to the console. The areas that had so

briefly come to life were completely black. Gone forever.

LuAnn was no more.

There was only slave.

Connie exploded and fell to the floor, laughting and

screaming and gibbering as pleasure crawled through her

like tiny spiders of latex heat and lust. She couldn't

resist them. They were everywhere. Inside, outside,

changing her, ending her, birthing Her. She was Mistress.

She was lust and pleasure personified. She lost track of

everything. She lost track of time. There was only now. Now

was eternal.

She was Mistress.

As She sat Herself up in the corner, still quaking from

the bliss of Orgasm Eternal, She began to laugh. It was not

the laugh of sanity. It was the laugh of inevitability. It

was the laugh of obedience.

This time, the irony was lost on Her as She continued in

hysterical laughter that would have shamed Renfield.

There were fourteen more slaves to complete, not counting

Her own.

---- ---- ----

Mistress dressed in Her best latex dress, garters and

stockings. The 6" riser on Her platform boots created the

most delicious cramps in Her feet. Her sex twisted in

pleasure again. She clenched Her butt plug and shivered in

anticipation. She adjusted Her jeweled nipple rings and

pulled on the chain that connected them, sending another

jolt to Her glorious clit.

Today was Her Day of Ordination. The day She would forever

be One with the Will of the Supreme Mistress.

She had not been given the honor, nor would She be, of

meeting Her Sisters. Already, all slaves but Her own were

of no importance, forgotten like the dust from yesterday's


She stood, ready to take Her place, to be given Authority

by the Supreme Mistress Herself. Her eyes were lowered as

She had been instructed. She waited. She would wait days,

until She fell down from exhaustion, if necessary.

Her cunt was singing to Her again.

Steps came, and She closed Her eyes. Arms led Her... many

steps, a few turns, several doors, but She did not pay

attention or try to figure out where She was going. It was

not Her purpose to know such things.

She sat when guided, eyes still closed, and did not wonder

at the hands working around Her, the muted voices or Her

inability to understand. She knew that this was how it was

to be.

The moment came. The Voice of Supreme Mistress called to


"Open your eyes, Constance."

*Constance* She'd almost forgotten. That was what She used

to be called. Something else, too, but She couldn't

remember. She didn't *want* to remember.

She opened her eyes. She looked into the Face of Supreme


She looked into the face of Angelic Innocence.

She looked into the face of Susan Witte.

Confusion swept through Her, despite Her deep

conditioning. This was a *slave*!

"Dear Woman, I see that You don't understand. That is as

it should be. The best kept secrets have no route to

finding them. You've done *so* well for Me. I am impressed,

and that is not an easy thing to accomplish. I will allow

You one question before You are Ordained."

The Voice resonated as only the Supreme Mistress' Voice

could. Despite Her lack of understanding, Constance felt a

swell of irrational pride at the words of Her Superior.

"Supreme Mistress. How is it that You are both Mistress

and slave?"

Susan, Supreme Mistress, smiled. "Yes, it is quite a

paradox, isn't it. It can be summed up in a very short


"Nothing comes without strings attached."

Laughing softly at Her unintended pun, the Supreme

Mistress turned Her attention to the console before Her and

said, "Setting level at 100%."

Her fingers moved swiftly as Constance watched, the

Doctor's hungry cunt knowing what was to come. *Wanting* it

to come.

"Goodbye, Constance. Welcome to Your new life."

Constance, already in the throes of glorious Ordination,

didn't hear the words at all.

---- ---- ----


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